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Diskografija Johnnyja Casha

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Diskografija Johnnyja Casha
Studijski albumi 55
Uživo albumi 6
Kompilacijski albumi 84
Singlovi 154
Videospotovi 19
Filmska glazba 2
Posvete i cover albumi 3

Diskografija Johnnyja Casha bilježi sve materijale jednog od najvećih glazbenika svih vremena, country pjevača Johnnyja Casha. Njegova duga karijera, koja se protegla od 1954. do 2003., iznjedrila je brojne albume i singlove pod etiketama nekoliko glazbenih izdavačkih kuća. Cash je tijekom godina surađivao s mnogim poznatim glazbenicima te osvojio razne nagrade i priznanja od mnogih organizacija.


Sun Records

Sva izdanja za Sun sadrže materijal snimljen od 1955. do 1958.

Godina Album Top country albumi
1957. Johnny Cash with His Hot and Blue Guitar
1958. Sings the Songs That Made Him Famous
1959. Greatest!
1960. Sings Hank Williams
1961. Now Here's Johnny Cash
1962. All Aboard the Blue Train
1964. The Original Sun Sound of Johnny Cash
1969. Get Rhythm 30
1969. Original Golden Hits, Volume I 4
1969. Story Songs of the Trains and Rivers 2
1970. Showtime 14
1970. The Singing Storyteller 45
1970. Original Golden Hits, Volume II 3
1970. Johnny Cash: The Legend
1970. The Rough Cut King of Country Music
1970. Sunday Down South
1971. Johnny Cash: The Man, His World, His Music
1971. Original Golden Hits, Volume III

Columbia Records

Cash je većinu svojeg opusa snimio za Columbiju. Mnogi od ovih albuma kombiniraju prethodno neobjavljeni materijal s novim materijalom.

Godina Album Pozicija na ljestvici Naklada
Top country albumi Billboard 200
1959. The Fabulous Johnny Cash
1959. Hymns by Johnny Cash
1959. Songs of Our Soil
1960. Ride This Train
1960. Now, There Was a Song!
1961. The Lure of the Grand Canyon
1962. Hymns from the Heart
1962. The Sound of Johnny Cash
1963. Blood, Sweat and Tears 80
1963. Ring of Fire: The Best of Johnny Cash 1 26 zlatna
1963. The Christmas Spirit 7
1964. I Walk the Line 1 53 zlatna
1964. Bitter Tears: Ballads of the American Indian 2 47
1965. Orange Blossom Special 3 49
1965. Johnny Cash sings the Ballads of the True West
1966. Everybody Loves a Nut 5 88
1966. Happiness is You 10
1967. Carryin' On with Johnny Cash and June Carter 5 194
1968. From Sea to Shining Sea 9
1968. At Folsom Prison (uživo) 1 13 3x multi-platinasta
1968. Heart of Cash
1968. The Holy Land 6 54
1969. At San Quentin (uživo) 1 1 3x multi-platinasta
1970. Hello, I'm Johnny Cash 1 6 zlatna
1970. The Johnny Cash Show (uživo) 1 44 zlatna
1970. I Walk the Line 9 176
1970. Little Fauss and Big Halsy
1971. Man in Black 1 56
1972. A Thing Called Love 2 112
1972. America: A 200-Year Salute in Story and Song 3 176
1972. The Johnny Cash Family Christmas
1972. International Superstar
1973. På Österåker (uživo)
1973. Any Old Wind That Blows 5 188
1973. The Gospel Road 12
1973. Johnny Cash and His Woman 32
1974. Ragged Old Flag 16
1974. Junkie and the Juicehead Minus Me 48
1975. The Johnny Cash Children's Album
1975. Sings Precious Memories
1975. John R. Cash
1975. Look at Them Beans 38
1975. Strawberry Cake (uživo) 33
1976. One Piece at a Time 2 185
1977. The Last Gunfighter Ballad 29
1977. The Rambler 31
1978. I Would Like to See You Again 23
1978. Gone Girl
1979. Silver 28
1980. Rockabilly Blues
1980. Classic Christmas
1981. The Baron 24
1982. The Adventures of Johnny Cash
1983. Johnny 99
1985. Rainbow

