Dodatak:Popis rodova riba

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
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Ribe (Pisces) uključuju u sebe razrede:

Broj, rod, (vernakularni nazivi), (broj vrsta)

Broj vrsta pojedinih rodova riba zbog svakodnevnih otkriča podložan je izmjenama.

  1. Aaptosyax (Minnow) (1)
  2. Abactochromis (1)
  3. Abalistes (Triggerfish) (3)
  4. Abbottina (Gudgeon) (6)
  5. Ablabys (Waspfish) (3)
  6. Ablennes (Needlefish) (1)
  7. Aboma (1)
  8. Aborichthys (5)
  9. Abramis (Minnow) (1)
  10. Abramites (Headstander) (2)
  11. Abudefduf (sergeant majors) (20)
  12. Abyssoberyx (1)
  13. Abyssobrotula (Brotula) (1)
  14. Abyssocottus (Longwing Baikal sculpin) (3)
  15. Acanthalburnus (Minnow) (2)
  16. Acanthaluteres (Filefish) (3)
  17. Acanthanectes (2)
  18. Acanthaphritis (Duckbill) (4)
  19. Acantharchus (mud sunfishes) (1)
  20. Acanthemblemaria (Pikeblenny) (21)
  21. Acanthicus (2)
  22. Acanthistius (Wirrah) (11)
  23. Acanthobrama (Minnow) (9) (2)
  24. Acanthobunocephalus (Catfish) (1)
  25. Acanthocepola (Bandfish) (4)
  26. Acanthochaenus (Pricklefish) (1)
  27. Acanthocharax (Darter) (1)
  28. Acanthochromis (1)
  29. Acanthocleithron (Upsidedown catfish) (1)
  30. Acanthoclinus (Rockfish) (5)
  31. Acanthocobitis (6)
  32. Acanthocybium (tetos) (1)
  33. Acanthodoras (Catfish) (3)
  34. Acanthodraco (1)
  35. Acanthogobio (Gudgeon) (1)
  36. Acanthogobius (Asian gobies) (3)
  37. Acantholabrus (Wrasse) (1)
  38. Acantholiparis (Snailfish) (2)
  39. Acantholumpenus (Prickleback) (1)
  40. Acanthonus (Brotula) (1)
  41. Acanthopagrus (Seabream) (15)
  42. Acanthoplesiops (Rockfish) (5)
  43. Acanthopoma (Catfish) (1)
  44. Acanthopsetta (Flounder) (1)
  45. Acanthopsoides (Loach) (7)
  46. Acanthorhodeus (Bitterling) (1)
  47. Acanthosphex (Velvetfish) (1)
  48. Acanthostracion (Boxfish) (4)
  49. Acanthurus (common surgeonfishes, doctorfishes, lancetfishes, surgeonfishes, tangs) (38)
  50. Acantopsis (Loach) (8)
  51. Acapoeta (Minnow) (1)
  52. Acarichthys (Cichlid) (1)
  53. Acarobythites (1)
  54. Acaronia (Cichlid) (2)
  55. Acentrogobius (checkered gobies) (18)
  56. Acentronichthys (1)
  57. Acentronura (Pipefish) (2)
  58. Acentrophryne (Deepsea anglerfish) (2)
  59. Acestridium (Catfish) (7)
  60. Acestrocephalus (8)
  61. Acestrorhynchus (Cachorro) (14)
  62. Acheilognathus (Bitterling) (41)
  63. Achiroides (Sole) (2)
  64. Achiropsetta (Flounder) (1)
  65. Achirus (hogchokers and lined soles) (9)
  66. Achoerodus (Wrasse) (2)
  67. Achondrostoma (4) (2)
  68. Acinocheirodon (1)
  69. Acipenser (greater sturgeons and sturgeons) (17)
  70. Acnodon (3)
  71. Acreichthys (Filefish) (3)
  72. Acrobrycon (Characin) (2)
  73. Acrocheilus (chiselmouths) (1)
  74. Acrochordonichthys (Catfish) (10)
  75. Acromycter (Conger eel) (5)
  76. Acropoma (Bass) (5)
  77. Acrossocheilus (Minnow) (24)
  78. Aculeola (Dogfish shark) (1)
  79. Acyrtops (Clingfish) (2)
  80. Acyrtus (Clingfish) (3)
  81. Adelosebastes (Scorpionfish) (1)
  82. Adinia (diamond killifishes) (1)
  83. Adontosternarchus (Knifefish) (5)
  84. Adrianichthys (Buntingi) (4)
  85. Adventor (Velvetfish) (1)
  86. Aeoliscus (Shrimpfish) (2)
  87. Aequidens (Cichlid) (22)
  88. Aesopia (Sole) (1)
  89. Aetapcus (Prowfish) (1)
  90. Aethaloperca (Grouper) (1)
  91. Aetheliparis (2)
  92. Aethotaxis (Cod icefish) (1)
  93. Aetobatus (Eagle ray) (3)
  94. Aetomylaeus (Eagle ray) (4)
  95. Afronandus (Leaffish) (1)
  96. Afronemacheilus (1)
  97. Afurcagobius (2)
  98. Agamyxis (Catfish) (2)
  99. Ageneiosus (12)
  100. Agoniates (Characin) (2)
  101. Agonomalus (Poacher) (3)
  102. Agonopsis (Poacher) (4)
  103. Agonostomus (mountain mullet) (3)
  104. Agonus (Poacher) (1)
  105. Agosia (longfin daces) (1)
  106. Agrostichthys (Streamerfish) (1)
  107. Aguarunichthys (Catfish) (3)
  108. Ahlia (Worm eel) (1)
  109. Ahliesaurus (Lizardfish) (2)
  110. Aiakas (Eelpout) (2)
  111. Aidablennius (Blenny) (1)
  112. Ailia (Glass catfish) (1)
  113. Ailiichthys (1)
  114. Aioliops (Wormfish) (4)
  115. Akarotaxis (Antarctic dragonfish) (1)
  116. Akihito (2)
  117. Akko (3)
  118. Akrokolioplax (1)
  119. Akysis (24)
  120. Alabes (Singleslit eel) (11)
  121. Albatrossia (Grenadier) (1)
  122. Albula (bonefishes) (11)
  123. Albulichthys (Minnow) (1)
  124. Alburnoides (Minnow) (17)
  125. Alburnus (Minnow) (42) (8)
  126. Alcichthys (Sculpin) (2)
  127. Alcockia (Brotula) (1)
  128. Alcolapia (4) (1)
  129. Aldrichetta (Mullet) (1)
  130. Aldrovandia (Halosaur) (6)
  131. Alectis (cobblerfishes, cockfishes, and threadfishes) (3)
  132. Alectrias (Prickleback) (5)
  133. Alectridium (Prickleback) (1)
  134. Alepes (Jack) (5)
  135. Alepidomus (Silverside) (1)
  136. Alepisaurus (Lancetfish) (2)
  137. Alepocephalus (Smoothhead) (20)
  138. Alertichthys (Pigfish) (1)
  139. Alestes (Characin) (7)
  140. Alestopetersius (Tetra) (10) (1)
  141. Alfaro (Minnow) (2)
  142. Algansea (Minnow) (8)
  143. Alionematichthys (11)
  144. Allenbatrachus (Toadfish) (3)
  145. Allenichthys (Goosefish) (1)
  146. Allips (1)
  147. Alloblennius (Blenny) (5)
  148. Allocareproctus (5)
  149. Alloclinus (Kelpfish) (1)
  150. Allocyttus (Oreo) (4)
  151. Allodontichthys (Goodeid) (4)
  152. Allomicrodesmus (Wormfish) (1)
  153. Allomogurnda (8)
  154. Allomycterus (Porcupinefish) (2)
  155. Alloophorus (Goodeid) (1)
  156. Allosmerus (Smelt) (1)
  157. Allothunnus (Bonito) (1)
  158. Allotoca (Allotoca) (8) (2)
  159. Alopias (Thresher shark) (3)
  160. Alosa (river herrings) (24)
  161. Alphestes (3)
  162. Alticorpus (Lake Malawi cichlid) (5)
  163. Alticus (Blenny) (8)
  164. Altolamprologus (Cichlid) (2)
  165. Altrichthys (2)
  166. Aluterus (filefishes) (5)
  167. Amanses (Filefish) (1)
  168. Amaralia (1)
  169. Amarginops (Catfish) (1)
  170. Amarsipus (Fish) (1)
  171. Amatitlania (4)
  172. Amazonspinther (1)
  173. Amazonsprattus (Anchovy) (1)
  174. Ambassis (common glassfishes, glassies, and perchlets) (20)
  175. Ambiserrula (1)
  176. Ambloplites (rock basses) (4)
  177. Amblyceps (18)
  178. Amblychaeturichthys (Goby) (2)
  179. Amblycirrhitus (Hawkfish) (5)
  180. Amblydoras (Amblydoras) (5)
  181. Amblyeleotris (38)
  182. Amblygaster (Herring) (3)
  183. Amblyglyphidodon (Damselfish) (9)
  184. Amblygobius (Goby) (13)
  185. Amblyopsis (cavefishes) (2)
  186. Amblyotrypauchen (Goby) (1)
  187. Amblypharyngodon (Minnow) (5)
  188. Amblypomacentrus (Damselfish) (3)
  189. Amblyraja (10)
  190. Amblyrhynchichthys (Minnow) (2)
  191. Amblyrhynchotes (Puffer) (2)
  192. Ambophthalmos (3)
  193. Ameca (Goodeid) (1) (1)
  194. Ameiurus (bullheads) (7) (1)
  195. Amia (1)
  196. Amioides (1)
  197. Amissidens (1)
  198. Ammocrypta (sand darters) (6)
  199. Ammocryptocharax (Characin) (4)
  200. Ammodytes (sand lances) (6)
  201. Ammodytoides (Sandeel) (9)
  202. Ammoglanis (3)
  203. Ammolabrus (1)
  204. Ammotretis (Flounder) (5)
  205. Amniataba (Tigerperch) (3)
  206. Amoya (Goby) (5)
  207. Amphelikturus (1)
  208. Amphiarius (2)
  209. Amphichaetodon (Butterflyfish) (2)
  210. Amphichthys (Toadfish) (2)
  211. Amphilius (Kuhli) (28)
  212. Amphilophus (Cichlid) (25)
  213. Amphiprion (anemonefishes) (29)
  214. Amphistichus (Surfperch) (3)
  215. Amsichthys (1)
  216. Anabarilius (Minnow) (18)
  217. Anabas (Climbing perch) (2)
  218. Anableps (Foureyed fish) (3)
  219. Anablepsoides (40)
  220. Anacanthobatis (Legskate) (8)
  221. Anacanthobythites (2)
  222. Anacanthus (1)
  223. Anadoras (Catfish) (4)
  224. Anaecypris (Minnow) (1)
  225. Anampses (Wrasse) (13)
  226. Anaora (Dragonet) (1)
  227. Anarchias (Moray) (11)
  228. Anarchopterus (Pipefish) (2)
  229. Anarhichas (Atlantic wolffishes) (4)
  230. Anarrhichthys (Wolfeel) (1)
  231. Anaspidoglanis (Catfish) (3) (1)
  232. Anatirostrum (1)
  233. Anatolanthias (1)
  234. Ancharius (Sea catfish) (2)
  235. Ancherythroculter (Minnow) (5)
  236. Anchichoerops (Wrasse) (1)
  237. Anchicyclocheilus (1)
  238. Anchoa (common anchovies) (35)
  239. Anchovia (Anchovy) (3)
  240. Anchoviella (Anchovy) (16)
  241. Ancistrogobius (4)
  242. Ancistrus (antenna armored catfishes) (66)
  243. Ancylopsetta (ocellated flounders) (7)
  244. Andamia (Blenny) (4)
  245. Andersonia (1)
  246. Andinoacara (2)
  247. Andriashevia (Eelpout) (1)
  248. Andriashevicottus (1)
  249. Anduzedoras (Catfish) (1)
  250. Anguilla (freshwater eels) (19) (1)
  251. Anisarchus (Prickleback) (2)
  252. Anisochromis (Dottyback) (3)
  253. Anisotremus (smallmouth grunts) (10) (1)
  254. Annamia (Loach) (2)
  255. Anodontiglanis (Toothless catfish) (1)
  256. Anodontostoma (Gizzard shad) (3)
  257. Anodus (2)
  258. Anomalochromis (Cichlid) (1)
  259. Anomalops (1)
  260. Anoplagonus (Alligatorfish) (2)
  261. Anoplarchus (Cockscomb) (2)
  262. Anoplocapros (Boxfish) (4)
  263. Anoplogaster (Fangtooth) (2)
  264. Anoplopoma (Sablefish) (1)
  265. Anostomoides (Headstander) (3)
  266. Anostomus (Headstander) (5)
  267. Anotopterus (Daggertooth) (3)
  268. Anoxypristis (Sawfish) (1) (1)
  269. Antennablennius (Blenny) (7)
  270. Antennarius (frogfishes and warty frogfishes) (11)
  271. Antennatus (Frogfish) (12)
  272. Anthias (10)
  273. Antigonia (red boarfishes) (17)
  274. Antimora (Codling) (2)
  275. Antipodocottus (Sculpin) (4)
  276. Anyperodon (Grouper) (1)
  277. Apagesoma (Brotula) (3)
  278. Apareiodon (Hemiodus) (15)
  279. Apeltes (fourspine sticklebacks) (1)
  280. Aphanius (Killifish) (29) (9)
  281. Aphanopus (Cutlassfish) (7)
  282. Aphanotorulus (Catfish) (2)
  283. Aphareus (2)
  284. Aphia (Goby) (1)
  285. Aphos (Toadfish) (1)
  286. Aphredoderus (pirate perches) (1)
  287. Aphyocharacidium (Characin) (2)
  288. Aphyocharax (Tetra) (12)
  289. Aphyocheirodon (Characin) (1)
  290. Aphyocypris (Minnow) (4)
  291. Aphyodite (Characin) (1)
  292. Aphyolebias (8)
  293. Aphyonus (Fish) (4)
  294. Aphyosemion (African lyretails) (94) (11)
  295. Apionichthys (Sole) (7)
  296. Apistogramma (Dwarf cichlid) (81)
  297. Apistogrammoides (Cichlid) (1)
  298. Apistoloricaria (4)
  299. Apistops (Waspfish) (1)
  300. Apistus (1)
  301. Aplatophis (Snake eel) (2)
  302. Apletodon (Clingfish) (6)
  303. Aploactis (1)
  304. Aploactisoma (Velvetfish) (1)
  305. Aplocheilichthys (24) (1)
  306. Aplocheilus (7)
  307. Aplochiton (Southern smelt) (2)
  308. Aplodactylus (Marblefish) (6)
  309. Aplodinotus (freshwater drums, river drums, and thunderpumpers) (1)
  310. Apocryptes (Goby) (1)
  311. Apocryptodon (Goby) (2)
  312. Apodichthys (eel-like blennies and gunnels) (3)
  313. Apodocreedia (Sandburrower) (1)
  314. Apogon (cardinalfishes, casrdinalfishes, and common cardinalfishes) (105)
  315. Apogonichthyoides (22)
  316. Apogonichthys (Cardinalfish) (3)
  317. Apogonops (Bass) (1)
  318. Apolemichthys (Angelfish) (9)
  319. Apomatoceros (Catfish) (1)
  320. Apopterygion (Threefin blenny) (2)
  321. Aporops (Soapfish) (1)
  322. Aposturisoma (Catfish) (1)
  323. Aprion (1)
  324. Apristurus (Cat shark) (35)
  325. Aprognathodon (Snake eel) (1)
  326. Apsilus (2)
  327. Apterichtus (Snake eel) (14)
  328. Apteronotus (Ghost knifefish) (22)
  329. Apterygocampus (Pipefish) (1)
  330. Aptocyclus (Lumpfish) (1)
  331. Aptychotrema (Guitarfish) (4)
  332. Aracana (Boxfish) (2)
  333. Araiocypris (1)
  334. Araiophos (Bristlemouth) (1)
  335. Arapaima (Arapaima) (2) jedna novootkrivena vrsta arapaima leptosome [1]
  336. Archamia (Cardinalfish) (13)
  337. Archiaphyosemion (1)
  338. Archistes (Sculpin) (2)
  339. Archocentrus (Cichlid) (3)
  340. Archolaemus (Knifefish) (1)
  341. Archoplites (Sacramento perches) (1)
  342. Archosargus (sheepshead porgies) (3)
  343. Arcos (Clingfish) (6)
  344. Arctogadus (Cod) (2)
  345. Arctoscopus (Sandfish) (1)
  346. Arctozenus (1)
  347. Arcygobius (1)
  348. Arenigobius (3)
  349. Argentina (silverweed) (13)
  350. Argonectes (Hemiodus) (2)
  351. Argopleura (4)
  352. Argyripnus (Bristlemouth) (7)
  353. Argyrocottus (Sculpin) (1)
  354. Argyropelecus (hatchetfishes) (7)
  355. Argyrops (Porgy) (4)
  356. Argyrosomus (9) (1)
  357. Argyrozona (Seabream) (1)
  358. Arhynchobatis (1)
  359. Ariomma (Fish) (8)
  360. Ariopsis (4)
  361. Ariosoma (Conger eel) (27)
  362. Aristochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (1)
  363. Aristostomias (Loosejaw) (6)
  364. Arius (hardhead catfishes) (26) (2)
  365. Arnoglossus (scald fishes) (35)
  366. Arnoldichthys (Tetra) (1)
  367. Arothron (fat puffers) (15)
  368. Arrhamphus (Halfbeak) (1)
  369. Arripis (Australian salmon) (4)
  370. Artedidraco (Plunderfish) (6)
  371. Artediellichthys (1)
  372. Artediellina (1)
  373. Artedielloides (Sculpin) (1)
  374. Artediellus (hookear sculpins) (15)
  375. Artedius (Sculpin) (5)
  376. Aruma (Goby) (1)
  377. Asarcenchelys (Worm eel) (1)
  378. Ascelichthys (Sculpin) (1)
  379. Aseraggodes (Sole) (50)
  380. Askoldia (Prickleback) (1)
  381. Aspasma (Clingfish) (1)
  382. Aspasmichthys (Clingfish) (1)
  383. Aspasmodes (Clingfish) (1)
  384. Aspasmogaster (Clingfish) (4)
  385. Aspericorvina (Croaker) (1)
  386. Aspidontus (Blenny) (3)
  387. Aspidoparia (Minnow) (2)
  388. Aspidophoroides (Alligatorfish) (2)
  389. Aspidoras (Catfish) (20)
  390. Aspiolucius (Pike asp) (1)
  391. Aspiorhynchus (Minnow) (1)
  392. Aspistor (3)
  393. Aspius (Minnow) (2)
  394. Aspredinichthys (Banjo catfish) (2)
  395. Aspredo (Banjo catfish) (1)
  396. Asprocottus (Longwing Baikal sculpin) (8)
  397. Asquamiceps (Smoothhead) (4)
  398. Assessor (Roundhead) (3)
  399. Assiculoides (1)
  400. Assiculus (1)
  401. Assurger (Cutlassfish) (1)
  402. Astatoreochromis (Cichlid) (3)
  403. Astatotilapia (8) (2)
  404. Asterophysus (Catfish) (1)
  405. Asterorhombus (Lefteyed flounder) (4)
  406. Asterropteryx (8)
  407. Asthenomacrurus (Grenadier) (2)
  408. Astrabe (Goby) (3)
  409. Astrapogon (Conchfish) (3)
  410. Astroblepus (Catfish) (55)
  411. Astrocottus (Sculpin) (4)
  412. Astrodoras (Catfish) (1)
  413. Astronesthes (Snaggletooth) (48)
  414. Astronotus (oscars) (2)
  415. Astroscopus (electric stargazers) (4)
  416. Astyanacinus (3)
  417. Astyanax (astynaxes) (137)
  418. Asymbolus (Cat shark) (9)
  419. Ataeniobius (Goodeid) (1) (1)
  420. Ataxolepis (2)
  421. Ateleopus (Jellynose fish) (5)
  422. Atelomycterus (Cat shark) (5)
  423. Atheresthes (Flounder) (2)
  424. Atherina (friars) (5)
  425. Atherinason (Silverside) (1)
  426. Atherinella (Silverside) (35)
  427. Atherinomorus (Silverside) (11)
  428. Atherinops (Silverside) (1)
  429. Atherinopsis (Jack silverside) (1)
  430. Atherinosoma (2)
  431. Atherion (Silverside) (3)
  432. Atlantirivulus (11)
  433. Atlantoraja (3)
  434. Atopochilus (Upsidedown catfish) (7)
  435. Atopocottus (Sculpin) (1)
  436. Atopodontus (1)
  437. Atopomesus (Characin) (1)
  438. Atractodenchelys (Arrowtooth eel) (2)
  439. Atractoscion (Sea bass) (2)
  440. Atractosteus (broadhead gars) (3)
  441. Atrilinea (Minnow) (3)
  442. Atrobucca (Drum) (10)
  443. Atrophacanthus (Spikefish) (1)
  444. Atropus (Jack) (1)
  445. Atrosalarias (Blenny) (3)
  446. Attonitus (3)
  447. Atule (Scad) (1)
  448. Atypichthys (Mado) (2)
  449. Auchenionchus (Blenny) (3)
  450. Auchenipterichthys (Catfish) (4)
  451. Auchenipterus (Catfish) (11)
  452. Auchenoceros (Codling) (1)
  453. Auchenoglanis (African catfish) (3)
  454. Aulacocephalus (Soapfish) (1)
  455. Aulastomatomorpha (Smoothhead) (1)
  456. Aulichthys (1)
  457. Aulixidens (Characin) (1)
  458. Aulohalaelurus (Cat shark) (2)
  459. Aulonocara (Lake Malawi cichlid) (22)
  460. Aulonocranus (Cichlid) (1)
  461. Aulopareia (Goby) (4)
  462. Aulopus (4)
  463. Aulopyge (Minnow) (1) (1)
  464. Aulorhynchus (Tubesnout) (1)
  465. Aulostomus (trumpetfishes) (3)
  466. Aulotrachichthys (Slimehead) (8)
  467. Aurigequula (1)
  468. Auriglobus (5)
  469. Australoheros (27)
  470. Austrobatrachus (Toadfish) (2)
  471. Austrofundulus (Killifish) (7)
  472. Austroglanis (Catfish) (3) (1)
  473. Austroglossus (Sole) (2)
  474. Austrolabrus (Wrasse) (1)
  475. Austrolebias (42) (1)
  476. Austrolethops (Goby) (1)
  477. Austrolycus (Eelpout) (2)
  478. Austronibea (Croaker) (1)
  479. Auxis (frigate mackerels and frigate tunas) (2)
  480. Avocettina (4)
  481. Awaous (river gobies) (18)
  482. Axelrodia (Tetra) (3)
  483. Axoclinus (Threefin blenny) (6)
  484. Ayarnangra (1)
  485. Aztecula (1)
  486. Azurina (Damselfish) (2)
  487. Azygopterus (Prickleback) (1)
  488. Azygopus (Flounder) (1)


