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Redak 37: Redak 37:
Većina genskih mutacija ne pomaže, ne mijenja izgleda niti šteti jedinkama. Procesom genskog drifta ovi se mutirani geni neutralno raspoređuju među populacijama i preživljavaju tijekom generacija pukom šansom. Nasuprot genskom driftu, prirodna selekcija nije slučajan proces jer djeluje na crte koje su nužne za preživljavanje i razmnožavanje.<ref name="Garvin08">{{Cite journal|last=Garvin-Doxas|first= K.|last2 = Klymkowsky|first2= M. W.|title=Understanding Randomness and its Impact on Student Learning: Lessons Learned from Building the Biology Concept Inventory (BCI)|journal=CBE Life Sciences Education|volume = 7|issue = 2| pages = 227–233|year=2008| doi=10.1187/cbe.07-08-0063|pmid=18519614|pmc=2424310|ref=harv}}</ref> Prirodna selekcija i slučajni genski drift čine konstantne i dinamične dijelove života i tijekom vremena oni su oblikovali razgranatu strukturu [[drvo života|drva života]].<ref>([[uvod u evoluciju#CITEREFRaup1992|Raup 1992]], str. 210)</ref>
Većina genskih mutacija ne pomaže, ne mijenja izgleda niti šteti jedinkama. Procesom genskog drifta ovi se mutirani geni neutralno raspoređuju među populacijama i preživljavaju tijekom generacija pukom šansom. Nasuprot genskom driftu, prirodna selekcija nije slučajan proces jer djeluje na crte koje su nužne za preživljavanje i razmnožavanje.<ref name="Garvin08">{{Cite journal|last=Garvin-Doxas|first= K.|last2 = Klymkowsky|first2= M. W.|title=Understanding Randomness and its Impact on Student Learning: Lessons Learned from Building the Biology Concept Inventory (BCI)|journal=CBE Life Sciences Education|volume = 7|issue = 2| pages = 227–233|year=2008| doi=10.1187/cbe.07-08-0063|pmid=18519614|pmc=2424310|ref=harv}}</ref> Prirodna selekcija i slučajni genski drift čine konstantne i dinamične dijelove života i tijekom vremena oni su oblikovali razgranatu strukturu [[drvo života|drva života]].<ref>([[uvod u evoluciju#CITEREFRaup1992|Raup 1992]], str. 210)</ref>

Moderno razumijevanje evolucije počelo je s objavom [[Charles Darwin|Darwinova]] djela ''[[O porijeklu vrsta]]'' 1859. K tomu je [[Gregor Mendel|Mendelov]] rad s biljkama pomogao objasniti obrasce nasljeđivanja u [[genetika|genetici]].<ref name=gegme>{{cite web|url=http://www.accessexcellence.org/RC/AB/BC/Gregor_Mendel.html |title=Gregor Mendel|accessdate=5. siječnja 2008. |last=Rhee|first=Sue Yon |year=1999 |work=Access Excellence |publisher=National Health Museum}}</ref> Otkrića fosila u [[paleontologija|paleontologiji]], napredci u [[populacijska genetika|populacijskoj genetici]] i globalna mreža znanstvenog istraživanja pružili su daljnje detalje o mehanizmima evolucije. Znanstvenici sada dobro razumiju porijeklo novih vrsta ([[specijacija|specijaciju]]) i motre proces specijacije u laboratoriju i u divljini. Evolucija je glavna teorija koju biolozi rabe za razumijevanje života i rabi se u mnogim disciplinama uključujući [[medicina|medicinu]], [[psihologija|psihologiju]], [[konzervacijska biologija|konzervacijsku biologiju]], [[antropologija|antropologiju]], [[forenzika|forenziku]], [[poljoprivreda|poljoprivredu]] i ostale [[sociokulturna evolucija|sociokulturne]] primjene.
Moderno razumijevanje evolucije počelo je s objavom [[Charles Darwin|Darwinova]] djela ''[[O porijeklu vrsta]]'' 1859. K tomu je [[Gregor Mendel|Mendelov]] rad s biljkama pomogao objasniti obrasce nasljeđivanja u [[genetika|genetici]].<ref name=gegme>{{Citiranje web|url=http://www.accessexcellence.org/RC/AB/BC/Gregor_Mendel.html |title=Gregor Mendel|accessdate=5. siječnja 2008. |last=Rhee|first=Sue Yon |year=1999 |work=Access Excellence |publisher=National Health Museum}}</ref> Otkrića fosila u [[paleontologija|paleontologiji]], napredci u [[populacijska genetika|populacijskoj genetici]] i globalna mreža znanstvenog istraživanja pružili su daljnje detalje o mehanizmima evolucije. Znanstvenici sada dobro razumiju porijeklo novih vrsta ([[specijacija|specijaciju]]) i motre proces specijacije u laboratoriju i u divljini. Evolucija je glavna teorija koju biolozi rabe za razumijevanje života i rabi se u mnogim disciplinama uključujući [[medicina|medicinu]], [[psihologija|psihologiju]], [[konzervacijska biologija|konzervacijsku biologiju]], [[antropologija|antropologiju]], [[forenzika|forenziku]], [[poljoprivreda|poljoprivredu]] i ostale [[sociokulturna evolucija|sociokulturne]] primjene.

