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Singlovi Taylor Swift

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Singlovi Taylor Swift
Podrobniji članak o temi: Diskografija Taylor Swift

Ovaj članak sadrži singlove Taylor Swift objavljene tijekom njene glazbene karijere. Uključuje pozicije singlova na top ljestvicama Sjedinjenih Država (US), Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva (UK), Kanade (CAN), Australije (AUS), Njemačke (DEN), Francuske (FRA), Irske (IRE), Japana (JPN), Novog Zelenda (NZ) i Švedske (SWE).

Američke kantautorica, Taylor Swift, objavila je 56 singlova kao vodeći umjetnik, pet singlova kao istaknuti umjetnik, 19 promotivnih singlova i razne ljestvice nesamostalnih pjesama. Do prosinca 2019. prodala je više od 160 milijuna singlova širom svijeta.[1] Američko udruženje zvučne industrije (RIAA) prepoznalo je Swift kao najprodavaniju žensku umjetnicu (i ukupno drugu) u pogledu prodaje digitalnih singlova, sa 134 milijuna certificiranih jedinica na temelju prodaje i streaminga na zahtjev od studenog 2020.[2][3]

Swift je debitirala na američkoj ljestvici Hot 100 sa "Tim McGraw", vodećim singlom s njenog istoimenog debitantskog albuma iz 2006. godine.[4] Treći singl albuma "Our Song" učinio je Swift najmlađom osobom koja je sama napisala i otpjevala pjesmu broj jedan na američkoj ljestvici Billboard Hot Country Songs.[5] Swiftin drugi studijski album, Fearless (2008.), sadržavao je dva međunarodna top-5 singla - "Love Story" i "You Belong with Me" - prvi je Swiftov prvi broj u Australiji.[6] Album je oborio rekord za najviše 100 najboljih 40 unosa u SAD-u, s 13 svojih pjesama koje su dospjele u prvih 40, uključujući pet prvih deset.[7] Njezin treći studijski album Speak Now (2010) sadržavao je četiri top 10 američkih unosa, uključujući singlove "Mine" i "Back to December". Glavni singl sa četvrtog studijskog albuma Swift Red (2012.), "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together", bio je njezin prvi broj jedan u Sjedinjenim Državama i na Novom Zelandu.[8][9] Album je sadržavao još dva međunarodna top-deset singla: "I Knew You Were Trouble" i "22".

Glavni singl s petog studijskog albuma 1989 (2014.), "Shake It Off", postao je njezin najveći hit u Sjedinjenim Državama.[10] Vrh na Hot 100 ljestvici držao je četiri tjedna, proveo je gotovo šest mjeseci u prvih deset, a Američko udruženje za snimanje (RIAA) certificiralo je Diamond. Drugi singl, "Blank Space", proveo je sedam tjedana na vrhu američke Hot 100. Ostali singlovi iz 1989. godine uvrstili su tri top deset američkih unosa: broj jedan "Bad Blood", "Style" i "Wildest Dreams". 1989. i Fearless učinili su Swif drugom ženom koja je imala po dva albuma, a svaki je postigao pet ili više deset najboljih pjesama u SAD-u. Peti je američki Hot 100 broj jedan postigla glavnim singlom "Look What You Made Me Do" sa njenog šestog studijskog albuma reputation (2017.).[11] Ostali singlovi sa albuma bili su "... Ready For It?", koji je stigao do prvih pet ljestvica u Australiji i Sjedinjenim Državama, te "Delicate", njegova pjesma s najdužim ljestvicama u Sjedinjenim Državama.[12]

Njezin sedmi studijski album, Lover (2019), sadržavao je tri top-100 unosa iz SAD-a Hot 100: "Me!", "You Need To Calm Down" i "Lover". Svih 18 pjesama Lovera uvrstilo se na Hot 100 u istom tjednu, čime je oborila rekord u najviše istovremenih unosa na ljestvicu od strane umjetnice.[13] Swiftin šesti singl broj jedan na US Hot 100 bio je "cardigan", vodeći singl s njenog prvog osmog studijskog albuma folklore (2020), zbog čega je postala prva umjetnica koja je debitirala na Billboardu 200 i Hot 100 u godini. isti tjedan.[14] Svih 16 pjesama na albumu debitiralo je na Hot 100 u istom tjednu, čime je oborila rekord u većini istovremenih debija žene.[15] Ostali singlovi s albuma uključuju "exile" i "the 1".



