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200 Motels

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
200 Motels
Datoteka:200 Motels.jpg
Frank Zappa (filmska glazba)
Žanr hard rock,
progresivni rock
Objavljen listopad 1971.g.
Trajanje 91 min : 49 sek
Izdavač United Artists
Kronologija albuma – Frank Zappa
Fillmore East - June 1971
200 Motels
Just Another Band from L.A.

200 Motels je filmska glazba američkog glazbenika Frank Zappe koja se nalazi na filmu istoga imena 200 Motels, a izlazi u listopadu 1971.g. Album izdaje kompanija United Artist koja je snimila i film, međutim film nije nikada objavljen. Kritičari su bili vrlo podijeljeni u mišljenju ali su se svi složili da bi se Zappa trebao vratiti glazbi i njezinom stvaranju.

Popis pjesama

Kuća Rykodisc izdaje reizdanje albuma na dva CD-a.

Disk prvi

  1. "Semi-Fraudulent/Direct-From-Hollywood Overture" – 2:01
  2. "Mystery Roach" – 2:32
  3. "Dance of the Rock & Roll Interviewers" – 0:48
  4. "This Town Is a Sealed Tuna Sandwich " – 0:55
  5. "Tuna Fish Promenade" – 2:29
  6. "Dance of the Just Plain Folks" – 4:40
  7. "This Town Is a Sealed Tuna Sandwich " – 0:58
  8. "The Sealed Tuna Bolero" – 1:40
  9. "Lonesome Cowboy Burt" – 3:54
  10. "Touring Can Make You Crazy" – 2:54
  11. "Would You Like a Snack?" – 1:23
  12. "Redneck Eats" – 3:02
  13. "Centerville" – 2:31
  14. "She Painted up Her Face" – 1:41
  15. "Janet's Big Dance Number" – 1:18
  16. "Half a Dozen Provocative Squats" – 1:57
  17. "Mysterioso" – 0:48
  18. "Shove It Right In" – 2:32
  19. "Lucy's Seduction of a Bored Violinist & Postlude" – 4:01

Disk drugi

  1. "I'm Stealing the Towels" – 2:15
  2. "Dental Hygiene Dilemma" – 5:11
  3. "Does This Kind of Life Look Interesting to You?" – 2:59
  4. "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy" – 3:11
  5. "Penis Dimension" – 4:37
  6. "What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning" – 3:29
  7. "A Nun Suit Painted on Some Old Boxes" – 1:08
  8. "Magic Fingers" – 3:53
  9. "Motorhead's Midnight Ranch" – 1:28
  10. "Dew on the Newts We Got" – 1:09
  11. "The Lad Searches the Night for His Newts" – 0:41
  12. "The Girl Wants to Fix Him Some Broth" – 1:10
  13. "The Girl's Dream" – 0:54
  14. "Little Green Scratchy Sweaters & Corduroy Ponce" – 1:00
  15. "Strictly Genteel " – 11:08
  16. "Coming Soon! " – 0:56
  17. "The Wide Screen " – 0:57
  18. "Coming Soon! " – 0:31
  19. "Frank Zappa's 200 Motels " – 0:11
  20. "Magic Fingers " – 2:57
