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Uncle Meat

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
Uncle Meat
Datoteka:Frank Zappa - Uncle Meat.jpg
The Mothers of Invention (studijski album)
Žanr eksperimentalni rock, jazz
Objavljen lipanj 1969.g.
Snimanje listopad 1967.
veljača 1968.
Trajanje 120 min : 44 sek
Izdavač Bizarre Records
Reprise Records
Producent(i) Frank Zappa
Kronologija albuma – The Mothers of Invention
Uncle Meat
Burnt Weeny Sandwich

Uncle Meat album je Frank Zappe i grupe The Mothers of Invention koji izlazi u lipnju 1969.g. Na albumu se nalazi glazba koja je bila snimana za istoimeni film koji nikada nije objavljen. Zappa je skladbe pisao u studiju. Dok je ekipa snimala jedan dio, Zappa je drugi pisao u kontrolnoj sobi. U studiju im se pridružuju Ruth Komnoff (marimbas i vibrator) i Neloy Watker (sopran-saksofon) ali odlaze iz sastava odmah po završetku snimanja. 1969.g. album izlazi kao dvostruko vinly izdanje i na njemu se nalazi ukupno 28 skladbi, isti izlazi u reizdanju godine 1987. kao dvostruki CD, na kojemu se nalazi nekoliko novih skladbi.

Popis pjesama

Sve pjesme napisao je Frank Zappa, osim gdje je drugačije naznačeno.

Vinyl izdanje

Strana prva

  1. "Uncle Meat: Main Title Theme" – 1:56
  2. "The Voice of Cheese" – 0:26
  3. "Nine Types of Industrial Pollution" – 6:00
  4. "Zolar Czakl" – 0:54
  5. "Dog Breath, in the Year of the Plague" – 3:59
  6. "The Legend of the Golden Arches" – 3:28
  7. "Louie Louie (At the Royal Albert Hall in London)" (Richard Berry) – 2:19
  8. "The Dog Breath Variations" – 1:48

Strana druga

  1. "Sleeping in a Jar" – 0:50
  2. "Our Bizarre Relationship" – 1:05
  3. "The Uncle Meat Variations" – 4:46
  4. "Electric Aunt Jemima" – 1:46
  5. "Prelude to King Kong" – 3:38
  6. "God Bless America" (Irving Berlin) – 1:10
  7. "A Pound for a Brown on the Bus" – 1:29
  8. "Ian Underwood Whips It Out" – 5:05

Strana treća

  1. "Mr. Green Genes" – 3:14
  2. "We Can Shoot You" – 2:03
  3. "If We'd All Been Living in California..." – 1:14
  4. "The Air" – 2:57
  5. "Project X" – 4:48
  6. "Cruisin' for Burgers" – 2:18

Strana četvrta

  1. "King Kong Itself (snimljeno u Mothers studiju)" – 0:49
  2. "King Kong II (interpretirano od Dom DeWild)" – 1:21
  3. "King Kong III (objašnjenja od Motorhead)" – 1:44
  4. "King Kong IV (the Gardner Varieties)" – 6:17
  5. "King Kong V" – 0:34
  6. "King Kong VI" – 7:24

CD izdanje

Disk prvi

  1. "Uncle Meat: Main Title Theme" – 1:56
  2. "The Voice of Cheese" – 0:26
  3. "Nine Types of Industrial Pollution" – 6:00
  4. "Zolar Czakl" – 0:54
  5. "Dog Breath, in the Year of the Plague" – 3:59
  6. "The Legend of the Golden Arches" – 3:28
  7. "Louie Louie (At the Royal Albert Hall in London)" (Richard Berry) – 2:19
  8. "The Dog Breath Variations" – 1:48
  9. "Sleeping in a Jar" – 0:50
  10. "Our Bizarre Relationship" – 1:05
  11. "The Uncle Meat Variations" – 4:46
  12. "Electric Aunt Jemima" – 1:46
  13. "Prelude to King Kong" – 3:38
  14. "God Bless America" (Irving Berlin) – 1:10
  15. "A Pound for a Brown on the Bus" – 1:29
  16. "Ian Underwood Whips It Out" – 5:05
  17. "Mr. Green Genes" – 3:14
  18. "We Can Shoot You" – 2:03
  19. "If We'd All Been Living in California..." – 1:14
  20. "The Air" – 2:57
  21. "Project X" – 4:48
  22. "Cruisin' for Burgers" – 2:18

Disk dva

  1. "Uncle Meat Film Excerpt, Pt. 1" – 37:34
  2. "Tengo Na Minchia Tanta" – 3:46
  3. "Uncle Meat Film Excerpt, Pt. 2" – 3:50
  4. "King Kong Itself" – 0:49
  5. "King Kong II" – 1:21
  6. "King Kong III" – 1:44
  7. "King Kong IV" – 6:17
  8. "King Kong V" – 0:34
  9. "King Kong VI" – 7:24




  • Frank Zappa – producent
  • Jesper Hansen – Aranžer
  • Euclid James Sherwood – tehnička podrška
  • Art Tripp – savjetnik
  • Cal Schenkel – dizajn projekta
  • Euclid James Sherwood – koreografija
  • Roy Estrada – pomoć u dizajnu
  • Ian Underwood – prijepis, odnosi s javnošću, asistencija

Top lista

Album - Billboard (Sjeverna Amerika)

Godina Top lista Mjesto
1969 Pop Albums 43

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