Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
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Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) je Open-Source Java-Framework za automatsko generiranje izvornog koda na osnovi strukturiranih modela, a temeljen na otvorenim standardima. EMF je projekt Eclipse Open Source Community-ja.

Vanjske poveznice

  • EMF Homepage [1]
  • Using EMF (Tutorial auf eclipse.org) [2]
  • EMF goes RCP (Tutorial auf eclipse.org) [3]
  • Discover the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and Its Dynamic Capabilities (Artikel auf devx.com) [4]
  • Using GEF with EMF (Tutorial auf eclipse.org) [5]
  • Model with the Eclipse Modeling Framework (Tutorial von IBM) [6]
  • GMF-Tutorial (Generating an EMF-based GMF-Editor) [7]