== Više informacija ==
== Više informacija ==
Redak 53: Redak 53:
== Bibliografija ==
== Bibliografija ==

* {{Cite book|last=Bowler|first=Peter J.|authorlink=Peter J. Bowler|title=Evolution: The History of an Idea|edition=3rd|publisher=[[University of California Press]]|year=2003|isbn=0-520-23693-9|ref=harv}}
* {{Citiranje knjige|last=Bowler|first=Peter J.|authorlink=Peter J. Bowler|title=Evolution: The History of an Idea|edition=3rd|publisher=[[University of California Press]]|year=2003|isbn=0-520-23693-9|ref=harv}}
*{{Cite book | last1 = Campbell | first1 = Neil A.|last2 = Reece| first2 = Jane B.|year = 2002|authorlink=Neil Campbell (scientist)|title=Biology|chapter=23 The Evolution of Populations|volume =Sixth Edition|editors = Beth Wilbur and Evelyn Dahlgren|publisher = Pearson Education Inc.|location= San Francisco, California| isbn = 0-8053-6624-5|ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Citiranje knjige | last1 = Campbell | first1 = Neil A.|last2 = Reece| first2 = Jane B.|year = 2002|authorlink=Neil Campbell (scientist)|title=Biology|chapter=23 The Evolution of Populations|volume =Sixth Edition|editors = Beth Wilbur and Evelyn Dahlgren|publisher = Pearson Education Inc.|location= San Francisco, California| isbn = 0-8053-6624-5|ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Cite book |last=Carroll|first=SB|year=2000|last2=Grenier |first2=J|last3=Weatherbee |first3=SD  |title= From DNA to Diversity: Molecular Genetics and the Evolution of Animal Design|place= Oxford |publisher= Blackwell Publishing |edition= 2nd |isbn= 1-4051-1950-0 |ref=harv |postscript=<!--None-->}}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last=Carroll|first=SB|year=2000|last2=Grenier |first2=J|last3=Weatherbee |first3=SD  |title= From DNA to Diversity: Molecular Genetics and the Evolution of Animal Design|place= Oxford |publisher= Blackwell Publishing |edition= 2nd |isbn= 1-4051-1950-0 |ref=harv |postscript=<!--None-->}}
*{{Cite book|last=Coyne|first=Jerry A.|authorlink=Jerry Coyne|title=Why Evolution is True|publisher=Viking|place=New York|year=2009 |isbn=978-0-670-02053-9|ref=harv}}
*{{Citiranje knjige|last=Coyne|first=Jerry A.|authorlink=Jerry Coyne|title=Why Evolution is True|publisher=Viking|place=New York|year=2009 |isbn=978-0-670-02053-9|ref=harv}}
*{{Cite book|last=Darwin |first=Charles|authorlink=Charles Darwin|year=1859|title=On the Origin of Species|place=London|publisher=John Murray|edition=1st|page=1|url=http://darwin-online.org.uk/content/frameset?itemID=F373&viewtype=text&pageseq=16|isbn=0-451-52906-5|ref=harv|postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Citiranje knjige|last=Darwin |first=Charles|authorlink=Charles Darwin|year=1859|title=On the Origin of Species|place=London|publisher=John Murray|edition=1st|page=1|url=http://darwin-online.org.uk/content/frameset?itemID=F373&viewtype=text&pageseq=16|isbn=0-451-52906-5|ref=harv|postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Cite book |last=Dawkins |first=Richard |authorlink=Richard Dawkins |year=1976 |title=The Selfish Gene |edition=1st |url=http://www.scribd.com/doc/104123/Richard-Dawkins-The-Selfish-Gene-Original-Ed|publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=0-19-286092-5|pages=33 |ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last=Dawkins |first=Richard |authorlink=Richard Dawkins |year=1976 |title=The Selfish Gene |edition=1st |url=http://www.scribd.com/doc/104123/Richard-Dawkins-The-Selfish-Gene-Original-Ed|publisher=Oxford University Press|isbn=0-19-286092-5|pages=33 |ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Cite book |last= Diamond |first= Jared |year= 1992 |authorlink=Jared Diamond |title= The Third Chimpanzee: the evolution and future of the human animal|publisher= HarperCollins |location= New York |isbn= 0-06-018307-1 |ref= harv |postscript= <!--None--> }}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last= Diamond |first= Jared |year= 1992 |authorlink=Jared Diamond |title= The Third Chimpanzee: the evolution and future of the human animal|publisher= HarperCollins |location= New York |isbn= 0-06-018307-1 |ref= harv |postscript= <!--None--> }}