Gospel i božićni albumi za neovisne etikete

Godina Album Top country albumi Etiketa
1979. A Believer Sings the Truth 43 Cachet
1984. I Believe
1986. Believe in Him Word
1991. Johnny Cash Country Christmas Delta
1992. Return to the Promised Land Renaissance

Mercury Records

Cash je bio pod ugovorom s Mercury Recordsom između 1987. i 1990., a u tom je razdoblju snimio četiri albuma, uglavnom novog materijala, te svoje klasične pjesme iz perioda u Sunu i Columbiji.

Godina Album Top country albumi
1987. Johnny Cash Is Coming to Town 36
1987. Classic Cash: Hall of Fame Series
1988. Water from the Wells of Home 48
1989. Boom Chicka Boom
1991. The Mystery of Life 70
1994. Wanted Man
1996. Johnny Cash: The Hits 75
1998. The Best of Johnny Cash
2000. The Mercury Years
2002. Johnny Cash & Friends

American Recordings

Serijal za American Recordings producirao je Rick Rubin, a sadrži samo nove materijale objavljene nakon 1990. Ovi albumi poznati su po opuštenom osjećaju i mnogim obradama i suradnjama s drugim poznatim glazbenicima. Jedna pjesma s ovih snimanja, "A Satisfied Mind", korištena je u filmu Quentina Tarantina Kill Bill Volume 2; objavljena je samo na soundtracku filma.

Godina Album Pozicija na ljestvici Naklada
Top country albumi Billboard 200
1994. American Recordings 23 110
1996. Unchained 26 170
1998. VH1 Storytellers: Johnny Cash & Willie Nelson (uživo) 25 150
2000. American III: Solitary Man 11 88
2002. American IV: The Man Comes Around 2 22 platinasta
2003. Unearthed 33 zlatna
2004. My Mother's Hymn Book 27 194
2006. American V: A Hundred Highways 1 1 zlatna
2010. American VI: Ain't No Grave


Kompilacije za Columbia Records

Godina Album Pozicija na ljestvici Naklada
Top country albumi Billboard 200
1966. Mean as Hell 4
1967. Greatest Hits, Vol. 1 1 82 2x multi-platinasta
1968. Old Golden Throat
1969. More of Old Golden Throat
1970. The World of Johnny Cash 2 54 zlatna
1971. Greatest Hits, Vol. 2 5 94 platinasta
1973. Sunday Morning Coming Down 35
1974. Five Feet High and Rising 33
1978. Greatest Hits, Vol. 3 49
1981. Encore
1982. Biggest Hits
1987. Columbia Records 1958-1986
1991. Patriot 67
1994. The Man In Black - His Greatest Hits 63

Kompilacije za Harmony Records

Godina Album Top country albumi
1968. Golden Sounds of Country Music
1969. This Is Johnny Cash
1970. The Walls of a Prison
1972. Understand Your Man
1972. Give My Love to Rose
1972. The Johnny Cash Songbook 43
1973. Ballads of the American Indian
1973. This Is Johnny Cash

Kompilacije za Bear Family Records

Njemačka izdavačka kuća Bear Family objavila je nekoliko kompilacija s materijalom iz ere u Sunu i Columbiji. To uključuje raritetne LP-ove iz kasnih sedamdesetih i opsežne box setove iz ranih devedesetih. Uz to, kuća je objavila mnoge Cashove klasične albume posebno na CD-ovima s bonus pjesmama

Raritetni kompilacijski albumi: Ubrzo nakon osnivanja kuće, 1978.-1979., Bear Family je objavio tri LP-a s prethodno neobjavljenim pjesmama snimljenima od 1958. do 1967.

Godina Album
1978. The Unissued Johnny Cash
1978. Johnny & June
1979. Tall Man

Box setovi: Krajem devedesetih Bear Family je objavio četiri box seta sa svim Cashovim neobjavljenim materijalom snimljenim od 1955. do 1969. za Sun i Columbiju, uključujući dodatne alternativne verzije pjesama koje su uvrštene na njihove LP-ove krajem sedamdesetih.

