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The Gospel Road

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
The Gospel Road
Johnny Cash (filmska glazba)
Žanr country
Objavljen 1973.
Izdavač Columbia Records
Kronologija albuma – Johnny Cash
Any Old Wind That Blows
The Gospel Road
Johnny Cash and His Woman

The Gospel Road je dvostruki album Johnnyja Casha, objavljen 1973. u izdanju Columbia Recordsa. To je ''soundtrack'' za istoimeni film. Film i soundtrack govore o Isusovu životu. Album je zauzeo 12. mjesto na country ljestvici, ali nije objavljen nijedan singl.

Popis pjesama

Strana 1

  1. "Praise the Lord" (Introduction) – 1:59
  2. "Gospel Road (Part #1)" (Jesus Early Years) – 2:51
  3. "Gospel Road (Part #2)" (John the Baptist) - (Baptism Of Jesus) – 3:28
  4. "Gospel Road (Part #3)" (Wilderness Temptation) – 4:42
  5. "He Turned the Water Into Wine" (The First Miracle) – 2:08
  6. "I See Men as Trees Walking" (The State of the Nation) – 2:07
  7. "Jesus Was a Carpenter" (Choosing of Twelve Disciples) – 6:17

Strana 2

  1. "Help (Part #1)" (Jesus Teachings: Parables of the Good Shepherd) – 2:22
  2. "Help (Part #2)" (Sermon on the Mount) – 2:07
  3. "Follow Me" (sa June Carter) (Mary Magdalene Speaks) – 3:02

Strana 3

  1. "He Turned the Water Into Wine" (Crossing the Sea of Galilee) -
  2. "He Turned the Water Into Wine" (Part #2)" (Feeding the Multitude) -
  3. "He Turned the Water Into Wine" (Part #3)" -
  4. "Gospel Road" (The Raising of Lazarus) – 4:04
  5. "Help" (Song of the Children) -
  6. "The Burden of Freedom" – 3:27

Strana 4

  1. "Lord, Is It I?" (The Feast of the Passover) – 1:29
  2. "The Last Supper" – 2:28
  3. "The Burden of Freedom" (He is Risen) – 3:41
  4. "Jesus Was a Carpenter" -


Album - Billboard (Sjeverna Amerika)

Godina Ljestvica Pozicija
1973. Country albumi 12

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