*{{Cite book |last = Farber|first = P. L.|year = 2000|title = Finding Order in Nature: The Naturalist Tradition from Linnaeus to E. O. Wilson|publisher= The Johns Hopkins University Press|location= Baltimore and London|url = http://books.google.com/?id=tyG4pfKJ8WEC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Finding+Order+in+Nature:+The+Natualist+Tradition+from+Linnaeus+to+E.+O.+Wilson&cd=1#v=onepage&q= |isbn= 0-8018-6389-9|ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last = Farber|first = P. L.|year = 2000|title = Finding Order in Nature: The Naturalist Tradition from Linnaeus to E. O. Wilson|publisher= The Johns Hopkins University Press|location= Baltimore and London|url = http://books.google.com/?id=tyG4pfKJ8WEC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Finding+Order+in+Nature:+The+Natualist+Tradition+from+Linnaeus+to+E.+O.+Wilson&cd=1#v=onepage&q= |isbn= 0-8018-6389-9|ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Cite book|last= Futuyma|first =Douglas|year= 1998 |authorlink =Douglas J. Futuyma|title= Evolutionary Biology|publisher= [[Sinauer Associates]]| isbn = 0-87893-189-9 |ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Citiranje knjige|last= Futuyma|first =Douglas|year= 1998 |authorlink =Douglas J. Futuyma|title= Evolutionary Biology|publisher= [[Sinauer Associates]]| isbn = 0-87893-189-9 |ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Cite book |last=Gould (a)|first= Stephen Jay |authorlink=Stephen Jay Gould |year=1981|title= The Panda's Thumb: More Reflections in Natural History |publisher= W.W, Norton & Company|location= New York |isbn= 0-393-30819-7 |ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last=Gould (a)|first= Stephen Jay |authorlink=Stephen Jay Gould |year=1981|title= The Panda's Thumb: More Reflections in Natural History |publisher= W.W, Norton & Company|location= New York |isbn= 0-393-30819-7 |ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Cite book |last=Gould (b) |first= Stephen Jay |year=1995 |authorlink=Stephen Jay Gould |title= Dinosaur in a Haystack |publisher= Harmony Books |location= New York |isbn= 0-517-70393-9 |ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last=Gould (b) |first= Stephen Jay |year=1995 |authorlink=Stephen Jay Gould |title= Dinosaur in a Haystack |publisher= Harmony Books |location= New York |isbn= 0-517-70393-9 |ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{cite book |last = Gould (c) | first = Stephen Jay. |authorlink=Stephen Jay Gould |year=2002| title = The Structure of Evolutionary Theory | publisher = Harvard University Press| pages = 1433 | isbn = <!--0-674-00613-5, -->9780674006133|ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last = Gould (c) | first = Stephen Jay. |authorlink=Stephen Jay Gould |year=2002| title = The Structure of Evolutionary Theory | publisher = Harvard University Press| pages = 1433 | isbn = <!--0-674-00613-5, -->9780674006133|ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{cite book|last=Larson|first=Edward J.|authorlink=Edward Larson|title=Evolution: The Remarkable History of a Scientific Theory|publisher=Modern Library|year=2004|isbn=0-679-64288-9|ref=harv}}
*{{Citiranje knjige|last=Larson|first=Edward J.|authorlink=Edward Larson|title=Evolution: The Remarkable History of a Scientific Theory|publisher=Modern Library|year=2004|isbn=0-679-64288-9|ref=harv}}