Godina Album
1990. The Man in Black 1954-1958
1991. Come Along and Ride this Train
1991. The Man in Black 1959-1962
1995. The Man in Black 1963-1969

Manje poznate kompilacije

Od 1990., mnoge su kompilacije objavile razne izdavačke kuće. Ovaj popis, iako ne iscrpan, uključuje one koje nisu objavili Sun, Mercury ili American Recordings.

Godina Album Pozicija na ljestvici Naklada Etiketa
Top country albumi Billboard 200
1990. 12 Giant Hits CBS
1992. The Essential Johnny Cash 1955-1983 Legacy
1994. Super Hits platinasta
1998. Johnny Cash: Crazy Country
1999. 16 Biggest Hits 18 185 2x multi-platinasta
2000. Love, God and Murder 67
2001. 16 Biggest Hits: Volume II
2002. The Essential Johnny Cash 16 102 platinasta Legacy
2002. The Legend of Johnny Cash: First Original Hits 66 K-Tel
2002. Johnny Cash Sings His Best: 40 Original Hits 71 TeeVee
2002. 20th Century Masters: The Millennium Collection 47 Mercury
2002. The Heart of a Legend 49 Madacy
2002. Johnny Cash at Madison Square Garden (uživo) 39 Legacy
2003. Live Recordings from the Louisiana Hayride (uživo) Scena
2003. Christmas with Johnny Cash 58 Legacy
2004. Life
2005. The Complete Sun Recordings, 1955-1958 52 Time Life
2005. Walking the Line: The Legendary Sun Recordings 66 Metro
2005. The Legend 31 173 zlatna Legacy
2005. The Legend of Johnny Cash 2 5 2x; multi-platinasta Island
2006. 16 Biggest Hits: Johnny Cash & June Carter Cash 26 126 Legacy
2006. Golden Legends: Johnny Cash 70 Madacy
2006. June Carter and Johnny Cash: Duets Sony BMG
2006. Personal File (2 CD-a) 22 108 Legacy
2006. Country Legends: I Walk the Line 44 BCI
2006. Country Christmas 52 Laserlight
2006. The Legend of Johnny Cash Vol. II 28 144 Island
2006. JC: Johnny Cash 26 109 Sun
2007. Cash - Ultimate Gospel 34 Legacy
2007. The Great Lost Performance - Live at the
Paramount Theatre, Asbury Park, New Jersey
60 Island
2007. Forever Johnny Cash 66 Sun
2008. The Best of the Johnny Cash TV Show: 1969-1971 47 Legacy
2008. Playlist: The Very Best of Johnny Cash 46 Sony BMG
2008. The Gospel Music of Johnny Cash 57 Gaither