  1. Babka (1)
  2. Badis (Leaffish) (17) (1)
  3. Bagarius (Catfish) (4)
  4. Bagre (gafftopsail catfishes) (4)
  5. Bagrichthys (Catfish) (7)
  6. Bagroides (Catfish) (2)
  7. Bagropsis (Catfish) (1)
  8. Bagrus (11)
  9. Bahaba (Bahaba) (3) (1)
  10. Baileychromis (Cichlid) (1)
  11. Bairdiella (mademoiselle and striped croakers) (6)
  12. Bajacalifornia (Smoothhead) (7)
  13. Balantiocheilos (2) (2)
  14. Balistapus (Filefish) (1)
  15. Balistes (triggerfishes) (7)
  16. Balistoides (Triggerfish) (2)
  17. Balitora (Loach) (19)
  18. Ballerus (2)
  19. Bambradon (1)
  20. Bangana (Minnow) (24) (2)
  21. Banjos (Fish) (1)
  22. Barathrites (Brotula) (2)
  23. Barathrodemus (Brotula) (2)
  24. Barathronus (Fish) (10)
  25. Barbantus (Tubeshoulder) (2)
  26. Barbapellis (1)
  27. Barbatula (30) (1)
  28. Barbichthys (Barb) (1)
  29. Barbodes (Barb) (11) (2)
  30. Barboides (Barb) (2)
  31. Barbonymus (5)
  32. Barbopsis (Barb) (1)
  33. Barbourisia (Velvet whalefish) (1)
  34. Barbucca (1)
  35. Barbulifer (Goby) (5)
  36. Barbuligobius (Goby) (1)
  37. Barbus (309) (27)
  38. Barchatus (1)
  39. Barilius (Barb) (30) (1)
  40. Bario (Tetra) (1)
  41. Barnardichthys (1)
  42. Baryancistrus (Catfish) (6)
  43. Bascanichthys (Sand eel) (17)
  44. Basilichthys (Silverside) (4)
  45. Bassanago (Conger eel) (4)
  46. Bassogigas (Brotula) (2)
  47. Bassozetus (Brotula) (13)
  48. Batasio (Catfish) (17) (1)
  49. Bathophilus (Dragonfish) (16)
  50. Bathyaethiops (Tetra) (4)
  51. Bathyagonus (Poacher) (4)
  52. Bathyanthias (Basslet) (3)
  53. Bathyaploactis (Velvetfish) (2)
  54. Bathybagrus (Catfish) (6)
  55. Bathybates (Cichlid) (7)
  56. Bathyblennius (Blenny) (1)
  57. Bathycallionymus (Dragonet) (2)
  58. Bathyclarias (8)
  59. Bathyclupea (Deepsea herring) (7)
  60. Bathycongrus (Conger eel) (22)
  61. Bathydraco (Antarctic dragonfish) (5)
  62. Bathygadus (Grenadier) (13)
  63. Bathygobius (frillfin gobies and mapos) (29)
  64. Bathylaco (3)
  65. Bathylagichthys (5)
  66. Bathylagoides (3)
  67. Bathylagus (Blacksmelt) (7)
  68. Bathylutichthys (Fish) (1)
  69. Bathylychnops (Spookfish) (3)
  70. Bathymaster (Ronquil) (4)
  71. Bathymicrops (Tripodfish) (4)
  72. Bathymyrus (Conger eel) (3)
  73. Bathyonus (Brotula) (3)
  74. Bathyphylax (Spikefish) (3)
  75. Bathyprion (Smoothhead) (1)
  76. Bathypterois (Tripodfish) (19)
  77. Bathyraja (53) (1)
  78. Bathysauroides (1)
  79. Bathysauropsis (2)
  80. Bathysaurus (Deepsea lizardfish) (2)
  81. Bathysolea (Sole) (4)
  82. Bathysphyraenops (Bass) (2)
  83. Bathystethus (Knifefish) (2)
  84. Bathytroctes (11)
  85. Bathytyphlops (Tripodfish) (2)
  86. Bathyuroconger (Conger eel) (2)
  87. Batrachocephalus (1)
  88. Batrachocottus (Longwing Baikal sculpin) (4)
  89. Batrachoides (9)
  90. Batrachomoeus (Toadfish) (5)
  91. Batrichthys (Toadfish) (2)
  92. Batrochoglanis (5)
  93. Beaglichthys (3)
  94. Beaufortia (Loach) (14)
  95. Bedotia (Silverside) (9) (1)
  96. Beliops (Acanthoclinid fish) (2)
  97. Bellapiscis (Threefin blenny) (2)
  98. Bellator (Searobin) (8)
  99. Belligobio (Gudgeon) (2)
  100. Bellingshausenia (1)
  101. Bellottia (Brotula) (5)
  102. Belobranchus (Sleeper goby) (1)
  103. Belodontichthys (Catfish) (2)
  104. Belone (2)
  105. Belonepterygion (Acanthoclinid fish) (1)
  106. Belonesox (pike killifishes) (1)
  107. Belonion (Needlefish) (2)
  108. Belonoglanis (Catfish) (2)
  109. Belonoperca (Soapfish) (2)
  110. Belonophago (2)
  111. Belontia (Paradisefish) (2)
  112. Bembradium (Flathead) (2)
  113. Bembras (5)
  114. Bembrops (Duckbill) (17)
  115. Benitochromis (6) (5)
  116. Bentartia (1)
  117. Benthalbella (Pearleye) (5)
  118. Benthenchelys (Worm eel) (3)
  119. Benthobatis (Electric ray) (4)
  120. Benthochromis (Cichlid) (3)
  121. Benthocometes (2)
  122. Benthodesmus (11)
  123. Benthophiloides (Goby) (2)
  124. Benthophilus (Goby) (18)
  125. Benthosema (Lanternfish) (5)
  126. Bergiaria (Catfish) (2)
  127. Bero (Sculpin) (2)
  128. Bertella (Deepsea anglerfish) (1)
  129. Beryx (alfonsinos) (3)
  130. Betadevario (1)
  131. Betta (bettas and fighting fishes) (70) (5)
  132. Bhanotia (Pipefish) (3)
  133. Bhavania (Loach) (2)
  134. Bibarba (1)
  135. Bidenichthys (Brotula) (3)
  136. Bidyanus (Tigerperch) (2)
  137. Bifax (Toadfish) (1)
  138. Bihunichthys (Swamp eel) (1)
  139. Bilabria (Eelpout) (2)
  140. Biotodoma (Cichlid) (2)
  141. Biotoecus (Cichlid) (2)
  142. Bivibranchia (Hemiodus) (5)
  143. Biwia (Gudgeon) (3)
  144. Blachea (Conger eel) (2)
  145. Bleekeria (3)
  146. Bleheratherina (1)
  147. Blenniella (Blenny) (9)
  148. Blennioclinus (Scaled blenny) (2)
  149. Blennius (blennies) (2)
  150. Blennodesmus (Eelblenny) (1)
  151. Blennodon (Triplefin blenny) (1)
  152. Blennophis (2)
  153. Blepsias (Sculpin) (2)
  154. Blicca (1)
  155. Bodianus (hogfishes) (43)
  156. Boehlkea (Tetra) (1)
  157. Boehlkenchelys (1)
  158. Boesemania (Croaker) (1)
  159. Bolbometopon (Parrotfish) (1)
  160. Boleophthalmus (Goby) (5)
  161. Bolinia (1)
  162. Bolinichthys (Lanternfish) (7)
  163. Bollmannia (Goby) (12)
  164. Bonapartia (Bristlemouth) (1)
  165. Boops (2)
  166. Boopsoidea (Porgy) (1)
  167. Boraras (Barb) (6)
  168. Boreogadus (Arctic cods) (1)
  169. Boridia (Porgy) (1)
  170. Borophryne (Deepsea anglerfish) (1)
  171. Borostomias (Snaggletooth) (6)
  172. Bostockia (Bass) (1)
  173. Bostrychus (9)
  174. Bothragonus (Poacher) (2)
  175. Bothrocara (8)
  176. Bothrocarina (Eelpout) (2)
  177. Bothus (Lefteyed flounder) (16)
  178. Botia (13) (1)
  179. Boulengerella (pike characids) (5)
  180. Boulengerochromis (Cichlid) (1)
  181. Boulengeromyrus (Elephantfish) (1)
  182. Bovichtus (Dragonet) (8)
  183. Bovitrigla (1)
  184. Brachaelurus (Blind shark) (2)
  185. Brachaluteres (Filefish) (3)
  186. Brachionichthys (Warty anglerfish) (2) (1)
  187. Brachiopsilus (3)
  188. Brachirus (18)
  189. Brachyamblyopus (Goby) (1)
  190. Brachybembras (1)
  191. Brachychalcinus (Characin) (5)
  192. Brachydeuterus (burritos and burros) (1)
  193. Brachygalaxias (Smelt) (2)
  194. Brachyglanis (Catfish) (6)
  195. Brachygobius (bumblebee gobies) (9)
  196. Brachyhypopomus (Knifefish) (11)
  197. Brachyistius (Surfperch) (2)
  198. Brachymystax (Lenok) (3)
  199. Brachynectes (Threefin blenny) (1)
  200. Brachyopsis (Poacher) (1)
  201. Brachypetersius (Tetra) (4)
  202. Brachyplatystoma (Catfish) (7)
  203. Brachypleura (Flounder) (1)
  204. Brachypterois (Scorpionfish) (1)
  205. Brachyrhamdia (Catfish) (5)
  206. Brachyrhaphis (Minnow) (12)
  207. Brachysomophis (Snake eel) (7)
  208. Brama (pomfrets) (8)
  209. Bramocharax (Characin) (4)
  210. Branchiostegus (Tilefish) (16)
  211. Bregmaceros (14)
  212. Breitensteinia (Catfish) (3)
  213. Brephostoma (Cardinalfish) (1)
  214. Brevibora (2)
  215. Breviraja (Skate) (6)
  216. Brevoortia (menhadens) (6)
  217. Brienomyrus (Elephantfish) (6)
  218. Briggsia (1)
  219. Brinkmannella (1)
  220. Brittanichthys (Tetra) (2)
  221. Brochiloricaria (Catfish) (2)
  222. Brochiraja (8)
  223. Brochis (Catfish) (3)
  224. Brosme (Hake) (1)
  225. Brosmodorsalis (Brotula) (1)
  226. Brosmolus (1)
  227. Brosmophyciops (Brotula) (1)
  228. Brosmophycis (Brotula) (1)
  229. Brotula (brotulas) (6)
  230. Brotulinella (1)
  231. Brotulotaenia (Brotula) (4)
  232. Brustiarius (2)
  233. Bryaninops (Goby) (12)
  234. Brycinus (Tetra) (35) (3)
  235. Brycon (Tetra) (42)
  236. Bryconacidnus (Tetra) (3)
  237. Bryconadenos (2)
  238. Bryconaethiops (Featherfin tetra) (5)
  239. Bryconamericus (Tetra) (73)
  240. Bryconella (Tetra) (1)
  241. Bryconexodon (Tetra) (2)
  242. Bryconops (Flagtail characin) (19)
  243. Bryozoichthys (Prickleback) (2)
  244. Bryx (4)
  245. Buccochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (7)
  246. Buenia (Goby) (2)
  247. Bufoceratias (Deepsea anglerfish) (3)
  248. Buglossidium (Sole) (1)
  249. Bujurquina (Flag cichlid) (17)
  250. Bulbonaricus (Pipefish) (3)
  251. Bullisichthys (Seabass) (1)
  252. Bullockia (Catfish) (1)
  253. Bunaka (Bunaka sleeper goby) (1)
  254. Bunocephalus (Banjo catfish) (10)
  255. Butis (flathead gudgeons) (6)
  256. Bythaelurus (9)
  257. Bythites (3)


  1. Cabdio (1)
  2. Cabillus (Goby) (5)
  3. Caecobarbus (Barb) (1)
  4. Caecocypris (Barb) (1)
  5. Caecogobius (1)
  6. Caecula (Snake eel) (3)
  7. Caelatoglanis (1)
  8. Caenotropus (Headstander) (4)
  9. Caesio (8)
  10. Caesioperca (Basslet) (2)
  11. Caesioscorpis (Sea bass) (1)
  12. Caffrogobius (Goby) (7)
  13. Caiapobrycon (1)
  14. Cairnsichthys (Rainbowfish) (1)
  15. Calamiana (Goby) (1)
  16. Calamopteryx (Brotula) (3)
  17. Calamus (calamus) (13)
  18. Callanthias (Sea bass) (8)
  19. Callechelys (Snake eel) (15)
  20. Callichthys (4)
  21. Calliclinus (Blenny) (2)
  22. Callionymus (103) (1)
  23. Calliurichthys (Dragonet) (2)
  24. Callochromis (Cichlid) (3)
  25. Callogobius (Goby) (25)
  26. Callopanchax (5)
  27. Calloplesiops (Roundhead) (2)
  28. Callorhinchus
  29. Calophysus (Catfish) (1)
  30. Calotomus (Parrotfish) (5)
  31. Calumia (Sleeper goby) (4)
  32. Campellolebias (4)
  33. Campichthys (Pipefish) (4)
  34. Campogramma (Pompano) (1)
  35. Campostoma (stonerollers) (5)
  36. Campylomormyrus (Elephantfish) (14)
  37. Cancelloxus (Blenny) (3)
  38. Candidia (2)
  39. Cantherhines (Filefish) (14)
  40. Cantheschenia (Leatherjacket) (2)
  41. Canthidermis (Triggerfish) (3)
  42. Canthigaster (sharpnosed puffers) (35)
  43. Canthophrys (1)
  44. Capoeta (22) (1)
  45. Capoetobrama (Barb) (1)
  46. Caprichromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (2)
  47. Caprichthys (Boxfish) (1)
  48. Caprodon (Basslet) (3)
  49. Capromimus (Dory) (1)
  50. Capropygia (Boxfish) (1)
  51. Capros (1)
  52. Caquetaia (Cichlid) (4)
  53. Caracanthus (Velvetfish) (4)
  54. Caragobius (3)
  55. Caralophia (Snake eel) (1)
  56. Carangoides (island jacks) (20)
  57. Caranx (bigeye jacks, cavallas, and crevallies) (18)
  58. Carapus (6)
  59. Carasobarbus (5) (1)
  60. Carassioides (Barb) (3)
  61. Carassius (crucian carps) (4) (1)
  62. Carcharhinus (31) (2)
  63. Carcharias (2)
  64. Carcharodon (Great white shark) (1)
  65. Cardiopharynx (Cichlid) (1)
  66. Careproctus (Snailfish) (114)
  67. Carinotetraodon (Puffer) (6)
  68. Caristius (Manefish) (3)
  69. Carlana (1)
  70. Carlarius (1)
  71. Carlhubbsia (Minnow) (2)
  72. Carnegiella (Hatchetfish) (4)
  73. Carpiodes (carpsuckers) (3)
  74. Caspiomyzon (Caspian lamprey) (1)
  75. Caspiosoma (Goby) (1)
  76. Castleichthys (1)
  77. Cataetyx (Brotula) (12)
  78. Catathyridium (4)
  79. Catesbya (False moray) (1)
  80. Cathorops (Sea catfish) (23)
  81. Catla (1)
  82. Catlocarpio (Barb) (1) (1)
  83. Catoprion (1)
  84. Catostomus (common suckers) (27) (1)
  85. Caulolatilus (Tilefish) (11)
  86. Caulophryne (Anglerfish) (4)
  87. Cebidichthys (Prickleback) (1)
  88. Centracanthus (Picarel) (1)
  89. Centrarchops (Seabass) (1)
  90. Centrarchus (fliers) (1)
  91. Centriscops (Snipefish) (1)
  92. Centriscus (2)
  93. Centroberyx (Alfonsino) (7)
  94. Centrobranchus (Lanternfish) (4)
  95. Centrochir (Catfish) (1)
  96. Centrodoras (Catfish) (2)
  97. Centrodraco (Dragonet) (13)
  98. Centrogenys (Sea bass) (1)
  99. Centrolabrus (Wrasse) (3)
  100. Centrolophus (black ruffs) (1)
  101. Centromochlus (Catfish) (13)
  102. Centrophorus (15) (1)
  103. Centrophryne (1)
  104. Centropogon (3)
  105. Centropomus (robalos and snooks) (12)
  106. Centropristis (black sea basses and sea basses) (5)
  107. Centropyge (Pygmy angelfish) (34)
  108. Centroscyllium (Dogfish shark) (7)
  109. Centroscymnus (6)
  110. Cephalocassis (Sea catfish) (4)
  111. Cephalopholis (Grouper) (24)
  112. Cephalopsetta (Flounder) (1)
  113. Cephaloscyllium (Swell shark) (20)
  114. Cephalosilurus (4)
  115. Cephalurus (Cat shark) (1)
  116. Cepola (red bandfish) (5)
  117. Ceratias (3)
  118. Ceratobranchia (Characin) (5)
  119. Ceratobregma (Threefin blenny) (2)
  120. Ceratoglanis (Catfish) (2) (1)
  121. Ceratoscopelus (Lanternfish) (3)
  122. Cercamia (2)
  123. Cerdale (Wormfish) (5)
  124. Cestraeus (3)
  125. Cetengraulis (anchovetas) (2)
  126. Cetichthys (Flabby whalefish) (2)
  127. Cetomimoides (1)
  128. Cetomimus (Flabby whalefish) (7)
  129. Cetonurichthys (Grenadier) (1)
  130. Cetonurus (Grenadier) (2)
  131. Cetopsidium (7)
  132. Cetopsis (Catfish) (21)
  133. Cetopsorhamdia (Catfish) (9)
  134. Cetorhinus (Basking shark) (1)
  135. Cetoscarus (Parrotfish) (2)
  136. Cetostoma (Flabby whalefish) (1)
  137. Chaca (Squarehead catfish) (4)
  138. Chaenocephalus (Crocodile icefish) (1)
  139. Chaenodraco (Crocodile icefish) (1)
  140. Chaenogaleus (Weasel shark) (1)
  141. Chaenogobius (Goby) (2)
  142. Chaenomugil (Mullet) (1)
  143. Chaenophryne (Deepsea anglerfish) (5)
  144. Chaenopsis (Pikeblenny) (10)
  145. Chaetobranchopsis (Cichlid) (2)
  146. Chaetobranchus (2)
  147. Chaetodermis (Filefish) (1)
  148. Chaetodipterus (spadefishes) (3)
  149. Chaetodon (butterflyfishes) (88)
  150. Chaetodontoplus (Angelfish) (14) (1)
  151. Chaetostoma (46)
  152. Chaeturichthys (Goby) (1)
  153. Chagunius (Carp) (3)
  154. Chalaroderma (Blenny) (2)
  155. Chalceus (8)
  156. Chalinochromis (Cichlid) (2)
  157. Chalixodytes (Sandburrower) (2)
  158. Champsocephalus (Crocodile icefish) (2)
  159. Champsochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (2)
  160. Champsodon (Gaper) (13)
  161. Chanda (1)
  162. Chandramara (Catfish) (1)
  163. Channa (Asian snakeheads) (33) (2)
  164. Channallabes (6)
  165. Channichthys (Crocodile icefish) (9)
  166. Channomuraena (Moray) (2)
  167. Chanodichthys (Carp) (5)
  168. Chanos (milkfishes) (1)
  169. Chapalichthys (Splitfin) (3)
  170. Characidium (Characidum) (53)
  171. Characodon (Characodon) (3) (1)
  172. Charax (16)
  173. Chascanopsetta (Lefteyed flounder) (8)
  174. Chasmistes (shortnose suckers) (5) (2)
  175. Chasmocranus (10)
  176. Chasmodes (Blenny) (3)
  177. Chatrabus (Toadfish) (3)
  178. Chaudhuria (Swamp eel) (3)
  179. Chauliodus (9)
  180. Chaunacops (3)
  181. Chaunax (Batfish) (13)
  182. Cheilinus (Tuskfish) (7) (1)
  183. Cheilio (1)
  184. Cheilochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (1)
  185. Cheilodactylus (16)
  186. Cheilodipterus (16)
  187. Cheilopogon (Flyingfish) (29)
  188. Cheiloprion (Damselfish) (1)
  189. Cheilotrema (Croaker) (2)
  190. Cheimarrichthys (Torrentfish) (1)
  191. Cheimerius (2)
  192. Cheirocerus (3)
  193. Cheirodon (Characin) (10)
  194. Cheirodontops (Characin) (1)
  195. Chela (Barb) (2)
  196. Chelaethiops (Carp) (5)
  197. Chelidonichthys (smallscaled gurnards) (9)
  198. Chelidoperca (Seabass) (5)
  199. Chelmon (Butterflyfish) (3)
  200. Chelmonops (Butterflyfish) (2)
  201. Chelon (Mullet) (6)
  202. Chelonodon (Puffer) (3)
  203. Chendol (Swamp eel) (2)
  204. Cheroscorpaena (Waspfish) (1)
  205. Cherublemma (Cuskeel) (1)
  206. Chesnonia (1)
  207. Chetia (Cichlid) (6) (2)
  208. Chiasmodon (Swallower) (7)
  209. Chilara (Cuskeel) (1)
  210. Chilatherina (Rainbowfish) (10) (1)
  211. Chilobrycon (Characin) (1)
  212. Chilochromis (1)
  213. Chiloconger (Conger eel) (2)
  214. Chilodus (Headstander) (4)
  215. Chiloglanis (Upsidedown catfish) (49) (4)
  216. Chilomycterus (burrfishes and spiny boxfishes) (6)
  217. Chilorhinus (2)
  218. Chiloscyllium (8)
  219. Chilotilapia (Lake Malawi cichlid) (1)
  220. Chionobathyscus (Crocodile icefish) (1)
  221. Chionodraco (Crocodile icefish) (3)
  222. Chirocentrodon (dogtooth herrings) (1)
  223. Chirocentrus (Wolf herring) (2)
  224. Chirodactylus (Morwong) (3)
  225. Chirolophis (warbonnets) (8)
  226. Chironemus (Kelpfish) (6)
  227. Chirophryne (Deepsea anglerfish) (1)
  228. Chirostoma (Silverside) (23) (2)
  229. Chirostomias (Dragonfish) (1)
  230. Chitala (Knifefish) (6)
  231. Chitonotus (Sculpin) (1)
  232. Chlamydogobius (Goby) (6) (2)
  233. Chlamydoselachus (Frilled shark) (2)
  234. Chlidichthys (Dottyback) (13)
  235. Chlopsis (9)
  236. Chlorophthalmus (16)
  237. Chloroscombrus (bumpers) (2)
  238. Chlorurus (Parrotfish) (18)
  239. Choerodon (tuskfishes) (24)
  240. Choeroichthys (Pipefish) (6)
  241. Chologaster (swampfishes) (1)
  242. Chondrostoma (Dace) (20) (5)
  243. Chonerhinos (Puffer) (1)
  244. Choridactylus (Stonefish) (4)
  245. Chorisochismus (Clingfish) (1)
  246. Chriodorus (hardheads) (1)
  247. Chriolepis (Goby) (10)
  248. Chrionema (Duckbill) (6)
  249. Chromidotilapia (Cichlid) (11) (1)
  250. Chromis (99)
  251. Chromobotia (Loach) (1)
  252. Chromogobius (Goby) (3)
  253. Chrosomus (5)
  254. Chrysichthys (Catfish) (42) (2)
  255. Chrysiptera (Damselfish) (33)
  256. Chrysoblephus (Seabream) (6)
  257. Chrysobrycon (3)
  258. Chrysochir (Croaker) (1)
  259. Chuanchia (Carp) (1)
  260. Cichla (eyetail cichlids) (15) (1)
  261. Cichlasoma (American cichlids) (39) (1)
  262. Ciliata (Rockling) (3)
  263. Cilus (Croaker) (1)
  264. Cinetodus (Sea catfish) (4)
  265. Cirrhibarbis (1)
  266. Cirrhigaleus (Dogfish shark) (3)
  267. Cirrhilabrus (Wrasse) (47)
  268. Cirrhimuraena (Snake eel) (10)
  269. Cirrhinus (Carp) (11)
  270. Cirrhitichthys (Hawkfish) (8)
  271. Cirrhitops (Hawkfish) (3)
  272. Cirrhitus (Hawkfish) (4)
  273. Cirrhoscyllium (Shark) (3)
  274. Cirricaecula (Snake eel) (2)
  275. Cirriemblemaria (1)
  276. Cirrimaxilla (Moray) (1)
  277. Cirripectes (Blenny) (23)
  278. Cirrisalarias (Blenny) (1)
  279. Citharichthys (sanddabs and whiffs) (23)
  280. Citharidium (Tetra) (1)
  281. Citharinops (Tetra) (1)
  282. Citharinus (Tetra) (6)
  283. Citharoides (Flounder) (4)
  284. Citharus (Flounder) (1)
  285. Claea (3)
  286. Clariallabes (Catfish) (16) (1)
  287. Clarias (walking catfishes) (60) (3) (1)
  288. Clariger (Goby) (4)
  289. Clarkichthys (Wormfish) (1)
  290. Clarotes (Catfish) (2)
  291. Cleidopus (Pinecone fish) (1)
  292. Cleisthenes (Flounder) (2)
  293. Cleithracara (Cichlid) (1)
  294. Clepticus (Wrasse) (3)
  295. Clevelandia (arrow gobies) (1)
  296. Clidoderma (Flounder) (1)
  297. Climacoporus (1)
  298. Clinitrachus (Blenny) (1)
  299. Clinocottus (sharpnose sculpins) (5)
  300. Clinoporus (Blenny) (1)
  301. Clinostomus (redside daces) (2)
  302. Clinus (weedfishes) (19) (1)
  303. Clupanodon (1)
  304. Clupea (4)
  305. Clupeacharax (1)
  306. Clupeichthys (River sprat) (4)
  307. Clupeocharax (Tetra) (1)
  308. Clupeoides (River sprat) (4)
  309. Clupeonella (Sprat) (6) (1)
  310. Clupisoma (Glass catfish) (9)
  311. Clypeobarbus (7)
  312. Cnesterodon (Livebearer) (10)
  313. Cnidoglanis (Eeltail catfish) (1)
  314. Cobitis (72) (12)
  315. Coccorella (Sabretoothfish) (2)
  316. Coccotropsis (1)
  317. Cochlefelis (Sea catfish) (4)
  318. Cochleoceps (Clingfish) (5)
  319. Cociella (Flathead) (5)
  320. Cocotropus (Velvetfish) (16)
  321. Codoma (1)
  322. Coelophrys (Batfish) (7)
  323. Coelorinchus (123)
  324. Coilia (Anchovy) (13)
  325. Colistium (Flounder) (2)
  326. Colletteichthys (3)
  327. Collichthys (Croaker) (2)
  328. Coloconger (Duckbill eel) (8)
  329. Cololabis (Saury) (2)
  330. Colomesus (Puffer) (2)
  331. Colossoma (1)
  332. Colpichthys (Silverside) (2) (1)
  333. Colurodontis (1)
  334. Comephorus (Baikal oilfish) (2)
  335. Compsaraia (2)
  336. Compsura (2)
  337. Conger (14)
  338. Congiopodus (Pigfish) (6)
  339. Congocharax (2)
  340. Congochromis (5)
  341. Congoglanis (4)
  342. Congolapia (3)
  343. Congothrissa (Sprat) (1)
  344. Congresox (Pike conger) (2)
  345. Congrhynchus (1)
  346. Congriscus (Conger eel) (3)
  347. Congrogadus (6)
  348. Congrosoma (Conger eel) (1)
  349. Conidens (Clingfish) (2)
  350. Conniella (Wrasse) (1)
  351. Conocara (Smoothhead) (10)
  352. Conodon (Grunt) (3)
  353. Conorhynchos (1)
  354. Conta (Catfish) (2)
  355. Contusus (Puffer) (2)
  356. Cookeolus (Bulleye) (1)
  357. Copadichromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (25)
  358. Copeina (Tetra) (2)
  359. Copella (Copella) (9)
  360. Cophecheilus (1)
  361. Copionodon (3)
  362. Coptobrycon (Characin) (1)
  363. Coptostomabarbus (Barb) (2)
  364. Coradion (Butterflyfish) (3)
  365. Coralliozetus (Pikeblenny) (6)
  366. Coranthus (Cardinalfish) (1)
  367. Corcyrogobius (Goby) (2)
  368. Cordylancistrus (Catfish) (7)
  369. Coregonus (whitefishes) (78) (8)
  370. Coreius (4)
  371. Corematodus (Lake Malawi cichlid) (2)
  372. Coreobagrus (Catfish) (2)
  373. Coreoleuciscus (Carp) (1)
  374. Coreoperca (Bass) (4)
  375. Corica (Sprat) (2)
  376. Coris (rainbow wrasses) (26)
  377. Corniger (Soldierfish) (1)
  378. Corumbataia (4)
  379. Corvula (Croaker) (2)
  380. Corydoras (155)
  381. Corymbophanes (Catfish) (2)
  382. Corynopoma (Characin) (1)
  383. Coryogalops (9)
  384. Coryphaena (2)
  385. Coryphaenoides (65)
  386. Coryphoblennius (Blenny) (1)
  387. Coryphopterus (Goby) (15)
  388. Corythoichthys (Pipefish) (11)
  389. Cosmocampus (Pipefish) (14)
  390. Cosmochilus (Carp) (4)
  391. Cottapistus (Waspfish) (2)
  392. Cottinella (Longwing Baikal sculpin) (1)
  393. Cottiusculus (Sculpin) (3)
  394. Cottoclinus (1)
  395. Cottocomephorus (Longwing Baikal sculpin) (3)
  396. Cottoperca (Dragonet) (2)
  397. Cottunculus (Tadpole sculpin) (8)
  398. Cottus (freshwater sculpins and Miller's thumbs) (62) (2)
  399. Cotylopus (Goby) (2)
  400. Couesius (lake chubs) (1)
  401. Cranoglanis (Catfish) (5)
  402. Crapatalus (3)
  403. Crassinarke (1)
  404. Craterocephalus (Hardyhead) (25) (1)
  405. Cratinus (Seabass) (1)
  406. Creagrutus (Tetra) (69)
  407. Creedia (Sandburrower) (4)
  408. Cremnochorites (Threefin blenny) (1)
  409. Crenicara (pike cichlids) (2)
  410. Crenichthys (springfishes) (2)
  411. Crenicichla (Pike cichlid) (85)
  412. Crenidens (1)
  413. Crenimugil (fringelip mullets) (2)
  414. Crenuchus (Tetra) (1)
  415. Creocele (Clingfish) (1)
  416. Creteuchiloglanis (5)
  417. Cristacirrhitus (1)
  418. Cristatogobius (Goby) (5)
  419. Cristiceps (Blenny) (3)
  420. Crocodilichthys (Threefin blenny) (1)
  421. Croilia (1)
  422. Cromeria (Kneria) (2)
  423. Cromileptes (humpback grouper) (1)
  424. Crossocheilus (Minnow) (16) (1)
  425. Crossoloricaria (Catfish) (5)
  426. Crossorhombus (Lefteyed flounder) (5)
  427. Crossosalarias (Blenny) (1)
  428. Crossostomus (Eelpout) (3)
  429. Cruciglanis (1)
  430. Cruriraja (Skate) (8)
  431. Cryodraco (Crocodile icefish) (3)
  432. Cryothenia (Cod icefish) (2)
  433. Cryptacanthodes (Wrymouth) (4)
  434. Cryptarius (2)
  435. Cryptichthys (Threefin blenny) (1)
  436. Cryptocentroides (Goby) (3)
  437. Cryptocentrus (Goby) (34)
  438. Cryptoheros (9)
  439. Cryptopsaras (Anglerfish) (1)
  440. Cryptotomus (Parrotfish) (1)
  441. Cryptotora (1)
  442. Cryptotrema (Blenny) (2)
  443. Crystallaria (crystal darters) (2)
  444. Crystallias (1)
  445. Crystallichthys (Snailfish) (3)
  446. Crystallodytes (Sandburrower) (2)
  447. Crystallogobius (Goby) (1)
  448. Ctenacis (Finbacked cat shark) (1)
  449. Cteniloricaria (Whiptail catfish) (3)
  450. Ctenobrycon (Tetra) (5)
  451. Ctenochaetus (Surgeon) (9)
  452. Ctenochirichthys (Deepsea anglerfish) (1)
  453. Ctenochromis (6)
  454. Ctenogobiops (Goby) (9)
  455. Ctenogobius (Goby) (22)
  456. Ctenolabrus (Wrasse) (1)
  457. Ctenolucius (Pike characin) (2)
  458. Ctenopharyngodon (grass carps) (1) (1)
  459. Ctenopharynx (Lake Malawi cichlid) (3)
  460. Ctenopoma (Ctenopoma) (18)
  461. Ctenops (Gourami) (1)
  462. Ctenosciaena (Barbel drum) (2)
  463. Ctenotrypauchen (Goby) (1)
  464. Cualac (Killifish) (1) (1)
  465. Cubanichthys (Minnow) (2)
  466. Cubiceps (10)
  467. Culaea (brook sticklebacks) (1)
  468. Culter (Barb) (4)
  469. Cultrichthys (1)
  470. Cunningtonia (Cichlid) (1)
  471. Curimata (Curimata) (13)
  472. Curimatella (Curimata) (5)
  473. Curimatopsis (Curimata) (5)
  474. Cyanocharax (6)
  475. Cyathochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (1)
  476. Cyathopharynx (Cichlid) (1)
  477. Cybiosarda (Bonito) (1)
  478. Cycleptus (blue suckers) (2)
  479. Cyclichthys (swelltoads) (3)
  480. Cyclocheilichthys (Barb) (10)
  481. Cyclopharynx (Cichlid) (2)
  482. Cyclopsetta (Flounder) (4)
  483. Cyclopsis (Lumpfish) (1)
  484. Cyclopteropsis (Lumpfish) (7)
  485. Cyclopterus (lumpfishes) (1)
  486. Cyclothone (13)
  487. Cyema (Bobtail eel) (1)
  488. Cygnodraco (Antarctic dragonfish) (1)
  489. Cymatoceps (Seabream) (1)
  490. Cymatogaster (shiner perches) (1)
  491. Cymbacephalus (Flathead) (4)
  492. Cymolutes (Wrasse) (3)
  493. Cynodon (Bermudagrass) (3)
  494. Cynodonichthys (23)
  495. Cynoglossus (Tongue sole) (62)
  496. Cynolebias (pearlfishes) (14)
  497. Cynomacrurus (Grenadier) (1)
  498. Cynopoecilus (5)
  499. Cynoponticus (3)
  500. Cynopotamus (12)
  501. Cynoscion (sea trout, seatrouts, and weak fishes) (25)
  502. Cynotilapia (Lake Malawi cichlid) (3)
  503. Cypho (Dottyback) (2)
  504. Cyphocharax (Curimata) (37)
  505. Cyphocottus (2)
  506. Cyphomyrus (1)
  507. Cyphotilapia (Cichlid) (2)
  508. Cyprichromis (Cichlid) (5)
  509. Cyprinella (satinfin shiners) (32) (4) (1)
  510. Cyprinion (Carp) (9)
  511. Cyprinocirrhites (Red hawkfish) (1)
  512. Cyprinodon (pupfishes) (47) (16)
  513. Cyprinus (common carps) (23) (8) (1)
  514. Cypselurus (Flyingfish) (10)
  515. Cyrtocara (Lake Malawi cichlid) (1)
  516. Cyttomimus (Dory) (2)
  517. Cyttopsis (Dory) (2)
  518. Cyttus (3)


