Exotic Birds and Fruit

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
Skoči na:orijentacija, traži
Procol Harum
Procol Harum (studijski album)
Žanr Progresivni rock
Objavljen travanj 1974.
Snimanje kasne 1973. / rane 1974.
Producent(i) Chris Thomas
Kronologija albuma – Procol Harum
Grand Hotel
Procol Harum
Procol's Ninth

Procol Harum studijski je album britanskog rock sastava Procol Haruma koji izlazi 1974.g.

Popis pjesama

  1. Nothing But The Truth
  2. Beyond The Pale
  3. As Strong as Samson
  4. The Idol
  5. The Thin End of The Wedge
  6. Monsieur R. Monde
  7. Fresh Fruit
  8. Butterfly Boys
  9. New Lamps For Old
  10. Drunk Again (bonus track on reissue)
  11. The Blue Danube (bonus track on reissue)


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