Michael Levin

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Michael Levin
Zapadna filozofija
Suvremena filozofija
Rođenje 23. svibnja 1943.
Škola/tradicija Analitička filozofija
Glavni interesi epistemologija, filozofija znanosti, filozofija uma, filozofija politike
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Michael E. Levin (23. svibnja 1943.) američki je filozof.


Završio njujoršku elitnu srednju školu Stuyvesant.[1] Diplomirao na Michiganskom državnom sveučilištu 1964. godine. Doktorirao filozofiju na Sveučilištu Columbia 1969. godine.[1] Iste godine zapošljava se na Gradskom sveučilištu New Yorka[1] gdje radi do umirovljenja nakon čega postaje profesor emeritus.[2]



Autorske knjige

  • Metaphysics and the Mind-Body Problem, Oxford: Oxford University Press, (1969).
  • Feminism and Freedom, New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, (1987).
  • Why race matters, Westport: Praeger Publishers, (1997).
  • Sexual orientation and human rights (s Laurenceom Thomasom), Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, (1999).


  • Fine, Mathematics and Theory Change, Journal of Philosophy 31, (1968).
  • Length Relativity, Journal of Philosophy 68, (1971).
  • Descartes’ Proof that He is Not His Body, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 51, (1973).
  • On Explanation in Archeology, American Antiquity 38, (1973).
  • Wittgenstein in Perspective, Social Research 40, (1973).
  • Kant’s Derivation of the Formula of Universal Laws as an Ontological Argument, Kant-Studien 65, (1974).
  • Predicting Discoveries and the Rule-Description Argument, Logique et Analyse 17 (1974).
  • When Is It 12 O’Clock on the Sun?, Southern Journal of Philosophy 12, (1974).
  • Quine on Analyticity in L, Mind 84, (1975).
  • A Definition of A Priori Knowledge, Journal of Critical Analysis 6 (1975).
  • Relativity, Spatial and Ontological, Nous 9, (1975).
  • Kripke’s Argument against the Identity Thesis, Journal of Philosophy 78, (1975).
  • The Extensionality of Causation and Causal-Explanatory Contexts, Philosophy of Science 43, (1976).
  • On the Ascription of Functions to Objects, Philosophy of the Social Sciences 6, (1976).
  • Comments on the Paradoxicality of Zen Koans, Journal of Chinese Philosophy 3. (1976).
  • Reply to Benfield, Journal of Critical Analysis 6, (1976).
  • Flagpoles, Shadows and Deductive Explanation (s Margaretom Levin), Philosophical Studies 32, (1977).
  • Lavoisier’s Slow Burn (s Margaretom Levin), Philosophy of Science 45, (1978).
  • The Independence Results of Set Theory (s Margaretom Levin), Synthese 38, (1978).
  • The Universalizability of Moral Judgments Revisited, Mind 88, (1979).

  • Ahab as Socratic Philosopher, American Transcendental Quarterly 41, (1979).
  • Explanation and Prediction in Grammar (and Semantics), Midwest Studies in Philosophy 2, (1979).
  • On Theory-Change and Meaning-Change, Philosophy of Science 46, (1979).
  • Forcing and the Indeterminacy of Translation, Erkenntnis 14, (1979).
  • A Note on p = mv, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20, (1979).
  • A Modal Confusion in Rawls’ Original Position (s Margaritom Levin), Analysis 39, (1979).
  • Reverse Discrimination, Shackled Runners and Personal Identity, Philosophical Studies 37, (1980).
  • Yes, Our Beliefs Could Be..., Journal of Philosophy 77, (1980).
  • Phenomenal Properties, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 41, (1981).
  • Is Racial Discrimination Special?, Journal of Value Inquiry 15, (1981).
  • Equality of Opportunity, Philosophical Quarterly 31, (1981).
  • Opportunity--Right, Philosophical Quarterly 32, (1982).
  • Women’s Studies in America, ACES Review 9, (1982).
  • A Hobbesian Minimal State, Philosophy and Public Affairs 11 (1982).
  • Hippie Socialism, Society 20, (1983).
  • Why We Believe in Other Minds, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 44, (1984).
  • Negative Liberty, Social Philosophy and Policy 2, (1984).
  • Why Homosexuality is Abnormal, The Monist 67, (1984).
  • Reply to Pennock, Philosophy and Public Affairs 13, (1984).
  • Women as Soldiers--The Record So Far, The Public Interest 76, (1984).


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