Godina Naslov Pozicija na ljestvici Album
Hot Country Songs Billboard Hot 100 Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks Britanska ljestvica singlova
1955. "Cry, Cry, Cry" 14 Johnny Cash with His Hot and Blue Guitar
1956. "So Doggone Lonesome" 4
"Folsom Prison Blues" flip
"I Walk the Line" 1 17
"Get Rhythm" flip Greatest!
"There You Go" 1 Sings the Songs That Made Him Famous
1957. "Train of Love" 7
"Next in Line" 9 99
"Don't Make Me Go" flip
"Home of the Blues" 3 88
"Give My Love to Rose" 13 Sings Hank Williams
1958. "Ballad of a Teenage Queen" 1 14 Sings the Songs That Made Him Famous
"Big River" 4 14
"Guess Things Happen That Way" 1 11
"Come in Stranger" 6 66
"The Ways of a Woman in Love" 2 24
"You're the Nearest Thing to Heaven" 5 24
"All Over Again" 4 38 Old Golden Throat
"What Do I Care" 7 52 Ring of Fire: The Best of Johnny Cash
1959. "Don't Take Your Guns to Town" 1 32 The Fabulous Johnny Cash
"It's Just About Time" 30 47 Greatest!
"Luther Played the Boogie" 8
"Thanks a Lot" 12
"Frankie's Man, Johnny" 9 57 The Fabulous Johnny Cash
"You Dreamer You" 13 Old Golden Throat
"Katy Too" 11 66 Greatest!
"I Got Stripes" 4 43 Old Golden Throat
"Five Feet High and Rising" 14 76 Songs of Our Soil
"Goodbye Little Darlin'" 22 Greatest!
"Little Drummer Boy" 24 63 The Christmas Spirit
1960. "Straight A's in Love" 16 84 Sings Hank Williams
"I Love You Because" 20
"Seasons of My Heart" 10 Now, There Was a Song!
"Down the Street to 301" 85 Now Here's Johnny Cash
"Smiling Bill McCall" 13 Old Golden Throat
"Second Honeymoon" 15 79 More of Old Golden Throat
"Mean Eyed Cat" 30 Sings Hank Williams
"Oh Lonesome Me" 13 93 Now Here's Johnny Cash
1961. "The Rebel - Johnny Yuma" 24 Ring of Fire: The Best of Johnny Cash
"Tennessee Flat-Top Box" 11 84
1962. "The Big Battle" 24
"In the Jailhouse Now" 8 The Sound of Johnny Cash
"Bonanza" 94 Ring of Fire: The Best of Johnny Cash
"Busted" (sa The Carter Family) 13 Blood, Sweat and Tears
1963. "Ring of Fire" 1 17 Ring of Fire: The Best of Johnny Cash
"The Matador" 2 44 Heart of Cash
1964. "Understand Your Man" 1 35 I Walk the Line
"Dark as a Dungeon" 49 Old Golden Throat
"The Ballad of Ira Hayes" 3 Bitter Tears: Ballads of the American Indian
"Bad News" 8 I Walk the Line
"It Ain't Me, Babe" (sa June Carter Cash) 4 58 28 Orange Blossom Special
1965. "Orange Blossom Special" 3 80
"Mister Garfield" 15 Sings the Ballads of the True West
"The Sons of Katie Elder" 10 Heart of Cash
"Happy to Be with You" 9 Single only
1966. "The One on the Right Is on the Left" 2 46 Everybody Loves a Nut
"Everybody Loves a Nut" 17 96
"Boa Constrictor" 39
"You Beat All I Ever Saw" 20 More of Old Golden Throat
1967. "Jackson" (sa June Carter Cash) 2 Greatest Hits, Vol. 1
"Long-Legged Guitar Pickin' Man" (sa June Carter Cash) 6 Carryin' On with Johnny Cash and June Carter
"The Wind Changes" 60 Old Golden Throat
"Rosanna's Going Wild" 2 91 International Superstar
1968. "Folsom Prison Blues" (reizdanje) 1 32 At Folsom Prison
"Daddy Sang Bass" 1 42 The Holy Land
1969. "A Boy Named Sue" 1 2 1 4 At San Quentin
"Get Rhythm" (reizdanje) 23 60 Single only
"Blistered" 4 50 Hello, I'm Johnny Cash
"See Ruby Fall" flip 75
"If I Were a Carpenter" (sa June Carter Cash) 2 36
1970. "Rock Island Line" 35 93 Samo singl
"What Is Truth" 3 19 4 21
"Sunday Morning Coming Down" 1 46 The Johnny Cash Show
