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, Placaciura , Placanthes , Placidellus , Placidula , Placoblatta , Placoceratias , Placochela , Placoclytus , Placocosma , Placoderes , Placodes , Placodidus , Placodister , Placodoma , Placoeme , Placonotus , Placophorina , Placophyllopus , Placopsidella , Placoptila , Placosaris , Placoschema , Placosternus , Placotettix , Placotingis , Placusa


, Plaesiorhinus , Plaesioserica , Plaesiostola , Plaesius


, Plagerepne , Plagiacris , Plagicurgus , Plagideicta , Plagimasicera , Plagiocephalus , Plagiocoma , Plagiocorynus , Plagiocrossa , Plagiodera , Plagiognathus , Plagiogonus , Plagiogramma , Plagiographus , Plagiograpta , Plagiohammus , Plagiolabra , Plagiolepis , Plagiomerus , Plagiometriona , Plagiomima , Plagiomimicus , Plagiomus , Plagiomyia , Plagioneurus , Plagionotulus , Plagionotus

Plagiophleboptena Schmidt, 1910

Insecta → Hemiptera → Cercopoidea → Cercopidae , Plagiophorus , Plagiopisthen , Plagiopleura , Plagiopsis , Plagiopsola , Plagiopyga , Plagiosarus , Plagioscelis , Plagiostenopterina , Plagiostira , Plagiotelum , Plagiotriptus , Plagiotrochus , Plagiotropis , Plagiotrypes , Plagiozopelma , Plagithmysus , Plagoa , Plagodis , Plagulibasis


, Planaeschna , Planaltinella , Planaphrodes , Planarivora , Planata , Planeacanista , Planetella , Planetes , Plangia , Plangiodes , Plangiola , Plangiopsis , Planibyrsa , Planicephalus , Planiceps , Planinasus , Planipeza , Planiplax , Planispectrum , Planisticus , Planitorus , Planochorus , Planociampa , Planococcoides , Planococcus , Planocostium , Planodascalia , Planodema , Planodes , Planodiplosis , Planolidia , Planolinellus , Planolinoides , Planolinus , Planolocha , Planomyia , Planophileurus , Planopus , Planostocha , Planotetrastichus , Planotortrix , Plantegumia

Planudes Stål, 1875

Insecta → Phasmida → Pseudophasmatoidea → Pseudophasmatidae → Xerosomatinae → Prexaspini


, Plapigella , Plapigus


Plasiella Hustache, 1951

  1. Plasiella subcylindrica Hustache , 1951 [1]

Insecta → Coleoptera → Curculionoidea → Curculionidae

Plasilia Casey 1922

  1. Plasilia latinasus Casey, 1922 [2]

Insecta → Coleoptera → Curculionoidea → Curculionidae

Plasiliopsis Casey 1922

  1. Plasiliopsis fusiformis Casey, 1922 [3]
  2. Plasiliopsis laevis Casey, 1922 [3]

Insecta → Coleoptera → Curculionoidea → Curculionidae

Plasmatica Meyrick, 1914

  1. Plasmatica sternitis Meyrick, 1914 [4]

Insecta → Lepidoptera → Gelechioidea → Oecophoridae → Oecophorinae

Plasmaticus Bethune-Baker, 1906

  1. Plasmaticus angulata Bethune-Baker, 1906 [5]

Insecta → Lepidoptera → Noctuoidea → Noctuidae → Catocalinae , Plassoderinus , Plastingia , Plastobelyta , Plastocerontus , Plastochalcis , Plastocorypha , Plastogalepsus , Plastoleptops , Plastologus , Plastophora , Plastophorides , Plastotephritis , Plastystaura


Platacanthoides Kirby, 1910

  1. Platacanthoides bituberculatus Uvarov, 1922
  2. Platacanthoides bituberculatus attenuatus Uvarov, 1922
  3. Platacanthoides bituberculatus bituberculatus Uvarov, 1922
  4. Platacanthoides morosus (Walker, F., 1870)
  5. Platacanthoides reductus Dirsh, 1956