  1. Dacodraco (Crocodile icefish) (1)
  2. Dactylagnus (Sand stargazer) (3)
  3. Dactylanthias (Basslet) (2)
  4. Dactylobatus (2)
  5. Dactylophora (Morwong) (1)
  6. Dactylopsaron (1)
  7. Dactyloptena (Flying gurnard) (6)
  8. Dactylopterus (1)
  9. Dactylopus (2)
  10. Dactyloscopus (Sand stargazer) (20)
  11. Dactylosurculus (1)
  12. Dadyanos (Eelpout) (1)
  13. Daector (Venomous toadfish) (5)
  14. Dagetichthys (Sole) (1)
  15. Dalatias (1)
  16. Dallia (alaska blackfishes) (3)
  17. Dalophis (5)
  18. Danacetichthys (Flabby whalefish) (1)
  19. Danakilia (Cichlid) (2) (1)
  20. Danaphos (Marine hatchetfish) (1)
  21. Danaphryne (Deepsea anglerfish) (1)
  22. Danio (Danio) (19) (1)
  23. Danionella (Danio) (4)
  24. Dannevigia (Brotula) (1)
  25. Dario (4)
  26. Daruma (Sculpin) (1)
  27. Dascyllus (dascyllus damselfish) (10)
  28. Dasyatis (stingrays) (41) (3)
  29. Dasycottus (Tadpole sculpin) (2)
  30. Dasyloricaria (Whiptail catfish) (5)
  31. Datnioides (5) (1)
  32. Davidijordania (Eelpout) (5)
  33. Dayella (Herring) (1)
  34. Daysciaena (Corvina) (1)
  35. Deania (Dogfish shark) (4)
  36. Decapterus (mackerel scads and round scads) (11)
  37. Decodon (decodon) (4)
  38. Dectobrycon (1)
  39. Dekeyseria (Twig catfish) (6)
  40. Dellichthys (Clingfish) (1)
  41. Delminichthys (4) (2)
  42. Deltentosteus (Goby) (2)
  43. Deltistes (lost river suckers) (1) (1)
  44. Delturus (Catfish) (4)
  45. Demissolinea (1)
  46. Denariusa (Asiatic glassfish) (1)
  47. Dendrochirus (Lionfish/turkeyfish) (5)
  48. Dendrophysa (Croaker) (1)
  49. Dentatherina (Silverside) (1)
  50. Dentectus (Catfish) (1)
  51. Dentex (11)
  52. Denticeps (Denticle herring) (1)
  53. Denticetopsis (7)
  54. Dentiraja (1)
  55. Derepodichthys (Eelpout) (1)
  56. Derhamia (1)
  57. Derichthys (Longneck eel) (1)
  58. Derilissus (Clingfish) (4)
  59. Dermatias (1)
  60. Dermatolepis (Grouper) (3)
  61. Dermatopsis (Brotula) (4)
  62. Dermatopsoides (Brotula) (4)
  63. Dermogenys (13)
  64. Desmodema (Ribbonfish) (2)
  65. Deuterodon (9)
  66. Devario (39) (4)
  67. Dexistes (Flounder) (1)
  68. Diademichthys (Clingfish) (1)
  69. Diagramma (5)
  70. Dialommus (Blenny) (2)
  71. Diancistrus (Brotula) (28)
  72. Dianema (2)
  73. Diaphenchelys (1)
  74. Diaphus (Lanternfish) (78)
  75. Diapoma (Characin) (4)
  76. Diapterus (longspine mojarras) (5)
  77. Diastobranchus (Cutthroat eel) (1)
  78. Dibrachichthys (1)
  79. Dibranchus (Batfish) (14)
  80. Dicentrarchus (seabass) (2)
  81. Diceratias (Deepsea anglerfish) (3)
  82. Dichistius (Galjoen fish) (2)
  83. Dicologlossa (2)
  84. Dicotylichthys (Porcupinefish) (1)
  85. Dicrolene (Brotula) (15)
  86. Dicrossus (Cichlid) (5)
  87. Dictyosoma (Prickleback) (2)
  88. Didogobius (Goby) (6)
  89. Didymothallus (4)
  90. Dieidolycus (Eelpout) (3)
  91. Dienbienia (1)
  92. Dimidiochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (4)
  93. Dinematichthys (Brotula) (2)
  94. Dinolestes (Longfinned pike) (1)
  95. Dinoperca (Lampfish) (1)
  96. Dinotopterus (Catfish) (1)
  97. Diodon (porcupinefishes) (5)
  98. Diogenichthys (Lanternfish) (3)
  99. Dionda (desert minnows) (6)
  100. Diplacanthopoma (Brotula) (9)
  101. Diplecogaster (Clingfish) (3)
  102. Diplectrum (sand perch) (12)
  103. Diplobatis (Electric ray) (4)
  104. Diplocheilichthys (2)
  105. Diploconger (Conger eel) (1)
  106. Diplocrepis (Clingfish) (1)
  107. Diplodus (spottail porgies) (13)
  108. Diplogrammus (7)
  109. Diplomystes (New World catfish) (3)
  110. Diplophos (5)
  111. Diploprion (Soapfish) (2)
  112. Diplospinus (Snake mackerel) (1)
  113. Diplotaxodon (Bigeye cichlid) (7)
  114. Diproctacanthus (Hogfish) (1)
  115. Dipterygonotus (Fusilier) (1)
  116. Dipturus (49) (2)
  117. Diptychus (Carp) (2)
  118. Dipulus (Brotula) (4)
  119. Diretmichthys (1)
  120. Diretmoides (Spinyfin) (2)
  121. Diretmus (Spinyfin) (1)
  122. Discherodontus (Barb) (4)
  123. Dischistodus (Damselfish) (7)
  124. Discocheilus (2)
  125. Discogobio (Gudgeon) (16)
  126. Discolabeo (1)
  127. Discopyge (Electric ray) (2)
  128. Discordipinna (Goby) (1)
  129. Discotrema (Clingfish) (3)
  130. Dissostichus (Cod icefish) (2)
  131. Distichodus (23)
  132. Distocyclus (Knifefish) (2)
  133. Distoechodon (Barb) (2)
  134. Ditrema (3)
  135. Ditropichthys (Flabby whalefish) (1)
  136. Divandu (1)
  137. Docimodus (Lake Malawi cichlid) (2)
  138. Dodekablennos (Blenny) (1)
  139. Doederleinia (Bass) (1)
  140. Dolichallabes (Catfish) (1)
  141. Dolichamphilius (2)
  142. Dolichancistrus (Catfish) (6)
  143. Dolicholagus (1)
  144. Dolichopteroides (1)
  145. Dolichopteryx (Spookfish) (9)
  146. Dolichosudis (Barracudina) (1)
  147. Dolloidraco (Plunderfish) (1)
  148. Dolopichthys (Deepsea anglerfish) (7)
  149. Doraops (Catfish) (1)
  150. Doras (Catfish) (5)
  151. Doratonotus (1)
  152. Dormitator (fat sleepers and sleepers) (6)
  153. Dorosoma (gizzard shads) (5)
  154. Doryichthys (Pipefish) (5)
  155. Doryrhamphus (Pipefish) (6)
  156. Dotalabrus (Wrasse) (2)
  157. Doumea (Catfish) (8)
  158. Draconectes (1)
  159. Draconetta (Dragonet) (1)
  160. Draculo (Dragonet) (4)
  161. Drepane (Sicklefish) (3)
  162. Drombus (Goby) (10)
  163. Dunckerocampus (7)
  164. Dundocharax (1)
  165. Duopalatinus (Catfish) (2)
  166. Dupouyichthys (Banjo catfish) (1)
  167. Dussumieria (rainbow sardines) (2)
  168. Dysalotus (Swallower) (2)
  169. Dysomma (12)
  170. Dysommina (Arrowtooth eel) (2)
  171. Dzihunia (3)


  1. Ebinania (Tadpole sculpin) (7)
  2. Ebomegobius (Goby) (1)
  3. Ebosia (Scorpionfish) (2)
  4. Echelus (3)
  5. Echeneis (sharksuckers and slender remoras) (2)
  6. Echidna (11)
  7. Echiichthys (1)
  8. Echinogobius (1)
  9. Echinomacrurus (Grenadier) (2)
  10. Echinophryne (Frogfish) (3)
  11. Echinorhinus (Bramble shark) (2)
  12. Echiodon (Pearlfish) (12)
  13. Echiophis (Snake eel) (4)
  14. Echiostoma (Dragonfish) (1)
  15. Eckloniaichthys (Clingfish) (1)
  16. Eclectochromis (2)
  17. Economidichthys (Goby) (2) (1)
  18. Ecsenius (Forktail blenny) (53)
  19. Ectodus (Cichlid) (1)
  20. Ectrepopterus (1)
  21. Ectreposebastes (Scorpionfish) (2)
  22. Edelia (Aholehole) (1)
  23. Edentoliparis (1)
  24. Eeyorius (Codling) (1)
  25. Egglestonichthys (Goby) (3)
  26. Ego (Goby) (1)
  27. Ehirava (Round herring) (1)
  28. Eigenmannia (Knifefish) (8)
  29. Einara (Smoothhead) (2)
  30. Eirmotus (Barb) (4)
  31. Ekemblemaria (Pikeblenny) (3)
  32. Eknomoliparis (1)
  33. Elacatinus (Goby) (35)
  34. Elachocharax (Darter tetra) (4)
  35. Elagatis (runners) (1)
  36. Elassodiscus (Snailfish) (3)
  37. Elassoma (pygmy sunfishes) (7)
  38. Elates (Flathead) (1)
  39. Elattarchus (Drum) (1)
  40. Electrolux (1) (1)
  41. Electrona (Lanternfish) (5)
  42. Electrophorus (Electric eel) (1)
  43. Eleginops (1)
  44. Eleginus (saffron cod) (2)
  45. Eleotrica (Goby) (1)
  46. Eleotris (sleepers and spinycheek sleepers) (30)
  47. Eleutherochir (Dragonet) (2)
  48. Eleutheronema (Threadfin) (3)
  49. Ellochelon (1)
  50. Ellopostoma (2) (1)
  51. Elopichthys (Dace) (1)
  52. Elops (ladyfishes) (7)
  53. Ematops (1)
  54. Embassichthys (Sole) (1)
  55. Embiotoca (Surfperch) (2)
  56. Emblemaria (Sailfin blenny) (16)
  57. Emblemariopsis (Sailfin blenny) (14)
  58. Emmelichthyops (1)
  59. Emmelichthys (Rover) (5)
  60. Empetrichthys (poolfishes) (2)
  61. Encheliophis (Pearlfish) (6)
  62. Encheloclarias (Catfish) (6) (2)
  63. Enchelybrotula (Brotula) (2)
  64. Enchelycore (Moray) (13)
  65. Enchelynassa (Moray) (1)
  66. Enchelyopus (2)
  67. Enchelyurus (Blenny) (5)
  68. Encrasicholina (Anchovy) (5)
  69. Engraulicypris (Carp) (1)
  70. Engraulis (9)
  71. Engraulisoma (Characin) (1)
  72. Engyophrys (Lefteyed flounder) (2)
  73. Engyprosopon (Lefteyed flounder) (31)
  74. Enigmacanthus (1)
  75. Enigmapercis (Duckbill) (2)
  76. Enigmatochromis (1)
  77. Enneacampus (Pipefish) (2)
  78. Enneacanthus (banded sunfishes and little sunfishes) (3)
  79. Enneanectes (Triplefin) (8)
  80. Enneapterygius (Triplefin) (60) (1)
  81. Enophrys (stone sculpins) (4)
  82. Enoplosus (Oldwife) (1)
  83. Entelurus (Pipefish) (1)
  84. Entomacrodus (Blenny) (27)
  85. Entomocorus (Catfish) (4)
  86. Entosphenus (7)
  87. Enypnias (2)
  88. Eocallionymus (1)
  89. Eopsetta (Sole) (2)
  90. Epactionotus (4)
  91. Epalzeorhynchos (Sharkminnow) (4) (1)
  92. Epapterus (Catfish) (2)
  93. Epetriodus (Brotula) (1)
  94. Ephippion (Puffer) (1)
  95. Ephippus (2)
  96. Epibulus (Wrasse) (2)
  97. Epigonus (Cardinalfish) (33)
  98. Epinephelides (Grouper) (1)
  99. Epinephelus (groupers) (86) (5)
  100. Epinnula (Snake mackerel) (1)
  101. Epiplatys (35) (7)
  102. Episemion (1)
  103. Equetus (ribbonfishes) (2)
  104. Equulites (9)
  105. Eremichthys (desert daces) (1)
  106. Eremophilus (Catfish) (1)
  107. Erethistes (1)
  108. Erethistoides (Catfish) (10)
  109. Eretmichthys (Brotula) (1)
  110. Eretmodus (Cichlid) (2)
  111. Eretmophorus (Codling) (1)
  112. Ereunias (Northern sculpin) (1)
  113. Ericandersonia (1)
  114. Ericentrus (Blenny) (1)
  115. Ericymba (1)
  116. Eridacnis (Finbacked cat shark) (3)
  117. Erilepis (Skilfish) (1)
  118. Erimystax (slender chubs) (5)
  119. Erimyzon (chubsuckers) (4)
  120. Erisphex (Velvetfish) (4)
  121. Ernogrammus (Prickleback) (3)
  122. Ernstichthys (Banjo catfish) (3)
  123. Erosa (2)
  124. Erotelis (Sleeper goby) (4)
  125. Erpetoichthys (reedfishes and ropefishes) (1)
  126. Erromyzon (3)
  127. Erythrinus (Trahira) (2)
  128. Erythrocles (Rover) (6)
  129. Eschmeyer (Scorpionfish) (1)
  130. Escualosa (Sardine) (2)
  131. Esomus (Barb) (12)
  132. Esox (pikes) (6) (1)
  133. Esselenichthys (2)
  134. Etelis (Snapper) (4)
  135. Ethadophis (Snake eel) (5)
  136. Etheostoma (smoothbelly darters) (158) (3)
  137. Ethmalosa (Shad) (1)
  138. Ethmidium (Menhaden) (1)
  139. Etia (1)
  140. Etmopterus (37)
  141. Etroplus (chromides) (3) (1)
  142. Etropus (Flounder) (9)
  143. Etrumeus (4)
  144. Etsaputu (1)
  145. Eubalichthys (Filefish) (6)
  146. Eubleekeria (4)
  147. Euchilichthys (Upsidedown catfish) (5)
  148. Euchiloglanis (Catfish) (5)
  149. Eucinostomus (mojarras, mojarritas, and shortspine mojarras) (10)
  150. Euclichthys (Eucla cod) (1)
  151. Eucrossorhinus (Wobbegong) (1)
  152. Eucryphycus (Eelpout) (1)
  153. Eucyclogobius (tidewater gobies) (1)
  154. Eudontomyzon (Freshwater lamprey) (7) (1)
  155. Eugerres (Mojarra) (7)
  156. Eugnathichthys (2)
  157. Eugnathogobius (Goby) (9)
  158. Euleptorhamphus (Halfbeak) (2)
  159. Eulophias (Prickleback) (2)
  160. Eumecichthys (Crestfish) (1)
  161. Eumegistus (Pomfret) (2)
  162. Eumesogrammus (Snakeblenny) (1)
  163. Eumicrotremus (Lumpfish) (16)
  164. Eupetrichthys (Wrasse) (1)
  165. Eupleurogrammus (Hairtail) (2)
  166. Eupogonesthes (1)
  167. Euprotomicroides (Taillight shark) (1)
  168. Euprotomicrus (Pygmy shark) (1)
  169. Euristhmus (Eeltail catfish) (5)
  170. Eurycheilichthys (2)
  171. Eurymen (Tadpole sculpin) (2)
  172. Eurypegasus (Seamoth) (2)
  173. Eurypharynx (Pelican gulper) (1)
  174. Eurypleuron (Pyramodontine) (2)
  175. Eusphyra (Shark) (1)
  176. Eustomias (Dragonfish) (116)
  177. Eusurculus (3)
  178. Eutaeniichthys (Goby) (1)
  179. Eutaeniophorus (1)
  180. Eutelichthys (1)
  181. Euthynnus (lesser tunas and little tunas) (3)
  182. Eutrigla (Gurnard) (1)
  183. Eutropiichthys (Glass catfish) (6)
  184. Evarra (Dace) (3)
  185. Evermannella (5)
  186. Evermannia (Goby) (4)
  187. Evermannichthys (Goby) (5)
  188. Eviota (Pygmy goby) (71)
  189. Evips (Snake eel) (1)
  190. Evistias (Boarfish) (1)
  191. Evorthodus (lyre gobies) (2)
  192. Evoxymetopon (Cutlassfish) (3)
  193. Evynnis (Porgy) (4)
  194. Exallias (Rockskipper blenny) (1)
  195. Exallodontus (1)
  196. Exastilithoxus (Catfish) (2)
  197. Exechodontes (Eelpout) (1)
  198. Exerpes (Blenny) (1)
  199. Exochochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (1)
  200. Exocoetus (flyingfishes) (5)
  201. Exodon (Tetra) (1)
  202. Exoglossum (cutlips minnows) (2)
  203. Exostoma (5)
  204. Exyrias (fantail gobies) (5)


  1. Facciolella (Duckbill eel) (6)
  2. Fangfangia (1)
  3. Farlowella (Catfish) (26)
  4. Favonigobius (sand gobies) (9)
  5. Feia (Goby) (4)
  6. Fenerbahce (2)
  7. Fenestraja (8)
  8. Feroxodon (Puffer) (1)
  9. Festucalex (Pipefish) (7)
  10. Figaro (2)
  11. Filicampus (Pipefish) (1)
  12. Filimanus (Threadfin) (6)
  13. Fiordichthys (2)
  14. Fistularia (4)
  15. Flagellostomias (Dragonfish) (1)
  16. Florenciella (Cardinalfish) (1)
  17. Floridichthys (goldspotted killifishes) (2)
  18. Fluviphylax (Killifish) (5)
  19. Foa (Cardinalfish) (5)
  20. Fodiator (Flyingfish) (2)
  21. Foerschichthys (Killifish) (1)
  22. Foetorepus (Stinkfish) (10)
  23. Folifer (1)
  24. Fonchiiichthys (2)
  25. Fonchiiloricaria (1)
  26. Forbesichthys (spring cavefish) (1)
  27. Forcipiger (Longnose butterflyfish) (2)
  28. Formosania (9)
  29. Forsterygion (Triplefin) (8)
  30. Fossorochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (1)
  31. Fowleria (Cardinalfish) (7)
  32. Fowlerichthys (5)
  33. Franciscodoras (Catfish) (1)
  34. Fraudella (Basslet) (1)
  35. Freemanichthys (1)
  36. Frontilabrus (Wrasse) (1)
  37. Fucomimus (Blenny) (1)
  38. Fundulopanchax (26) (9)
  39. Fundulus (topminnows) (39) (1)
  40. Furcina (Sculpin) (2)
  41. Furcodontichthys (Catfish) (1)
  42. Furgaleus (Shark) (1)
  43. Fusigobius (Goby) (9)


  1. Gadella (Codling) (13)
  2. Gadiculus (silvery pouts) (2)
  3. Gadomus (Grenadier) (13)
  4. Gadopsis (Blackfish) (2)
  5. Gadus (common codfishes) (3)
  6. Gagata (8)
  7. Gaidropsarus (threebearded rocklings) (14)
  8. Galaxias (galaxiids) (32) (5)
  9. Galaxiella (Smelt) (3)
  10. Galeichthys (4)
  11. Galeocerdo (Tiger shark) (1)
  12. Galeocharax (3)
  13. Galeoides (Threadfin) (1)
  14. Galeorhinus (Shark) (1)
  15. Galeus (17)
  16. Gambusia (gambusias and topminnmows) (44) (2) (2)
  17. Gammogobius (Goby) (1)
  18. Gargariscus (Searobin) (1)
  19. Garmanella (1)
  20. Garo (1)
  21. Garra (Minnow) (107) (5)
  22. Gasterochisma (Mackerel) (1)
  23. Gasteropelecus (3)
  24. Gasterosteus (threespine sticklebacks) (6)
  25. Gastrocyathus (Clingfish) (1)
  26. Gastrocymba (Clingfish) (1)
  27. Gastromyzon (Loach) (36)
  28. Gastropsetta (Flounder) (1)
  29. Gastroscyphus (Clingfish) (1)
  30. Gavialiceps (Pike conger) (5)
  31. Gazza (Ponyfish) (5)
  32. Gelanoglanis (Catfish) (3)
  33. Gempylus (Snake mackerel) (1)
  34. Genicanthus (Angelfish) (10)
  35. Genidens (Sea catfish) (4)
  36. Genioliparis (Snailfish) (3)
  37. Genyagnus (Stargazer) (1)
  38. Genyatremus (Grunt) (1)
  39. Genycharax (Characin) (1)
  40. Genyochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (1)
  41. Genyomyrus (Elephantfish) (1)
  42. Genyonemus (Croaker) (1)
  43. Genypterus (Cuskeel) (6)
  44. Geophagus (earth eaters and eartheater cichlids) (25)
  45. Geotria (1)
  46. Gephyroberyx (Slimehead) (3)
  47. Gephyrocharax (Characin) (12)
  48. Gephyrochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (2)
  49. Gephyroglanis (3)
  50. Gerlachea (Antarctic dragonfish) (1)
  51. Gerres (yellowfin mojarras) (28)
  52. Geryichthys (1)
  53. Gibberichthys (Gibberfish) (2)
  54. Gibbonsia (Kelpfish) (4)
  55. Gigantactis (Deepsea anglerfish) (20)
  56. Giganthias (Basslet) (2)
  57. Gigantura (Giganturid fish) (2)
  58. Gila (western chubs) (21) (3)
  59. Gilbertidia (2)
  60. Gilbertolus (3)
  61. Gilchristella (Round herring) (1)
  62. Gillellus (Sand stargazer) (10)
  63. Gillichthys (longjaw mudsuckers) (2)
  64. Gilloblennius (Threefin blenny) (2)
  65. Ginglymostoma (Nurse shark) (1)
  66. Ginsburgellus (Goby) (1)
  67. Girardinichthys (Goodeid) (3) (1)
  68. Girardinus (Livebearer) (7)
  69. Girella (greenfish) (18)
  70. Giuris (1)
  71. Gladioglanis (Catfish) (3)
  72. Gladiogobius (Goby) (3)
  73. Glanapteryx (Catfish) (2)
  74. Glandulocauda (Tetra) (2)
  75. Glanidium (Catfish) (7)
  76. Glaniopsis (Loach) (4)
  77. Glaphyropoma (2)
  78. Glaridoglanis (1)
  79. Glaucosoma (4)
  80. Glaucostegus (3)
  81. Glenoglossa (Worm eel) (1)
  82. Glossamia (11)
  83. Glossanodon (Argentine) (14)
  84. Glossogobius (flathead gobies) (28)
  85. Glossolepis (Rainbowfish) (9) (1)
  86. Glyphis (5) (4)
  87. Glyptauchen (Waspfish) (1)
  88. Glyptocephalus (flukes) (3)
  89. Glyptoparus (Blenny) (1)
  90. Glyptophidium (Brotula) (7)
  91. Glyptosternon (Catfish) (4)
  92. Glyptothorax (89) (7)
  93. Gnathanacanthus (Red velvetfish) (1)
  94. Gnathanodon (Dorade) (1)
  95. Gnathobagrus (1)
  96. Gnathocharax (1)
  97. Gnathochromis (Cichlid) (2)
  98. Gnathodentex (Largeeye bream) (1)
  99. Gnathodolus (Headstander) (1)
  100. Gnatholebias (1)
  101. Gnatholepis (Goby) (10)
  102. Gnathonemus (Elephantfish) (4)
  103. Gnathophis (Conger eel) (27)
  104. Gnathopogon (Minnow) (9)
  105. Gobiesox (common clingfishes) (28)
  106. Gobio (Gudgeon) (34) (2)
  107. Gobiobotia (Gudgeon) (18)
  108. Gobiocichla (Cichlid) (2) (1)
  109. Gobiocypris (Gudgeon) (1)
  110. Gobiodon (Goby) (20)
  111. Gobioides (barretos and eel gobies) (5)
  112. Gobiomorphus (9)
  113. Gobiomorus (bigmouth sleepers) (3)
  114. Gobionellus (darter gobies) (7)
  115. Gobionotothen (Cod icefish) (5)
  116. Gobiopsis (dragonface gobies) (14)
  117. Gobiopterus (Goby) (10)
  118. Gobiosoma (naked gobies) (16) (1)
  119. Gobitrichinotus (Sand goby) (2)
  120. Gobius (gobies) (26)
  121. Gobiusculus (Goby) (1)
  122. Gobulus (Goby) (4) (1)
  123. Goeldiella (Catfish) (1)
  124. Gogangra (2)
  125. Gogo (4)
  126. Gogolia (Shark) (1)
  127. Gollum (Finbacked cat shark) (2)
  128. Gomphosus (bird fishes and bird wrasses) (2)
  129. Gonialosa (Gizzard shad) (3)
  130. Gonichthys (Lanternfish) (4)
  131. Gonioplectrus (Spanish flag) (1)
  132. Gonorynchus (Sand eel) (5)
  133. Gonostoma (3)
  134. Goodea (3)
  135. Gordiichthys (Snake eel) (5)
  136. Gorgasia (14)
  137. Gorogobius (Goby) (2)
  138. Gosztonyia (1)
  139. Gouania (1)
  140. Gracila (Grouper) (1)
  141. Grahamichthys (1)
  142. Grallenia (2)
  143. Gramma (Basslet) (5)
  144. Grammatobothus (Lefteyed flounder) (3)
  145. Grammatonotus (Seaperch) (6)
  146. Grammatorcynus (Spanish mackerel) (2)
  147. Grammatostomias (Dragonfish) (3)
  148. Grammatotria (Cichlid) (1)
  149. Grammicolepis (Tinselfish) (1)
  150. Grammistes (1)
  151. Grammistops (Soapfish) (1)
  152. Grammonus (Brotula) (11)
  153. Grammoplites (Flathead) (3)
  154. Grasseichthys (Kneria) (1)
  155. Graus (Nibbler) (1)
  156. Greenwoodochromis (Cichlid) (2)
  157. Grundulus (Characin) (3)
  158. Guavina (Atlantic guavinas) (2)
  159. Gudusia (River shad) (2)
  160. Guentheridia (Puffer) (1)
  161. Guentherus (Jellynose fish) (2)
  162. Guianacara (Cichlid) (7)
  163. Gulaphallus (Priapum fish) (5)
  164. Gunnellichthys (Wormfish) (7)
  165. Gunterichthys (Brotula) (3)
  166. Gurgesiella (Skate) (3)
  167. Guttigadus (7)
  168. Guyu (1)
  169. Gvozdarus (Cod icefish) (2)
  170. Gymnachirus (Sole) (3)
  171. Gymnallabes (Catfish) (2)
  172. Gymnammodytes (Sandlance) (3)
  173. Gymnapistes (Waspfish) (1)
  174. Gymnapogon (Cardinalfish) (8)
  175. Gymnarchus (Gymnarchid fish) (1)
  176. Gymneleotris (Goby) (1)
  177. Gymnelopsis (Eelpout) (5)
  178. Gymnelus (Eelpout) (12)
  179. Gymnoamblyopus (1)
  180. Gymnocaesio (Fusilier) (1)
  181. Gymnocanthus (Sculpin) (7)
  182. Gymnocephalus (European ruffes) (5) (1) (1)
  183. Gymnochanda (Glassfish) (4)
  184. Gymnocharacinus (Tetra) (1) (1)
  185. Gymnoclinus (Prickleback) (1)
  186. Gymnocorymbus (Black tetra) (3)
  187. Gymnocranius (Largeeye bream) (8)
  188. Gymnocrotaphus (Porgy) (1)
  189. Gymnocypris (Carp) (10)
  190. Gymnodanio (1)
  191. Gymnodiptychus (3)
  192. Gymnodraco (Antarctic dragonfish) (1)
  193. Gymnogeophagus (Eartheater) (11)
  194. Gymnogobius (Goby) (16)
  195. Gymnomuraena (Moray) (1)
  196. Gymnorhamphichthys (Knifefish) (6)
  197. Gymnosarda (little tunnies and ocean bonitos) (1)
  198. Gymnoscopelus (Lanternfish) (8)
  199. Gymnoscyphus (Clingfish) (1)
  200. Gymnothorax (common morays) (124)
  201. Gymnotichthys (Characin) (1)
  202. Gymnotocinclus (1)
  203. Gymnotus (37)
  204. Gymnura (stingrays) (14)
  205. Gyrinichthys (Snailfish) (1)
  206. Gyrinocheilus (3)
  207. Gyrinomimus (Flabby whalefish) (5)