Godina Singl Ljestvice Certifikacije Album
2006 "Tim McGraw" 40
  • RIAA: Platinum
Taylor Swift
2007 "Teardrops on My Guitar" 13 45 51
  • RIAA: 3× Platinum
  • MC: Platinum
"Our Song" 16 30
  • RIAA: 4× Platinum
  • MC: Platinum
2008 "Picture to Burn" 28 48
  • RIAA: 2× Platinum
  • MC: Gold
"Should've Said No" 33 67 18
  • RIAA: Platinum
"Change" 10
  • RIAA: Gold
AT&T Team USA Soundtrack
"Love Story" 4 1 4 16 14 3 3 3 10 2
  • RIAA: 8× Platinum
  • ARIA: 7× Platinum
  • BPI: Platinum
  • IFPI DEN: Gold
  • MC: 2× Platinum
  • RMNZ: Platinum
"White Horse" 13 41 43 60
  • RIAA: 2× Platinum
  • ARIA: Gold
  • MC: Gold
2009 "You Belong with Me" 2 5 3 32 12 10 5 47 30
  • RIAA: 7× Platinum
  • ARIA: 4× Platinum
  • BPI: Silver
  • MC: 2× Platinum
  • RIAJ: Gold
  • RMNZ: Platinum
"Fifteen" 23 48 19
  • RIAA: 2× Platinum
  • MC: Gold
"—" oznaka govori kako skladba nema podataka o poziciji na ljestvicama


