Dodatak:Popis vrsta vodozemaca, Ka

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
Skoči na:orijentacija, traži


Potporodica Kalophryninae Mivart, 1869

  1. Kalophrynus Tschudi, 1838

Amphibia → Anura → Microhylidae

Kalophrynus Tschudi, 1838

  1. Kalophrynus anya Zug, 2015
  2. Kalophrynus baluensis Kiew, 1984
  3. Kalophrynus barioensis Matsui and Nishikawa, 2011
  4. Kalophrynus bunguranus (Günther, 1895)
  5. Kalophrynus calciphilus Dehling, 2011
  6. Kalophrynus cryptophonus Vassilieva, Galoyan, Gogoleva, and Poyarkov, 2014
  7. Kalophrynus eok Das and Haas, 2003
  8. Kalophrynus heterochirus Boulenger, 1900
  9. Kalophrynus honbaensis Vassilieva, Galoyan, Gogoleva, and Poyarkov, 2014
  10. Kalophrynus interlineatus (Blyth, 1855)
  11. Kalophrynus intermedius Inger, 1966
  12. Kalophrynus limbooliati Matsui, Nishikawa, Belabut, Norhayati, and Yong, 2012
  13. Kalophrynus meizon Zug, 2015
  14. Kalophrynus menglienicus Yang and Su, 1980
  15. Kalophrynus minusculus Iskandar, 1998
  16. Kalophrynus nubicola Dring, 1983
  17. Kalophrynus orangensis Dutta, Ahmed, and Das, 2000
  18. Kalophrynus palmatissimus Kiew, 1984
  19. Kalophrynus pleurostigma Tschudi, 1838
  20. Kalophrynus punctatus Peters, 1871
  21. Kalophrynus robinsoni Smith, 1922
  22. Kalophrynus sinensis Peters, 1867
  23. Kalophrynus subterrestris Inger, 1966
  24. Kalophrynus tiomanensis Chan, Grismer, and Grismer, 2011
  25. Kalophrynus yongi Matsui, 2009

Amphibia → Anura → Microhylidae → Kalophryninae

  • Izvor za vrste[1]

Kaloula Gray, 1831

  1. Kaloula assamensis Das, Sengupta, Ahmed, and Dutta, 2005
  2. Kaloula aureata Nutphand, 1989
  3. Kaloula baleata (Müller, 1836)
  4. Kaloula borealis (Barbour, 1908)
  5. Kaloula conjuncta (Peters, 1863)
  6. Kaloula indochinensis Chan, Blackburn, Murphy, Stuart, Emmett, Ho, and Brown, 2013
  7. Kaloula kalingensis Taylor, 1922
  8. Kaloula kokacii Ross and Gonzales, 1992
  9. Kaloula latidisca Chan, Grismer, and Brown, 2014
  10. Kaloula mediolineata Smith, 1917
  11. Kaloula nonggangensis Mo, Zhang, Zhou, Chen, Tang, Meng, and Chen, 2013
  12. Kaloula picta (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
  13. Kaloula pulchra Gray, 1831
  14. Kaloula rigida Taylor, 1922
  15. Kaloula rugifera Stejneger, 1924
  16. Kaloula verrucosa Boulenger, 1904
  17. Kaloula walteri Diesmos, Brown, and Alcala, 2002

Amphibia → Anura → Microhylidae → Microhylinae


Kamacops Gubin 1980

  1. Kamacops acervalis Gubin 1980

Amphibia → Temnospondyli → Dissorophidae


†Porodica Karauridae Ivachnenko 1978

  1. Karaurus Ivachnenko 1978
  2. Kokartus Nessov 1988

Amphibia → Caudata → Karauroidea

†Podred Karauroidea Estes 1981

  1. Karauridae Ivachnenko 1978

Animalia → Chordata → Amphibia → Caudata

Karaurus Ivachnenko 1978

  1. Karaurus sharovi Ivachnenko 1978

Amphibia → Caudata → Karauridae , Karsenia


Kassina Girard, 1853 (16 sp.)

Amphibia → Anura → Hyperoliidae

Kassinula Laurent, 1940 (1 sp.)

Amphibia → Anura → Hyperoliidae