*{{Cite book |last=Lyell |first=Charles  |year=1830|authorlink=Charles Lyell |title=Principles of geology |publisher=Penguin Books |location=New York |isbn=0-14-043528-X  |url= http://www.esp.org/books/lyell/principles/facsimile/ |ref=harv |postscript=<!--None-->}}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last=Lyell |first=Charles  |year=1830|authorlink=Charles Lyell |title=Principles of geology |publisher=Penguin Books |location=New York |isbn=0-14-043528-X  |url= http://www.esp.org/books/lyell/principles/facsimile/ |ref=harv |postscript=<!--None-->}}
*{{Cite book |last= Mayr |first= Ernst |year= 1970 |authorlink= Ernst Mayr  |title= Populations, Species, and Evolution|publisher= Belknap Press of Harvard University Press |location= Cambridge, MA |isbn= 0-674-69010-9 |ref= harv |postscript= <!--None--> }}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last= Mayr |first= Ernst |year= 1970 |authorlink= Ernst Mayr  |title= Populations, Species, and Evolution|publisher= Belknap Press of Harvard University Press |location= Cambridge, MA |isbn= 0-674-69010-9 |ref= harv |postscript= <!--None--> }}
*{{Cite book |last=Mayr|first= Ernst |year=2001 |authorlink= Ernst Mayr|title=What evolution is |publisher=Basic Books |location=New York |isbn=0-465-04425-5 |ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last=Mayr|first= Ernst |year=2001 |authorlink= Ernst Mayr|title=What evolution is |publisher=Basic Books |location=New York |isbn=0-465-04425-5 |ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Cite book |last=Raup|first= D. M.|year =1992|title= Extinction: bad genes or bad luck.| publisher = Norton and Co.|location = New York, W. W.|url = http://books.google.com/?id=8klou91MwJoC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Extinction:+bad+genes+or+bad+luck&cd=1#v=onepage&q= |isbn = 978-0-393-30927-0|ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last=Raup|first= D. M.|year =1992|title= Extinction: bad genes or bad luck.| publisher = Norton and Co.|location = New York, W. W.|url = http://books.google.com/?id=8klou91MwJoC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Extinction:+bad+genes+or+bad+luck&cd=1#v=onepage&q= |isbn = 978-0-393-30927-0|ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Cite book |last= Tattersall |first= Ian |year=1995 |title= The Fossil Trail: How We Know What We Think We Know About Human Evolution |publisher= Oxford University Press |location= New York |isbn= 0-19-506101-2 |ref= harv |postscript= <!--None--> }}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last= Tattersall |first= Ian |year=1995 |title= The Fossil Trail: How We Know What We Think We Know About Human Evolution |publisher= Oxford University Press |location= New York |isbn= 0-19-506101-2 |ref= harv |postscript= <!--None--> }}
*{{Cite book |last = Watson| first = J. D.|year = 2005|title = Darwin, The Indelible Stamp: The Evolution of an Idea|publisher= Running Press|location= Philadelphia and London| url = http://books.google.com/?id=LEWfWf0mUJIC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Darwin:+The+Indelible+Stamp:+The+Evolution+of+an+Idea&cd=1#v=onepage&q=|isbn=  978-0-7624-2136-7|ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last = Watson| first = J. D.|year = 2005|title = Darwin, The Indelible Stamp: The Evolution of an Idea|publisher= Running Press|location= Philadelphia and London| url = http://books.google.com/?id=LEWfWf0mUJIC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Darwin:+The+Indelible+Stamp:+The+Evolution+of+an+Idea&cd=1#v=onepage&q=|isbn=  978-0-7624-2136-7|ref=harv |postscript=<!--None--> }}
*{{Cite book |last= Weichert|first= Charles|year=1975|title= Elements of Chordate Anatomy|last2=Presch|first2=William|publisher= McGraw-Hill|location= New York|isbn= 0-07-069008-1 |ref= harv |postscript= <!--None--> }}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last= Weichert|first= Charles|year=1975|title= Elements of Chordate Anatomy|last2=Presch|first2=William|publisher= McGraw-Hill|location= New York|isbn= 0-07-069008-1 |ref= harv |postscript= <!--None--> }}