"Flesh and Blood" 1 54 I Walk the Line (soundtrack)
1971. "Big River" 41 Greatest Hits, Vol. 2
"Man in Black" 3 58 Man in Black
"Singin' in Vietnam Talkin' Blues" 18
"No Need to Worry" (sa June Carter Cash) 15 International Superstar
"Papa Was a Good Man" 16 A Thing Called Love
"A Thing Called Love" 2 4
1972. "Kate" 2 75
"If I Had a Hammer" 29 Any Old Wind That Blows
"Oney" 2
"Any Old Wind That Blows" 3
"The Loving Gift" (sa June Carter Cash) 27
1973. "Children" 30 Single only
"Praise the Lord and Pass the Soup" 57
"Allegheny" (sa June Carter Cash) 69 Johnny Cash and His Woman
"Pick the Wildwood Flower" (sa Maybelle Carter) 34 Single only
1974. "Orleans Parish Prison" 52 På Österåker
"Ragged Old Flag" 31 Ragged Old Flag
"The Junkie and the Juicehead, Minus Me" Junkie and the Juicehead Minus Me
"Father and Daughter (Father and Son)" (sa Rosey Nix)
"The Lady Came from Baltimore" 14 John R. Cash
1975. "My Old Kentucky Home
(Turpentine and Dandelion Wine)
"Look at Them Beans" 17 Look at Them Beans
"Texas, 1947" 35
1976. "Strawberry Cake" 54 Strawberry Cake
"One Piece at a Time" 1 29 6 32 One Piece at a Time
"Sold Out of Flagpoles" 29
"Ridin' on the Cotton Belt" Single only
"Old Time Feeling" (sa June Carter Cash) 26 Greatest Hits, Vol. 3
1977. "The Last Gunfighter Ballad" 38 The Last Gunfighter Ballad
"Lady" 46 The Rambler
"After the Ball" 32
1978. "I Would Like to See You Again" 12 I Would Like to See You Again
"There Ain't No Good Chain Gang" (sa Waylonom Jenningsom) 2
"Gone Girl" 44 Gone Girl
"It'll Be Her" 89
"I Will Rock and Roll with You" 21
1979. "(Ghost) Riders in the Sky" 2 Silver
"I'll Say It's True" 42
"I Wish I Was Crazy Again" (sa Waylonom Jenningsom) 22 Greatest Hits, Vol. 3
1980. "Wings in the Morning" A Believer Sings the Truth
"Bull Rider" 66 Silver
"Song of the Patriot" (sa Martyjem Robbinsom) 54 Encore
"Cold Lonesome Morning" 53 Rockabilly Blues
"Last Time" 85
1981. "Without Love" (sa Nickom Loweom i Daveom Edmundsom) 78
"The Baron" 10 The Baron
"Mobile Bay" 60
1982. "Chattanooga City Limit Sign" 71
"The Reverend Mr. Black" flip
"The General Lee" 26 The Dukes of Hazzard (soundtrack)
"I've Been to Georgia on a Fast Train" The Adventures of Johnny Cash
"Fair Weather Friends"
1983. "We Must Believe in Magic" 84
"I'm Ragged But I'm Right" 75 Johnny 99
"Johnny 99"
1984. "That's the Truth"
"Chicken in Black" 45 Samo singl
"They Killed Him"
1985. "I'm Leaving Now" Rainbow
1986. "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues" (sa Waylonom Jenningsom) 35 Heroes
1987. "The Night Hank Williams Came to Town" 43 Johnny Cash Is Coming to Town
"Sixteen Tons"
"Let Him Roll"
"W. Lee O'Daniel and the Light Crust Doughboys"
1988. "Get Rhythm" (reizdanje) Classic Cash: Hall of Fame Series
"That Old Wheel" (sa Hankom Williamsom) 21 Water from the Wells of Home
1989. "Ballad of a Teenage Queen" 45 Boom Chicka Boom
1990. "Farmer's Almanac"
"Cat's in the Cradle"
"Goin' by the Book" 69 The Mystery of Life
1991. "The Mystery of Life"
1994. "Delia's Gone" American Recordings
"The Man Who Couldn't Cry"
1996. "Rusty Cage" Unchained
"I've Been Everywhere"
2002. "The Man Comes Around" American IV: The Man Comes Around
2003. "Hurt" 56 39
2006. "God's Gonna Cut You Down" American V: A Hundred Highways
2007. "Help Me"
2010. "Ain't No Grave" American VI: Ain't No Grave