  1. Hadropareia (Eelpout) (2)
  2. Hadropogonichthys (Eelpout) (1)
  3. Haemomaster (Catfish) (1)
  4. Haemulon (grunts, roncos, and tomtates) (22)
  5. Haemulopsis (4)
  6. Hainania (1)
  7. Halaelurus (Cat shark) (7)
  8. Halaphritis (1)
  9. Halargyreus (Codling) (1)
  10. Haletta (Whiting) (1)
  11. Halicampus (Pipefish) (12)
  12. Halichoeres (wrasses) (82) (1)
  13. Halicmetus (Batfish) (3)
  14. Halidesmus (Eelblenny) (5)
  15. Halieutaea (Batfish) (9)
  16. Halieutichthys (Batfish) (4)
  17. Halieutopsis (Batfish) (9)
  18. Haliichthys (Pipefish) (1)
  19. Halimochirurgus (Spikefish) (2)
  20. Halimuraena (Eelblenny) (3)
  21. Halimuraenoides (Eelblenny) (1)
  22. Haliophis (Eelblenny) (3)
  23. Halobatrachus (Toadfish) (1)
  24. Halophryne (Toadfish) (4)
  25. Halosauropsis (Halosaur) (1)
  26. Halosaurus (Halosaur) (9)
  27. Hampala (Minnow) (7) (1)
  28. Hannia (Grunter) (1)
  29. Hapalogenys (9)
  30. Haploblepharus (Shy shark) (4) (1)
  31. Haplochromis (mouth brooders) (228) (55)
  32. Haplocylix (Clingfish) (1)
  33. Haplomacrourus (Grenadier) (1)
  34. Haplophryne (Deepsea anglerfish) (2)
  35. Haplotaxodon (Cichlid) (2)
  36. Haptenchelys (Cutthroat eel) (1)
  37. Haptoclinus (Blenny) (1)
  38. Haptogenys (Blenny) (1)
  39. Hara (9)
  40. Harengula (scaly sardines) (4)
  41. Harpadon (Bombay duck) (5)
  42. Harpagifer (Plunderfish) (11)
  43. Harriotta
  44. Chimaera
  45. Harttia (Catfish) (22)
  46. Harttiella (Catfish) (7)
  47. Hasemania (Tetra) (8)
  48. Hassar (Catfish) (4)
  49. Hastatobythites (1)
  50. Hatcheria (Catfish) (1)
  51. Hazeus (Goby) (3)
  52. Hedinichthys (3)
  53. Helcogramma (Threefin blenny) (36)
  54. Helcogrammoides (Threefin blenny) (3)
  55. Helicolenus (10)
  56. Helicophagus (Giant catfish) (3)
  57. Heliotrygon (2)
  58. Helogenes (Catfish) (4)
  59. Helostoma (Gourami) (1)
  60. Helotes (1)
  61. Hemanthias (Basslet) (5)
  62. Hemerocoetes (5)
  63. Hemerorhinus (Snake eel) (2)
  64. Hemiancistrus (Suckermouth catfish) (26)
  65. Hemiarius (4)
  66. Hemibagrus (Flathead catfish) (38) (1)
  67. Hemibarbus (Gudgeon) (12)
  68. Hemibates (Cichlid) (1)
  69. Hemibrycon (Characin) (32)
  70. Hemicaranx (Little jack) (4)
  71. Hemichromis (jewelfishes) (11) (1)
  72. Hemiculter (Barb) (8)
  73. Hemiculterella (Minnow) (3)
  74. Hemidoras (Catfish) (2)
  75. Hemieleotris (Sleeper goby) (2)
  76. Hemiemblemaria (Pikeblenny) (1)
  77. Hemigaleus (2)
  78. Hemiglyphidodon (Damselfish) (1)
  79. Hemigobius (Goby) (2)
  80. Hemigrammocapoeta (Barb) (4) (1)
  81. Hemigrammocharax (9)
  82. Hemigrammocypris (Minnow) (1)
  83. Hemigrammopetersius (Tetra) (2)
  84. Hemigrammus (Tetra) (54)
  85. Hemigymnus (Wrasse) (2)
  86. Hemileiocassis (1)
  87. Hemilepidotus (Sculpin) (6)
  88. Hemilutjanus (Sea bass) (1)
  89. Hemimyzon (Loach) (14)
  90. Heminodus (Searobin) (2)
  91. Heminoemacheilus (2)
  92. Hemiodontichthys (Catfish) (1)
  93. Hemiodus (Hemiodus) (20)
  94. Hemipristis (Weasel shark) (1)
  95. Hemipsilichthys (Catfish) (3)
  96. Hemiramphus (halfbeaks) (11)
  97. Hemirhamphodon (6)
  98. Hemisalanx (1)
  99. Hemiscyllium (8)
  100. Hemisilurus (Catfish) (3)
  101. Hemisorubim (Catfish) (1)
  102. Hemistichodus (3)
  103. Hemitaeniochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (1)
  104. Hemitaurichthys (Butterflyfish) (4)
  105. Hemitilapia (Lake Malawi cichlid) (1)
  106. Hemitremia (flame chub) (1)
  107. Hemitriakis (Shark) (6) (1)
  108. Hemitripterus (sea ravens) (3)
  109. Henicorhynchus (Chub) (4)
  110. Heniochus (Butterflyfish) (8)
  111. Henochilus (Characin) (1)
  112. Henonemus (Catfish) (5)
  113. Hephaestus (Tigerperch) (14)
  114. Hephthocara (Brotula) (2)
  115. Hepsetus (Characin) (2)
  116. Heptapterus (11)
  117. Heptranchias (Sevengill shark) (1)
  118. Heraldia (Pipefish) (1)
  119. Herichthys (9) (1)
  120. Herklotsichthys (Herring) (12)
  121. Hermosilla (Sea chub) (1)
  122. Heroina (1)
  123. Heros (Cichlid) (4)
  124. Herpetoichthys (1)
  125. Herwigia (1)
  126. Herzensteinia (Barb) (1)
  127. Hesperoleucus (California roaches) (1)
  128. Heterandria (least killifishes) (9)
  129. Hetereleotris (16)
  130. Heteristius (Sand stargazer) (1)
  131. Heterobranchus (4)
  132. Heterocharax (3)
  133. Heterocheirodon (2)
  134. Heterochromis (Cichlid) (1)
  135. Heteroclinus (Blenny) (18)
  136. Heteroconger (Garden eel) (21)
  137. Heterodontus (Shark) (9)
  138. Heterogobius (1)
  139. Heteromormyrus (Elephantfish) (1)
  140. Heteromycteris (Sole) (6)
  141. Heteronarce (4)
  142. Heterophallus (2)
  143. Heterophotus (Snaggletooth) (1)
  144. Heteroplopomus (Goby) (1)
  145. Heteropneustes (Catfish) (4)
  146. Heteropriacanthus (Glasseye) (1)
  147. Heteroscymnoides (Longnose pygmy shark) (1)
  148. Heterostichus (Blenny) (1)
  149. Heterotis (African arawana) (1)
  150. Hexagrammos (greenlings and rock trouts) (6)
  151. Hexanchus (Sixgill shark) (2)
  152. Hexanematichthys (3)
  153. Hexatrygon (Stingray) (1)
  154. Hilsa (Shad) (1)
  155. Himantolophus (Footballfish) (21)
  156. Himantura (Stingray) (32) (4)
  157. Hime (Threadsail fish) (5)
  158. Hintonia (1)
  159. Hiodon (mooneyes) (2)
  160. Hippichthys (river pipefishes) (6)
  161. Hippocampus (seahorses) (54) (1)
  162. Hippoglossina (Flounder) (7)
  163. Hippoglossoides (Flounder) (4)
  164. Hippoglossus (2) (1)
  165. Hippopotamyrus (Hippopotamusfish) (16)
  166. Hipposcarus (Parrotfish) (2)
  167. Hirculops (Blenny) (1)
  168. Hirundichthys (Flyingfish) (9)
  169. Hisonotus (28)
  170. Hispidoberyx (Fish) (1)
  171. Histiobranchus (Cutthroat eel) (3)
  172. Histiodraco (Plunderfish) (1)
  173. Histiogamphelus (Pipefish) (2)
  174. Histiophryne (Frogfish) (5)
  175. Histiopterus (Armorhead) (1)
  176. Histrio (sargassum fishes) (1)
  177. Holacanthus (8)
  178. Holanthias (Sea bass) (2)
  179. Holapogon (Cardinalfish) (1)
  180. Holcomycteronus (Brotula) (6)
  181. Hollandichthys (1)
  182. Hollardia (Spikefish) (3)
  183. Holocentrus (2)
  184. Hologymnosus (Wrasse) (4)
  185. Holohalaelurus (Cat shark) (5) (2)
  186. Holtbyrnia (Tubeshoulder) (9)
  187. Homaloptera (Loach) (35) (2)
  188. Homatula (11)
  189. Homodiaetus (Catfish) (4)
  190. Homostolus (Brotula) (1)
  191. Hongeo (1)
  192. Hongshuia (3)
  193. Hoplarchus (Cichlid) (1)
  194. Hoplerythrinus (Trahira) (3)
  195. Hopliancistrus (1)
  196. Hoplias (Wolffish) (11)
  197. Hoplichthys (Ghost flathead) (11)
  198. Hoplobrotula (Brotula) (3)
  199. Hoplocharax (1)
  200. Hoplolatilus (Sand tilefish) (13)
  201. Hoplomyzon (Banjo catfish) (3)
  202. Hoplopagrus (Pargo) (1)
  203. Hoplosebastes (Scorpionfish) (1)
  204. Hoplosternum (hoplos) (3)
  205. Hoplostethus (30)
  206. Hoplunnis (Duckbill eel) (9)
  207. Horabagrus (Catfish) (2) (1)
  208. Horadandia (Minnow) (1)
  209. Horaglanis (Blind walking catfish) (3)
  210. Horalabiosa (3) (2)
  211. Horiomyzon (Catfish) (1)
  212. Howella (Bass) (5)
  213. Hozukius (2)
  214. Hubbsina (Goodeid) (1) (1)
  215. Hucho (Taimen) (5) (3)
  216. Huigobio (1)
  217. Huso (Sturgeon) (2) (2)
  218. Hyalobagrus (3)
  219. Hybognathus (silvery minnows) (7) (1)
  220. Hybopsis (bigeye chubs) (6)
  221. Hydrocynus (6)
  222. Hydrolagus
  223. Hydrolycus (4)
  224. Hygophum (Lanternfish) (9)
  225. Hylopanchax (Topminnow) (2)
  226. Hymenocephalus (Grenadier) (23)
  227. Hypancistrus (Catfish) (6)
  228. Hypentelium (hog suckers) (3)
  229. Hypergastromyzon (Loach) (2)
  230. Hyperlophus (Sprat) (2)
  231. Hyperoglyphe (Medusafish) (6)
  232. Hyperopisus (Elephantfish) (1)
  233. Hyperoplus (Sandlance) (2)
  234. Hyperprosopon (walleyed surffishes) (3)
  235. Hyphalophis (Snake eel) (1)
  236. Hyphessobrycon (Tetra) (127)
  237. Hypleurochilus (Forktail blenny) (10)
  238. Hypnos (1)
  239. Hypoatherina (Silverside) (13)
  240. Hypobrycon (3)
  241. Hypoclinemus (1)
  242. Hypodoras (Catfish) (1)
  243. Hypogaleus (Shark) (1)
  244. Hypomasticus (7)
  245. Hypomesus (smallmouth smelts) (5) (1)
  246. Hypophthalmichthys (bighead carps) (3) (2)
  247. Hypophthalmus (4)
  248. Hypoplectrodes (Seabass) (8)
  249. Hypoplectrus (16)
  250. Hypopleuron (Brotula) (1)
  251. Hypopomus (Knifefish) (1)
  252. Hypopterus (Snook) (1)
  253. Hypoptopoma (Catfish) (15)
  254. Hypoptychus (Sand eel) (1)
  255. Hypopygus (Knifefish) (7)
  256. Hyporhamphus (halfbeaks) (38)
  257. Hyporthodus (14) (1)
  258. Hypostomus (suckermouth catfishes) (133)
  259. Hypsagonus (Poacher) (2)
  260. Hypselecara (Cichlid) (2)
  261. Hypseleotris (prigis) (16)
  262. Hypselobarbus (Barb) (10) (6)
  263. Hypselognathus (Pipefish) (2)
  264. Hypsibarbus (Barb) (10)
  265. Hypsoblennius (Blenny) (16)
  266. Hypsolebias (4)
  267. Hypsopanchax (Killifish) (6)
  268. Hypsophrys (2)
  269. Hypsopsetta (Sole) (2)
  270. Hypsurus (Surfperch) (1)
  271. Hypsypops (garibaldi) (1)
  272. Hyrcanogobius (Goby) (1)
  273. Hysterocarpus (tule perches) (1)
  274. Hysteronotus (Characin) (1)


  1. Iago (Shark) (2)
  2. Iberochondrostoma (5) (4)
  3. Iberocypris (1) (1)
  4. Icelinus (Sculpin) (11)
  5. Icelus (Sculpin) (17)
  6. Ichthyapus (Snake eel) (7)
  7. Ichthyborus (5)
  8. Ichthyocampus (Pipefish) (2)
  9. Ichthyococcus (Lightfish) (7)
  10. Ichthyoelephas (2)
  11. Ichthyomyzon (Lamprey) (6)
  12. Ichthyscopus (Stargazer) (8)
  13. Icichthys (Medusafish) (2)
  14. Icosteus (Ragfish) (1)
  15. Ictalurus (forktail catfishes) (10)
  16. Ictiobus (buffalo fishes) (5)
  17. Idiacanthus (Black dragonfish) (3)
  18. Idiastion (Scorpionfish) (3)
  19. Idiolophorhynchus (Grenadier) (1)
  20. Idiolychnus (Lanternfish) (1)
  21. Idiotropiscis (3)
  22. Iguanodectes (Tetra) (8)
  23. Iheringichthys (Catfish) (3)
  24. Ijimaia (Jellynose fish) (5)
  25. Iksookimia (Loach) (5)
  26. Ilamnemacheilus (1)
  27. Ilisha (16)
  28. Iluocoetes (Eelpout) (2)
  29. Ilyodon (Splitfin) (5) (1)
  30. Ilyophis (Arrowtooth eel) (6)
  31. Ilypnus (Goby) (2)
  32. Imparfinis (22)
  33. Incara (Sleeper goby) (1)
  34. Indoreonectes (1)
  35. Indostomus (Paradox fish) (3)
  36. Inegocia (Flathead) (4)
  37. Iniistius (19)
  38. Inimicus (Stonefish) (10)
  39. Inpaichthys (Characin) (1)
  40. Insentiraja (2)
  41. Interochromis (1)
  42. Iodotropheus (Lake Malawi cichlid) (3)
  43. Ioichthys (1)
  44. Iotabrycon (Characin) (1)
  45. Iotichthys (least chubs) (1)
  46. Ipnops (Tripodfish) (3)
  47. Iracema (1)
  48. Iracundus (Scorpionfish) (1)
  49. Iranocichla (Cichlid) (1)
  50. Iranocypris (Carp) (1)
  51. Iriatherina (Rainbowfish) (1)
  52. Irolita (round skates) (2)
  53. Irvineia (Glass catfish) (2) (1)
  54. Isacia (Grunt) (1)
  55. Isbrueckerichthys (Catfish) (5)
  56. Ischikauia (Minnow) (1)
  57. Isichthys (Elephantfish) (1)
  58. Isistius (Cookiecutter shark) (3)
  59. Iskandaria (1)
  60. Iso (Surf sardine) (5)
  61. Isocirrhitus (1)
  62. Isogomphodon (Shark) (1) (1)
  63. Isopisthus (Croaker) (2)
  64. Isopsetta (Sole) (1)
  65. Isorineloricaria (Catfish) (1)
  66. Istiblennius (Blenny) (14)
  67. Istigobius (11)
  68. Istiompax (1)
  69. Istiophorus (sailfishes) (2)
  70. Isurus (shortfin mako) (2)
  71. Ituglanis (Catfish) (20)
  72. Itycirrhitus (1)
  73. Ivindomyrus (Elephantfish) (1)
  74. Ixinandria (Catfish) (1)


  1. Japigny (1)
  2. Japonoconger (3)
  3. Japonolaeops (Lefteyed flounder) (1)
  4. Japonolycodes (1)
  5. Javichthys (Puffer) (1)
  6. Jaydia (3)
  7. Jeboehlkia (Seabass) (1)
  8. Jenkinsia (4)
  9. Jenynsia (Livebearer) (13)
  10. Jinshaia (3)
  11. Johnius (maigres) (34)
  12. Johnrandallia (Barberfish) (1)
  13. Johnsonina (Spikefish) (1)
  14. Jordanella (flagfishes) (1)
  15. Jordania (1)
  16. Joturus (hog mullets) (1)
  17. Julidochromis (Cichlid) (5)
  18. Jupiaba (27)
  19. Jurengraulis (Anchovy) (1)


  1. Kajikia (2)
  2. Kali (Swallower) (7)
  3. Kalimantania (Minnow) (1)
  4. Kalyptatherina (Silverside) (1)
  5. Kalyptodoras (1)
  6. Kamoharaia (Lefteyed flounder) (1)
  7. Kanekonia (Velvetfish) (3)
  8. Karalepis (Threefin blenny) (1)
  9. Kareius (Flounder) (1)
  10. Karsten (1)
  11. Kasatkia (Prickleback) (2)
  12. Kathala (Croaker) (1)
  13. Kathetostoma (Stargazer) (9)
  14. Katibasia (1)
  15. Katria (Cichlid) (1)
  16. Katsuwonus (oceanic bonitos and skipjack tunas) (1)
  17. Kaupichthys (False moray) (6)
  18. Kaupus (Pipefish) (1)
  19. Kelloggella (Goby) (5)
  20. Kentrocapros (Boxfish) (4)
  21. Kenyaconger (1)
  22. Kertomichthys (Snake eel) (1)
  23. Kestratherina (Silverside) (2)
  24. Ketengus (Sea catfish) (1)
  25. Kichulchoia (1)
  26. Kimberleyeleotris (Gudgeon) (2)
  27. Kimblaeus (Pipefish) (1)
  28. Kiunga (Blueeye) (2) (1)
  29. Klausewitzia (Darter) (1)
  30. Kneria (Kneria) (13)
  31. Knipowitschia (Goby) (17) (6)
  32. Knodus (Tetra) (23)
  33. Kochichthys (Sandperch) (1)
  34. Kolpotocheirodon (2)
  35. Konia (Cichlid) (2) (2)
  36. Konosirus (Gizzard shad) (1)
  37. Kopua (Clingfish) (3)
  38. Koreocobitis (Loach) (2)
  39. Kosswigobarbus (1)
  40. Kottelatia (1)
  41. Kottelatlimia (Loach) (3)
  42. Koumansetta (2)
  43. Kraemeria (sharpnose sandfishes) (7)
  44. Krefftichthys (Lanternfish) (1)
  45. Kribia (Sleeper goby) (4) (1)
  46. Krobia (Cichlid) (3)
  47. Kronichthys (Catfish) (3)
  48. Krusensterniella (Eelpout) (4)
  49. Kryptoglanis (1)
  50. Kryptolebias (8)
  51. Kryptophanaron (Flashlightfish) (1)
  52. Kryptopterus (glass catfishes) (18)
  53. Kuhlia (flagtails) (14)
  54. Kuiterichthys (Frogfish) (1)
  55. Kumba (Grenadier) (8)
  56. Kumococius (Flathead) (1)
  57. Kuronezumia (Grenadier) (6)
  58. Kurtus (Nurseryfish) (2)
  59. Kyonemichthys (1)
  60. Kyphosus (rudderfishes) (14)


  1. Labeo (Sharkminnow) (103) (7)
  2. Labeobarbus (yellowfish) (43) (4)
  3. Labeotropheus (African cichlid) (2)
  4. Labichthys (Snipe eel) (2)
  5. Labidesthes (brook silversides) (1)
  6. Labidochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (18)
  7. Labiobarbus (Barb) (9)
  8. Labracinus (Dottyback) (4)
  9. Labracoglossa (Knifefish) (2)
  10. Labrichthys (Wrasse) (1)
  11. Labrisomus (Blenny) (21)
  12. Labroides (Cleaner wrasse) (5)
  13. Labropsis (Tubelip wrasse) (6)
  14. Labrus (4)
  15. Lacantunia (1)
  16. Lachneratus (Cardinalfish) (1)
  17. Lachnolaimus (Hogfish) (1)
  18. Lactarius (1)
  19. Lactophrys (three-angled trunkfishes) (2)
  20. Lactoria (boxfishes) (4)
  21. Lacustricola (6)
  22. Ladigesia (Tetra) (1) (1)
  23. Ladigesocypris (Sharkminnow) (1)
  24. Ladislavia (Gudgeon) (1)
  25. Laemolyta (Headstander) (9)
  26. Laemonema (17)
  27. Laeops (Lefteyed flounder) (12)
  28. Laetacara (Flag cichlid) (6)
  29. Laeviscutella (Herring) (1)
  30. Lagocephalus (rabbitfishes) (10)
  31. Lagodon (pinfishes) (1)
  32. Lagusia (Grunter) (1)
  33. Laides (Glass catfish) (2)
  34. Laimosemion (24)
  35. Laiphognathus (Blenny) (2)
  36. Lalmohania (1)
  37. Lamiopsis (Shark) (2) (1)
  38. Lamna (2)
  39. Lamnostoma (Snake eel) (5)
  40. Lamontichthys (Catfish) (6)
  41. Lampadena (Lanternfish) (9)
  42. Lampanyctodes (Lanternfish) (1)
  43. Lampanyctus (Lanternfish) (22)
  44. Lampetra (Lamprey) (7)
  45. Lampichthys (Lanternfish) (1)
  46. Lampiella (1)
  47. Lamprichthys (Killifish) (1)
  48. Lampris (moonfish and opah) (2)
  49. Lamprogrammus (Brotula) (5)
  50. Lamprologus (Cichlid) (19) (2)
  51. Landonia (Tetra) (1)
  52. Laocypris (1)
  53. Lapitaichthys (1)
  54. Lappanella (Wrasse) (2)
  55. Larabicus (Wrasse) (1)
  56. Larimichthys (Croaker) (3)
  57. Larimus (6)
  58. Larsonella (1)
  59. Lasiancistrus (Catfish) (6)
  60. Lasiognathus (Deepsea anglerfish) (5)
  61. Lateolabrax (2)
  62. Lates (11) (3) (1)
  63. Latimeria (Coelacanth) (2) (1)
  64. Latridopsis (Trumpeter) (2)
  65. Latris (Trumpeter) (2)
  66. Latropiscis (1)
  67. Laubuca (9) (1)
  68. Lavinia (hitches) (1)
  69. Lebetus (Goby) (2)
  70. Lebiasina (Pencilfish) (17)
  71. Lecanogaster (Clingfish) (1)
  72. Lefua (4)
  73. Leiarius (Catfish) (4)
  74. Leiocassis (Catfish) (13)
  75. Leiocottus (Sculpin) (1)
  76. Leiognathus (Ponyfish) (12)
  77. Leiopotherapon (Tigerperch) (4)
  78. Leiostomus (spots) (1)
  79. Leiuranus (Snake eel) (2)
  80. Lentipes (hiukole gobies) (13)
  81. Leocottus (1)
  82. Lepadichthys (Clingfish) (10)
  83. Lepadicyathus (1)
  84. Lepadogaster (Clingfish) (4)
  85. Lepidamia (1)
  86. Lepidammodytes (1)
  87. Lepidarchus (Tetra) (1)
  88. Lepidiolamprologus (Cichlid) (8)
  89. Lepidion (Codling) (9)
  90. Lepidobero (1)
  91. Lepidoblennius (2)
  92. Lepidoblepharon (Flounder) (1)
  93. Lepidocephalichthys (Loach) (21) (2)
  94. Lepidocephalus (2)
  95. Lepidocharax (2)
  96. Lepidocybium (Snake mackerel) (1)
  97. Lepidogalaxias (Galaxias) (1)
  98. Lepidogobius (Goby) (1)
  99. Lepidomeda (spinedaces) (4) (1)
  100. Lepidonectes (Triplefin blenny) (3)
  101. Lepidonotothen (Cod icefish) (4)
  102. Lepidoperca (Seabass) (10)
  103. Lepidophanes (Lanternfish) (2)
  104. Lepidopsetta (3)
  105. Lepidopus (frostfishes) (6)
  106. Lepidopygopsis (Minnow) (1) (1)
  107. Lepidorhombus (Megrim flounder) (2)
  108. Lepidorhynchus (Grenadier) (1)
  109. Lepidosiren (1)
  110. Lepidotrigla (Searobin) (53)
  111. Lepidozygus (Damselfish) (1)
  112. Lepisosteus (slender gars) (4)
  113. Lepomis (common sunfishes) (13)
  114. Lepophidium (Cuskeel) (13)
  115. Leporacanthicus (Catfish) (4)
  116. Leporellus (Headstander) (4)
  117. Leporinus (88)
  118. Leptacanthichthys (Deepsea anglerfish) (1)
  119. Leptachirus (9)
  120. Leptagoniates (Characin) (2)
  121. Leptagonus (Poacher) (1)
  122. Leptatherina (Silverside) (2)
  123. Leptenchelys (Snake eel) (1)
  124. Lepthoplosternum (Catfish) (6) (1)
  125. Leptoancistrus (Catfish) (2)
  126. Leptobarbus (Barb) (5)
  127. Leptobotia (Loach) (14)
  128. Leptobrama (Beachsalmon) (1)
  129. Leptobrotula (Brotula) (1)
  130. Leptobrycon (Characin) (1)
  131. Leptocephalus (1)
  132. Leptocephalus (1)
  133. Leptocharacidium (Characin) (1)
  134. Leptocharias (Barbeled hound shark) (1)
  135. Leptochilichthys (Slickhead) (3)
  136. Leptoclinus (Prickleback) (1)
  137. Leptocottus (Pacific staghorn sculpins) (1)
  138. Leptocypris (Carp) (9)
  139. Leptoderma (5)
  140. Leptodoras (Catfish) (12)
  141. Leptoglanis (2)
  142. Leptoichthys (Pipefish) (1)
  143. Leptojulis (Wrasse) (5)
  144. Leptolebias (Killifish) (7)
  145. Leptolucania (pygmy killifishes) (1)
  146. Leptomelanosoma (1)
  147. Leptonotus (Pipefish) (3)
  148. Leptophilypnus (3)
  149. Leptorhamdia (Catfish) (3)
  150. Leptoscarus (Parrotfish) (1)
  151. Leptoscopus (Sandfish) (1)
  152. Leptostichaeus (Prickleback) (1)
  153. Leptostomias (Dragonfish) (12)
  154. Leptosynanceia (Stonefish) (1)
  155. Lepturacanthus (Hairtail) (3)
  156. Lepturichthys (Loach) (2)
  157. Lestidiops (Barracudina) (15)
  158. Lestidium (4)
  159. Lestradea (Cichlid) (2)
  160. Lestrolepis (Barracudina) (4)
  161. Lesueurigobius (Goby) (5)
  162. Lesueurina (1)
  163. Letharchus (Snake eel) (3)
  164. Lethenteron (Lamprey) (8)
  165. Lethogoleos (Snake eel) (1)
  166. Letholycus (Eelpout) (2)
  167. Lethops (Goby) (1)
  168. Lethotremus (Lumpfish) (2)
  169. Lethrinops (Lake Malawi cichlid) (24) (4)
  170. Lethrinus (emperors, porgies, and scavengers) (27)
  171. Leucalburnus (Minnow) (1)
  172. Leucaspius (Dace) (1)
  173. Leucicorus (Brotula) (2)
  174. Leuciscus (European daces) (17) (1)
  175. Leucobrotula (False brotula) (1)
  176. Leucogrammolycus (1)
  177. Leucopsarion (Goby) (1)
  178. Leucoraja (15) (2)
  179. Leuresthes (Grunnion) (2)
  180. Leurochilus (Sand stargazer) (1)
  181. Leuroglossus (3)
  182. Leuropharus (Snake eel) (1)
  183. Leviprora (Flathead) (1)
  184. Liachirus (Sole) (2)
  185. Lichia (Pilotfish) (1)
  186. Lichnochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (1)
  187. Lignobrycon (1)
  188. Lile (Herring) (4)
  189. Limanda (mud dabs) (6)
  190. Limatulichthys (Catfish) (1)
  191. Limbochromis (Cichlid) (1) (1)
  192. Limia (21)
  193. Limnichthys (Sandburrower) (5)
  194. Limnochromis (Cichlid) (3)
  195. Limnocottus (Longwing Baikal sculpin) (4)
  196. Limnothrissa (Sardine) (1)
  197. Limnotilapia (Cichlid) (1)
  198. Linichthys (1)
  199. Liniparhomaloptera (Loach) (3)
  200. Linkenchelys (1)
  201. Linophryne (Deepsea anglerfish) (23)
  202. Liobagrus (Torrent catfish) (13) (2)
  203. Liobranchia (Clingfish) (1)
  204. Liocranium (2)
  205. Liopropoma (Basslet) (28)
  206. Liopsetta (eelback flounders) (2)
  207. Lioscorpius (Scorpionfish) (2)
  208. Liosomadoras (Catfish) (2)
  209. Liparis (widelip orchid) (59)
  210. Lipariscus (Snailfish) (1)
  211. Lipocheilus (Snapper) (1)
  212. Lipogenys (Spiny eel) (1)
  213. Lipogramma (Basslet) (8)
  214. Lipolagus (1)
  215. Lipophrys (Blenny) (4)
  216. Lipopterichthys (Catfish) (1)
  217. Lissocampus (Pipefish) (5)
  218. Lissonanchus (Clingfish) (1)
  219. Listrura (6)
  220. Lithodoras (Catfish) (1)
  221. Lithogenes (Catfish) (3)
  222. Lithognathus (Porgy) (4)
  223. Lithoxus (Catfish) (8)
  224. Litobranchus (Blenny) (1)
  225. Liza (true lizas) (21) (1)
  226. Llanolebias (1)
  227. Lobianchia (Lanternfish) (2)
  228. Lobocheilos (23)
  229. Lobochilotes (Cichlid) (1)
  230. Lobotes (2)
  231. Lobulogobius (Goby) (3)
  232. Lonchogenys (1)
  233. Lonchopisthus (Jawfish) (5)
  234. Lonchurus (2)
  235. Longanalus (1)
  236. Longiculter (Minnow) (1)
  237. Longischistura (1) (1)
  238. Lophichthys (Frogfish) (1)
  239. Lophiobagrus (Catfish) (4)
  240. Lophiobrycon (1)
  241. Lophiocharon (Frogfish) (3)
  242. Lophiodes (Warbonnet) (17)
  243. Lophiogobius (Goby) (1)
  244. Lophiomus (Angler) (1)
  245. Lophiosilurus (Catfish) (1)
  246. Lophius (7)
  247. Lophodiodon (Porcupinefish) (1)
  248. Lophodolos (Deepsea anglerfish) (2)
  249. Lophogobius (crested gobies) (3)
  250. Lopholatilus (Tilefish) (2)
  251. Lopholiparis (1)
  252. Lophonectes (Lefteyed flounder) (2)
  253. Lophotus (3)
  254. Loricaria (Catfish) (16)
  255. Loricariichthys (Catfish) (18)
  256. Lota (1)
  257. Lotella (beardie and rock cod) (5)
  258. Lotilia (Goby) (1)
  259. Lovettia (Southern smelt) (1)
  260. Loweina (Lanternfish) (3)
  261. Loxodon (Shark) (1)
  262. Lubbockichthys (3)
  263. Lubricogobius (Goby) (4)
  264. Lucania (brightfin killifishes) (3) (1)
  265. Lucayablennius (Pikeblenny) (1)
  266. Lucifuga (cuban blind fishes) (7)
  267. Lucigadus (7)
  268. Luciobarbus (21) (1)
  269. Luciobrama (Minnow) (1)
  270. Luciobrotula (Brotula) (6)
  271. Luciocephalus (Pikehead) (2)
  272. Luciocyprinus (Minnow) (2) (1)
  273. Luciogobius (Goby) (16)
  274. Luciopimelodus (Catfish) (1)
  275. Luciosoma (Sharkminnow) (5)
  276. Luciosudis (Lizardfish) (1)
  277. Lumiconger (Conger eel) (1)
  278. Lumpenella (Prickleback) (1)
  279. Lumpenopsis (Prickleback) (4)
  280. Lumpenus (oarfishes and snake blennies) (3)
  281. Lupinoblennius (Blenny) (4)
  282. Luposicya (Goby) (1)
  283. Luthulenchelys (1)
  284. Lutjanus (68) (1)
  285. Luvarus (Luvar) (1)
  286. Luxilus (highscale shiners) (9)
  287. Luzonichthys (Splitfin seabass) (6)
  288. Lycenchelys (Eelpout) (62)
  289. Lycengraulis (Anchovy) (4)
  290. Lycodapus (Eelpout) (13)
  291. Lycodes (Eelpout) (64)
  292. Lycodichthys (Eelpout) (2)
  293. Lycodonus (Eelpout) (4)
  294. Lycogrammoides (Eelpout) (1)
  295. Lyconema (Eelpout) (1)
  296. Lyconodes (Hake) (1)
  297. Lyconus (Hake) (2)
  298. Lycothrissa (Anchovy) (1)
  299. Lycozoarces (Eelpout) (1)
  300. Lyopsetta (Slender sole) (1)
  301. Lythrurus (finescale shiners) (11)
  302. Lythrypnus (Goby) (20)