== Preporučena literatura ==
== Preporučena literatura ==

*{{Cite book |author=Charlesworth, Deborah; Charlesworth, Brian |title=Evolution: a very short introduction |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=Oxford |year=2003 |isbn=0-19-280251-8}}
*{{Citiranje knjige |author=Charlesworth, Deborah; Charlesworth, Brian |title=Evolution: a very short introduction |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=Oxford |year=2003 |isbn=0-19-280251-8}}
*{{Cite book |last=Ellis| first = R. John | authorlink = R. John Ellis | editor-last = | editor-first =  |title=How Science Works: Evolution |publisher=Springer |location= |year=2010 |isbn=90-481-3182-0|ref=harv |postscript=<!--None-->}}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last=Ellis| first = R. John | authorlink = R. John Ellis | editor-last = | editor-first =  |title=How Science Works: Evolution |publisher=Springer |location= |year=2010 |isbn=90-481-3182-0|ref=harv |postscript=<!--None-->}}
*{{Cite book |last= Horvitz|first = Leslie Alan|title=The complete idiot's guide to evolution|publisher=Alpha Books |location=Indianapolis |year=2002 |isbn= 0-02-864226-0}}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last= Horvitz|first = Leslie Alan|title=The complete idiot's guide to evolution|publisher=Alpha Books |location=Indianapolis |year=2002 |isbn= 0-02-864226-0}}
*{{Cite book |last= Krukonis|first = Greg|title=Evolution For Dummies (For Dummies (Math & Science)) |publisher=For Dummies |location= |year=2008 |isbn=0-470-11773-7}}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last= Krukonis|first = Greg|title=Evolution For Dummies (For Dummies (Math & Science)) |publisher=For Dummies |location= |year=2008 |isbn=0-470-11773-7}}
*{{Cite book |last= Pallan| first = Mark | authorlink = | editor-last = | editor-first =  |title=The Rough Guide to Evolution |publisher=Rough Guides |location= |year=2009 |isbn=1-85828-946-7|ref=harv |postscript=<!--None-->}}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last= Pallan| first = Mark | authorlink = | editor-last = | editor-first =  |title=The Rough Guide to Evolution |publisher=Rough Guides |location= |year=2009 |isbn=1-85828-946-7|ref=harv |postscript=<!--None-->}}
*{{Cite book |last= Sis| first = Peter| authorlink = Peter Sis |title=The tree of life: a book depicting the life of Charles Darwin, naturalist, geologist & thinker |publisher=Farrar Straus Giroux |location=New York |year=2003 |isbn=0-374-45628-3}}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last= Sis| first = Peter| authorlink = Peter Sis |title=The tree of life: a book depicting the life of Charles Darwin, naturalist, geologist & thinker |publisher=Farrar Straus Giroux |location=New York |year=2003 |isbn=0-374-45628-3}}
*{{Cite book |last= Thomson| first = Keith Stewart |title=Fossils: a very short introduction |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=Oxford |year=2005 |isbn= 0-19-280504-5}}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last= Thomson| first = Keith Stewart |title=Fossils: a very short introduction |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=Oxford |year=2005 |isbn= 0-19-280504-5}}
*{{Cite book |last= Zimmer| first = Carl| authorlink = Carl Zimmer | editor-last = | editor-first =  |title=The Tangled Bank: An Introduction to Evolution |publisher=Roberts and Company Publishers |location= |year=2009 |isbn=0-9815194-7-4|ref=harv |postscript=<!--None-->}}
*{{Citiranje knjige |last= Zimmer| first = Carl| authorlink = Carl Zimmer | editor-last = | editor-first =  |title=The Tangled Bank: An Introduction to Evolution |publisher=Roberts and Company Publishers |location= |year=2009 |isbn=0-9815194-7-4|ref=harv |postscript=<!--None-->}}