Godina Singl Ljestvice Certifikacije Album
2010 "You're Not Sorry"   Fearless
"Fearless" 9 69 111
  • RIAA: Platinum
"Today Was a Fairytale" 2 3 1 41 63 29 57
  • RIAA: Platinum
  • ARIA: Platinum
Valentine's Day
"Mine" 3 9 7 38 6 16 48 30
  • RIAA: 3× Platinum
  • ARIA: 2× Platinum
  • MC: Gold
  • RIAJ: Gold
  • RMNZ: Gold
Speak Now
"Back to December" 6 26 7 24
  • RIAA: 2× Platinum
  • MC: Gold
2011 "Mean" 11 45 10
  • RIAA: 3× Platinum
  • ARIA: Gold
  • MC: Gold
"The Story of Us" 41 65 70
  • RIAA: Platinum
"Sparks Fly" 17 97 28
  • RIAA: Platinum
"Ours" 13 91 68 181
  • RIAA: Platinum
"Safe & Sound" 30 38 31 11 67
  • RIAA: 2x Platinum
The Hunger Games
2012 "Long Live" Speak Now World Tour – Live
"Eyes Open" 19 47 17 65 6 70
  • RIAA: Platinum
  • RMNZ: Gold
The Hunger Games
"We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" 1 3 1 18 18 4 2 1 16 4
  • RIAA: 6× Platinum
  • ARIA: 5× Platinum
  • BPI: Platinum
  • FIMI: Gold
  • IFPI DEN: Platinum
  • IFPI SWE: Platinum
  • RIAJ: Million
  • MC: Gold
  • RMNZ: 2× Platinum
"Ronan" 16
  • RIAA: Gold
Singl bez albuma
"Begin Again" 7 20 4 25 11 30
  • RIAA: Platinum
  • MC: Gold
"I Knew You Were Trouble" 2 3 2 3 14 4 51 3 37 2
  • RIAA: 7× Platinum
  • ARIA: 6× Platinum
  • BPI: Platinum
  • IFPI DEN: Gold
  • IFPI SWE: Gold
  • MC: 5× Platinum
  • RIAJ: Gold
  • RMNZ: 2× Platinum
2013 "22" 20 21 20 155 12 53 23 9
  • RIAA: 3× Platinum
  • ARIA: 2× Platinum
  • BPI: Silver
  • IFPI DEN: Gold
  • MC: Platinum
  • RMNZ: Gold
"Highway Don't Care" 22 73 21
  • RIAA: 2× Platinum
Two Lanes of Freedom
"Red" 6 30 5 103 25 43 14 26
  • RIAA: 2× Platinum
  • ARIA: Gold
"Everything Has Changed" 32 28 28 5 22 7
  • RIAA: 2× Platinum
  • ARIA: Platinum
  • BPI: Gold
  • RMNZ: Gold
"Sweeter Than Fiction" 34 44 17 38 26 25 One Chance
"The Last Time" 73 15 25 Red
2014 "Shake It Off" 1 1 1 4 6 3 4 1 3 2
  • RIAA: 9× Platinum
  • ARIA: 6× Platinum
  • BPI: 2× Platinum
  • FIMI: Platinum
  • IFPI DEN: Gold
  • IFPI SWE: Platinum
  • MC: 6× Platinum
  • RIAJ: 3× Platinum
  • RMNZ: 3× Platinum
"Blank Space" 1 1 1 27 4 45 2 4
  • RIAA: 8× Platinum
  • ARIA: 5× Platinum
  • BPI: Platinum
  • FIMI: Gold
  • MC: 4× Platinum
  • RMNZ: Platinum
2015 "Style" 6 8 6 85 38 53 11 21
  • RIAA: 3× Platinum
  • ARIA: 2× Platinum
  • BPI: Gold
  • MC: 2× Platinum
  • RMNZ: Gold
"Bad Blood" 1 1 1 14 8 20 1 4
  • RIAA: 5× Platinum
  • ARIA: 3× Platinum
  • BPI: Gold
  • MC: 3× Platinum
  • RMNZ: Gold
"Wildest Dreams" 5 3 4 122 39 8 40
  • RIAA: 3× Platinum
  • ARIA: 2× Platinum
  • BPI: Gold
  • MC: Platinum
  • RMNZ: Gold
2016 "Out of the Woods" 18 19 8 23 70 6 136
  • RIAA: Platinum
  • ARIA: Gold
  • MC: Gold
"New Romantics" 46 35 58 190 90 132
  • RIAA: Gold
  • ARIA: Gold
"I Don't Wanna Live Forever" 2 3 2 2 4 4 4 1 5
  • RIAA: 4× Platinum
  • ARIA: 2× Platinum
  • BPI: Platinum
  • BVMI: Platinum
  • MC: 2× Platinum
  • RMNZ: Platinum
  • SNEP: Diamond
Fifty Shades Darker
2017 "Look What You Made Me Do" 1 1 1 12 4 1 7 1 7 1
  • RIAA: 4× Platinum
  • ARIA: 4× Platinum
  • BPI: Platinum
  • BVMI: Gold
  • MC: 3× Platinum
  • RMNZ: Gold
  • SNEP: Gold
"...Ready for It?" 4 3 7 20 12 9 32 7
  • RIAA: 2× Platinum
  • ARIA: 2× Platinum
  • BPI: Gold
  • MC: 2× Platinum
"End Game" 18 36 11 130 68 49
  • RIAA: Platinum
  • ARIA: Platinum
  • BPI: Silver
  • MC: Platinum
"New Year's Day"
2018 "Gorgeous" 13 9 9 64 18 52 19 41 15
  • RIAA: Gold
  • ARIA: Platinum
  • BPI: Silver
"Delicate" 12 28 20 169 31 33 98 45
  • RIAA: 2× Platinum
  • ARIA: Platinum
  • BPI: Gold
"Getaway Car"
  • ARIA: Platinum
2019 "Me!" 2 2 2 66 12 5 6 3 12 3
  • RIAA: 2× Platinum
  • ARIA: Platinum
  • BPI: Platinum
  • MC: Platinum
  • RMNZ: Gold
"You Need To Calm Down" 2 3 4 154 36 5 23 5 22 5
  • RIAA: 3× Platinum
  • ARIA: 2× Platinum
  • BPI: Gold
  • RMNZ: Gold
"Lover" 10 3 7 61 9 76 3 52 14
  • RIAA: 2× Platinum
  • ARIA: Platinum
  • BPI: Gold
  • MC: 3× Platinum
  • RMNZ: Gold
"Beautiful Ghosts" Cats: The Movie Musicle
"Christmas Tree Farm" 59 96 55 51 99 71 Singl bez albuma
"—" oznaka govori kako skladba nema podataka o poziciji na ljestvicama


Godina Singl Ljestvice Certifikacije Album
2020 "The Man" 23 17 21 16 15 80 21
  • RIAA: Platinum
  • BPI: Silver
"cardigan" 1 1 3 138 67 4 94 2 51 6
  • MC: Platinum
"exile" 6 3 6 3 5 48 8
  • RIAA: Gold
  • MC: Platinum
"betty" 42 22 32 88
  • MC: Gold
"the 1" 4 4 7 7 7 92 10
"willow" evermore
2021 "no body, no crime" 34 16 11 11 29 19
"coney island" 63 42 32
"Love Story (Taylor's Version)" 11 21 7 7 18 12 Fearless (Taylor's Version)
"You All Over Me" 51 34 29 35 52
"Mr. Perfectly Fine"
"—" oznaka govori kako skladba nema podataka o poziciji na ljestvicama

