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The Soundboard Series

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The Soundboard Series
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Deep Purple (box set)
Žanr hard rock, simfonijski rock
Objavljen 18. lipnja 2001.
Snimanje 2001.
Trajanje 12:46:31
Izdavač Thames Thompson
Producent(i) Drew Thompson
Kronologija albuma – Deep Purple
This Time Around: Live in Tokyo
The Soundboard Series
Live in Paris 1975

The Soundboard Series uživo je box set britanskog hard rock sastava Deep Purple, kojeg 2001. godine, objavljuje diskografska kuća 'Thames Thompson'.

Box set sadrži šest dvostrukih CD-ova, sa šest različitih koncerata. Dva od su njihova rijetka izvedba objavljena na Concerto for Group and Orchestra.

CD popis pjesama

Sve pjesme napisali su Ian Gillan, Ritchie Blackmore, Roger Glover, Jon Lord i Ian Paice, osim gdje je drugačija naznačeno.

Melbourne 2001.

Disk prvi

  1. "Woman from Tokyo" - 6:41
  2. "Ted the Mechanic" (Gillan, Steve Morse, Glover, Lord, Paice) - 5:10
  3. "Mary Long" - 5:37
  4. "Lazy" - 6:01
  5. "No One Came" - 5:23
  6. "Black Night" - 6:40
  7. "Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming" (Gillan, Morse, Glover, Lord, Paice) - 7:21
  8. "'69" (Gillan, Morse, Glover, Lord, Paice) - 8:53
  9. "Smoke on the Water" - 9:04
  10. "Perfect Strangers" (Gillan, Blackmore, Glover) - 8:42

Disk drugi

  1. "Hey Cisco" (Gillan, Morse, Glover, Lord, Paice)- 6:28
  2. "When a Blind Man Cries" - 7:27
  3. "Fools" - 10:04
  4. "Speed King" - 16:26
  5. "Hush" (Joe South) - 5:52
  6. "Highway Star" - 7:58

Wollongong 2001.

Disk prvi

  1. "Woman from Tokyo" - 6:32
  2. "Ted the Mechanic" (Gillan, Morse, Glover, Lord, Paice) - 5:04
  3. "Mary Long" - 5:20
  4. "Lazy" - 6:07
  5. "No One Came" - 5:49
  6. "Black Night" - 7:23
  7. "Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming" (Gillan, Morse, Glover, Lord, Paice) - 7:47
  8. "Fools" - 10:28
  9. "Perfect Strangers" (Gillan, Blackmore, Glover) - 8:20

Disk drugi

  1. "Hey Cisco" (Gillan, Morse, Glover, Lord, Paice) - 6:34
  2. "When a Blind Man Cries" - 7:44
  3. "Smoke on the Water" - 10:24
  4. "Speed King" (medley with "Good Times", featuring Jimmy Barnes on vocals) - 15:40
  5. "Hush" (South) - 4:24
  6. "Highway Star" - 7:36
  • Snimljeno 13. ožujka u 'Wollongong Entertainment Centre'

Newcastle 2001.

Disk prvi

  1. "Woman From Tokyo" - 6:14
  2. "Ted the Mechanic" (Gillan, Morse, Glover, Lord, Paice) - 5:11
  3. "Mary Long" - 5:56
  4. "Lazy" - 6:03
  5. "No One Came" - 5:37
  6. "Black Night" - 7:22
  7. "Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming" (Gillan, Morse, Glover, Lord, Paice) - 7:27
  8. "Fools" - 9:23
  9. "Perfect Strangers" - 9:30

Disk drugi

  1. "Hey Cisco" (Gillan, Morse, Glover, Lord, Paice) - 6:19
  2. "When a Blind Man Cries" - 7:26
  3. "Smoke on the Water" - 10:20
  4. "Speed King" (medley with "Good Times", featuring Jimmy Barnes on vocals) - 16:59
  5. "Hush" (South) - 4:18
  6. "Highway Star" - 7:24
  • Snimljeno 14. ožujka u 'Newcastle Entertainment Centre'

Hong Kong 2001.