  1. Maccullochella (Freshwater cod) (4) (3)
  2. Macolor (Snapper) (2)
  3. Macquaria (Bass) (4)
  4. Macrhybopsis (blacktail chubs) (8)
  5. Macrocephenchelys (Conger eel) (2)
  6. Macrochirichthys (Minnow) (1)
  7. Macrodon (3)
  8. Macrodontogobius (Goby) (1)
  9. Macrognathus (22)
  10. Macroparalepis (Barracudina) (7)
  11. Macropharyngodon (Wrasse) (10)
  12. Macropinna (Spookfish) (1)
  13. Macropodus (Paradisefish) (9)
  14. Macropsobrycon (Characin) (2)
  15. Macroramphosus (2)
  16. Macrorhamphosodes (Spikefish) (2)
  17. Macrosmia (Grenadier) (1)
  18. Macrospinosa (Croaker) (1)
  19. Macrotocinclus (1)
  20. Macrotrema (Swamp eel) (1)
  21. Macrouroides (Southern hake) (1)
  22. Macrourus (Grenadier) (5)
  23. Macrurocyttus (Dory) (1)
  24. Macruronus (Hake) (4)
  25. Magadanichthys (1)
  26. Magnisudis (Barracudina) (3)
  27. Magosternarchus (Knifefish) (2)
  28. Mahidolia (Goby) (1)
  29. Majungaichthys (2)
  30. Makaira (marlins and spearfishes) (2)
  31. Makararaja (1)
  32. Malacanthus (3)
  33. Malacocephalus (Grenadier) (7)
  34. Malacocottus (Tadpole sculpin) (4)
  35. Malacoctenus (Blenny) (22)
  36. Malacoglanis (Catfish) (1)
  37. Malacoraja (Skate) (4) (1)
  38. Malacosarcus (Pricklefish) (1)
  39. Malacosteus (Loosejaw) (2)
  40. Malakichthys (Bass) (7)
  41. Malapterurus (18)
  42. Malapterus (1)
  43. Malayochela (1)
  44. Mallotus (mallotus) (1)
  45. Malpulutta (Gourami) (1)
  46. Malthopsis (Batfish) (9)
  47. Malvoliophis (Snake eel) (1)
  48. Mancopsetta (Flounder) (1)
  49. Manducus (2)
  50. Mangarinus (chiseltooth gobies) (1)
  51. Manonichthys (7)
  52. Manta (Manta ray) (2)
  53. Maratecoara (3)
  54. Marcusenius (Elephantfish) (38) (2)
  55. Margariscus (pearl daces) (2)
  56. Margrethia (Bristlemouth) (2)
  57. Marilyna (Puffer) (3)
  58. Markiana (Tetra) (2)
  59. Marleyella (Righteyed flounder) (2)
  60. Marosatherina (1)
  61. Maroubra (Pipefish) (2)
  62. Marukawichthys (Northern sculpin) (2)
  63. Mascarenichthys (3)
  64. Mastacembelus (64) (1)
  65. Mastiglanis (1)
  66. Mastigopterus (Brotula) (1)
  67. Masturus (Ocean sunfish) (1)
  68. Mataeocephalus (Grenadier) (6)
  69. Matanui (2)
  70. Matsubaraea (Duckbill) (1)
  71. Matsubarichthys (1)
  72. Matsuichthys (1)
  73. Mauligobius (Goby) (2)
  74. Maulisia (Tubeshoulder) (5)
  75. Maurolicus (15)
  76. Maxillicosta (Scorpionfish) (6)
  77. Maylandia (30)
  78. Maynea (Eelpout) (1)
  79. Mazarunia (3)
  80. Mccoskerichthys (Pikeblenny) (1)
  81. Mchenga (6)
  82. Meadia (Arrowtooth eel) (2)
  83. Mecaenichthys (Damselfish) (1)
  84. Meda (spikedaces) (1)
  85. Medialuna (Halfmoon) (2)
  86. Megachasma (Megamouth shark) (1)
  87. Megadontognathus (Knifefish) (2)
  88. Megalancistrus (Catfish) (2)
  89. Megalaspis (Jack) (1)
  90. Megalechis (Catfish) (2)
  91. Megalobrama (Bream) (6)
  92. Megalocentor (1)
  93. Megalocottus (Sculpin) (1)
  94. Megalodoras (Catfish) (2)
  95. Megalomycter (1)
  96. Megalonema (Catfish) (8)
  97. Megalonibea (Croaker) (1)
  98. Megalops (tarpons) (2)
  99. Meganthias (4)
  100. Megarasbora (1)
  101. Megupsilon (Killifish) (1) (1)
  102. Meiacanthus (Goby) (28)
  103. Mekongina (Minnow) (3)
  104. Melamphaes (25)
  105. Melanocetus (5)
  106. Melanocharacidium (Tetra) (9)
  107. Melanochromis (twostripe mbunas) (25)
  108. Melanogrammus (haddocks) (1)
  109. Melanolagus (1)
  110. Melanonus (Melanonid cod) (2)
  111. Melanorhinus (Silverside) (3)
  112. Melanorivulus (37)
  113. Melanostigma (Eelpout) (7)
  114. Melanostomias (Dragonfish) (16)
  115. Melanotaenia (Rainbowfish) (53) (1)
  116. Melapedalion (Halfbeak) (1)
  117. Melichthys (Triggerfish) (3)
  118. Melodichthys (Brotula) (1)
  119. Membras (rough silversides and smoothscaled silversides) (6)
  120. Mendosoma (Telescopefish) (1)
  121. Mene (Moonfish) (1)
  122. Menidia (Atlantic silversides) (7)
  123. Menticirrhus (kingfishes and weakfishes) (9)
  124. Mentodus (Tubeshoulder) (8)
  125. Menziesichthys (1)
  126. Mephisto (Spikefish) (1)
  127. Merlangius (1)
  128. Merluccius (hakes) (15)
  129. Merodoras (1)
  130. Mesobius (2)
  131. Mesobola (Barb) (4)
  132. Mesoborus (1)
  133. Mesocottus (Sculpin) (1)
  134. Mesogobio (Gudgeon) (2)
  135. Mesogobius (Goby) (3)
  136. Mesonauta (6)
  137. Mesonoemacheilus (3) (1)
  138. Mesopotamichthys (1)
  139. Mesopristes (Tigerperch) (5)
  140. Metahomaloptera (Loach) (2)
  141. Metaloricaria (Catfish) (2)
  142. Metaschistura (1)
  143. Metavelifer (Velifer) (1)
  144. Metelectrona (Lanternfish) (3)
  145. Meteoria (Fish) (1)
  146. Metynnis (14)
  147. Metzia (6)
  148. Meuschenia (Filefish) (8)
  149. Micracanthicus (1)
  150. Micralestes (Tetra) (17)
  151. Micrenophrys (Sculpin) (1)
  152. Microbrotula (Brotula) (7)
  153. Microcambeva (3)
  154. Microcanthus (Halfmoon) (1)
  155. Microcharacidium (Tetra) (4)
  156. Microchirus (Sole) (7)
  157. Microchromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (2)
  158. Microcobitis (1)
  159. Microcottus (Sculpin) (2)
  160. Microctenopoma (12)
  161. Microdesmus (16)
  162. Microdevario (3)
  163. Microgadus (tomcods) (2)
  164. Microgenys (Tetra) (3)
  165. Microglanis (Catfish) (21)
  166. Micrognathus (7)
  167. Microgobius (bannerfin gobies) (14)
  168. Microichthys (Cardinalfish) (2)
  169. Microlepidogaster (Smallscaled catfish) (5)
  170. Microlepidotus (Grunt) (2)
  171. Microlipophrys (5)
  172. Microlophichthys (Deepsea anglerfish) (1)
  173. Micromesistius (Whiting) (2)
  174. Micrometrus (Reefperch) (2)
  175. Micromischodus (Hemiodus) (1)
  176. Micromoema (1)
  177. Micromyzon (Banjo catfish) (1)
  178. Micronema (3)
  179. Micronemacheilus (4)
  180. Micropanchax (9)
  181. Micropercops (4)
  182. Microphilypnus (4)
  183. Microphis (freshwater pipefishes) (18)
  184. Microphotolepis (Smoothhead) (2)
  185. Microphysogobio (Gudgeon) (24)
  186. Micropoecilia (4)
  187. Micropogonias (finebarbel croakers) (7)
  188. Micropterus (black basses and largemouth basses) (9) (1)
  189. Microrasbora (Dwarf rasbora) (2) (1)
  190. Microschemobrycon (Characin) (7)
  191. Microspathodon (Damselfish) (4)
  192. Microsternarchus (Knifefish) (1)
  193. Microstoma (1)
  194. Microstomatichthyoborus (2)
  195. Microstomus (smear dabs) (4)
  196. Microsynodontis (Upsidedown catfish) (12)
  197. Microthrissa (Sprat) (5)
  198. Miichthys (Croaker) (1)
  199. Mikrogeophagus (Cichlid) (2)
  200. Millerichthys (1)
  201. Millerigobius (Goby) (1)
  202. Milyeringa (Sleeper goby) (2)
  203. Mimagoniates (Characin) (7)
  204. Mimoblennius (Blenny) (5)
  205. Minilabrus (Wrasse) (1)
  206. Minous (Stingfish) (12)
  207. Minyclupeoides (1)
  208. Minyichthys (4)
  209. Minysicya (1)
  210. Minysynchiropus (1)
  211. Minytrema (spotted suckers) (1)
  212. Miracorvina (Croaker) (1)
  213. Mirapinna (1)
  214. Mirognathus (Smoothhead) (1)
  215. Mirorictus (Tubeshoulder) (1)
  216. Miroscyllium (1)
  217. Misgurnus (weatherfishes) (7) (1)
  218. Mistichthys (Goby) (1)
  219. Mitotichthys (Pipefish) (4)
  220. Mitsukurina (Goblin shark) (1)
  221. Miuroglanis (Catfish) (1)
  222. Mixobrycon (Characin) (1)
  223. Mixomyrophis (1)
  224. Moapa (moapa daces) (1) (1)
  225. Mobula (9) (1)
  226. Mochokiella (Upsidedown catfish) (1)
  227. Mochokus (Upsidedown catfish) (2)
  228. Modicus (Clingfish) (2)
  229. Moema (9)
  230. Moenkhausia (Tetra) (75)
  231. Mogurnda (Gudgeon) (25) (2)
  232. Mola (2)
  233. Mollisquama (Sleeper shark) (1)
  234. Molva (European lings) (3)
  235. Monacanthus (filefishes and foolfishes) (3)
  236. Monhoplichthys (Ghost flathead) (1)
  237. Monocentris (Pinecone fish) (3)
  238. Monochirus (2)
  239. Monocirrhus (Leaffish) (1)
  240. Monodactylus (moonfishes and moonies) (4)
  241. Monognathus (Fish) (15)
  242. Monolene (Lefteyed flounder) (11)
  243. Monomitopus (Brotula) (14)
  244. Monopenchelys (Moray) (1)
  245. Monopterus (jowled swamp eels) (13) (1) (1)
  246. Monotaxis (1)
  247. Monothrix (Brotula) (1)
  248. Monotocheirodon (Characin) (1)
  249. Monotrete (3)
  250. Moolgarda (Mullet) (5)
  251. Mora (1)
  252. Mordacia (3)
  253. Moringua (11)
  254. Mormyrops (Elephantfish) (19)
  255. Mormyrus (Elephantfish) (22) (1)
  256. Morone (striped basses) (4) (1)
  257. Moxostoma (redhorses) (22)
  258. Mugil (gray mullets) (18)
  259. Mugilogobius (mullet gobies) (35) (1)
  260. Mulloidichthys (Goatfish) (7)
  261. Mullus (4)
  262. Muraena (10)
  263. Muraenesox (Pike conger) (2)
  264. Muraenichthys (Worm eel) (7)
  265. Muraenoclinus (Kelpfish) (1)
  266. Muraenolepis (Codfish) (8)
  267. Mustelus (28) (2)
  268. Myaka (Cichlid) (1) (1)
  269. Mycteroperca (Grouper) (15) (2)
  270. Myctophum (Lanternfish) (16)
  271. Myersglanis (Catfish) (2)
  272. Myersina (Goby) (9)
  273. Mylesinus (3)
  274. Myleus (15)
  275. Myliobatis (bullnose rays) (11) (1)
  276. Mylocheilus (peamouths) (1)
  277. Mylochromis (21)
  278. Mylopharodon (hardheads) (1)
  279. Mylopharyngodon (Carp) (1)
  280. Myloplus (2)
  281. Mylossoma (3)
  282. Myoglanis (3)
  283. Myomyrus (Elephantfish) (3)
  284. Myopsaron (1)
  285. Myoxocephalus (daddy sculpins, fourhorn sculpins, great sculpins, and shorthorn sculpins) (18)
  286. Myrichthys (Snake eel) (11)
  287. Myripristis (28)
  288. Myroconger (Red eel) (5)
  289. Myrophis (8)
  290. Mystacoleucus (Minnow) (8)
  291. Mystriophis (Snake eel) (2)
  292. Mystus (40)
  293. Myxiops (1)
  294. Myxocyprinus (Sucker) (1)
  295. Myxodagnus (Sand stargazer) (5)
  296. Myxodes (3)
  297. Myxus (Mullet) (2)


  1. Naevochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (1)
  2. Nagaichthys (Swamp eel) (1)
  3. Nahangbagrus (1)
  4. Nalbantichthys (Eelpout) (1)
  5. Nandopsis (3)
  6. Nandus (Leaffish) (6)
  7. Nangra (Catfish) (5)
  8. Nannacara (Cichlid) (6)
  9. Nannaethiops (2)
  10. Nannatherina (Aholehole) (1)
  11. Nannobrachium (17)
  12. Nannocampus (Pipefish) (5)
  13. Nannocharax (28) (1)
  14. Nannoglanis (1)
  15. Nannoperca (Pygmy perch) (4) (1)
  16. Nannopetersius (Tetra) (2)
  17. Nannoplecostomus (1)
  18. Nannosalarias (Blenny) (1)
  19. Nannostomus (18)
  20. Nannothrissa (Dwarf sprat) (2) (1)
  21. Nanobagrus (7)
  22. Nanocheirodon (1)
  23. Nanochromis (Cichlid) (8) (1)
  24. Nansenia (17)
  25. Nantis (1)
  26. Narcetes (Smoothhead) (5)
  27. Narcine (Electric ray) (20) (1)
  28. Narke (3)
  29. Naso (nosefishes and unicornfishes) (20)
  30. Nasolamia (Shark) (1)
  31. Natalichthys (Eelblenny) (3)
  32. Naucrates (1)
  33. Nautichthys (Sculpin) (3)
  34. Navigobius (1)
  35. Naziritor (1)
  36. Nealotus (Snake mackerel) (1)
  37. Neamia (Cardinalfish) (4)
  38. Neatypus (Halfmoon) (1)
  39. Neblinichthys (Catfish) (5)
  40. Nebris (Croaker) (2)
  41. Nebrius (1)
  42. Nectamia (9)
  43. Nectoliparis (Snailfish) (1)
  44. Nedystoma (Sea catfish) (2)
  45. Neenchelys (Worm eel) (5)
  46. Negaprion (lemon sharks) (2)
  47. Nelabrichthys (Wrasse) (1)
  48. Nelusetta (Triggerfish) (1)
  49. Nemacheilus (65) (3)
  50. Nemachilichthys (1) (1)
  51. Nemaclinus (Blenny) (1)
  52. Nemadactylus (Morwong) (7)
  53. Nemadoras (Catfish) (5)
  54. Nemanthias (Seabass) (1)
  55. Nemapteryx (6)
  56. Nematabramis (Barb) (5)
  57. Nematalosa (Gizzard shad) (11)
  58. Nemateleotris (Firefish) (3)
  59. Nematistius (Roosterfish) (1)
  60. Nematobrycon (Tetra) (2)
  61. Nematocharax (Characin) (1)
  62. Nematogenys (Catfish) (1)
  63. Nematogobius (Goby) (2)
  64. Nematolebias (2)
  65. Nematops (Righteyed flounder) (4)
  66. Nemichthys (Snipe eel) (3)
  67. Nemipterus (besugos) (25)
  68. Nemuroglanis (Catfish) (5)
  69. Neoachiropsetta (1)
  70. Neoanguilla (1)
  71. Neoaploactis (Velvetfish) (1)
  72. Neoarius (10)
  73. Neobarynotus (Minnow) (1)
  74. Neobola (Minnow) (4)
  75. Neobythites (Brotula) (51)
  76. Neobythitoides (1)
  77. Neocaristius (1)
  78. Neocentropogon (Waspfish) (6)
  79. Neoceratias (Deepsea anglerfish) (1)
  80. Neoceratodus (1)
  81. Neochanna (Mudfish) (6)
  82. Neocirrhites (Hawkfish) (1)
  83. Neoclinus (Pikeblenny) (11)
  84. Neoconger (3)
  85. Neocottus (Longwing Baikal sculpin) (2)
  86. Neocyema (Bobtail eel) (1)
  87. Neocyttus (Oreo) (4)
  88. Neoditrema (Surfperch) (1)
  89. Neodontobutis (5)
  90. Neoepinnula (Snake mackerel) (2)
  91. Neoeucirrhichthys (Loach) (1)
  92. Neofundulus (Killifish) (5)
  93. Neogastromyzon (Loach) (6)
  94. Neoglyphidodon (Damselfish) (8)
  95. Neogobius (round gobies) (7) (1)
  96. Neoharriotta
  97. Neoheterandria (Minnow) (3)
  98. Neohomaloptera (Loach) (1)
  99. Neolaeops (Lefteyed flounder) (1)
  100. Neolamprologus (Cichlid) (49)
  101. Neolebias (11) (4)
  102. Neolissochilus (Minnow) (22)
  103. Neolumpenus (Prickleback) (1)
  104. Neomerinthe (Scorpionfish) (12)
  105. Neomyxus (yellowspot mullets) (2)
  106. Neonesthes (Snaggletooth) (2)
  107. Neoniphon (Squirrelfish) (5)
  108. Neonoemacheilus (5)
  109. Neoodax (Whiting) (1)
  110. Neoopisthopterus (Longfin herring) (2)
  111. Neopagetopsis (Crocodile icefish) (1)
  112. Neopataecus (Prowfish) (1)
  113. Neophrynichthys (Toadfish sculpin) (2)
  114. Neoplecostomus (Catfish) (13)
  115. Neopomacentrus (lyretail damselfishes) (16) (1)
  116. Neoraja (Skate) (5)
  117. Neosalanx (Icefish) (10)
  118. Neoscombrops (Bass) (3)
  119. Neoscopelus (Lanternfish) (3)
  120. Neoscorpaena (1)
  121. Neoscorpis (Halfmoon) (1)
  122. Neosebastes (Scorpionfish) (12)
  123. Neosiluroides (1)
  124. Neosilurus (Tandan catfish) (11)
  125. Neostethus (Priapum fish) (11) (1)
  126. Neosynchiropus (Dragonet) (1)
  127. Neotropius (Glass catfish) (3)
  128. Neotrygon (maskrays) (5)
  129. Neovespicula (1)
  130. Neozoarces (Prickleback) (2)
  131. Nerophis (Pipefish) (3)
  132. Nes (Goby) (1)
  133. Nesiarchus (Snake mackerel) (1)
  134. Nesogobius (Goby) (4)
  135. Nessorhamphus (Longneck eel) (2)
  136. Nettastoma (5)
  137. Nettenchelys (Duckbill eel) (8)
  138. Netuma (Sea catfish) (3)
  139. Nexilosus (Sergeant) (1)
  140. Nezumia (Grenadier) (51)
  141. Nibea (Croaker) (10)
  142. Nicholsicypris (Carp) (2)
  143. Nicholsina (Parrotfish) (2)
  144. Nielsenichthys (1)
  145. Nimbapanchax (5) (1)
  146. Nimbochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (5)
  147. Niobichthys (1)
  148. Niphon (Grouper) (1)
  149. Nipponocypris (3)
  150. Niwaella (Loach) (5)
  151. Nocomis (hornyhead chubs) (7)
  152. Nomeus (man-of-war fishes) (1)
  153. Nomorhamphus (19) (1)
  154. Norfolkia (Threefin blenny) (4)
  155. Normanichthys (Fish) (1)
  156. Normichthys (Tubeshoulder) (3)
  157. Notacanthus (Spiny eel) (6)
  158. Notarius (12) (1)
  159. Notemigonus (golden shiners) (1)
  160. Notesthes (Waspfish) (1)
  161. Nothobranchius (Killifish) (61) (3)
  162. Notholebias (3)
  163. Notiocampus (Pipefish) (1)
  164. Notocetichthys (Flabby whalefish) (1)
  165. Notocheirus (Surf sardine) (1)
  166. Notocirrhitus (1)
  167. Notoclinops (Threefin blenny) (3)
  168. Notoclinus (Threefin blenny) (2)
  169. Notoglanidium (Catfish) (4) (2)
  170. Notograptus (Spotted eelblenny) (2)
  171. Notolabrus (Wrasse) (7)
  172. Notolepis (Barracudina) (2)
  173. Notoliparis (Snailfish) (4)
  174. Notolychnus (1)
  175. Notolycodes (Eelpout) (1)
  176. Notomuraenobathys (1)
  177. Notophycis (2)
  178. Notopogon (Snipefish) (5)
  179. Notopterus (1)
  180. Notoraja (7)
  181. Notorynchus (Sevengill shark) (1)
  182. Notoscopelus (Lanternfish) (6)
  183. Notothenia (Cod icefish) (7)
  184. Nototheniops (2)
  185. Notropis (eastern shiners) (91) (4)
  186. Noturus (madtoms) (29) (3)
  187. Novaculichthys (Wrasse) (1)
  188. Novaculoides (1)
  189. Novumbra (Olympic mudminnows) (1)
  190. Nuchequula (7)
  191. Nudiantennarius (Frogfish) (1)
  192. Nyassachromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (8)
  193. Nybelinella (Fish) (2)