== Vanjske poveznice ==
== Vanjske poveznice ==

*[http://www.khanacademy.org/video/introduction-to-evolution-and-natural-selection?playlist=Biology Khan Academy] Pristupljeno 21. rujna 2011.  
*[http://www.khanacademy.org/video/introduction-to-evolution-and-natural-selection?playlist=Biology Khan Academy] Pristupljeno 21. rujna 2011.  
*{{Cite web|first = Marshall| last= Brain | contribution =How Evolution Works | contribution-url =http://science.howstuffworks.com/evolution.htm/printable | title =How Stuff Works: Evolution Library| publisher =Howstuffworks.com | url =http://science.howstuffworks.com/evolution-channel.htm|format = web resource|accessdate=24. siječnja 2008.|ref = harv|postscript = <!--None--> }}
*{{Citiranje weba|first = Marshall| last= Brain | contribution =How Evolution Works | contribution-url =http://science.howstuffworks.com/evolution.htm/printable | title =How Stuff Works: Evolution Library| publisher =Howstuffworks.com | url =http://science.howstuffworks.com/evolution-channel.htm|format = web resource|accessdate=24. siječnja 2008.|ref = harv|postscript = <!--None--> }}
*{{Cite video |people = Carl Sagan |date= 2006-07-06|title = Carl Sagan on evolution |url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl89HIJ6HDo |format = Google video |medium = streaming video |publisher = Google |accessdate = 24. siječnja 2008. }}
*{{Cite video |people = Carl Sagan |date= 2006-07-06|title = Carl Sagan on evolution |url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl89HIJ6HDo |format = Google video |medium = streaming video |publisher = Google |accessdate = 24. siječnja 2008. }}
*{{Cite journal| publication-date =January 2007 | contribution =The Big Picture on Evolution (PDF)| contribution-url =http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/stellent/groups/corporatesite/@msh_publishing_group/documents/web_document/wtd026042.pdf| title =The Big Picture Series| publisher = [[Wellcome Trust]] | url =http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/Professional-resources/Education-resources/Big-Picture/Evolution/|accessdate=23. siječnja 2008| ref =harv| postscript =<!--None--> }}
*{{Cite journal| publication-date =January 2007 | contribution =The Big Picture on Evolution (PDF)| contribution-url =http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/stellent/groups/corporatesite/@msh_publishing_group/documents/web_document/wtd026042.pdf| title =The Big Picture Series| publisher = [[Wellcome Trust]] | url =http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/Professional-resources/Education-resources/Big-Picture/Evolution/|accessdate=23. siječnja 2008| ref =harv| postscript =<!--None--> }}
*{{Cite journal | title =Understanding Evolution: your one-stop source for information on evolution| publisher = The University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley | url =http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/0_0_0/evo_01|format = web resource|accessdate=24. siječnja 2008 | ref =harv | postscript =<!--None--> }}
*{{Cite journal | title =Understanding Evolution: your one-stop source for information on evolution| publisher = The University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley | url =http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/0_0_0/evo_01|format = web resource|accessdate=24. siječnja 2008 | ref =harv | postscript =<!--None--> }}
*{{Cite web| title =Introduction To Evolution | publisher =vectorsite.net | url =http://www.vectorsite.net/taevo.html|format = web resource|accessdate=1. lipnja 2010| ref =harv| postscript =<!--None--> }}
*{{Citiranje weba| title =Introduction To Evolution | publisher =vectorsite.net | url =http://www.vectorsite.net/taevo.html|format = web resource|accessdate=1. lipnja 2010| ref =harv| postscript =<!--None--> }}


