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Willem Vermeer

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija

Willem Roelof Vermeer (1947. - )[1] nizozemski je jezikoslovac, filolog, dijalektolog, slavist i istraživač praslavenske akcentologije, morfologije, ruskoga jezika, rezijanskoga narječja slovenskog jezika i čakavskoga narječja hrvatskog jezika.[2]


Bio je redovni profesor pri Centru za lingvistiku Sveučilišta u Leidenu, polje povijesna lingvistika slavenskih jezika.[3] Trenutno u mirovini.

Istraživanje čakavskoga narječja

Ponudio je jednu od najranijih podjela čakavskoga narječja na dijalekte, 1982. godine.[4]

Kriterij podjele: akcentuacija

  • sjeverozapadni čakavski
    • istarski
      • sjevernoistarski
      • srednjeistarski
    • neistarski
      • kastavski
      • creski
      • novljanski
  • srednjočakavski
  • jugoistočni čakavski

Napomena: Willem Vermeer koristi terminologiju na engleskom jeziku.[4]


  • Willem Vermeer, Critical observations on the modus operandi of the Moscow Accentological School”. In: Werner Lehfeldt, Einführung in die morphologische Konzeption der slavischen Akzentologie, 2d edition, München: Sagner, 131-161., 2001.
  • Willem Vermeer, On the status of the earliest Russian isogloss: four untenable and three questionable reasons for separating the progressive and the second regressive palatalization of Common Slavic”. Russian Linguistics 24/1, 5-29., 2000.
  • Willem Vermeer, On the rendition of vowel length in Petre Hektorović’s Ribanje (1568), Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 24, 465-526., 1998.
  • Willem Vermeer, Notes on medieval Novgorod sociolinguistics, Russian Linguistics 21/1, 23-47., 1997.
  • Willem Vermeer, The twofold origin of Classical Čakavian, Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 23, 255-318., 1996.
  • Willem Vermeer, L’origine delle differenze locali nei sistemi vocalici del resiano, u: H. Steenwijk (ur.), Fondamenti per una grammatica pratica resiana, Padova: CLEUP, 119-147., 1993.
  • Willem Vermeer, Evfim’ja, Maskim and others: critical notes on Novgorod birchbark documents, Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 17, 383-434., 1992.
  • Willem Vermeer, The mysterious North Russian nominative singular ending ‑e and the problem of the reflex of Proto-Indo-European *‑os in Slavic, Die Welt der Slaven 36/1-2, 271-295., 1991.
  • Willem Vermeer, Traces of an early Romance isogloss in Western Balkan Slavic, Slavistična Revija 37/1-3, 15-30. 1989.
  • Willem Vermeer, Opozicija tipa “živo/neživo” u množini u jednom čakavskom sistemu (Omišalj), Naučni sastanak slavista u Vukove dane: referati i saopštenja 13/1, 275-288., 1984.
  • Willem Vermeer, Raising of * and loss of the nasal feature in Slovene, Zbornik za filologiju i lingvistiku 25/1, 97-120., 1982.
  • Willem Vermeer, On the principal sources for the study of čakavian dialects with neocircumflex in adjectives and presents, Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 2, 279-340., 1982.
  • Willem Vermeer, Die Konjugation in der nordwestčakavischen Mundart Omišaljs, Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 1, 439-472., 1980.


  1. [1] Vermeer, Willem Roelof, 1947, -, The Library of Congress, pristupljeno 14. listopada 2020.
  2. [2] Vermeer, Willem Roelof 1947-, WorldCat Identities, pristupljeno 14. listopada 2020.
  3. [3] Dr. W.R. (Willem) Vermeer, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, Humanities, Universiteit Leiden, arhivirano pri 9. srpnja 2010, pristupljeno 14 listopada 2020.
  4. 4,0 4,1 [4] Willem Vermeer: On the principal sources for the study of Čakavian dialects with neocircumflex in adjectives and e­presents, Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 2, 1982., 279.-340. (ispravljeno izdanje iz 2009.)

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