Insecta → Orthoptera → Acridoidea → Acrididae → Euryphyminae

Platacmaea Meyrick, 1920

  1. Platacmaea cretiseca Meyrick, 1920

Insecta → Lepidoptera → Yponomeutoidea → Lyonetiidae

Platactis Meyrick, 1911

  1. Platactis hormathota Meyrick, 1911

Insecta → Lepidoptera → Gelechioidea → Oecophoridae → Oecophorinae

Plataea Herrich-Schäffer, 1855

  1. Plataea aristidesi Rindge, 1976
  2. Plataea calcaria Pearsall, 1911
  3. Plataea californiaria Herrich-Schäffer, 1856
  4. Plataea diva Hulst, 1896
  5. Plataea mexicana Druce, 1899
  6. Plataea pausaniasi Rindge, 1976
  7. Plataea personaria H. Edwards, 1881
  8. Plataea trilinearia Packard, 1874
  9. Plataea ursaria Cassino & Swett, 1922

Insecta → Lepidoptera → Geometroidea → Geometridae → Ennominae

Platagarista Jordan, 1912

  1. Platagarista tetrapleura Meyrick, 1891

Insecta → Lepidoptera → Noctuoidea → Noctuidae → Agaristinae

Plataleyrodes Takahashi & Mamet, 1952

  1. Plataleyrodes anthocleistae Takahashi & Mamet, 1952

Insecta → Hemiptera → Aleyrodoidea → Aleyrodidae → Aleyrodinae

Platambus Thomson, 1859

  1. Platambus americanus (Aubé, 1838)
  2. Platambus angulicollis (Régimbart, 1899)
  3. Platambus apache (Young, 1981)
  4. Platambus astrictovittatus (Larson and Wolfe, 1998)
  5. Platambus ater (Falkenström, 1936)
  6. Platambus aztec (Larson in Larson, Alarie and Roughley, 2000)
  7. Platambus balfourbrownei Vazirani, 1965
  8. Platambus biswasi Vazirani, 1965
  9. Platambus confusus (Blatchley, 1910)
  10. Platambus coriaceus (Régimbart, 1899)
  11. Platambus dabieshanensis Nilsson, 2003
  12. Platambus dembickyi Brancucci, 2006
  13. Platambus denticulatus Nilsson, 2003
  14. Platambus elongatus Bian and Ji, 2008
  15. Platambus excoffieri Régimbart, 1899
  16. Platambus fimbriatus Sharp, 1884
  17. Platambus flavovittatus (Larson and Wolfe, 1998)
  18. Platambus fletcheri Zimmermann, 1928
  19. Platambus guttulus (Régimbart, 1899)
  20. Platambus heteronychus Nilsson, 2003
  21. Platambus ikedai (Nilsson, 1997)
  22. Platambus incrassatus Gschwendtner, 1935
  23. Platambus insolitus (Sharp, 1884)
  24. Platambus johannis (Fall, 1922)
  25. Platambus kempi (Vazirani, 1970)
  26. Platambus khukri Brancucci, 1990
  27. Platambus koreanus (Nilsson, 1997)
  28. Platambus lindbergi Guéorguiev, 1963
  29. Platambus lineatus Gschwendtner, 1935
  30. Platambus lunulatus (Fischer von Waldheim, 1829)
  31. Platambus maculatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
  32. Platambus maya (Larson in Larson, Alarie and Roughley, 2000)
  33. Platambus mexicanus (Larson in Larson, Alarie and Roughley, 2000)
  34. Platambus micropunctatus Nilsson, 2003
  35. Platambus nepalensis (Guéorguiev, 1968)
  36. Platambus obtusatus (Say, 1823)
  37. Platambus optatus (Sharp, 1884)
  38. Platambus pictipennis (Sharp, 1873)
  39. Platambus planatus (Sharp, 1882)
  40. Platambus princeps (Régimbart, 1888)
  41. Platambus punctatipennis Brancucci, 1984
  42. Platambus regulae Brancucci, 1991
  43. Platambus satoi Brancucci, 1982
  44. Platambus sawadai (Kamiya, 1932)
  45. Platambus schaefleini Brancucci, 1988
  46. Platambus schillhammeri Wewalka and Brancucci, 1995
  47. Platambus semenowi (Jakovlev, 1897)
  48. Platambus semivittatus (LeConte, 1852)
  49. Platambus sogdianus (Jakovlev, 1897)
  50. Platambus spinipes (Sharp, 1882)
  51. Platambus stagninus (Say, 1823)
  52. Platambus strbai Hendrich and Balke, 1998
  53. Platambus striatus (Zeng and Pu, 1992)
  54. Platambus stygius (Régimbart, 1899)
  55. Platambus texovittatus (Larson and Wolfe, 1998)
  56. Platambus ussuriensis (Nilsson, 1997)
  57. Platambus wangi Brancucci, 2006
  58. Platambus wewalkai Brancucci, 1982
  59. Platambus wittmeri Wewalka, 1975
  60. Platambus wulingshanensis Brancucci, 2005
  61. Platambus yaanensis Nilsson, 2003