Trenutačna izmjena od 22:32, 2. siječnja 2022.

Ovaj je članak pristupačan, netehnički uvod u predmet. Za glavni enciklopedijski članak vidi evoluciju.
Životni se oblici razmnožavaju i stoga imaju tendenciju postati brojniji.
Potomci se razlikuju od roditelja u manjim slučajnim svojstvima.
Ako su razlike korisne, potomci će vjerojatnije preživjeti i razmnožiti se.
To znači da će u sljedećoj generaciji više potomaka imati korisnu razliku.
Ove se razlike akumuliraju što rezultira promjenama unutar populacije.
Tijekom vremena populacije se granaju i kako se razdvajaju tako postaju nove vrste.
Ovaj je proces odgovoran za mnoštvo različitih životnih oblika na svijetu.
Paleontološko drvo evolucije čovjeka, gmazova i riba. Haeckelovo paleontološko drvo kralježnjaka (o. 1879.).
Evolucijska povijest vrsta obično se opisuje kao "drvo", s mnogim granama koje se odvajaju od jedinstvena debla. Iako je Haeckelovo drvo donekle zastarjelo, ono zorno ilustrira principe koje kompleksnije moderne rekonstrukcije mogu zasjeniti.

Evolucija je proces promjene svih oblika života tijekom generacija, a evolucijska je biologija znanost o tome kako se evolucija zbiva. Život evoluira posredstvom mutacija (promjenâ u nasljednim informacijama nekog organizma), genskog drifta (slučajne promjene u genskoj varijaciji neke populacije iz generacije u generaciju) i prirodne selekcije (neslučajna i postupna procesa prirodne varijacije kojim opservabilne crte (poput boje očiju) postaju rjeđe ili češće u populaciji).

Sve jedinke sadrže nasljedni materijal u obliku gena koje dobivaju od svojih roditelja, a prenose na svoje potomke. Među potomci postoje varijacije u genima zbog uvođenja novih gena putem slučajnih promjena zvanih mutacije ili putem reorganizacije postojećih gena tijekom spolnog razmnožavanja.[1][2] Potomci se razlikuju od svojih roditelja u manjim slučajnim svojstvima. Ako su ove razlike korisne, potomci će vjerojatnije preživjeti i razmnožiti se. To znači da će više potomaka u sljedećoj generaciji imati korisnu razliku, pa jedinke neće imati jednaku šansu reproduktivna uspjeha. Na taj način crte koje dovode do bolje adaptacije organizama njihovim životnim uvjetima postaju češće u descendentnim populacijama.[1][2] Ove se razlike akumiliraju što rezultira promjena unutar populacije. Ovaj je proces odgovoran za mnoštvo različitih životnih oblika na svijetu.