Promotivni singlovi

Godina Singl Ljestvice Album
2007 "Silent Night" The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection
"Christmases When You Were Mine"
"Christmas Must Be Something More"
2008 "I Heart ?"[16] Beautiful Eyes
"You're Not Sorry" 11 11 Fearless
2009 "Crazier" 17 57 67 100 Hannah Montana: The Movie
"The Best Day" Fearless
"American Girl" Promotivni singl bez albuma
2010 "Speak Now" 8 20 8 34 Speak Now
2011 "Enchanted" 75 95
"If This Was a Movie" 10 17 191
"Superman" 26 82
2012 "State of Grace" 13 44 9 43 20 36 Red
2014 "Welcome to New York" 48 23 19 27 85 55 80 6 39 1989
2015 "Wonderland" 51 84 59 171
"You Are in Love" 83 99
2017 "Call It What You Want" 27 16 24 76 44 34 29 reputation
2019. "The Archer" 38 19 41 31 28 43 Lover
2020 "Only the Young" 50 31 57 40 57 Promotivni singl bez albuma
"—" oznaka govori kako skladba nema podataka o poziciji na ljestvicama

Ostale skladbe


Godina Skladba Album Pozicija na albumu
2006 "A Place in This World" Taylor Swift 4
"Cold As You" 5
"The Outside" 6
"Tied Together with a Smile"   7
"Stay Beautiful"   8
"Mary's Song"   10
2008 "Hey Stephen"   Fearless 4
"Tell Me Why"   8
"The Way I Loved You" 10
"Forever & Always" 11
"The Best Day" 12


Godina Skladba Album Pozicija na albumu
2010 "Dear John" Speak Now 5
"Never Grow Up" 8
"Better than Revenge" 10
"Innocent" 11
"Haunted" 12
"Last Kiss" 13
2012 "Treacherous" Red 3
"All Too Well" 5
"I Almost Do" 7
"Stay Stay Stay" 9
"Holy Ground" 11
"Sad Beautiful Tragic" 12
"The Lucky One" 13
"Starlight" 15
2014 "All You Had to Do Was Stay" 1989 5
"I Wish You Would" 7
"How You Get the Girl" 10
"This Love" 11
"I Know Places" 12
"Clean" 13
2017 "Don't Blame Me" reputation 4
"So It Goes..." 7
"King of My Heart" 10
"Dancing with Our Hands Tied" 11
"Dress" 12
"This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things" 13
2019 "I Forgot That You Existed" Lover 1
"Cruel Summer" 2
"I Think He Knows" 6
"Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince 7
"Paper Rings" 8
"Cornelia Street" 9
"Death by a Thousand Cuts" 10
"London Boy" 11
"Soon You'll Get Better" 12
"False God" 13
"Afterglow" 15
"It's Nice to Have a Friend" 17
"Daylight" 18


Godina Skladba Album Pozicija na albumu
2020 "the last great american dynasty" folklore 3
"my tears ricochet" 5
"mirrorball" 6
"seven" 7
"august" 8
"this is me trying" 9
"illicit affairs" 10
"invisible string" 11
"mad woman" 12
"epiphany" 13
"peace" 15
"hoax" 16
"the lakes" 17
"champagne problems" evermore 2
"gold rush" 3
"'tis the damn season" 4
"tolerate it" 5
"happiness 7
"dorothea" 8
"ivy" 10
"cowboy like me" 11
"long story short" 12
"marjorie" 13
"closure" 14
"evemore" 15
"right where you left me" 16
"it's time to go" 17
2021 "Fearless" (Taylor's Version) Fearless (Taylor's Version) 1
"Fifteen" (Taylor's Version) 2
"Hey Stephen" (Taylor's Version) 4
"White Horse" (Taylor's Version) 5
"You Belong with Me" (Taylor's Version) 6
"Breathe" (Taylor's Version) (featuring Colbie Caillat) 7
"Tell Me Why" (Taylor's Version) 8
"You're Not Sorry" (Taylor's Version) 9
"The Way I Loved You" (Taylor's Version) 10
"Forever & Always" (Taylor's Version) 11
"The Best Day" (Taylor's Version) 12
"Change" (Taylor's Version) 13
"Jump Then Fall" (Taylor's Version) 14
"Untouchable" (Taylor's Version) 15
"Forever & Always" (Taylor's Version) (piano version) 16
"Come in with the Rain" (Taylor's Version) 17
"Superstar" (Taylor's Version) 18
"The Other Side of the Door" (Taylor's Version) 19
Today Was a Fairytale" (Taylor's Version) 20
"We Were Happy" (Taylor's Version) 23
"That's When" (Taylor's Version) 24
"Don't You" (Taylor's Version) 25
"Bye Bye Baby" (Taylor's Version) 26
"State of Grace" (Taylor's Version) Red (Taylor's Version) 1
"Red" (Taylor's Version) 2
"Treacherous" (Taylor's Version) 3
"I Knew You Were Trouble" (Taylor's Version) 4
"All Too Well" (Taylor's Version) 5
"22" (Taylor's Version) 6
"I Almost Do" (Taylor's Version) 7
"We Are Never Ever Getting Back