Insecta → Coleoptera → Dytiscidae → Agabinae → Agabini

Platamomyia Brethes 1925

  1. Platamomyia depressa Loew, 1855
  2. Platamomyia depressus (Loew, 1855)

Animalia → Arthropoda → Insecta → Diptera → Bombyliidae

Platandria Casey, 1893

  1. Platandria carolinae Casey, 1910
  2. Platandria columbica Casey, 1910
  3. Platandria mormonica Casey, 1893
  4. Platandria neotropica Bierig, 1939

Insecta → Coleoptera → Staphylinoidea → Staphylinidae → Aleocharinae → Hoplandriini

Platarctia Packard, 1864

  1. Platarctia ornata Staudinger, 1896
  2. Platarctia parthenos Harris, 1850
  3. Platarctia souliei Oberthür, 1911

Insecta → Lepidoptera → Noctuoidea → Arctiidae → Arctiinae

Porodica Plataspidae Dallas, 1851

  1. Arefbea Jessop, 1983
  2. Ceratocoris White, 1842
  3. Severiniella Montandon, 1894

Insecta → Hemiptera → Pentatomomorpha → Pentatomoidea , Platecrizotes , Platencyrtus , Platenia , Platensina , Platentomus , Plateoplia , Plateros , Platerosia , Platerosida , Plateumaris

Platfusa Dworakowska, 1993

Insecta → Hemiptera → Membracoidea → Cicadellidae → Typhlocybinae → Dikraneurini

Plathypena Grote, 1873

Insecta → Lepidoptera → Noctuoidea → Noctuidae → Hypeninae

Platidiolus Chaudoir, 1878

Insecta → Coleoptera → Caraboidea → Carabidae → Trechinae → Patrobini

Platinglisia Cockerell 1899

Insecta → Hemiptera → Coccoidea → Coccidae

Platneptis Bouček, 1961

Insecta → Hymenoptera → Chalcidoidea → Pteromalidae , Platocerella , Platocthispa , Platomma , Platonax , Platopsomyia , Platphalonidia , Plattycantha , Platyacus , Platyagathis , Platyagonum , Platyamomphus , Platyaphis , Platyarthron , Platyaspistes , Platyauchenia

Platybaetis Müller-Liebenau, 1980

  1. Platybaetis arunachalae Kumar, Sundar & Sivaramakrishnan, 2012 [7]
  2. Platybaetis bishopi Müller-Liebenau, 1980 [7]
  3. Platybaetis edmundsi Müller-Liebenau, 1980 [7]
  4. Platybaetis gagadjuensis Suter, 2001 [7]
  5. Platybaetis mamasae Kluge & Novikova, 2011 [7]
  6. Platybaetis probus Müller-Liebenau, 1984 [7]
  7. Platybaetis sulawesiensis Tong & Dudgeon, 1999 [7]
  8. Platybaetis uenoi Müller-Liebenau, 1980 [7]
  9. Platybaetis wallacei Tong & Dudgeon, 1999 [7]

Insecta → Ephemeroptera → Baetoidea → Baetidae , Platybaris , Platybathra , Platybelus , Platybirmania , Platybletes , Platybrachys , Platybracon , Platybregmus , Platycaedicia , Platycaelus , Platycalymma , Platycatantops , Platycentropus , Platycentrus , Platycephala , Platycephalisca , Platyceraphron , Platycercacris , Platyceridion , Platyceroides , Platyceropsis , Platycerota , Platycerozaena , Platycerus , Platychasma , Platychauliodes , Platycheirus , Platychelus , Platychile , Platychirus , Platychiton , Platycis , Platycixius , Platycleidus , Platycleis , Platycnemididae , Platycnemis , Platycoccus , Platycoelia , Platycoelostoma , Platycopes , Platycorypha , Platycosmoecus , Platycotis , Platycrana , Platycranium , Platycrates , Platycyba , Platycycla , Platycypha , Platycyrtidus , Platydactylus , Platydecticus , Platydema , Platyderes , Platyderides , Platyderus , Platydexia , Platydialepis , Platydiplosis , Platydipteron , Platydomene , Platydoryctes , Platydracus , Platydytes , Platyedra , Platyembia , Platyeurymela , Platyeurysa , Platyeutidium , Platyfigulus , Platyfrons , Platygaster