Sile evolucije najočitije su kada populacije postanu izolirane, ili zbog geografske udaljenosti ili zbog ostalih mehanizama koji sprečavaju gensku izmjenu. Tijekom vremena izolirane se populacije mogu granati u nove vrste.[3][4]

Većina genskih mutacija ne pomaže, ne mijenja izgleda niti šteti jedinkama. Procesom genskog drifta ovi se mutirani geni neutralno raspoređuju među populacijama i preživljavaju tijekom generacija pukom šansom. Nasuprot genskom driftu, prirodna selekcija nije slučajan proces jer djeluje na crte koje su nužne za preživljavanje i razmnožavanje.[5] Prirodna selekcija i slučajni genski drift čine konstantne i dinamične dijelove života i tijekom vremena oni su oblikovali razgranatu strukturu drva života.[6]

Moderno razumijevanje evolucije počelo je s objavom Darwinova djela O porijeklu vrsta 1859. K tomu je Mendelov rad s biljkama pomogao objasniti obrasce nasljeđivanja u genetici.[7] Otkrića fosila u paleontologiji, napredci u populacijskoj genetici i globalna mreža znanstvenog istraživanja pružili su daljnje detalje o mehanizmima evolucije. Znanstvenici sada dobro razumiju porijeklo novih vrsta (specijaciju) i motre proces specijacije u laboratoriju i u divljini. Evolucija je glavna teorija koju biolozi rabe za razumijevanje života i rabi se u mnogim disciplinama uključujući medicinu, psihologiju, konzervacijsku biologiju, antropologiju, forenziku, poljoprivredu i ostale sociokulturne primjene.

Više informacija


  1. 1,0 1,1 (Gould (c) 2002, str. 1433)
  2. 2,0 2,1 Gregory, T. R. (2009). "Understanding Natural Selection: Essential Concepts and Common Misconceptions". Evolution: Education and Outreach 2 (2): 156–175. doi:10.1007/s12052-009-0128-1. http://www.springerlink.com/content/2331741806807x22/ 
  3. "An introduction to evolution" (web resource). Understanding Evolution: your one-stop source for information on evolution. The University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley. 2008. http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/0_0_0/evo_02 Pristupljeno 23. siječnja 2008. 
  4. Cavalier-Smith T (2006). "Cell evolution and Earth history: stasis and revolution". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 361 (1470): 969–1006. doi:10.1098/rstb.2006.1842. PMC 1578732. PMID 16754610. //www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1578732/ 
  5. Garvin-Doxas, K.; Klymkowsky, M. W. (2008). "Understanding Randomness and its Impact on Student Learning: Lessons Learned from Building the Biology Concept Inventory (BCI)". CBE Life Sciences Education 7 (2): 227–233. doi:10.1187/cbe.07-08-0063. PMC 2424310. PMID 18519614. //www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2424310/ 
  6. (Raup 1992, str. 210)
  7. {{
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Preporučena literatura

  • Charlesworth, Deborah; Charlesworth, Brian (2003). Evolution: a very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-280251-8 
  • Ellis, R. John (2010). How Science Works: Evolution. Springer. ISBN 90-481-3182-0 
  • Horvitz, Leslie Alan (2002). The complete idiot's guide to evolution. Indianapolis: Alpha Books. ISBN 0-02-864226-0 
  • Krukonis, Greg (2008). Evolution For Dummies (For Dummies (Math & Science)). For Dummies. ISBN 0-470-11773-7 
  • Pallan, Mark (2009). The Rough Guide to Evolution. Rough Guides. ISBN 1-85828-946-7 
  • Sis, Peter (2003). The tree of life: a book depicting the life of Charles Darwin, naturalist, geologist & thinker. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux. ISBN 0-374-45628-3 
  • Thomson, Keith Stewart (2005). Fossils: a very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-280504-5 
  • Zimmer, Carl (2009). The Tangled Bank: An Introduction to Evolution. Roberts and Company Publishers. ISBN 0-9815194-7-4 

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