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Dodatak:Popis vrsta:Anob

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija

  • Taksoni:

Anoba , Anobichnium , Anobichnium , Anobiidae , Anobilia , Anobiopsis , Anobium , Anobostra , Anobothrella , Anobothrus , Anobrium ,


Porodica Anobiidae Fleming, 1821; (drvaši kuckari)

  1. Alvarenganiellinae Viana and Martinez, 1971
  2. Anobiinae Fleming, 1821
  3. Dorcatominae C. G. Thomson, 1859
  4. Dryophilinae LeConte, 1861
  5. Ernobiinae Pic, 1912
  6. Eucradinae LeConte, 1861
  7. Mesocoelopodinae Mulsant and Rey, 1864
  8. Ptilininae Shuckard, 1840
  9. Xyletininae Gistel, 1856

Animalia → Arthropoda → Insecta → Coleoptera → Bostrichoidea

Potporodica Anobiinae Fleming, 1821

  1. Actenobius Fall, 1905
  2. Anobiopsis Fall, 1905
  3. Anobium Fabricius, 1775
  4. Colposternus Fall, 1905
  5. Ctenobium LeConte, 1865
  6. Desmatogaster Knutson, 1963
  7. Euceratocerus LeConte, 1874
  8. Falsogastrallus Pic, 1914
  9. Gastrallus Jacquelin du Val, 1860
  10. Hadrobregmus Thomson, 1859
  11. Hemicoelus LeConte, 1861
  12. Microbregma Seidlitz, 1889
  13. Nicobium LeConte, 1861
  14. Oligomerus Redtenbacher, 1849
  15. Platybregmus Fisher, 1934
  16. Priobium Motschulsky, 1845
  17. Ptilinobium White, 1976
  18. Stegobium Motschulsky, 1860
  19. Trichodesma LeConte, 1861
  20. Xeranobium Fall, 1905

Animalia → Arthropoda → Insecta → Coleoptera → Bostrichoidea → Anobiidae


Animalia > Annelida > Polychaeta > Terebellida > Ampharetidae

Anobothrus Levinsen, 1884

Animalia > Annelida > Polychaeta > Terebellida > Ampharetidae

Anobrium Belon, 1902

Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Coleoptera > Cerambycidae