Together" (Taylor's Version)

"Stay Stay Stay" (Taylor's Version) 9
"The Last Time" (Taylor's Version) 10
"Holy Ground" (Taylor's Version) 11
"Sad Beautiful Tragic" (Taylor's Version) 12
"The Lucky One" (Taylor's Version) 13
"Everything Has Changed" (Taylor's Version) 14
"Starlight" (Taylor's Version) 15
"Begin Again" (Taylor's Version) 16
"The Moment I Knew" (Taylor's Version) 17
"Come Back... Be Here"   (Taylor's Version) 18
"Girl At Home" (Taylor's Version) 19
Secret song (Taylor's Version) 20
Secret song (Taylor's Version) 23
Secret song (Taylor's Version) 24
Secret song (Taylor's Version) 25
Secret song (Taylor's Version) 26
Secret song (Taylor's Version) 27
Secret song (Taylor's Version) 28
Secret song (Taylor's Version) 29
Secret song (Taylor's Version) 30


  1. December 13, India Today Web Desk. "10 Life mantras by Taylor Swift to live by" (engl.). India Today. Pristupljeno 12. prosinac 2020. 
  2. "Taylor Swift". Billboard. Pristupljeno 12. prosinac 2020. 
  3. "Taylor Swift Breaks Record for Most Billboard Hot 100 Hits Among Women, Thanks to 'Folklore'" (engl.). Billboard. Pristupljeno 12. prosinac 2020. 
  4. copy, Copied to clipboardClick to. "Taylor Swift's 40 Biggest Billboard Hot 100 Hits" (engl.). Billboard. Pristupljeno 12. prosinac 2020. 
  5. "News : Headlines : Taylor Swift No. 1 on iTunes : Great American Country". 3. ožujak 2012..,3008,GAC_26063_5769818_DS-ARTICLE-RIGHT-RAIL,00.html Pristupljeno 12. prosinac 2020. 
  6. " - Discography Taylor Swift". Pristupljeno 12. prosinac 2020. 
  7. "Rihanna's 'Roulette' Lands In Hot 100's Top 10" (engl.). Billboard. Pristupljeno 12. prosinac 2020. 
  8. copy, Copied to clipboardClick to. "Taylor Swift's 40 Biggest Billboard Hot 100 Hits" (engl.). Billboard. Pristupljeno 12. prosinac 2020. 
  9. " - Discography Taylor Swift". Pristupljeno 12. prosinac 2020. 
  10. copy, Copied to clipboardClick to. "Taylor Swift's 40 Biggest Billboard Hot 100 Hits" (engl.). Billboard. Pristupljeno 12. prosinac 2020. 
  11. "Taylor Swift's 'Look What You Made Me Do' Leaps to No. 1 on Hot 100 With Top Streaming & Sales Week of 2017" (engl.). Billboard. Pristupljeno 12. prosinac 2020. 
  12. "While You Weren't Looking, Taylor Swift Scored Her Biggest 'Reputation' Radio Hit" (engl.). Billboard. Pristupljeno 12. prosinac 2020. 
  13. "All 18 Songs From Taylor Swift's New Album 'Lover' Chart On the Billboard Hot 100" (engl.). Billboard. Pristupljeno 12. prosinac 2020. 
  14. "Taylor Swift Debuts at No. 1 on Hot 100 With 'Cardigan,' Is 1st Artist to Open Atop Hot 100 & Billboard 200 in Same Week" (engl.). Billboard. Pristupljeno 12. prosinac 2020. 
  15. "Taylor Swift Charts 16 Songs From 'Folklore' on Billboard Hot 100" (engl.). Billboard. Pristupljeno 12. prosinac 2020. 
  16. "I Heart ? – Taylor Swift | Release Information, Reviews and Credits". AllMusic. Inačica arhivirana 3. srpanj 2016.. Pristupljeno 12. prosinac 2014.