  1. Oblada (Seabream) (1)
  2. Obliquogobius (5)
  3. Occella (Poacher) (4)
  4. Occidentarius (1)
  5. Ochetobius (Minnow) (1)
  6. Ochmacanthus (Catfish) (5)
  7. Ocosia (Waspfish) (7)
  8. Ocynectes (Sculpin) (2)
  9. Ocyurus (Snapper) (1)
  10. Odax (4)
  11. Odaxothrissa (Herring) (4)
  12. Odondebuenia (Goby) (1)
  13. Odontamblyopus (Goby) (5)
  14. Odontanthias (Seabass) (15)
  15. Odontaspis (2)
  16. Odonteleotris (Gudgeon) (3)
  17. Odontesthes (Silverside) (20)
  18. Odontobutis (Sleeper goby) (8)
  19. Odontocharacidium (Characin) (1)
  20. Odontognathus (Longfin herring) (3)
  21. Odontomacrurus (Grenadier) (1)
  22. Odontopyxis (Poacher) (1)
  23. Odontoscion (Croaker) (3)
  24. Odontostilbe (Characin) (17)
  25. Odontostoechus (1)
  26. Odontostomias (Viperfish) (2)
  27. Odontostomops (Sabretoothfish) (1)
  28. Odonus (Pacific triggerfish) (1)
  29. Oedalechilus (fat mullets) (2)
  30. Ogcocephalus (Batfish) (13)
  31. Ogilbia (Brotula) (18)
  32. Ogilbichthys (7)
  33. Ogilbyina (Dottyback) (3)
  34. Oidiphorus (Eelpout) (2)
  35. Okamejei (15) (1)
  36. Oligancistrus (1)
  37. Oligobrycon (Characin) (1)
  38. Oligocottus (tidepool johnnies) (5)
  39. Oligolepis (barecheek gobies) (6)
  40. Oligoplites (leatherjacks, leatherjackets, and pompanos) (5)
  41. Oligosarcus (Tetra) (19)
  42. Olivaichthys (3)
  43. Oloplotosus (Catfish) (3)
  44. Olyra (carrycillo) (5)
  45. Oman (Blenny) (1)
  46. Omegophora (Puffer) (2)
  47. Omobranchus (Blenny) (22)
  48. Omosudis (1)
  49. Omox (Blenny) (2)
  50. Ompok (Catfish) (26)
  51. Oncopterus (Flounder) (1)
  52. Oncorhynchus (Pacific salmon) (15) (2) (1)
  53. Oneirodes (Deepsea anglerfish) (37)
  54. Onigocia (Flathead) (7)
  55. Onuxodon (Pearlfish) (3)
  56. Onychostoma (Minnow) (20) (1)
  57. Opaeophacus (Eelpout) (1)
  58. Opeatogenys (Clingfish) (2)
  59. Ophichthus (snake eels) (77)
  60. Ophiclinops (3)
  61. Ophiclinus (Snake blenny) (6)
  62. Ophidion (cusk-eels) (29)
  63. Ophioblennius (Blenny) (5)
  64. Ophiocara (spangled gudgeons) (2)
  65. Ophiodon (1)
  66. Ophiogobius (Goby) (2)
  67. Ophioscion (Croaker) (10)
  68. Ophisternon (snake swamp eels) (6) (1)
  69. Ophisurus (Snake eel) (2)
  70. Ophthalmolebias (1)
  71. Ophthalmolepis (Wrasse) (1)
  72. Ophthalmolycus (Eelpout) (9)
  73. Ophthalmotilapia (Cichlid) (4)
  74. Opisthocentrus (Prickleback) (3)
  75. Opisthonema (thread herrings) (5)
  76. Opisthoproctus (Spookfish) (2)
  77. Opisthopterus (Longfin herring) (6)
  78. Opistognathus (spotfin jawfishes) (64)
  79. Oplegnathus (Knifejaw) (7)
  80. Oplopomops (Goby) (1)
  81. Oplopomus (Goby) (2)
  82. Opostomias (Dragonfish) (2)
  83. Opsanus (Toadfish) (6)
  84. Opsaridium (Minnow) (12) (1)
  85. Opsariichthys (Minnow) (10)
  86. Opsarius (3)
  87. Opsodoras (Catfish) (4)
  88. Opsopoeodus (pugnose minnows) (1)
  89. Optivus (Slimehead) (3)
  90. Opua (Goby) (2)
  91. Orcynopsis (Bonito) (1)
  92. Orectolobus (Wobbegong) (10)
  93. Oregonichthys (Oregon chubs) (2)
  94. Oreichthys (Minnow) (3)
  95. Oreochromis (blue tilapias) (32) (12) (3)
  96. Oreoglanis (Catfish) (21) (3)
  97. Oreoleuciscus (Minnow) (4)
  98. Oreonectes (11)
  99. Oreosoma (Oreo) (1)
  100. Orestias (45)
  101. Orinocodoras (Catfish) (1)
  102. Orthochromis (14) (6)
  103. Orthodon (Sacramento blackfishes) (1)
  104. Orthonopias (Sculpin) (1)
  105. Orthopristis (pigfishes) (8)
  106. Orthospinus (Characin) (1)
  107. Orthosternarchus (Knifefish) (1)
  108. Oryzias (30) (2)
  109. Osmerus (rainbow smelts) (3)
  110. Osopsaron (Duckbill) (3)
  111. Ospatulus (Minnow) (2) (2)
  112. Osphronemus (Giant gourami) (4)
  113. Ossancora (4)
  114. Ossubtus (1)
  115. Osteobrama (Minnow) (8) (1)
  116. Osteochilichthys (2)
  117. Osteochilus (Barb) (35) (1)
  118. Osteodiscus (Snailfish) (3)
  119. Osteogeneiosus (Sea catfish) (1)
  120. Osteoglossum (2)
  121. Ostichthys (Soldierfish) (11)
  122. Ostorhinchus (58)
  123. Ostracion (trunkfishes) (8)
  124. Ostracoberyx (Fish) (3)
  125. Othonocheirodus (Characin) (1)
  126. Othos (Sea bass) (1)
  127. Otocinclus (Catfish) (18)
  128. Otolithes (Croaker) (2)
  129. Otolithoides (Croaker) (2)
  130. Otopharynx (Lake Malawi cichlid) (14)
  131. Otophidium (Cuskeel) (4)
  132. Otothyris (Catfish) (4)
  133. Otothyropsis (2)
  134. Owstonia (Bandfish) (10)
  135. Oxuderces (Goby) (2)
  136. Oxybrycon (Characin) (1)
  137. Oxycercichthys (1)
  138. Oxycheilinus (Wrasse) (9)
  139. Oxycirrhites (Hawkfish) (1)
  140. Oxyconger (Pike conger) (1)
  141. Oxydoras (Catfish) (3)
  142. Oxyeleotris (indonesian guavinas) (16)
  143. Oxygaster (Barb) (2)
  144. Oxygymnocypris (Carp) (1)
  145. Oxyjulis (Wrasse) (1)
  146. Oxylapia (Cichlid) (1) (1)
  147. Oxylebius (Greenling) (1)
  148. Oxymetopon (Worm goby) (5)
  149. Oxymonacanthus (Filefish) (2)
  150. Oxymormyrus (2)
  151. Oxynoemacheilus (17) (4)
  152. Oxynotus (5)
  153. Oxyporhamphus (flying halfbeaks) (1)
  154. Oxyropsis (3)
  155. Oxyurichthys (arrowfin gobies) (22)
  156. Oxyzygonectes (Foureyed fish) (1)


  1. Pachycara (Eelpout) (24)
  2. Pachychilon (Minnow) (2)
  3. Pachymetopon (3)
  4. Pachypanchax (Panchax) (7) (1)
  5. Pachypops (Croaker) (3)
  6. Pachystomias (Loosejaw) (1)
  7. Pachyurus (10)
  8. Padogobius (Goby) (2)
  9. Paedocypris (3)
  10. Paedogobius (1)
  11. Pagellus (Porgy) (6)
  12. Pagetopsis (Crocodile icefish) (2)
  13. Pagothenia (Cod icefish) (2)
  14. Pagrus (6) (1)
  15. Palatogobius (Goby) (2)
  16. Pallasina (Poacher) (1)
  17. Pallidochromis (1)
  18. Palmoliparis (1)
  19. Palutrus (yellowstreak gobies) (4)
  20. Pamphorichthys (Minnow) (6)
  21. Pampus (Butterfish) (5)
  22. Panaqolus (Catfish) (8)
  23. Panaque (Plecostomus) (7)
  24. Pandaka (Goby) (7) (1)
  25. Pangasianodon (2) (2)
  26. Pangasius (21) (1)
  27. Pangio (Loach) (33)
  28. Panna (Croaker) (3)
  29. Pantanodon (Killifish) (2)
  30. Pantodon (Freshwater butterflyfish) (1)
  31. Pantolabus (Jack) (1)
  32. Panturichthys (Eel) (4)
  33. Papiliolebias (2)
  34. Papilloculiceps (Flathead) (1)
  35. Papuengraulis (Anchovy) (1)
  36. Papuligobius (2)
  37. Papyrocranus (Knifefish) (2)
  38. Parabathymyrus (Conger eel) (5)
  39. Parabembras (Flathead) (2)
  40. Parablennius (Blenny) (26)
  41. Parabothus (Lefteyed flounder) (9)
  42. Parabotia (Loach) (12)
  43. Parabramis (Minnow) (1)
  44. Parabrotula (False brotula) (2)
  45. Paracaesio (Snapper) (8)
  46. Paracallionymus (Dragonet) (1)
  47. Paracanthobrama (1)
  48. Paracanthopoma (Catfish) (1)
  49. Paracanthostracion (1)
  50. Paracanthurus (Tang) (1)
  51. Paracaristius (4)
  52. Paracentropogon (Waspfish) (4)
  53. Paracentropyge (1)
  54. Paracetopsis (3)
  55. Parachaenichthys (Antarctic dragonfish) (2)
  56. Parachaetodon (Butterflyfish) (1)
  57. Parachaeturichthys (Goby) (2)
  58. Parachanna (Snakehead) (3)
  59. Paracheilinus (Wrasse) (16)
  60. Paracheirodon (Tetra) (3)
  61. Parachela (Barb) (7)
  62. Parachiloglanis (Catfish) (1)
  63. Parachondrostoma (4) (2)
  64. Parachromis (Cichlid) (5)
  65. Paracirrhites (6)
  66. Paraclinus (Blenny) (23) (2)
  67. Paracobitis (13)
  68. Paraconger (Conger eel) (7)
  69. Paracottus (Longwing Baikal sculpin) (1)
  70. Paracrossochilus (Minnow) (2)
  71. Paracyprichromis (Cichlid) (2)
  72. Paradiancistrus (4)
  73. Paradicula (1)
  74. Paradiplospinus (Snake mackerel) (2)
  75. Paradistichodus (1)
  76. Paradoxodacna (Glassfish) (1)
  77. Paradoxoglanis (3)
  78. Paragalaxias (Smelt) (4)
  79. Paragaleus (Weasel shark) (4)
  80. Paragobiodon (Goby) (5)
  81. Paragoniates (Characin) (1)
  82. Paragunnellichthys (Wormfish) (2)
  83. Paraheminodus (4)
  84. Parahollardia (Spikefish) (2)
  85. Parahypsos (Blenny) (1)
  86. Parailia (Glass catfish) (5)
  87. Parajulis (1)
  88. Parakneria (Kneria) (14)
  89. Parakuhlia (Dara) (1)
  90. Parakysis (Catfish) (6)
  91. Paralabrax (Seabass) (10) (1)
  92. Paralaubuca (Minnow) (5)
  93. Paralepidocephalus (Loach) (2) (1)
  94. Paralepis (Barracudina) (4)
  95. Paraletharchus (Snake eel) (2)
  96. Paraleucogobio (1)
  97. Paralichthodes (Flounder) (1)
  98. Paralichthys (southern flounders and summer flounders) (20)
  99. Paraliparis (Snailfish) (141)
  100. Paralonchurus (Croaker) (6)
  101. Paraloricaria (Catfish) (3)
  102. Paralticus (Blenny) (1)
  103. Paraluteres (Filefish) (2)
  104. Parambassis (Asiatic glassfish) (16)
  105. Paramisgurnus (Loach) (1)
  106. Paramonacanthus (Filefish) (16)
  107. Paramormyrops (Elephantfish) (8)
  108. Paramphilius (Catfish) (4) (1)
  109. Paramugil (2)
  110. Parananochromis (Cichlid) (6) (2)
  111. Parancistrus (Catfish) (2)
  112. Paranebris (1)
  113. Paraneetroplus (14)
  114. Paranemachilus (1)
  115. Paranibea (Croaker) (1)
  116. Paranotothenia (Cod icefish) (2)
  117. Paranthias (Creolefish) (2)
  118. Parapercis (sand-divers) (75)
  119. Paraphago (1)
  120. Parapimelodus (Catfish) (2)
  121. Paraplagusia (fringelip tonguesoles) (6)
  122. Paraplesiops (Roundhead) (5)
  123. Paraploactis (Velvetfish) (7)
  124. Paraplotosus (Eeltail catfish) (3)
  125. Parapocryptes (Goby) (2)
  126. Parapolynemus (1)
  127. Parapriacanthus (Sweeper) (4)
  128. Parapristella (Tetra) (2)
  129. Parapristipoma (Grunt) (4)
  130. Parapristipomoides (Jobfish) (1)
  131. Paraprotomyzon (Loach) (5)
  132. Parapsettus (Batfish) (1)
  133. Parapsilorhynchus (Minnow) (4) (2)
  134. Parapterois (Scorpionfish) (2)
  135. Parapteronotus (1)
  136. Pararasbora (Minnow) (1)
  137. Parargyrops (1)
  138. Pararhinichthys (mongrel daces) (1)
  139. Paraschistura (10)
  140. Parasciadonus (Fish) (2)
  141. Parascolopsis (Dwarf monocle bream) (12)
  142. Parascorpaena (Scorpionfish) (6)
  143. Parascorpis (Halfmoon) (1)
  144. Parascyllium (Collared carpet shark) (5)
  145. Parasewellia (3)
  146. Parasicydium (Goby) (1)
  147. Parasikukia (1)
  148. Parasinilabeo (6)
  149. Parasphaerichthys (Gourami) (2)
  150. Parasphyraenops (Seabass) (2)
  151. Paraspinibarbus (Barb) (1)
  152. Parasqualidus (1)
  153. Parastegophilus (Catfish) (2)
  154. Parastremma (Tetra) (3)
  155. Parastromateus (Pomfret) (1)
  156. Parasudis (Tripodfish) (2)
  157. Parataeniophorus (3)
  158. Parateleopus (Jellynose fish) (1)
  159. Paratherina (4)
  160. Paratilapia (Cichlid) (2)
  161. Parator (1)
  162. Paratrachichthys (Slimehead) (3)
  163. Paratriacanthodes (Spikefish) (3)
  164. Paratrimma (Goby) (2)
  165. Paratrygon (Freshwater stingray) (1)
  166. Paratrypauchen (1)
  167. Parauchenoglanis (Catfish) (9) (1)
  168. Paraulopus (14)
  169. Paravandellia (Catfish) (2)
  170. Parawaous (Goby) (1)
  171. Paraxenisthmus (Wormfish) (2)
  172. Parazacco (Minnow) (2)
  173. Parazanclistius (Boarfish) (1)
  174. Parazen (Parazen) (1)
  175. Pardachirus (6)
  176. Pardiglanis (Catfish) (1)
  177. Parecbasis (Tetra) (1)
  178. Pareiodon (Catfish) (1)
  179. Pareiorhaphis (20)
  180. Pareiorhina (Catfish) (4)
  181. Parenchelyurus (Blenny) (2)
  182. Pareques (Croaker) (7)
  183. Parequula (Mojarra) (1)
  184. Paretroplus (Cichlid) (13) (4)
  185. Pareuchiloglanis (Catfish) (20)
  186. Pareutropius (Glass catfish) (4)
  187. Parexocoetus (Flyingfish) (3)
  188. Parhomaloptera (Loach) (1)
  189. Pariah (Goby) (1)
  190. Paricelinus (Sculpin) (1)
  191. Parinoberyx (Slimehead) (1)
  192. Parioglossus (blacktail dartfishes) (21)
  193. Pariolius (1)
  194. Pariosternarchus (1)
  195. Paristiopterus (Boarfish) (2)
  196. Parkraemeria (Goby) (1)
  197. Parma (Damselfish) (10)
  198. Parmaturus (Cat shark) (9)
  199. Parmops (2)
  200. Parodon (Darter tetra) (14)
  201. Parona (Jack) (1)
  202. Parophidion (Cuskeel) (2)
  203. Parophrys (1)
  204. Parosphromenus (18) (1)
  205. Parotocinclus (Catfish) (24)
  206. Parrella (Goby) (5)
  207. Parupeneus (Goatfish) (33)
  208. Parvicrepis (Clingfish) (1)
  209. Parvilux (Lanternfish) (2)
  210. Parviparma (1)
  211. Pascua (2)
  212. Pastinachus (Stingray) (5) (1)
  213. Pataecus (Indian fishes) (1)
  214. Patagonotothen (Cod icefish) (14)
  215. Paulasquama (1)
  216. Pavoclinus (Blenny) (9)
  217. Pavoraja (6)
  218. Paxton (1)
  219. Peckoltia (Catfish) (15)
  220. Pectenocypris (Rasbora) (3)
  221. Pectinantus (1)
  222. Pectinochromis (1)
  223. Pegasus (Seamoth) (3)
  224. Pegusa (Sole) (5)
  225. Pelagocephalus (Puffer) (1)
  226. Pelangia (1)
  227. Pelasgus (7) (3)
  228. Pelates (Tigerperch) (3)
  229. Pelecus (Minnow) (1)
  230. Pellona (6)
  231. Pellonula (Pellonula) (2)
  232. Pelmatochromis (Cichlid) (3)
  233. Pelotretis (Sole) (1)
  234. Pelsartia (Tigerperch) (1)
  235. Pelteobagrus (Dragon catfish) (4)
  236. Peltorhamphus (Sole) (3)
  237. Pelvicachromis (kribs) (7)
  238. Pempheris (Sweeper) (22)
  239. Penetopteryx (Pipefish) (2)
  240. Pennahia (Croaker) (5)
  241. Penopus (Brotula) (2)
  242. Pentaceropsis (Boarfish) (1)
  243. Pentaceros (Armorhead) (4)
  244. Pentanchus (Cat shark) (1)
  245. Pentanemus (Threadfin) (1)
  246. Pentapodus (11)
  247. Pentaprion (Mojarra) (1)
  248. Pentherichthys (Deepsea anglerfish) (1)
  249. Pentheroscion (Croaker) (1)
  250. Peprilus (harvestfishes) (7)
  251. Perca (3) (1)
  252. Percarina (Perch) (2)
  253. Perccottus (Sleeper goby) (1)
  254. Percichthys (Bass) (5)
  255. Percilia (Bass) (2)
  256. Percina (roughbelly darters) (47) (2)
  257. Percis (2)
  258. Percocypris (Carp) (3)
  259. Percophis (Duckbill) (1)
  260. Percopsis (trout-perches) (2)
  261. Pereulixia (Blenny) (1)
  262. Periophthalmodon (Goby) (3)
  263. Periophthalmus (mudskippers) (18)
  264. Perissias (Lefteyed flounder) (1)
  265. Perissodus (Cichlid) (2)
  266. Peristedion (Searobin) (24)
  267. Peristrominous (Scorpionfish) (1)
  268. Peronedys (1)
  269. Perrunichthys (Catfish) (1)
  270. Perryena (Pigfish) (1)
  271. Persparsia (Tubeshoulder) (1)
  272. Perulibatrachus (Toadfish) (4)
  273. Pervagor (Filefish) (8)
  274. Petalichthys (Needlefish) (1)
  275. Petenia (Snook cichlid) (1)
  276. Petersius (African tetra) (1)
  277. Petilipinnis (1)
  278. Petitella (Tetra) (1)
  279. Petrocephalus (Elephantfish) (42)
  280. Petrochromis (Cichlid) (7)
  281. Petroleuciscus (5)
  282. Petromyzon (1) (1)
  283. Petroscirtes (Blenny) (11)
  284. Petrotilapia (Lake Malawi cichlid) (10)
  285. Petrotyx (Brotula) (2)
  286. Petrus (Seabream) (1)
  287. Petulanos (3)
  288. Pezichthys (5)
  289. Phaenomonas (Snake eel) (3)
  290. Phaeoptyx (Cardinalfish) (3)
  291. Phago (3)
  292. Phalacronotus (4)
  293. Phallichthys (Widow) (4)
  294. Phallobrycon (1)
  295. Phalloceros (Livebearer) (22) (1)
  296. Phallocottus (Sculpin) (1)
  297. Phalloptychus (Minnow) (2)
  298. Phallostethus (Priapum fish) (2)
  299. Phallotorynus (Minnow) (6)
  300. Phanerodon (Surfperch) (2)
  301. Pharyngochromis (Cichlid) (2)
  302. Phasmatocottus (Sculpin) (1)
  303. Phenablennius (Blenny) (1)
  304. Phenacobius (suckermouth minnows) (5)
  305. Phenacobrycon (1)
  306. Phenacogaster (Tetra) (20)
  307. Phenacogrammus (Congo tetra) (12)
  308. Phenacorhamdia (Catfish) (10)
  309. Phenacoscorpius (Scorpionfish) (6)
  310. Phenacostethus (Priapum fish) (3)
  311. Phenagoniates (Characin) (1)
  312. Pherallodichthys (Clingfish) (1)
  313. Pherallodiscus (2)
  314. Pherallodus (Clingfish) (2)
  315. Philypnodon (bullies) (2)
  316. Pholidapus (1)
  317. Pholidichthys (Convict blenny) (2)
  318. Pholidochromis (2)
  319. Pholis (11)
  320. Phosichthys (Lightfish) (1)
  321. Photoblepharon (Flashlightfish) (2)
  322. Photocorynus (Deepsea anglerfish) (1)
  323. Photonectes (Dragonfish) (17)
  324. Photopectoralis (3)
  325. Photostomias (Loosejaw) (6)
  326. Photostylus (Smoothhead) (1)
  327. Phoxacromion (1)
  328. Phoxinellus (Minnow) (3) (2)
  329. Phoxinus (redbelly daces) (20) (2) (1)
  330. Phoxocampus (Pipefish) (3)
  331. Phractocephalus (1)
  332. Phractolaemus (Whiptail catfish) (1)
  333. Phractura (Catfish) (13)
  334. Phreatichthys (Minnow) (1)
  335. Phreatobius (Catfish) (3)
  336. Phrynorhombus (Topknot flounder) (1)
  337. Phthanophaneron (Flashlightfish) (1)
  338. Phtheirichthys (Remora) (1)
  339. Phucocoetes (Eelpout) (1)
  340. Phycis (American lings) (3)
  341. Phycodurus (leafy seadragons) (1)
  342. Phyllichthys (Sole) (3)
  343. Phyllogobius (Goby) (1)
  344. Phyllonemus (Catfish) (3)
  345. Phyllophichthus (Snake eel) (1)
  346. Phyllophryne (Frogfish) (1)
  347. Phyllopteryx (common seadragons) (1)
  348. Phyllorhinichthys (Deepsea anglerfish) (2)
  349. Physiculus (Codling) (42) (1)
  350. Physopyxis (Catfish) (3)
  351. Physoschistura (8)
  352. Phytichthys (Prickleback) (1)
  353. Piabarchus (2)
  354. Piabina (Tetra) (2)
  355. Piabucina (Pencilfish) (9)
  356. Piabucus (Tetra) (3)
  357. Piaractus (2)
  358. Pictichromis (Dottyback) (8)
  359. Pictilabrus (Wrasse) (3)
  360. Piedrabuenia (Eelpout) (1)
  361. Pillaia (Swamp eel) (2) (1)
  362. Pimelabditus (1)
  363. Pimelodella (78)
  364. Pimelodina (Catfish) (1)
  365. Pimelodus (33)
  366. Pimephales (bluntnose minnows) (4)
  367. Pingalla (Tigerperch) (3)
  368. Pinguipes (Sandperch) (2)
  369. Pinirampus (Catfish) (1)
  370. Pinniwallago (Catfish) (1)
  371. Pinjalo (Snapper) (2)
  372. Pisodonophis (Snake eel) (9)
  373. Pituna (6)
  374. Placidochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (43)
  375. Placogobio (2)
  376. Plagiogeneion (Rover) (5)
  377. Plagiognathops (Minnow) (1)
  378. Plagiogrammus (Prickleback) (1)
  379. Plagiopsetta (Flatfish) (3)
  380. Plagioscion (Croaker) (7)
  381. Plagiotremus (Blenny) (11)
  382. Plagopterus (woundfins) (1)
  383. Planaltina (Characin) (3)
  384. Planiloricaria (Catfish) (1)
  385. Planonasus (1)
  386. Platanichthys (Sprat) (1)
  387. Plataplochilus (Lampeye) (8) (2)
  388. Platax (5)
  389. Platichthys (starry flounders) (2)
  390. Platyallabes (Catfish) (1)
  391. Platybelone (Needlefish) (1)
  392. Platyberyx (1)
  393. Platycephalus (flatheads) (17)
  394. Platyclarias (Catfish) (1)
  395. Platydoras (Thornyarmored catfish) (4)
  396. Platygillellus (Sand stargazer) (6)
  397. Platyglanis (Catfish) (1)
  398. Platygobio (flathead chubs) (1)
  399. Platygobiopsis (Goby) (3)
  400. Platynematichthys (Catfish) (1)
  401. Platypanchax (1)
  402. Platypharodon (Minnow) (1)
  403. Platyrhina (Shovelnose ray) (3)
  404. Platyrhinoidis (Shovelnose ray) (1)
  405. Platysilurus (Catfish) (3)
  406. Platysmacheilus (Minnow) (4)
  407. Platystacus (1)
  408. Platystomatichthys (Catfish) (1)
  409. Platytroctes (Tubeshoulder) (2)
  410. Platytropius (Glass catfish) (2)
  411. Platyurosternarchus (Knifefish) (2)
  412. Plecodus (Cichlid) (4)
  413. Plecoglossus (Ayu) (1)
  414. Plectobranchus (Prickleback) (1)
  415. Plectorhinchus (sweetlips) (33)
  416. Plectranthias (Sea bass) (47)
  417. Plectrochilus (Catfish) (3)
  418. Plectrogenium (2)
  419. Plectroglyphidodon (Damselfish) (10)
  420. Plectropomus (Coralgrouper) (7)
  421. Plectrypops (Soldierfish) (2)
  422. Plesienchelys (Eelpout) (1)
  423. Plesiobatis (Deepwater stingray) (1)
  424. Plesiolebias (8)
  425. Plesiomyzon (Loach) (1)
  426. Plesiops (Roundhead) (17)
  427. Plesioptopoma (1)
  428. Plesiotrygon (Freshwater stingray) (2)
  429. Pleuragramma (Cod icefish) (1)
  430. Pleurogrammus (atka mackerels) (2)
  431. Pleuronectes (northern flounders and plaices) (3)
  432. Pleuronichthys (Turbot) (7)
  433. Pleuroscopus (Stargazer) (1)
  434. Pleurosicya (Goby) (18)
  435. Plicofollis (8)
  436. Pliosteostoma (Herring) (1)
  437. Pliotrema (Saw shark) (1)
  438. Plotosus (Eeltail catfish) (9)
  439. Pnictes (1)
  440. Poblana (Silverside) (4) (3)
  441. Podothecus (Poacher) (5)
  442. Poecilia (livebearers and mollies) (39) (2) (1)
  443. Poeciliopsis (desert topminnows) (24)
  444. Poecilocharax (Darter tetra) (2)
  445. Poeciloconger (Conger eel) (1)
  446. Poecilopsetta (Flounder) (16)
  447. Poecilothrissa (Herring) (1)
  448. Pogobrama (1)
  449. Pogoneleotris (1)
  450. Pogonias (1)
  451. Pogonichthys (splittails) (2) (1)
  452. Pogonolycus (Eelpout) (2)
  453. Pogonoperca (Soapfish) (2)
  454. Pogonophryne (Plunderfish) (21)
  455. Pogonopoma (Catfish) (3)
  456. Pogonoscorpius (1)
  457. Pollachius (pollocks) (2)
  458. Pollichthys (Lightfish) (1)
  459. Pollimyrus (Elephantfish) (18)
  460. Polyacanthonotus (Spiny eel) (4)
  461. Polyamblyodon (Porgy) (2)
  462. Polycentropsis (Leaffish) (1)
  463. Polycentrus (1)
  464. Polydactylus (barbus and barbudos) (21)
  465. Polyipnus (Marine hatchetfish) (32)
  466. Polylepion (Wrasse) (2)
  467. Polymetme (Lightfish) (6)
  468. Polymixia (Beardfish) (10)
  469. Polynemus (barbudos and threadfins) (8)
  470. Polyodon (American paddlefish) (1)
  471. Polypera (1)
  472. Polyplacapros (Boxfish) (1)
  473. Polyprion (Wreckfish) (3)
  474. Polypterus (Bichir) (13)
  475. Polyspina (Puffer) (1)
  476. Polyspondylogobius (Goby) (1)
  477. Polysteganus (Seabream) (5)
  478. Pomacanthus (black angelfishes) (13)
  479. Pomacentrus (71)
  480. Pomachromis (Damselfish) (4)
  481. Pomadasys (burros, gray grunts, grunters, and javelinfishes) (35)
  482. Pomatomus (1)
  483. Pomatoschistus (Goby) (12) (1)
  484. Pomoxis (crappies) (2)
  485. Ponticola (10)
  486. Pontinus (20)
  487. Poptella (Characin) (4)
  488. Porcostoma (Seabream) (1)
  489. Porichthys (Midshipman) (14)
  490. Porocephalichthys (1)
  491. Porochilus (Eeltail catfish) (4)
  492. Poroclinus (Prickleback) (1)
  493. Porocottus (fringed sculpins) (9)
  494. Poroderma (Cat shark) (2)
  495. Porogadus (Brotula) (13)
  496. Porogobius (Goby) (1)
  497. Poromitra (Bigscale fish) (22)
  498. Poropanchax (5)
  499. Poropuntius (Minnow) (40) (6)
  500. Porotergus (Knifefish) (3)
  501. Posidonichthys (1)
  502. Potamalosa (Herring) (1)
  503. Potamarius (Sea catfish) (4)
  504. Potamobatrachus (1)
  505. Potamorhina (Curimata) (5)
  506. Potamorrhaphis (Needlefish) (4)
  507. Potamosilurus (1)
  508. Potamothrissa (Herring) (3)
  509. Potamotrygon (20)
  510. Powellichthys (False moray) (1)
  511. Praealticus (Blenny) (14)
  512. Praematoliparis (1)
  513. Premnas (Damselfish) (1)
  514. Priacanthus (bigeyes) (12)
  515. Priapella (Minnow) (6)
  516. Priapichthys (Minnow) (7)
  517. Prietella (Catfish) (2) (1)
  518. Priocharax (2)
  519. Priolepis (Goby) (34)
  520. Prionace (Shark) (1)
  521. Prionobrama (Tetra) (2)
  522. Prionobutis (Sleeper goby) (2)
  523. Prionodraco (Antarctic dragonfish) (1)
  524. Prionotus (North American searobins) (23)
  525. Prionurus (Tang) (7)
  526. Pristella (Pristella) (1)
  527. Pristiapogon (5)
  528. Pristicon (3)
  529. Pristigaster (2)
  530. Pristigenys (Bigeye) (4)
  531. Pristilepis (1)
  532. Pristiophorus (saw sharks) (6)
  533. Pristipomoides (11)
  534. Pristis (sawfishes) (6) (6)
  535. Pristobrycon (5)
  536. Pristolepis (3)
  537. Pristotis (Damselfish) (2)
  538. Probarbus (Barb) (3) (2)
  539. Probolodus (Tetra) (1)
  540. Procatopus (Lampeye) (4)
  541. Procetichthys (Flabby whalefish) (1)
  542. Prochilodus (13)
  543. Procottus (Longwing Baikal sculpin) (4)
  544. Procypris (Carp) (2)
  545. Prodontocharax (Tetra) (3)
  546. Proeutropiichthys (Glass catfish) (3)
  547. Profundulus (Killifish) (8) (1)
  548. Prognathodes (Butterflyfish) (11)
  549. Prognatholiparis (1)
  550. Prognichthys (Flyingfish) (6)
  551. Prolabeo (Minnow) (1)
  552. Prolabeops (Minnow) (2)
  553. Prolatilus (Sandperch) (1)
  554. Proloricaria (1)
  555. Promethichthys (Snake mackerel) (1)
  556. Promyllantor (Conger eel) (3)
  557. Pronothobranchius (1)
  558. Pronotogrammus (3)
  559. Propherallodus (Clingfish) (1)
  560. Propimelodus (3)
  561. Prorivulus (1)
  562. Proscyllium (Finbacked cat shark) (3)
  563. Prosopium (round whitefishes) (6)
  564. Prosoproctus (Velvetfish) (1)
  565. Protammodytes (2)
  566. Protanguilla (1)
  567. Protemblemaria (Pikeblenny) (3)
  568. Proteracanthus (Batfish) (1)
  569. Proterorhinus (tubenose gobies) (5) (1)
  570. Protoblepharon (2)
  571. Protochondrostoma (1)
  572. Protocobitis (2)
  573. Protogobius (1) (1)
  574. Protogrammus (Dragonet) (2)
  575. Protolabeo (1)
  576. Protomelas (Lake Malawi cichlid) (15)
  577. Protomyctophum (Lanternfish) (15)
  578. Protomyzon (Loach) (5)
  579. Protonemacheilus (1)
  580. Protonibea (Croaker) (1)
  581. Protopterus (African lungfish) (4)
  582. Protosalanx (Icefish) (2)
  583. Protosciaena (2)
  584. Prototroctes (Southern grayling) (2)
  585. Psammobatis (8)
  586. Psammodiscus (1)
  587. Psammogobius (Goby) (2)
  588. Psammoperca (Snook) (1)
  589. Psammphiletria (2)
  590. Psectrogaster (Curimata) (8)
  591. Psednos (34)
  592. Psellogrammus (Tetra) (1)
  593. Psenes (5)
  594. Psenopsis (6)
  595. Psephurus (Chinese paddlefish) (1) (1)
  596. Psettichthys (1)
  597. Psettina (Lefteyed flounder) (10)
  598. Psettodes (Spiny turbot) (3)
  599. Pseudacanthicus (Catfish) (5)
  600. Pseudaesopia (1)
  601. Pseudalectrias (Prickleback) (1)
  602. Pseudalutarius (Leatherjacket) (1)
  603. Pseudambassis (2)
  604. Pseudamia (Cardinalfish) (7)
  605. Pseudamiops (Cardinalfish) (4)
  606. Pseudancistrus (17)
  607. Pseudanos (Headstander) (4)
  608. Pseudanthias (Basslet) (62)
  609. Pseudaphritis (3)
  610. Pseudaphya (Goby) (1)
  611. Pseudapocryptes (Fish) (2)
  612. Pseudaspius (Minnow) (1)
  613. Pseudauchenipterus (Catfish) (4)
  614. Pseudecheneis (Catfish) (19)
  615. Pseudechidna (1)
  616. Pseudepapterus (Woodcat) (3)
  617. Pseudeutropius (Glass catfish) (4) (1)
  618. Pseudexostoma (3)
  619. Pseudobagarius (14)
  620. Pseudobagrus (Catfish) (31) (1)
  621. Pseudobalistes (Triggerfish) (3)
  622. Pseudobarbus (Redfin minnow) (7) (6)
  623. Pseudobathylagus (1)
  624. Pseudoblennius (Sculpin) (6)
  625. Pseudobrama (Minnow) (1)
  626. Pseudobunocephalus (6)
  627. Pseudocalliurichthys (1)
  628. Pseudocaranx (Trevally) (4)
  629. Pseudocarcharias (Crocodile shark) (1)
  630. Pseudocepola (Bandfish) (1)
  631. Pseudocetonurus (Grenadier) (1)
  632. Pseudochaenichthys (Crocodile icefish) (1)
  633. Pseudochalceus (Tetra) (4)
  634. Pseudocheilinops (Wrasse) (1)
  635. Pseudocheilinus (Wrasse) (7)
  636. Pseudocheirodon (2)
  637. Pseudochondrostoma (3)
  638. Pseudochromis (71)
  639. Pseudocoris (Wrasse) (6)
  640. Pseudocorynopoma (Tetra) (2)
  641. Pseudocrenilabrus (Cichlid) (3)
  642. Pseudocrossocheilus (6)
  643. Pseudocurimata (Curimata) (6)
  644. Pseudocyttus (Oreo) (1)
  645. Pseudodax (Wrasse) (1)
  646. Pseudogastromyzon (Loach) (13)
  647. Pseudogilbia (1)
  648. Pseudoginglymostoma (1)
  649. Pseudogobio (Gudgeon) (4)
  650. Pseudogobiopsis (Goby) (4)
  651. Pseudogobius (snouted gobies) (7)
  652. Pseudogramma (Reef bass) (11)
  653. Pseudogyrinocheilus (2)
  654. Pseudohemiculter (4)
  655. Pseudohemiodon (Catfish) (7)
  656. Pseudohowella (Splitfin) (1)
  657. Pseudojuloides (Wrasse) (11)
  658. Pseudolabrus (Wrasse) (12)
  659. Pseudolaguvia (Catfish) (15)
  660. Pseudolais (2)
  661. Pseudolaubuca (Minnow) (4)
  662. Pseudoliparis (2)
  663. Pseudolithoxus (5)
  664. Pseudoloricaria (Catfish) (1)
  665. Pseudomancopsetta (Flounder) (1)
  666. Pseudomonacanthus (Triggerfish) (3)
  667. Pseudomugil (big-eyes) (15) (1)
  668. Pseudomyrophis (Worm eel) (5)
  669. Pseudomystus (19)
  670. Pseudonezumia (Grenadier) (5)
  671. Pseudonotoliparis (1)
  672. Pseudonus (Brotula) (2)
  673. Pseudopataecus (1)
  674. Pseudopentaceros (Armorhead) (2)
  675. Pseudopercis (Sandperch) (2)
  676. Pseudophallus (fluvial pipefishes) (3)
  677. Pseudophichthys (1)
  678. Pseudophoxinus (Minnow) (26) (10)
  679. Pseudophycis (Codling) (3)
  680. Pseudopimelodus (5)
  681. Pseudoplatystoma (Catfish) (7)
  682. Pseudoplesiops (9)
  683. Pseudopleuronectes (5)
  684. Pseudopoecilia (Topminnow) (3)
  685. Pseudopungtungia (Minnow) (2)
  686. Pseudoraja (1)
  687. Pseudorasbora (Minnow) (4)
  688. Pseudorhinogobius (1)
  689. Pseudorhombus (26)
  690. Pseudorinelepis (Catfish) (1)
  691. Pseudoscaphirhynchus (Sturgeon) (3) (3)
  692. Pseudoscopelus (Swallower) (16)
  693. Pseudosetipinna (1)
  694. Pseudosimochromis (Cichlid) (1)
  695. Pseudosphromenus (Gourami) (2)
  696. Pseudostegophilus (Catfish) (2)
  697. Pseudosynanceia (Stonefish) (1)
  698. Pseudotatia (Woodcat) (1)
  699. Pseudotocinclus (Catfish) (3)
  700. Pseudotolithus (Croaker) (6)
  701. Pseudotothyris (Catfish) (2)
  702. Pseudotriacanthus (Tripodfish) (1)
  703. Pseudotriakis (False cat shark) (1)
  704. Pseudotrichonotus (Lancetfish) (2)
  705. Pseudotropheus (Zebra cichlid) (18)
  706. Pseudotrypauchen (Goby) (1)
  707. Pseudotylosurus (Needlefish) (2)
  708. Pseudovespicula (1)
  709. Pseudoxiphophorus (1)
  710. Pseudupeneus (Goatfish) (3)
  711. Psilodraco (Antarctic dragonfish) (1)
  712. Psilogobius (Goby) (3)
  713. Psilorhynchus (18) (2)
  714. Psilotris (Goby) (6)
  715. Psychrolutes (spineless sculpins) (11)
  716. Ptarmus (Velvetfish) (2)
  717. Pteraclis (3)
  718. Pteragogus (Wrasse) (7)
  719. Pterapogon (Cardinalfish) (2) (1)
  720. Ptereleotris (Goby) (18)
  721. Pterengraulis (Anchovy) (1)
  722. Pterobrycon (Characin) (2)
  723. Pterobunocephalus (2)
  724. Pterocaesio (Fusilier) (12)
  725. Pterocerdale (1)
  726. Pterochromis (Cichlid) (1)
  727. Pterocryptis (Catfish) (17) (3)
  728. Pterodoras (Catfish) (2)
  729. Pterogobius (Goby) (4)
  730. Pterogymnus (Seabream) (1)
  731. Pteroidichthys (Scorpionfish) (2)
  732. Pterois (lionfishes, turkeyfishes, and zebrafishes) (10) (1)
  733. Pterolebias (Killifish) (3)
  734. Pteromylaeus (Eagle ray) (2)
  735. Pteronemacheilus (2)
  736. Pteronotropis (flagfin shiners) (9)
  737. Pteropelor (1)
  738. Pterophyllum (angelfishes) (3)
  739. Pteroplatytrygon (1)
  740. Pteropsaron (Duckbill) (6)
  741. Pteroscion (Drum) (1)
  742. Pterosturisoma (Catfish) (1)
  743. Pterothrissus (Bonefish) (2)
  744. Pterotolithus (Croaker) (2)
  745. Pterycombus (Fanfish) (2)
  746. Pterygoplichthys (Sailfin suckermouth catfish) (16) (5)
  747. Pterygotrigla (Searobin) (26)
  748. Ptilichthys (Quillfish) (1)
  749. Ptychidio (Minnow) (3) (1)
  750. Ptychobarbus (Minnow) (4)
  751. Ptychocharax (1)
  752. Ptychocheilus (pikeminnows) (4)
  753. Ptychochromis (Cichlid) (9) (1)
  754. Ptychochromoides (Cichlid) (3) (2)
  755. Puck (Deepsea anglerfish) (1)
  756. Pugnaso (Pipefish) (1)
  757. Pungitius (ninespine sticklebacks) (9) (1)
  758. Pungtungia (Minnow) (3)
  759. Pungu (Cichlid) (1) (1)
  760. Puntioplites (Barb) (4)
  761. Puntius (spotted barbs) (149) (30)
  762. Puzanovia (Eelpout) (2)
  763. Pycnocraspedum (Brotula) (5)
  764. Pycnomma (Goby) (2)
  765. Pygidianops (Catfish) (4)
  766. Pygocentrus (4)
  767. Pygoplites (Angelfish) (1)
  768. Pygopristis (1)
  769. Pylodictis (flathead catfishes) (1) (1)
  770. Pylorobranchus (1)
  771. Pyramodon (Pyramodontine) (4)
  772. Pyrolycus (2)
  773. Pyrrhulina (Pyrrhulina) (17)
  774. Pythonichthys (Eel) (4)
  775. Pyxiloricaria (Catfish) (1)