Gostujući singlovi

Godina Naslov Glazbenik Hot Country Songssmall> Album
1971. "A Song to Mama" The Carter Family 37 Samo singl
1972. "The World Needs a Melody" 35
1984. "I Will Dance with You" Karen Brooks 45 Hearts on Fire
2003. "September When It Comes" Rosanne Cash Rules of Travel


Johnny Cash je tijekom svoje dugogodišnje karijere surađivao s mnogim ljudima, uključujući članove svoje obitelji, prijatelje, članove country establišmenta i, posebno pred kraj karijere, popularnim rock i alternativnim glazbenicima.

Nakon što je njegov dobar prijatelj i kolega iz Suna Carl Perkins doživio prometnu nesreću koja ga je obogaljila i nakon problema s alkoholizmom, Cash ga je poveo na svoju turneju u svojstvu gitarista i podupirao Perkinsa izvodeći pjesme koje je napisao. U sedamdesetima je pokušavao pomoći svojem bliskom prijatelju, legendarnom gitaristu iz Nashvillea Hanku Garlandu, da revitalizira svoju karijeru dovevši ga u studio na snimanje. U osamdesetima se udružio s Williejem Nelsonom, Waylonom Jenningsom i Krisom Kristoffersonom kako bi snimili album. Uspjeh albuma doveo je do još dva izdanja i nekoliko turneja.

Njegovo vokalno cameo pojavljivanje na pjesmi "The Wanderer" na albumu Zooropa grupe U2 dovelo je do upoznavanja s producentom Rickom Rubinom i na kraju rezultiralo serijom albuma za American Recordings, koji uključuju mnoge suradnje. Grupa Coldplay je namjeravala snimiti pjesmu "Til Kingdom Come" za album X&Y s Cashom, ali je on umro prije nego što su to učinili. Pjesma je posvećena Cashu na albumu i na njihovoj turneji "Twisted Logic" gdje su izvodili "Ring of Fire."

Suradnički albumi

Godina Album Pozicija na ljestvici Naklada Etiketa
Top country albumi Billboard 200
1982. The Survivors Live (uživo) 21 Columbia
1985. Highwayman 1 92 platinasta
1986. Class of '55 15 87 American Sound
1986. Heroes 13 Columbia
1990. Highwayman 2 1 79
1995. The Road Goes on Forever 42 Liberty

