Returned to the Scene of the Crime

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
Skoči na:orijentacija, traži
Returned to the Scene of the Crime
The Rossington Band (studijski album)
Žanr pop rock
Objavljen 1986.
Trajanje 39:43
Izdavač Atlantic Records
Kronologija albuma – The Rossington Band
  Returned to the Scene of the Crime
Love Your Man

Returned to the Scene of the Crime je prvi studijski album sastava The Rossington Band.

Popis pjesama

  1. Turn It Up - 4:02
  2. Honest Hearts - 4:03
  3. Goodluck to You - 2:46
  4. Wounded Again - 3:53
  5. Waiting In the Shadows - 4:16
  6. Dangerous Love - 3:21
  7. Can You Forget About My Love - 4:17
  8. Returned to the Scene of the Crime - 3:49
  9. Are You Leaving Me - 3:49
  10. Path Less Chosen - 5:27

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