  1. Qianlabeo (1)
  2. Quassiremus (Snake eel) (4)
  3. Quietula (Goby) (2)
  4. Quintana (Livebearer) (1)


  1. Rabaulichthys (Basslet) (4)
  2. Racenisia (1)
  3. Rachovia (Killifish) (4)
  4. Rachoviscus (Characin) (2)
  5. Rachycentron (Cobia) (1)
  6. Raconda (Raconda) (1)
  7. Racovitzia (Antarctic dragonfish) (2)
  8. Radiicephalus (Tapertail) (1)
  9. Radulinopsis (2)
  10. Radulinus (Sculpin) (4)
  11. Raiamas (Minnow) (16)
  12. Rainfordia (Sea bass) (1)
  13. Raja (skates) (29) (1)
  14. Rajella (16)
  15. Rama (1)
  16. Ramnogaster (Sprat) (2)
  17. Randallichthys (Snapper) (1)
  18. Raneya (Cuskeel) (1)
  19. Raniceps (Hake) (1)
  20. Ranzania (king of the mackerels and king-of-the-mackerels) (1)
  21. Rasbora (Rasbora) (77) (1)
  22. Rasborichthys (Rasbora) (1)
  23. Rasboroides (1)
  24. Rasbosoma (1)
  25. Rastrelliger (chub mackerels) (3)
  26. Rastrineobola (1)
  27. Rastrinus (Sculpin) (1)
  28. Ratabulus (Flathead) (4)
  29. Rathbunella (Ronquil) (2)
  30. Ratsirakia (Sleeper goby) (1)
  31. Rectoris (Minnow) (4)
  32. Redigobius (dualspot gobies) (14)
  33. Regalecus (oarfishes) (3)
  34. Reganella (Catfish) (1)
  35. Reganochromis (Cichlid) (1)
  36. Reicheltia (Puffer) (1)
  37. Reinhardtius (Flounder) (1)
  38. Relictus (relict daces) (1) (1)
  39. Remora (Remora) (5)
  40. Rendahlia (1)
  41. Renova (1)
  42. Repomucenus (Dragonet) (5)
  43. Retroculus (Cichlid) (3)
  44. Retropinna (Smelt) (3)
  45. Rexea (Snake mackerel) (7)
  46. Rexichthys (Snake mackerel) (1)
  47. Rhabdalestes (African tetra) (8) (1)
  48. Rhabdamia (Cardinalfish) (7)
  49. Rhabdoblennius (Blenny) (5)
  50. Rhabdolichops (Knifefish) (10)
  51. Rhabdosargus (Seabream) (5)
  52. Rhacochilus (Surfperch) (2)
  53. Rhadinesthes (Snaggletooth) (1)
  54. Rhadinocentrus (Rainbowfish) (1)
  55. Rhadinoloricaria (Catfish) (1)
  56. Rhamdella (8)
  57. Rhamdia (bagre de rio) (21)
  58. Rhamdioglanis (2)
  59. Rhamdiopsis (Catfish) (3)
  60. Rhamphichthys (9)
  61. Rhamphocetichthys (Flabby whalefish) (1)
  62. Rhamphochromis (Torpedo cichlid) (6)
  63. Rhamphocottus (Sculpin) (1)
  64. Rhaphiodon (Tetra) (1)
  65. Rheocles (Madagascar rainbowfish) (7) (1)
  66. Rhexipanchax (4)
  67. Rhina (1)
  68. Rhincodon (Whale shark) (1)
  69. Rhinecanthus (Triggerfish) (7)
  70. Rhinelepis (Catfish) (2)
  71. Rhinesomus (1)
  72. Rhinichthys (riffle daces) (9)
  73. Rhinobatos (Guitarfish) (36) (3)
  74. Rhinobrycon (Tetra) (1)
  75. Rhinochimaera
  76. Rhinodoras (Catfish) (5)
  77. Rhinogobio (Gudgeon) (5)
  78. Rhinogobiops (1)
  79. Rhinogobius (Goby) (61) (1)
  80. Rhinolekos (3)
  81. Rhinoliparis (Snailfish) (2)
  82. Rhinomugil (Mullet) (2)
  83. Rhinomuraena (Moray) (1)
  84. Rhinopetitia (Tetra) (1)
  85. Rhinophichthus (1)
  86. Rhinopias (Scorpionfish) (7)
  87. Rhinoprenes (Scat) (1)
  88. Rhinoptera (cownosed rays) (8) (1)
  89. Rhinoraja (jointnose skates) (3)
  90. Rhinosardinia (Sprat) (2)
  91. Rhinosolea (Sole) (1)
  92. Rhizoprionodon (sharpnose sharks) (7)
  93. Rhizosomichthys (Catfish) (1)
  94. Rhoadsia (Tetra) (2)
  95. Rhodeus (bitterling) (21)
  96. Rhodichthys (Snailfish) (1)
  97. Rhodymenichthys (Gunnel) (1)
  98. Rhomboplites (Snapper) (1)
  99. Rhombosolea (Flounder) (4)
  100. Rhyacichthys (Loach goby) (2)
  101. Rhycherus (Frogfish) (2)
  102. Rhynchactis (Deepsea anglerfish) (3)
  103. Rhynchobatus (Guitarfish) (6) (1)
  104. Rhynchoconger (Conger eel) (7)
  105. Rhynchocypris (Minnow) (6)
  106. Rhynchodoras (Catfish) (3)
  107. Rhynchogadus (Codling) (1)
  108. Rhynchohyalus (Spookfish) (1)
  109. Rhynchopelates (Tigerperch) (1)
  110. Rhynchorhamphus (Halfbeak) (4)
  111. Rhynchostracion (1)
  112. Rhytiodus (Cylinderfish) (4)
  113. Ribeiroclinus (Blenny) (1)
  114. Richardsonichthys (Scorpionfish) (1)
  115. Richardsonius (redside shiners) (2)
  116. Ricola (Catfish) (1)
  117. Ricuzenius (Sculpin) (2)
  118. Riekertia (Toadfish) (1)
  119. Rimicola (5)
  120. Rineloricaria (Whiptail catfish) (63)
  121. Rinoctes (1)
  122. Rioraja (1)
  123. Risor (Goby) (1)
  124. Rita (Catfish) (6)
  125. Rivulus (rivulines) (7)
  126. Roa (3)
  127. Robia (Batfish) (1)
  128. Robinsia (False moray) (1)
  129. Robinsichthys (Goby) (1)
  130. Rocio (3)
  131. Roeboexodon (Tetra) (2)
  132. Roeboides (Characin) (21)
  133. Roestes (3)
  134. Rogadius (Flathead) (6)
  135. Rohtee (Minnow) (1)
  136. Rohteichthys (Minnow) (1)
  137. Romanichthys (Asprete) (1) (1)
  138. Romanogobio (Gudgeon) (18) (1)
  139. Roncador (Croaker) (1)
  140. Rondeletia (2)
  141. Ronquilus (Ronquil) (1)
  142. Rosenblattia (Bluefish) (1)
  143. Rosenblattichthys (Pearleye) (4)
  144. Rostrogobio (Minnow) (1)
  145. Rostroraja (1) (1)
  146. Rotuma (Wormfish) (1)
  147. Rouleina (Smoothhead) (10)
  148. Ruanoho (Threefin blenny) (2)
  149. Rudarius (Filefish) (3)
  150. Ruscarius (Sculpin) (2)
  151. Rusichthys (Eelblenny) (2)
  152. Rutilus (Roach) (17) (2) (1)
  153. Ruvettus (escolars) (1)
  154. Rypticus (soapfishes) (10)
  155. Ryukyupercis (1)


