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Freddie and the Dreamers

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
Freddie and the Dreamers
Freddie & the Dreamers (1964)
MjestoManchester, Engleska
Žanr/oviBeat, Rock, Pop
Djelatno razdoblje1963.1978.
Producentska kućaEMI u Britaniji; Tower Records i Mercury u Americi
Bivši članovi
Freddie Garrity, Roy Crewdson, Derek Quinn, Peter Birrell, Bernie Dwyer

Freddie and the Dreamers bili su britanski beat sastav, koji je vrhunac popularnosti imao između 1963.1965. Njihov scenski nastup bio je dobrim dijelom vezan uz komičarske burleske njihovog pjevača Freddia Garritya (visog svega 1.60 m. ), koji je letio i plesao po pozornici s kraja na kraj.

Povijest sastava

Članovi sastava bili su: pjevač, Freddie Garrity (rođen u Manchesteru, 14. studenog, 1936. umro - 19. svibnja, 2006.), gitarist, Roy Crewdson (rođen u Manchesteru 29. svibnja, 1941. ), gitarist i usna harmonika, bas gitarist, Derek Quinn (rođen u Manchesteru 24. svibnja, 1942.), Peter Birrell( rođen u Manchesteru 9. svibnja, 1941.), i bubnjar, Bernie Dwyer (rođen u Manchesteru 11. rujna, 1940., umro - 4. prosinca, 2002.).

Freddie and the Dreamers bili su prvi engleski sastav koji nije bio iz Liverpoola (oni su bili iz Manchestera), i koji nije bio pod kontrolom i upravom manadžera Brian Epsteina a koji se uspio se vinuti na vrh popularnosti.

Imali su četiri velika britanska hita; If You Gotta Make a Fool of Somebody (prepjev skladbe Jamesa Raya), #3 1963., I'm Telling You Now, (#2 u kolovozu 1963.), You Were Made For Me, (# 3 u studenom 1963.) i I Understand, # 5 u studenom 1964.

Na vrhuncu svoje popularnosti pojavili su se i u četiri britanska filma; What a Crazy World(sa pjevačem Joe Brownom), Seaside Swingers, Just for You i The Cuckoo Patrol.

Freddie and the Dreamers, stekli su kratku popularnost u Americi u doba britanske invazije, njihova skladba I'm Telling You Now ( skladba Garritya i Mitcha Murraya), postala je # 1 na američkim ljestvicama popularnosti u proljeće 1965. Njihova sljedeća američka uspješnica bila je Do the Freddie ( #18).

Diskografija ( Britanska )

Singl ploče

  • If You Gotta Make A Fool Of Somebody/Feel So Blue (Columbia DB 7032), 1963 ( #3)
  • I'm Telling You Now/What Have I Done To You? (Columbia DB 7086), 1963 ( #2)
  • You Were Made For Me/Send A Letter To Me (Columbia DB 7147), 1963 ( #3)
  • Over You/Come Back When You're Ready (Columbia DB 7214), 1964 ( #13)
  • I Love You Baby/Don't Make Me Cry (Columbia DB 7286), 1964 ( #16)
  • Just For You/Don't Do That To Me (Columbia DB 7322),1964 ( #41)
  • I Understand (Just How You Feel)|I Understand/I Will (Columbia DB 7381), 1964 ( #5)
  • A Little You/Things I'd Like To Say (Columbia DB 7526), 1965 ( #26)
  • Thou Shalt Not Steal/I Don't Know (Columbia DB 7720),1965 ( #44)
  • If You've Gotta Minute Baby/When I'm Home With You (Columbia DB 7857), 1966
  • Playboy/Some Day (Columbia DB 7929), 1966
  • Turn Around/Funny Over You (Columbia DB 8033), 1966
  • Hello, Hello/All I Ever Want Is You (Columbia DB 8137), 1967
  • Brown and Porter's (Meat Exporters) Lorry/Little Brown Eyes (Columbia DB 8200), 1967
  • Little Big Time/Freddie Garrity: You Belong To Me (Columbia DB 8496), 1968
  • It's Great/Gabardine Mac (Columbia DB 8517), 1968
  • Get Around Downtown Girl/What To Do (Columbia DB 8606), 1969
  • Susan's Tuba/You Hurt Me Girl (Philips 6006 098) 1970
  • Here We Go/I Saw Ya (Polydor 2059 041), 1978

EP ploče

  • If You Gotta Make A Fool Of Somebody (Columbia Seg 8275, 1963)
  • Songs From "What A Crazy World" (Columbia Seg 8287, 1964)
  • You Were Made For Me (Columbia Seg 8302, 1964 )
  • Over You (Columbia Seg 8323, 1964)
  • Ready Freddie Go (Columbia Seg 8403, 1965)
  • Freddie And The Dreamers (Columbia Seg 8457, 1965)


  • Freddie And The Dreamers (Columbia 33sx 1577, 1963)
  • You Were Made For Me (Columbia 33sx 1663, 1964)
  • Sing Along Party (Columbia Sx1785, 1965)
  • In Disneyland (Columbia Scx 6069, 1966)
  • King Freddie And His Dreaming Knights (Columbia Sx 6177, 1967)
  • Oliver In The Overworld (Starline Srs 5019, 1970)
  • Breaking Out (Arny's Shack Records, AS 025, 1978)

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