Gostujuća pojavljivanja

Godina Pjesma/pjesme Glazbenik/glazbenici Album
1969. "Girl from the North Country" Bob Dylan Nashville Skyline
1971. "A Front Row Seat to Hear Ole Johnny Sing"
"26 Second Song"
Shel Silverstein
1972. "A Song to Mama"
"The World Needs a Melody"
The Carter Family
1972. "Amazing Grace" The Evangel Temple Choir
1975. "Gospel Ship"
"Song to Woody"
"Hey Porter"
The Earl Scruggs Revue Anniversary Special, Vol. 1
1976. "I Still Miss Someone"
"My Ship Will Sail" (prateći vokali)
The Earl Scruggs Revue Anniversary Special, Vol. 2
1976. "No Earthly Good" The Oak Ridge Boys Old Fashioned, Down Home, Hand Clappin'
Foot Stompin' Southern Style Gospel Quartet Music
1976. "My Ship Will Sail" The Carter Family Country's First Family
1976. "Love is My Refuge" Jack Routh
1979. "Jealous Loving Heart"
"Soldier's Last Letter"
Ernest Tubb The Legend and the Legacy
1979. "Six Gun Shooting"
"Help Him, Jesus"
"The Death of Me"
Levon Helm
Emmylou Harris
Charlie Daniels
The Legend of Jesse James
1980. "What's Good for You (Should Be Alright for Me)"
"Mother Maybelle"
Marty Stuart
Curly Seckler
The Nashville Grass
1980. "Jordan" Emmylou Harris
Tony Rice
Ricky Skaggs
Roses in the Snow (album Emmylou Harris)
1981. "Mister Garfield" Merle Kilgore
1982. "One More Ride"
"Hey Porter"
"Get in Line Brother"
Marty Stuart Busy Bee Café
1982. "That's How I Got to Memphis" Rosanne Cash Somewhere in the Stars
1983. "I Still Miss Someone" Bill Monroe Bill Monroe and Friends
1983. "Love Me Tender" Julie Andrews Love Me Tender
1984. "Crazy Old Soldier" Ray Charles Friendship
1984. "Suffer Little Children" Glen Campbell No More Night
1986. "Be Careful Who You Love (Arthur's Song)" Waylon Jennings Sweet Mother Texas
1986. "Let America Be America Again" Will D. Campbell
Willie Nelson
Jessi Colter
Waylon Jennings
They Come to America
1986. "Better Class of Losers" John Schneider
Waylon Jennings
Take the Long Way Home (album Johna Schneidera)
1987. "The Ten Commandments of Love" David Allan Coe A Matter of Life and Death
1987. "Amazing Grace" Joanne Cash Yates Amazing Grace
1988. "Waitin' for a Southern Train" Jimmy Tittle
1989. "Jesus is Lord"
"I've Been Saved"
"Gospel Medley"
"How Beautiful Heaven Must Be"
"Lord I'm Coming Home"
Joanne Cash Yates Live
1989. "Life's Railway to Heaven"
"Will the Circle Be Unbroken"
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Will the Circle Be Unbroken: Volume Two
1989. "Wildwood Flower"
"Worried Man Blues"
"Ain't Gonna Work Tomorrow"
"Church in the Wildwood"
The Carter Family
1989. "Woodcarver" Sandy Kelly
1990. "Thoughts on the Flag" (sa Georgeom Jonesom i Tomom T. Hallom)
"Guess Things Happen That Way"
Tommy Cash The 25th Anniversary Album (album Tommyja Casha)
1990. "Get Rhythm" Martin Delray Get Rhythm
1991. "Man in Black" One Bad Pig I Scream Sunday
1992. "Doin' My Time" Marty Stuart This One's Gonna Hurt You
1993. "The Wanderer" U2 Zooropa
1993. "The Devil Comes Back to Georgia" Charlie Daniels
Travis Tritt
Marty Stuart
Heroes (album Marka O'Connora)
1994. "Tennessee Stud" Michael Martin Murpey America's Horses
1994. "A Comment from Johnny Cash" Rose Maddox $35 and a Dream
1994. "The Little Drummer Boy" Ben Keith Seven Gates: A Christmas Album
by Ben Keith and Friends
1995. "Get Rhythm" John Stewart Airdream Believer
1995. "Go Wild"
"The Winding Stream"
Carlene Carter Little Acts of Treason
1995. "Where the Soul Never Dies" Cluster Pluckers Unplucked
1995. "Blistered" Jimmy Tittle It's in the Attitude
1996. "Time of the Preacher" Krist Novoselic
Sean Kinney
Kim Thayil
John Carter Cash
Twisted Willie
1996. "Two Old Army Pals"
"Give Me Back My Job"
Willie Nelson
Tom Petty
Go Cat Go! (album Carla Perkinsa)
1996. "Steel Guitar Rag" Robby Turner Man of Steel
1996. "Johnny Cash Hit Medley
(Ring of Fire/I Walk the Line/Folsom Prison Blues)"
"I Will Rock and Roll with You"
"Fly Little Bird" (s Johnom Carterom Cashom)
Tom Astor
1996. "The Little Drummer Boy" Collin Raye Christmas: The Gift
1999. "Johnny Cash Outro" Marty Stuart The Pilgrim
1999. "Guess Things Happen That Way"
"Silver Haired Daddy of Mine"
"Thoughts on the Flag"
George Jones
Tom T. Hall
Classics (album Tommyja Casha)
2000. "Introduction"
"Take Me Home"
Ramblin' Jack Elliott The Ballad of Ramblin' Jack
2001. "I Walk the Line (Revisited)" Rodney Crowell The Houston Kid
2001. "Passin' Thru" Don Henley
Earl Scruggs
Earl Scruggs and Friends
2001. "Big River" Trick Pony
Waylon Jennings
Trick Pony (album Trick Ponyja)
2002. "Tears in the Holston River" The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Will the Circle Be Unbroken, Vol. 3
2003. "September When It Comes" Rosanne Cash Rules of Travel
2003. "Keep on the Sunny Side"
"The Road to Kaintuck"
"Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone"
"Wildwood Flower"
June Carter Cash Wildwood Flower
2003. "The Way-Worn Traveler" John Carter Cash Bitter Harvest