  1. Sabanejewia (Loach) (10)
  2. Saccoderma (Tetra) (3)
  3. Saccodon (Hemiodus) (3)
  4. Saccogaster (Brotula) (8)
  5. Saccopharynx (Swallower) (10)
  6. Sacura (Sea bass) (4)
  7. Sagamia (Goby) (1)
  8. Sagamichthys (Tubeshoulder) (3)
  9. Salangichthys (Icefish) (2)
  10. Salanx (Icefish) (5)
  11. Salaria (Blenny) (5) (1)
  12. Salarias (Blenny) (13)
  13. Salilota (Codling) (1)
  14. Salminus (Tetra) (4)
  15. Salmo (40) (5) (2)
  16. Salmophasia (13)
  17. Saloptia (Grouper) (1)
  18. Salvelinus (chars) (51) (6) (2)
  19. Salvethymus (Char) (1)
  20. Samaris (Righteyed flounder) (5)
  21. Samariscus (Righteyed flounder) (19)
  22. Sanagia (Minnow) (1)
  23. Sandelia (Climbing gourami) (2) (1)
  24. Sander (Pikeperch) (5)
  25. Sanopus (Toadfish) (6)
  26. Santelmoa (4)
  27. Sarcocheilichthys (Sucker) (12)
  28. Sarcoglanis (Catfish) (1)
  29. Sarda (bonitos) (4)
  30. Sardina (Sardine) (1)
  31. Sardinella (21)
  32. Sardinops (Pilchard) (1)
  33. Sargocentron (Squirrelfish) (34)
  34. Sargochromis (8)
  35. Sarotherodon (brushtooth tilapias) (13) (4) (1)
  36. Sarpa (Seabream) (1)
  37. Sarritor (Poacher) (3)
  38. Sartor (Headstander) (3)
  39. Sashatherina (1)
  40. Satan (widemouth blindcats) (1)
  41. Satanoperca (Cichlid) (8)
  42. Satyrichthys (Searobin) (15)
  43. Saurenchelys (8)
  44. Saurida (Lizardfish) (22)
  45. Saurogobio (Gudgeon) (7)
  46. Sauvagella (Round herring) (2)
  47. Sawbwa (Minnow) (1) (1)
  48. Scaevius (Coral bream) (1)
  49. Scalanago (Conger eel) (1)
  50. Scalicus (1)
  51. Scaphiodonichthys (Minnow) (3)
  52. Scaphirhynchus (shovelnose sturgeons) (3) (2)
  53. Scaphognathops (Minnow) (3) (1)
  54. Scardinius (rudds) (10) (3) (1)
  55. Scartelaos (Goby) (4)
  56. Scartella (Blenny) (7)
  57. Scartichthys (Blenny) (4)
  58. Scarus (52) (1)
  59. Scatophagus (Scat) (2)
  60. Scaturiginichthys (Blueeye) (1) (1)
  61. Schedophilus (Medusafish) (8)
  62. Schilbe (21)
  63. Schindleria (Fish) (3)
  64. Schismatogobius (Goby) (10)
  65. Schismatorhynchos (4) (1)
  66. Schismorhynchus (Worm eel) (1)
  67. Schistura (184) (18)
  68. Schizochirus (Sandburrower) (1)
  69. Schizocypris (Carp) (3)
  70. Schizodon (Headstander) (16)
  71. Schizolecis (Catfish) (1)
  72. Schizopyge (3)
  73. Schizopygopsis (Minnow) (8)
  74. Schizothorax (Minnow) (59) (5)
  75. Schroederichthys (Cat shark) (5)
  76. Schuettea (Moonfish) (2)
  77. Schultzea (Seabass) (1)
  78. Schultzichthys (2)
  79. Schultzidia (Worm eel) (2)
  80. Schultzites (Tetra) (1)
  81. Schwetzochromis (Tilapia) (1)
  82. Sciades (8)
  83. Sciadonus (Fish) (4)
  84. Sciaena (black drums) (4) (1)
  85. Sciaenochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (4)
  86. Sciaenops (red drums) (1)
  87. Scissor (Characin) (1)
  88. Scleromystax (4)
  89. Scleronema (3)
  90. Scleropages (Asian arawana) (7) (1)
  91. Scobinancistrus (Catfish) (2)
  92. Scobinichthys (Filefish) (1)
  93. Scolecenchelys (20)
  94. Scolichthys (Mosquitofish) (2)
  95. Scoliodon (Shark) (1)
  96. Scoloplax (Catfish) (6)
  97. Scolopsis (16)
  98. Scomber (4)
  99. Scomberesox (sauries and skippers) (2)
  100. Scomberoides (Jack) (4)
  101. Scomberomorus (spanish mackerels and wahoos) (18)
  102. Scombrolabrax (Black mackerel) (1)
  103. Scombrops (Bluefish) (3)
  104. Scopaeocharax (Characin) (2)
  105. Scopelarchoides (Pearleye) (5)
  106. Scopelarchus (Pearleye) (4)
  107. Scopelengys (Lanternfish) (2)
  108. Scopeloberyx (Bigscale fish) (9)
  109. Scopelogadus (Bigscale fish) (3)
  110. Scopelopsis (Lanternfish) (1)
  111. Scopelosaurus (Lizardfish) (14)
  112. Scophthalmus (Brill flounder) (4)
  113. Scorpaena (scorpionfishes) (62)
  114. Scorpaenichthys (gabezones) (1)
  115. Scorpaenodes (29)
  116. Scorpaenopsis (Hawaiian stonefish) (27)
  117. Scorpiodoras (Catfish) (2)
  118. Scorpis (5)
  119. Scortum (Tigerperch) (4)
  120. Scriptaphyosemion (12) (4)
  121. Scuticaria (2)
  122. Scyliorhinus (15)
  123. Scylliogaleus (Hound shark) (1)
  124. Scymnodalatias (Sleeper shark) (4)
  125. Scymnodon (Velvet dogfish) (2)
  126. Scytalichthys (Snake eel) (1)
  127. Scytalina (Graveldiver) (1)
  128. Searsia (1)
  129. Searsioides (2)
  130. Sebastapistes (Scorpionfish) (10)
  131. Sebastes (107) (2)
  132. Sebastiscus (Rockfish) (3)
  133. Sebastolobus (Thornyhead) (3) (1)
  134. Sectator (Chub) (1)
  135. Sectoria (2)
  136. Securicula (Minnow) (1)
  137. Secutor (Ponyfish) (7)
  138. Selachophidium (Brotula) (1)
  139. Selar (bigeyed scads, goggle-eyes, and gogglers) (2)
  140. Selaroides (Scad) (1)
  141. Selenanthias (Sea bass) (3)
  142. Selene (moonfishes) (8)
  143. Seleniolycus (Eelpout) (3)
  144. Selenoscopus (Stargazer) (1)
  145. Selenotoca (2)
  146. Semaprochilodus (Insignis) (6)
  147. Semicossyphus (Sheephead wrasse) (3)
  148. Semilabeo (Minnow) (2)
  149. Seminemacheilus (2)
  150. Semiplotus (Minnow) (3)
  151. Semotilus (creek chubs) (4)
  152. Seriola (amberfishes, amberjacks, and yellowtails) (9)
  153. Seriolella (Medusafish) (6)
  154. Seriolina (Amberjack) (1)
  155. Seriphus (1)
  156. Serpenticobitis (3)
  157. Serrabrycon (Tetra) (1)
  158. Serraniculus (Seabass) (1)
  159. Serranochromis (Cichlid) (11) (1)
  160. Serranocirrhitus (1)
  161. Serranus (30)
  162. Serrapinnus (9)
  163. Serrasalmus (31)
  164. Serrivomer (10)
  165. Setarches (Scorpionfish) (3)
  166. Setipinna (Anchovy) (8)
  167. Sewellia (13) (5)
  168. Sicamugil (Mullet) (2)
  169. Sicyases (Clingfish) (3)
  170. Sicydium (American rockclimbing gobies) (16)
  171. Sicyopterus (fatsnout rockclimbing gobies) (36) (3)
  172. Sicyopus (largemouth rockclimbing gobies) (9)
  173. Sierrathrissa (Round herring) (1)
  174. Siganus (rabbitfishes) (28)
  175. Sigmistes (Sculpin) (2)
  176. Sigmops (4)
  177. Signigobius (Goby) (1)
  178. Sikukia (Minnow) (4)
  179. Silhouettea (Goby) (10) (1)
  180. Sillaginodes (Smeltwhiting) (1)
  181. Sillaginopsis (Smeltwhiting) (1)
  182. Sillago (Smeltwhiting) (31)
  183. Silonia (Glass catfish) (2) (1)
  184. Siluranodon (Glass catfish) (1)
  185. Silurichthys (9)
  186. Silurus (14) (1)
  187. Silvinichthys (3)
  188. Simenchelys (Pugnosed eel) (1)
  189. Similiparma (Damselfish) (1)
  190. Simipercis (1)
  191. Simochromis (Cichlid) (5)
  192. Simpsonichthys (55)
  193. Sindoscopus (Sand stargazer) (1)
  194. Sineleotris (3)
  195. Sinibotia (Loach) (6)
  196. Sinibrama (Minnow) (6)
  197. Sinilabeo (Minnow) (6)
  198. Siniperca (Bass) (9)
  199. Sinobatis (5)
  200. Sinobdella (1)
  201. Sinocrossocheilus (Minnow) (3)
  202. Sinocyclocheilus (Minnow) (57) (3)
  203. Sinogastromyzon (Loach) (21)
  204. Sio (Bigscale fish) (1)
  205. Siokunichthys (Pipefish) (6)
  206. Siphamia (Cardinalfish) (24)
  207. Siphateles (2)
  208. Siphonognathus (Whiting) (6)
  209. Siphonogobius (1)
  210. Sirembo (3)
  211. Sisor (Catfish) (5)
  212. Skiffia (Sawfin) (4) (1)
  213. Skiotocharax (1)
  214. Skythrenchelys (2)
  215. Sladenia (Goosefish) (3)
  216. Smilosicyopus (7) (1)
  217. Smithichthys (Blenny) (1)
  218. Snyderichthys (1)
  219. Snyderidia (Pyramodontine) (1)
  220. Snyderina (Waspfish) (2)
  221. Soldatovia (Prickleback) (1)
  222. Solea (soles) (9)
  223. Solegnathus (Pipefish) (5)
  224. Soleichthys (Sole) (8)
  225. Solenostomus (5)
  226. Solitas (1)
  227. Solivomer (Lanternfish) (1)
  228. Solocisquama (3)
  229. Somniosus (sleeper sharks) (5)
  230. Sonoda (Marine hatchetfish) (2)
  231. Sonorolux (Croaker) (1)
  232. Soromonichthys (1)
  233. Sorosichthys (Slimehead) (1)
  234. Sorsogona (Flathead) (6)
  235. Sorubim (Catfish) (5)
  236. Sorubimichthys (Catfish) (1)
  237. Spaniblennius (Blenny) (2)
  238. Sparidentex (1)
  239. Sparisoma (Parrotfish) (15)
  240. Sparodon (Seabream) (1)
  241. Sparus (1) (1)
  242. Spathodus (Cichlid) (2)
  243. Spatuloricaria (Catfish) (11)
  244. Spectracanthicus (Catfish) (1)
  245. Spectrunculus (2)
  246. Speleogobius (Goby) (1)
  247. Speoplatyrhinus (Alabama cavefish) (1) (1)
  248. Sperata (4)
  249. Sphaeramia (Cardinalfish) (2)
  250. Sphaerichthys (Chocolate gourami) (4)
  251. Sphaerophysa (1) (1)
  252. Sphagemacrurus (Grenadier) (6)
  253. Sphenanthias (3)
  254. Sphoeroides (common puffers and swellfishes) (23)
  255. Sphyraena (barracudas) (27)
  256. Sphyraenops (Cardinalfish) (1)
  257. Sphyrna (Hammerhead shark) (8) (2)
  258. Spicara (Picarel) (8)
  259. Spicomacrurus (4)
  260. Spinachia (Stickleback) (1)
  261. Spinibarbus (Barb) (7)
  262. Spiniphryne (Deepsea anglerfish) (2)
  263. Spinipterus (1)
  264. Spintherobolus (4)
  265. Spirinchus (longfin smelts) (3)
  266. Spondyliosoma (Seabream) (2)
  267. Spottobrotula (Brotula) (2)
  268. Spratellicypris (Philippine barb) (1) (1)
  269. Spratelloides (Round herring) (4)
  270. Spratellomorpha (Round herring) (1)
  271. Sprattus (Sprat) (5)
  272. Springeratus (Blenny) (3)
  273. Springerichthys (2)
  274. Squalidus (Gudgeon) (14)
  275. Squaliforma (12)
  276. Squaliobarbus (Barb) (1)
  277. Squaliolus (Sleeper shark) (2)
  278. Squalius (44) (9)
  279. Squalogadus (Southern hake) (1)
  280. Squaloliparis (1)
  281. Squalus (26)
  282. Squamicreedia (Duckbill) (1)
  283. Squatina (angelshark) (23) (7)
  284. Stalix (Jawfish) (11)
  285. Stanulus (Blenny) (2)
  286. Starksia (Blenny) (37)
  287. Stathmonotus (Pikeblenny) (7)
  288. Stauroglanis (1)
  289. Steatocranus (Cichlid) (9)
  290. Steatogenys (Knifefish) (3)
  291. Steeneichthys (2)
  292. Stegastes (Damselfish) (38)
  293. Stegophilus (Catfish) (3)
  294. Stegostenopos (1)
  295. Stegostoma (Zebra shark) (1)
  296. Steindachneria (1)
  297. Steindachneridion (Catfish) (6)
  298. Steindachnerina (24)
  299. Stelgistrum (Sculpin) (3)
  300. Stellerina (Poacher) (1)
  301. Stellifer (Stardrum) (24)
  302. Stemonidium (Sawtooth eel) (1)
  303. Stemonosudis (Barracudina) (11)
  304. Stenatherina (Silverside) (1)
  305. Stenobrachius (2)
  306. Stenodus (inconnus) (2) (1)
  307. Stenogobius (coastal stream gobies) (27)
  308. Stenolebias (2)
  309. Stenolicmus (2)
  310. Stenotomus (Seabream) (2)
  311. Stephanoberyx (Pricklefish) (1)
  312. Stephanolepis (Filefish) (5)
  313. Stereolepis (2) (1)
  314. Sternarchella (Knifefish) (5)
  315. Sternarchogiton (Bluntsnout knifefish) (5)
  316. Sternarchorhamphus (1)
  317. Sternarchorhynchus (Knifefish) (32)
  318. Sternoptyx (Marine hatchetfish) (4)
  319. Sternopygus (9)
  320. Stethaprion (Characin) (2)
  321. Stethojulis (Wrasse) (10)
  322. Stethopristes (Dory) (1)
  323. Sthenopus (Velvetfish) (1)
  324. Stichaeopsis (Prickleback) (3)
  325. Stichaeus (Prickleback) (5)
  326. Sticharium (Blenny) (2)
  327. Stichonodon (Tetra) (1)
  328. Stictorhinus (Snake eel) (1)
  329. Stigmatochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (6)
  330. Stigmatogobius (Goby) (7)
  331. Stigmatopora (Pipefish) (4)
  332. Stipecampus (Pipefish) (1)
  333. Stiphodon (riffle gobies) (32) (3)
  334. Stlengis (Sculpin) (3)
  335. Stokellia (New Zealand smelt) (1)
  336. Stolephorus (20)
  337. Stolothrissa (Round herring) (1)
  338. Stomatepia (Cichlid) (3) (3)
  339. Stomatorhinus (Elephantfish) (13) (1)
  340. Stomias (scaly dragonfishes) (9)
  341. Stonogobiops (Goby) (7)
  342. Storrsia (Sand stargazer) (1)
  343. Stromateus (3)
  344. Strongylura (common needlefishes) (14)
  345. Strophidon (giant slender morays) (1)
  346. Sturisoma (Royal catfish) (15)
  347. Sturisomatichthys (Royal catfish) (4)
  348. Stygichthys (Cavefish) (1)
  349. Stygnobrotula (Brotula) (1)
  350. Stylephorus (Tube-eye) (1)
  351. Stypodon (Minnow) (1)
  352. Sudis (2)
  353. Sueviota (Goby) (4)
  354. Suezichthys (Wrasse) (10)
  355. Sufflamen (Triggerfish) (5)
  356. Sufflogobius (Goby) (1)
  357. Suggrundus (Flathead) (3)
  358. Sunagocia (4)
  359. Sundadanio (8)
  360. Sundasalanx (Sundaland noodlefish) (7)
  361. Sundoreonectes (3)
  362. Suruga (Goby) (1)
  363. Sutorectus (Wobbegong) (1)
  364. Suttonia (2)
  365. Svetovidovia (Codling) (1)
  366. Syacium (Flounder) (8)
  367. Symbolophorus (Lanternfish) (8)
  368. Symphodus (Wrasse) (10)
  369. Symphorichthys (Snapper) (1)
  370. Symphorus (Snapper) (1)
  371. Symphurus (straightmouth tonguefishes) (75)
  372. Symphysanodon (Slope bass) (12)
  373. Symphysodon (discusfishes) (3)
  374. Sympterichthys (2)
  375. Sympterygia (4)
  376. Synagrops (Bass) (12)
  377. Synanceia (5)
  378. Synaphobranchus (Cutthroat eel) (6)
  379. Synaptolaemus (Headstander) (2)
  380. Synaptura (Sole) (7)
  381. Synapturichthys (1)
  382. Synbranchus (Swamp eel) (3)
  383. Synchiropus (Dragonet) (42)
  384. Synchirus (Sculpin) (1)
  385. Synclidopus (2)
  386. Syncomistes (Tigerperch) (4)
  387. Syncrossus (Loach) (5)
  388. Synechogobius (2)
  389. Syngnathoides (Pipefish) (1)
  390. Syngnathus (seaweed pipefishes) (32) (1)
  391. Synodontis (back-swimming congo catfishes) (131) (4)
  392. Synodus (lizard fishes and sharpnose lizardfishes) (44)
  393. Systomus (1)


  1. Taaningichthys (Lanternfish) (3)
  2. Tachysurus (12)
  3. Tactostoma (Dragonfish) (1)
  4. Taeniacara (1)
  5. Taenianotus (1)
  6. Taeniochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (1)
  7. Taenioides (eelgobies) (13)
  8. Taeniolethrinops (Lake Malawi cichlid) (4)
  9. Taeniopsetta (Lefteyed flounder) (2)
  10. Taeniura (3)
  11. Tahuantinsuyoa (Cichlid) (2)
  12. Takifugu (Puffer) (25)
  13. Talismania (Smoothhead) (11)
  14. Tamanka (Goby) (2)
  15. Tampichthys (6) (1)
  16. Tanakia (Bitterling) (5)
  17. Tanakius (Flounder) (1)
  18. Tandanus (Eeltail catfish) (2)
  19. Tangachromis (Cichlid) (1)
  20. Tanganicodus (Cichlid) (1)
  21. Tanganikallabes (Catfish) (3)
  22. Tanichthys (Mountain minnow) (3)
  23. Tanyemblemaria (Pikeblenny) (1)
  24. Taractes (Pomfret) (2)
  25. Taractichthys (Pomfret) (2)
  26. Taranetzella (Eelpout) (1)
  27. Taratretis (Flounder) (1)
  28. Tarletonbeania (Lanternfish) (2)
  29. Tarphops (Flounder) (2)
  30. Tarsistes (1)
  31. Tasmanogobius (Dwarf goby) (3)
  32. Tateurndina (Gudgeon) (1)
  33. Tathicarpus (Frogfish) (1)
  34. Tatia (Woodcat) (13)
  35. Taunayia (Catfish) (1)
  36. Tauredophidium (Brotula) (1)
  37. Taurocottus (Sculpin) (1)
  38. Taurulus (Sculpin) (1)
  39. Tautoga (Tautog) (1)
  40. Tautogolabrus (Cunner) (1)
  41. Teixeirichthys (Damselfish) (1)
  42. Teleocichla (7)
  43. Teleogramma (4) (1)
  44. Telestes (14) (5)
  45. Telmatherina (Rainbowfish) (10)
  46. Telmatochromis (Cichlid) (6)
  47. Tembeassu (1)
  48. Temera (1)
  49. Temnocora (1)
  50. Tentoriceps (Hairtail) (1)
  51. Tenualosa (Shad) (5)
  52. Tephrinectes (Flounder) (1)
  53. Teramulus (Silverside) (2) (1)
  54. Terapon (tigerfishes) (3)
  55. Terateleotris (1) (1)
  56. Terelabrus (1)
  57. Terranatos (1)
  58. Tetrabrachium (1)
  59. Tetracamphilius (4)
  60. Tetracentrum (Asiatic glassfish) (3)
  61. Tetractenos (Puffer) (2)
  62. Tetragondacnus (1)
  63. Tetragonopterus (6)
  64. Tetragonurus (3)
  65. Tetranematichthys (Catfish) (3)
  66. Tetraodon (swellfishes) (22)
  67. Tetrapleurodon (2) (1)
  68. Tetrapturus (spearfishes) (4)
  69. Tetraroge (2)
  70. Tetrosomus (Boxfish) (4)
  71. Tewara (Sandburrower) (1)
  72. Thalasseleotris (2)
  73. Thalassenchelys (2)
  74. Thalassobathia (Brotula) (2)
  75. Thalassoma (Wrasse) (28)
  76. Thalassophryne (poison toadfishes) (6)
  77. Thaleichthys (eulachons) (1)
  78. Thamnaconus (Filefish) (13)
  79. Thaumatichthys (Deepsea anglerfish) (3)
  80. Thayeria (Penguin tetra) (3)
  81. Theragra (Alaskan pollocks) (2)
  82. Theraps (8)
  83. Thermarces (Eelpout) (3)
  84. Thermichthys (1)
  85. Thermobiotes (1)
  86. Thoburnia (rustyside suckers) (3)
  87. Thoracocharax (Hatchetfish) (2)
  88. Thoracochromis (12)
  89. Thorichthys (8)
  90. Thorogobius (Goby) (4)
  91. Thorophos (Bristlemouth) (2)
  92. Thrattidion (Round herring) (1)
  93. Thrissobrycon (Tetra) (1)
  94. Thryssa (Anchovy) (24)
  95. Thryssocypris (Minnow) (3)
  96. Thunnus (albacores and tunas) (8)
  97. Thymallus (graylings) (13)
  98. Thymichthys (2)
  99. Thynnichthys (4) (1)
  100. Thyriscus (Sculpin) (1)
  101. Thyrsites (Snake mackerel) (1)
  102. Thyrsitoides (Snake mackerel) (1)
  103. Thyrsitops (Snake mackerel) (1)
  104. Thysanactis (Dragonfish) (1)
  105. Thysanophrys (Flathead) (6)
  106. Thysanopsetta (Lefteyed flounder) (1)
  107. Thysochromis (Cichlid) (2)
  108. Tilapia (African mouthbrooders and speckled tilapias) (44)
  109. Tilesina (Poacher) (1)
  110. Tilodon (Halfmoon) (1)
  111. Timorichthys (1)
  112. Tinca (1) (1)
  113. Tocantinsia (Catfish) (1)
  114. Tometes (3)
  115. Tomeurus (Livebearer) (1)
  116. Tomicodon (Clingfish) (22) (1)
  117. Tominanga (Indonesian rainbowfish) (2)
  118. Tomiyamichthys (Goby) (9)
  119. Tomocichla (3)
  120. Tondanichthys (1)
  121. Tongaichthys (Snake mackerel) (1)
  122. Tonlesapia (2)
  123. Tor (Minnow) (21) (5)
  124. Torpedo (22)
  125. Torquigener (Toadfish) (20)
  126. Tosana (Sea bass) (1)
  127. Tosanoides (Sea bass) (2)
  128. Tosarhombus (Lefteyed flounder) (6)
  129. Totoaba (Croaker) (1) (1)
  130. Toxabramis (Minnow) (7)
  131. Toxotes (archerfishes) (7)
  132. Trachelochismus (Clingfish) (2)
  133. Trachelyichthys (Catfish) (2)
  134. Trachelyopterichthys (Woodcat) (2)
  135. Trachelyopterus (Catfish) (16)
  136. Trachicephalus (1)
  137. Trachichthys (Slimehead) (1)
  138. Trachidermus (Sculpin) (1)
  139. Trachinocephalus (Snakefish) (1)
  140. Trachinops (Roundhead) (4)
  141. Trachinotus (pompanos) (20)
  142. Trachinus (8)
  143. Trachipterus (ribbonfishes) (6)
  144. Trachonurus (Grenadier) (6)
  145. Trachurus (saurels) (15)
  146. Trachycorystes (Catfish) (4)
  147. Trachydoras (Catfish) (5)
  148. Trachyglanis (Catfish) (4)
  149. Trachypoma (1)
  150. Trachyrhamphus (Pipefish) (3)
  151. Trachyrincus (Grenadier) (6)
  152. Trachyscorpia (Thornyhead) (6)
  153. Trachystoma (1)
  154. Tragulichthys (Burrfish) (1)
  155. Tramitichromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (5)
  156. Travancoria (Loach) (2) (2)
  157. Trematocara (Cichlid) (9)
  158. Trematocranus (Lake Malawi cichlid) (3)
  159. Trematomus (Cod icefish) (11)
  160. Triacanthodes (Spikefish) (4)
  161. Triacanthus (hornfishes) (2)
  162. Triaenodon (1)
  163. Triakis (leopard sharks) (5) (1)
  164. Trianectes (Threefin blenny) (1)
  165. Triathalassothia (Toadfish) (2)
  166. Tribolodon (Minnow) (4)
  167. Trichiurus (cutlassfishes and hairtails) (9)
  168. Trichocottus (Sculpin) (1)
  169. Trichodon (1)
  170. Trichogaster (Gourami) (5)
  171. Trichogenes (Catfish) (2)
  172. Trichomycterus (149) (1)
  173. Trichonotus (9)
  174. Trichopodus (4)
  175. Trichopsetta (Lefteyed flounder) (4)
  176. Trichopsis (croaking gouramis and purring gouramis) (3)
  177. Tricuspidalestes (African tetra) (1)
  178. Tridens (1)
  179. Tridensimilis (Catfish) (2)
  180. Tridentiger (chameleon gobies) (8)
  181. Tridentopsis (Catfish) (3)
  182. Trigla (mailed gurnards) (1)
  183. Triglachromis (Cichlid) (1)
  184. Trigloporus (1)
  185. Triglops (Sculpin) (10)
  186. Trigonectes (False panchax) (6)
  187. Trigonognathus (1)
  188. Trigonolampa (Dragonfish) (1)
  189. Trigonopoma (2)
  190. Trigonostigma (Minnow) (4) (1)
  191. Trimma (Goby) (69)
  192. Trimmatom (Goby) (7)
  193. Trinectes (scrawled soles) (9)
  194. Trinorfolkia (Threefin blenny) (3)
  195. Triodon (1)
  196. Triphoturus (Lanternfish) (3)
  197. Triplophos (Bristlemouth) (1)
  198. Triplophysa (133)
  199. Tripodichthys (Tripodfish) (3)
  200. Triportheus (Tetra) (18)
  201. Tripterodon (Spadefish) (1)
  202. Tripterophycis (Grenadier codling) (2)
  203. Tripterygion (cockabullies) (4)
  204. Triso (Grouper) (1)
  205. Trisopterus (Cod) (4)
  206. Tristramella (Cichlid) (2) (1)
  207. Trixiphichthys (Tripodfish) (1)
  208. Trochilocharax (1)
  209. Troglocobitis (1)
  210. Troglocyclocheilus (1)
  211. Trogloglanis (toothless blindcats) (1)
  212. Tropheops (8)
  213. Tropheus (Cichlid) (6)
  214. Tropidophoxinellus (Minnow) (3)
  215. Trygonoptera (Stingaree) (6)
  216. Trygonorrhina (Guitarfish) (2) (1)
  217. Trypauchen (Goby) (4)
  218. Trypauchenichthys (Goby) (3)
  219. Trypauchenopsis (1)
  220. Tryssogobius (6)
  221. Tuamotuichthys (3)
  222. Tubbia (Medusafish) (1)
  223. Tuberoschistura (2)
  224. Tucanoichthys (1)
  225. Tukugobius (Goby) (1)
  226. Turcinoemacheilus (2)
  227. Tydemania (1)
  228. Tylerius (Toadfish) (1)
  229. Tylochromis (Cichlid) (18) (1)
  230. Tylosurus (Needlefish) (7)
  231. Typhlachirus (Sole) (1)
  232. Typhleotris (Gudgeon) (2) (2)
  233. Typhliasina (1)
  234. Typhlichthys (southern cavefishes) (1)
  235. Typhlobarbus (Minnow) (1)
  236. Typhlobelus (Catfish) (4)
  237. Typhlogarra (Barb) (1)
  238. Typhlogobius (Goby) (1)
  239. Typhlonarke (2)
  240. Typhlonus (Brotula) (1)
  241. Tyrannochromis (Lake Malawi cichlid) (4)
  242. Tyrannophryne (Deepsea anglerfish) (1)
  243. Tyson (Wormfish) (1)
  244. Tyttobrycon (Tetra) (4)
  245. Tyttocharax (Characin) (4)


  1. Uaru (Uaru) (2)
  2. Ucla (1)
  3. Uegitglanis (Blind walking catfish) (1)
  4. Ulaema (1)
  5. Ulcina (Poacher) (1)
  6. Ulua (Jack) (2)
  7. Ulvaria (1)
  8. Umbra (mudminnows) (3)
  9. Umbrina (croakers and roncadores) (17)
  10. Uncisudis (Barracudina) (4)
  11. Ungusurculus (6)
  12. Upeneichthys (Goatfish) (3)
  13. Upeneus (Goatfish) (31)
  14. Uranoscopus (23)
  15. Uraspis (Jack) (3)
  16. Urobatis (4)
  17. Urocampus (Pipefish) (2)
  18. Uroconger (Conger eel) (4)
  19. Urogymnus (1)
  20. Urolophus (24) (2
  21. Urophycis (codlings) (8)
  22. Uropterygius (finless morays) (20)
  23. Urotrygon (13)
  24. Ursinoscorpaenopsis (1)
  25. Utiaritichthys (2)


  1. Vaillantella (3)
  2. Valamugil (bluespot mullets) (4)
  3. Valencia (2)
  4. Valenciennea (Goby) (15)
  5. Valenciennellus (Marine hatchetfish) (2)
  6. Vanacampus (Pipefish) (4)
  7. Vandellia (candiru) (3)
  8. Vanderhorstia (Goby) (23)
  9. Vanmanenia (Loach) (19)
  10. Vanneaugobius (Goby) (3)
  11. Vanstraelenia (Sole) (1)
  12. Variabilichromis (1)
  13. Varicorhinus (Minnow) (37)
  14. Varicus (Goby) (3)
  15. Variichthys (Grunter) (2)
  16. Variola (Grouper) (2)
  17. Velifer (Velifer) (1)
  18. Vellitor (Sculpin) (2)
  19. Venefica (Duckbill eel) (5)
  20. Ventichthys (1)
  21. Ventrifossa (Grenadier) (24)
  22. Verasper (Flounder) (2)
  23. Verilus (Bass) (1)
  24. Vespicula (Waspfish) (4)
  25. Vimba (Minnow) (3)
  26. Vincentia (5)
  27. Vinciguerria (Lightfish) (5)
  28. Virididentex (Seabream) (1)
  29. Vitiaziella (1)
  30. Vladichthys (1)
  31. Volodichthys (1)
  32. Vomeridens (Antarctic dragonfish) (1)
  33. Vomerogobius (Goby) (1)


  1. Wallago (Catfish) (5)
  2. Wattsia (1)
  3. Wertheimeria (Catfish) (1)
  4. Wetmorella (Wrasse) (3)
  5. Wheelerigobius (Goby) (2)
  6. Winteria (1)
  7. Woodsia (2)


  1. Xanthichthys (Triggerfish) (6)
  2. Xenagoniates (Tetra) (1)
  3. Xenaploactis (Velvetfish) (3)
  4. Xenentodon (Asian freshwater needlefishes) (2)
  5. Xeneretmus (Poacher) (4)
  6. Xenichthys (3)
  7. Xenisthmus (Wormfish) (8)
  8. Xenistius (Grunt) (2)
  9. Xenobalistes (Triggerfish) (1)
  10. Xenobarbus (Barb) (1)
  11. Xenobrama (Pomfret) (1)
  12. Xenocephalus (Stargazer) (6)
  13. Xenocharax (1)
  14. Xenochromis (Cichlid) (1)
  15. Xenoclarias (Catfish) (1) (1)
  16. Xenoconger (False moray) (1)
  17. Xenocyprioides (Minnow) (2)
  18. Xenocypris (Minnow) (6) (1)
  19. Xenocys (Grunt) (1)
  20. Xenodermichthys (2)
  21. Xenodexia (Livebearer) (1)
  22. Xenojulis (Wrasse) (1)
  23. Xenolepidichthys (Tinselfish) (1)
  24. Xenolumpenus (1)
  25. Xenomedea (Blenny) (1)
  26. Xenomugil (Mullet) (1)
  27. Xenomystax (Pike conger) (5)
  28. Xenomystus (1)
  29. Xenoophorus (Goodeid) (1) (1)
  30. Xenophallus (Livebearer) (1)
  31. Xenophthalmichthys (1)
  32. Xenophysogobio (2)
  33. Xenopoclinus (Blenny) (2)
  34. Xenotaenia (Splitfin) (1)
  35. Xenotilapia (Cichlid) (18)
  36. Xenotoca (Splitfin) (3)
  37. Xenurobrycon (Characin) (5)
  38. Xestochilus (1)
  39. Xiphasia (2)
  40. Xiphias (swordfishes) (1)
  41. Xiphister (Prickleback) (2)
  42. Xiphocheilus (Wrasse) (1)
  43. Xiphophorus (swordtails) (28)
  44. Xiurenbagrus (2)
  45. Xyelacyba (Brotula) (1)
  46. Xyliphius (7)
  47. Xyrauchen (razorback suckers) (1)
  48. Xyrias (Snake eel) (4)
  49. Xyrichtys (Wrasse) (17)
  50. Xystreurys (Flounder) (2)


  1. Yaoshanicus (Minnow) (2)
  2. Yarrella (Lightfish) (2)
  3. Yasuhikotakia (Loach) (7)
  4. Yirrkala (Snake eel) (14)
  5. Yoga (1)
  6. Yongeichthys (toxic gobies) (3)
  7. Yunnanilus (33)
  8. Yuriria (Minnow) (3)


  1. Zabidius (Batfish) (1)
  2. Zacco (Minnow) (3)
  3. Zaireichthys (Catfish) (18)
  4. Zalanthias (1)
  5. Zalembius (Surfperch) (1)
  6. Zalieutes (Batfish) (2)
  7. Zameus (2)
  8. Zanclistius (Boarfish) (1)
  9. Zanclorhynchus (Horsefish) (1)
  10. Zanclus (Moorish idol) (1)
  11. Zaniolepis (Combfish) (2)
  12. Zanobatus (Fiddler ray) (1)
  13. Zapogon (1)
  14. Zappa (Goby) (1)
  15. Zaprora (Prowfish) (1)
  16. Zapteryx (Guitarfish) (3)
  17. Zearaja (3)
  18. Zebrasoma (Tang) (7)
  19. Zebrias (Sole) (18)
  20. Zebrus (Goby) (1)
  21. Zenarchopterus (19)
  22. Zenion (Dory) (4)
  23. Zenopsis (Dory) (4)
  24. Zephyrichthys (1)
  25. Zesticelus (Sculpin) (3)
  26. Zeugopterus (Topknot flounder) (2)
  27. Zeus (2)
  28. Zingel (European darter) (4)
  29. Zoarces (Eelpout) (6)
  30. Zoarchias (Prickleback) (8)
  31. Zoogoneticus (Goodeid) (3)
  32. Zoramia (6)
  33. Zosterisessor (Goby) (1)
  34. Zu (Ribbonfish) (2)
  35. Zungaro (2)
  36. Zungaropsis (Catfish) (1)