Disk prvi

  1. "Woman from Tokyo" - 6:29
  2. "Ted the Mechanic" (Gillan, Morse, Glover, Lord, Paice) - 4:49
  3. "Mary Long" - 5:36
  4. "Lazy" - 6:11
  5. "No One Came" - 5:57
  6. "Black Night" - 8:25
  7. "Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming" (Gillan, Morse, Glover, Lord, Paice) - 7:20
  8. "Fools" - 11:06
  9. "Perfect Strangers" - 10:08

Disk drugi

  1. "Hey Cisco" (Gillan, Morse, Glover, Lord, Paice) - 6:47
  2. "When a Blind Man Cries" - 7:32
  3. "Smoke on the Water" - 10:11
  4. "Speed King" - 16:14
  5. "Hush" (South) - 4:21
  6. "Highway Star" - 7:33

Tokyo 24. ožujka 2001.

Disk prvi

  1. "Pictured Within" (Lord) - 11:04
  2. "Sitting in a Dream" (Glover) - 4:45
  3. "Love is All" (Glover, Eddie Hardin) - 4:30
  4. "Fever Dreams" (Ronnie James Dio) - 4:18
  5. "Rainbow in the Dark" (Dio, Vivian Campbell, Jimmy Bain, Vinny Appice) - 5:57
  6. "Watching the Sky" (Gillan, Morse, Glover, Lord, Paice) - 5:27
  7. "Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming" (Gillan, Morse, Glover, Lord, Paice) - 7:20
  8. "The Well-Dressed Guitar" (Morse) - 4:07
  9. "Wring That Neck" (Blackmore, Nick Simper, Lord, Paice) - 5:09
  10. "Fools" - 9:54
  11. "Perfect Strangers" (Gillan, Blackmore, Glover) - 6:23

Disk drugi

  1. "Concerto Movement 1" (Lord) - 20:16
  2. "Concerto Movement 2" (Lord) - 18:36
  3. "Concerto Movement 3" (Lord) - 14:45
  4. "When a Blind Man Cries" - 7:34
  5. "Pictures of Home" - 10:06
  6. "Smoke on the Water" - 7:04
  • Recorded March 24th in Tokyo
  • Featuring Ronnie James Dio (vocals) on tracks 2, 3, 4 & 5 (disc one) and track 5 (disc two)

Tokyo 25. ožujka 2001.

Disk prvi

  1. "Pictured Within" (Lord) - 11:24
  2. "Sitting in a Dream" (Glover) - 4:22
  3. "Love is All" (Glover, Hardin) - 4:19
  4. "Fever Dreams" (Dio) - 4:52
  5. "Rainbow in the Dark" (Dio, Campbell, Bain, Appice) - 5:10
  6. "Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming" (Gillan, Morse, Glover, Lord, Paice) - 7:12
  7. "The Well-Dressed Guitar" (Morse) - 3:19
  8. "Wring That Neck" (Blackmore, Simper, Lord, Paice) - 5:58
  9. "When a Blind Man Cries" - 7:42
  10. "Fools" - 10:12
  11. "Perfect Strangers" (Gillan, Blackmore, Glover) - 6:39

Disk drugi

  1. "Concerto Movement 1" (Lord) - 19:30
  2. "Concerto Movement 2" (Lord) - 19:16
  3. "Concerto Movement 3" (Lord) - 14:44
  4. "Pictures of Home" - 10:28
  5. "Smoke on the Water" - 11:40
  • Snimljeno 25. ožujka u Tokyu
  • Sadrži Ronniea Jamesa Dioa (na vokalu) u skladbama 2, 3, 4 & 5 (disk prvi) i skladba 5 (disk drugi)


Glazbeni gosti (Melbourne, Wollongong, Newcastle, Hong Kong)
  • Greg Maundrell - truba
  • Charles MacInnes - trombon
  • Paul Williamson - saksofon
  • Billie Stapleton - prateći vokali
  • Angie Stapleton - prateći vokali
  • Natalie Miller - prateći vokali
Glazbeni gosti (Tokyo)
  • New Japan Select Orchestra, dirigent, maestro Paul Mann
  • Big Horns Bee horn section

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