, Pecari , Pectinator
, Pedetes , Pedetidae
, Pelea , Pelomys
Pentalagus Lyon 1904
- Pentalagus furnessi (Stone, 1900)
Mammalia → Lagomorpha → Leporidae → Leporinae , Penthetor
, Peponocephala
, Peramelemorphia , Perameles , Peramelidae
Red Perissodactyla Owen, 1848
- Equidae Gray, 1821; konji
- Rhinocerotidae Gray, 1821; nosorozi
- Tapiridae Gray, 1821; tapiri
Mammalia → Theria → Eutheria , Perodicticus , Perognathus , Peromyscus , Peropteryx , Peroryctes
, Petauridae , Petaurillus , Petaurista , Petauroidea , Petauroides , Petaurus , Petinomys
Petrodromus Peters, 1846
- Petrodromus tetradactylus Peters, 1846
Mammalia → Theria → Eutheria → Macroscelidea → Macroscelididae
Petrogale Gray, 1837
- Petrogale assimilis Ramsay, 1877
- Petrogale brachyotis (Gould, 1840)
- Petrogale burbidgei Kitchener and Sanson, 1978
- Petrogale coenensis Eldredge and Close, 1992
- Petrogale concinna Gould, 1842
- Petrogale godmani Thomas, 1923
- Petrogale herberti Thomas, 1926
- Petrogale inornata Gould, 1842
- Petrogale lateralis Gould, 1842
- Petrogale lateralis hacketti Thomas, 1905
- Petrogale lateralis lateralis Gould, 1842
- Petrogale lateralis pearsoni Thomas, 1922
- Petrogale mareeba Eldredge and Close, 1992
- Petrogale penicillata (Gray, 1827)
- Petrogale persephone Maynes, 1982
- Petrogale purpureicollis Le Souef, 1924
- Petrogale rothschildi Thomas, 1904
- Petrogale sharmani Eldredge and Close, 1992
- Petrogale wilkinsi [1]
- Petrogale xanthopus Gray, 1854
- Petrogale xanthopus Gray, 1854
- Petrogale xanthopus celeris Le Souef, 1924
- Petrogale xanthopus xanthopus Gray, 1854
Mammalia → Diprotodontia → Macropodidae , Petromuridae , Petromus , Petromyscus , Petropseudes
†Pewelagus White 1984
- †Pewelagus dawsonae White 1984
- †Pewelagus mexicanus Miller and Carranza-Castaneda 1982