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Beat the Boots II

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Beat the Boots II
Datoteka:Beat the Boots 2.jpg
Frank Zappa (box set)
Žanr rock
Objavljen 16. lipnja 1992.
Snimanje 3. svibnja 1968.
8. rujna 1978.
Izdavač Rhino
Producent(i) Frank Zappa
Kronologija albuma – Frank Zappa
Beat the Boots
Beat the Boots II
You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 5

Beat the Boots II box set je američkog glazbenika Franka Zappe, koji izlazi u lipnju 1992.g. Set je bio dostupan na svim formatima, LP, kazeta i CD i sadrži materijal iz 1968.1978. Obuhvaća i materijali Swiss Cheese / Fire! sa koncerta u Montreuxu, iz 1971.g. kada mu je vatra uništila svu opremu i inspirirala članove sastava Deep Purple da napišu skladbu "Smoke on the Water".

Popis pjesama

Sve pjesme napisao je Frank Zappa, osim gdje je drugačije naznačeno.

Disconnected Synapses

Disconnected Synapses sniman u Palais Gaumont, Pariz 15. prosinca 1970.

  1. "Penis Dimension" – 11:15
  2. "The Air" – 3:54
  3. "The Dog Breath/Mother People" – 4:22
  4. "You Didn't Try to Call Me" – 3:34
  5. "King Kong" – 31:38
  6. "Who Are the Brain Police?" – 6:30

Tengo Na Minchia Tanta

Tengo Na Minchia Tanta sniman u Fillmore East, New York City 13. studenog 1970.

  1. "Does This Kind of Life Look Interesting to You?" – 0:49
  2. "A Pound for a Brown (On the Bus)" – 7:26
  3. "Sleeping in a Jar (with extensions)" – 4:34
  4. "Sharleena" – 4:31
  5. "The Sanzini Brothers" – 0:32
  6. "What Will This Morning Bring Me This Evening?" – 4:35
  7. "What Kind of Girl Do You Think We Are?" – 5:00
  8. "Bwana Dik" – 1:45
  9. "Latex Solar Beef" – 1:00
  10. "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy" – 2:46
  11. "Little House I Used to Live In" – 4:04
  12. "Holiday in Berlin" – 4:36
  13. "Inca Roads/Easy Meat" – 7:16
  14. "Cruising for Burgers" – 2:45

Electric Aunt Jemima

Electric Aunt Jemima materijal na albumu varira u datumu snimanja: skladbe 1, 2, 5 i 7 dolaze iz The Dog, Denver, Colorado, 3. svibnja 1968.; skladbe 3 i 6 iz Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, 20. listopada 1968. i skladba 4 iz, Essen, Germany, 28. rujna 1968.

  1. "Little House I Used to Live In/Dog Breath Variations/Blue Danube Waltz/Hungry Freaks Daddy" – 14:30
  2. "whät" – 3:53
  3. "Dog Breath" – 2:10
  4. "King Kong" – 16:30
  5. "Trouble Every Day" – 5:59
  6. "A Pound for a Brown (On the Bus)" – 8:36
  7. "English Tea Dancing Interludes/Plastic People/King Kong/America Drinks/Wipe Out" – 12:00

At the Circus

Sve skladbe na At the Circus snimane su u Circus Krone, Munich, 8. rujna 1978., osim skladbi 6 i 7, koje su snimane u VPRO TV, Uddel, Netherlands 18. lipnja 1970.

  1. "A Pound for a Brown (On the Bus)" – 2:15
  2. "Baby Snakes" – 2:05
  3. "Dancin' Fool" – 3:15
  4. "Easy Meat" – 4:39
  5. "Honey, Don't You Want a Man Like Me?" – 4:32
  6. "Mother People" – 2:40
  7. "Wonderful Wino" – 5:41
  8. "Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?" – 2:21
  9. "Seal Call Fusion Music" – 3:12
  10. "Bobby Brown" – 2:53
  11. "I'm On Duty" – 1:52
  12. "Conehead" – 5:31

Swiss Cheese / Fire!

Swiss Cheese i Fire! snimani su u Casino, Montreux, Switzerland, 4. prosinca 1971. Swiss Cheese uključuje skladbe 1 do 5, a Fire! skladbe 6 do 11.

  1. "Intro" – 14:21
  2. "Peaches En Regalia" – 3:27
  3. "Tears Began to Fall/She Painted Up Her Face/Half-a-Dozen Provocative Squats" – 5:59
  4. "Call Any Vegetable" – 9:55
  5. "Anyway the Wind Blows" – 3:44
  6. "Magdalena/Dog Breath" – 9:49
  7. "Sofa" – 18:06
  8. "A Pound for a Brown (On the Bus)" – 7:07
  9. "Wonderful Wino/Sharleena/Cruisin' for Burgers" – 12:37
  10. "King Kong" – 1:24
  11. "Fire!" – 1:55

Our Man in Nirvana

Our Man in Nirvana, Fullerton, California 8. studenog 1968.

  1. "Feet Light Up" – 1:16
  2. "Bacon Fat" (Andre Williams) – 4:58
  3. "A Pound for a Brown on the Bus" – 8:26
  4. "Sleeping in a Jar" – 17:16
  5. "The Wild Man Fischer Story" (Larry Fischer) – 3:28
  6. "I'm the Meany" (Fischer) – 2:02
  7. "Valarie" (Clarence Lewis, Bobby Robinson) – 2:17
  8. "King Kong" – 30:59

Conceptual Continuity

Conceptual Continuity snimano u Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan 19. studenog 1976.

  1. "Stinkfoot" – 17:58
    • "The Poodle Lecture"
    • "Dirty Love"
    • "Wind Up Workin' In a Gas Station"
  2. "The Torture Never Stops" – 21:09
    • "City of Tiny Lights"

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