Ostala pojavljivanja

Godina Pjesma/pjesme Album
1972. "I See Men as Trees Walking" (uživo) Jesus Sound Explosion
1976. "Ragged Old Flag" (uživo) It's Time to Pray, America
1979. "Nasty Dan" (sa Oscarom the Grouchom)
"Five Feet High and Rising" (sa Biffom)
Children's TV Workshop Stars
Come Out on Sesame Street
1981. "The General Lee" Dukes of Hazzard
1983. "The Love That Never Failed" Star Spangled Country
1985. "Hey Porter"
"Luther Played the Boogie"
"Big River"
Louisiana Hayride Saturday Nite
1994. "Folsom Prison Blues" (s Brooskom & Dunnom)
"Forever Young"
Red Hot + Country
1994. "Folsom Prison Blues"
(uživo na Grammy Legend Awards, 5. prosinca 1990.)
Grammy's Greatest Country Moments, Vol. 1
1995. "Were You There (When They Crucified My Lord)"
Silent Witness, Vol. 1
1996. "In Your Mind" soundtrack za Odlazak u smrt
1998. "Cowboys and Ladies" (s June Carter Cash)
"Heroes in Black and White"
All My Friends Are Cowboys
1998. "In the Garden" soundtrack za Apostol
1998. "I Washed My Face in the Morning Dew" Real: The Tom T. Hall Project
2000. "So Doggone Lonesome"
"I Walk the Line"
"Get Rhythm"
Live at the Big "D" Jamboree, Vol. 2
2000. "I'm on Fire" Badlands: A Tribute to Bruce Springsteen's Nebraska
2002. "For You" (s Daveom Matthewsom) soundtrack za Bili smo vojnici
2003. "City of New Orleans" (sa The Highwaymen)
"Folsom Prison Blues"
"I've Always Been Crazy" (s Waylonom Jenningsom)
"Best of All Possible Worlds" (sa The Highwaymen)
Farm Aid, Vol. 1: Live


Koncertne snimke

Godina Snimka Snimljeno
2003. A Concert Behind Prison Walls 1976. (za TV specijal)
2005. Live at Montreux 1994 1994.
2005. The Legend 12. ožujka 1980.
2005. Live from Austin, TX 3. siječnja 1987. (za Austin City Limits)
2006. Live in Denmark 1971.
2006. Johnny Cash in Ireland 1993.

Glazbeni videospotovi

Godina Videospot Redatelj
1956. "Folsom Prison Blues"
1970. "Jackson" (s June Carter Cash)
1981. "The Baron" (uz June Carter Cash i Marty Stuart)
1983. "Johnny 99"
1984. "Chicken in Black"
1985. "Highwayman" (sa The Highwaymen)
1987. "Sixteen Tons"
1987. "Let Him Roll" (uz Waylona Jenningsa)
1990. "Silver Stallion" (sa The Highwaymen)
1991. "Goin' by the Book"
1994. "Delia's Gone" (uz Kate Moss) Anton Corbijn
1994. "The Man Who Couldn't Cry"
1995. "If He Came Back Again" (sa The Highwaymen)
1996. "Rusty Cage"
1998. "I Walk the Line (Revisited)" (sa Rodneyjem Crowellom)
2002. "Hurt" (uz June Carter Cash) Mark Romanek
2003. "September When It Comes" (sa Rosanne Cash)
2006. "God's Gonna Cut You Down" Tony Kaye
2007. "Help Me"

Počasni albumi

Godina Album Pozicija na ljestvici Etiketa
Top Country Albums Billboard 200
1988. Til Things Are Brighter: A Tribute to Johnny Cash Rhino
2002. Dressed in Black: A Tribute to Johnny Cash 53 Dualtone
2002. Kindred Spirits: A Tribute to the Songs of Johnny Cash 17 140 Columbia

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