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Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
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Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija

Taíjataf (Tayataf), jedno od plemena Alacalufan Indijanaca iz južnoačileanskog arhipelaga, vjerojatno u području kanala Taixatáfkstai (toponim koji je zabilježio Jose Garcia Martí), blizu otoka Guarello. Otkrio ih je, kao i plemena Caucahues, Calenes, i Lecheyeles šezdesetih godina 18. stoljeća otac Jose Garcia Marti koji ih locira između 48° i 49°.


  • MARTÍ Garcia, Jose, 1889: Journal of life and navigation made by the father Jose Garcia of the Company of Jesus from his mission of Cailin, Chiloe, to the south in the years 1776 and 1767. Anuario Hidrográfico de la Marina de Chile, XIV: 3-47. Yearbook of the Navy Hydrographic Chile, XIV: 3-47. Santiago de Chile. Santiago de Chile.

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