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The Elusive Light and Sound, volume 1

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
The Elusive Light and Sound, volume 1
Steve Vai (kompilacija)
Žanr iInstrumentalni rock
filmska glazba
Objavljen 2002.g.
Snimanje Datum varira
Trajanje 68 min : 50 sek
Izdavač Favored Nations Records (SAD)
Producent(i) Steve Vai
Kronologija albuma – Steve Vai
Alive in an Ultra World
The Elusive Light and Sound, volume 1
The Infinite Steve Vai: An Anthology

The Elusive Light and Sound, volume 1 album je Steve Vaia na kojem se nalaze pjesme koje je snimio za film i televizijske emisije

Popis pjesama

  1. "Celluloid Heroes"
  2. "Love Blood"
  3. "Fried Chicken"
  4. "Butler's Bag"
  5. "Head-Cuttin' Duel"
  6. "Eugene's Trick Bag"
  7. "Amazing Grace"
  8. "Lousianna Swamp Skank"
  9. "Air Guitar Hell"
  10. "The Reaper"
  11. "Introducing The Wyld Stallions"
  12. "Girls Mature Faster Than Guys"
  13. "The Battle"
  14. "Meet the Reaper"
  15. "Final Guitar Solo"
  16. "The Reaper Rap"
  17. "Drive The Hell Out Of Here"
  18. "Get The Hell Out Of Here"
  19. "Welcome Pre-Frosh"
  20. "The Dark Hallway"
  21. "The Dead Band Ends"
  22. "The Cause Heads"
  23. "Find The Meat"
  24. "The Ax Will Fall"
  25. "Now We Run(cue)"
  26. "Hey Jack"
  27. "What!"
  28. "Still Running"
  29. "Dead Heads"
  30. "Blow Me Where The Pampers Is"
  31. "Pins And Needles"
  32. "Plug My Ass In"
  33. "Loose Keg Sightings"
  34. "Don't Sweat It"
  35. "How Hidge"
  36. "Beer Beer"
  37. "We're Not Gonna Protest"
  38. "Initiation"
  39. "See Ya Next Year"
  40. "Now We Run"

Neke skladbe dolaze iz filma Crossroads iz 1986.g., Ralph Macchio i Joe Seneca. U tom filmu Steve Vai glumi Jacka Butlera suparnika u sviranju gitare kojeg Macchio mora pobijediti kako bi oslobodio dušu svoga prijatelja blues gitariste.