Platygaster Latreille, 1809

  1. Platygaster aberrans Buhl, 1998
  2. Platygaster abia Walker, 1836
  3. Platygaster abicollis MacGown & Osgood, 1971
  4. Platygaster abisares Walker, 1836
  5. Platygaster aboriginalis Buhl, 2004
  6. Platygaster abrupta Buhl, 1994
  7. Platygaster acciculosis Drake, 1970
  8. Platygaster aciculata Ashmead, 1893
  9. Platygaster acrisius Walker, 1836
  10. Platygaster actinomeridis (Ashmead, 1893)
  11. Platygaster acuticlava Buhl, 1998
  12. Platygaster acutocularis Buhl, 1998
  13. Platygaster aebeloeensis Buhl, 2001
  14. Platygaster aegeus Walker, 1836
  15. Platygaster affinis Fouts, 1925
  16. Platygaster alnicola (Ashmead, 1893)
  17. Platygaster alticola Kieffer, 1910
  18. Platygaster ambositrensis Risbec, 1955
  19. Platygaster americana (Ashmead, 1887)
  20. Platygaster aneurus (Provancher, 1887)
  21. Platygaster angulata (Ashmead, 1893)
  22. Platygaster angustula (Thomson, 1859)
  23. Platygaster anopediana Buhl, 2005
  24. Platygaster anormis (Brues, 1910)
  25. Platygaster antennariae (Ashmead, 1893)
  26. Platygaster anura Fouts, 1925
  27. Platygaster aphidis Ashmead, 1893
  28. Platygaster apicalis Thomson, 1859
  29. Platygaster applanata Buhl, 2001
  30. Platygaster appropinquata Buhl, 2006
  31. Platygaster artemisiae (Ashmead, 1893)
  32. Platygaster ashmeadiana Huggert, 1973
  33. Platygaster asiatica Buhl, 2004
  34. Platygaster astericola (Ashmead, 1893)
  35. Platygaster asynaptae (Ashmead, 1893)
  36. Platygaster athamas Walker, 1836
  37. Platygaster atrae Fouts, 1924
  38. Platygaster atriplicis (Ashmead, 1893)
  39. Platygaster attenuata Walker, 1836
  40. Platygaster australis (Dodd, 1916)
  41. Platygaster automenes Walker, 1839
  42. Platygaster baccharicola (Ashmead, 1887)
  43. Platygaster baccharidis Kieffer & Jörgensen, 1910
  44. Platygaster baezi Buhl, 2003
  45. Platygaster baloghi Buhl, 2004
  46. Platygaster basi Vlug, 1995
  47. Platygaster beneficiens MacGown, 1979
  48. Platygaster betulae (Kieffer, 1916)
  49. Platygaster betularia Kieffer, 1916
  50. Platygaster biroi Buhl, 2004
  51. Platygaster blascozumetae Buhl, 1998
  52. Platygaster bonessi Buhl, 2000
  53. Platygaster boneti Buhl, 2006
  54. Platygaster borealis Buhl, 1998
  55. Platygaster brachyptera Buhl, 2004
  56. Platygaster brevicornis Förster, 1861
  57. Platygaster brevipetiolata Buhl, 2004
  58. Platygaster brevistriata Kieffer, 1916
  59. Platygaster bucolion Walker, 1836
  60. Platygaster bureschi Szabó, 1959
  61. Platygaster burkei (Rohwer, 1917)
  62. Platygaster californica (Ashmead, 1893)
  63. Platygaster canestrinii (Rondani, 1866)
  64. Platygaster caninifrons (Brues, 1910)
  65. Platygaster caryae Ashmead, 1893
  66. Platygaster caulicola Kieffer & Jörgensen, 1910
  67. Platygaster cebes Walker, 1836
  68. Platygaster cecconii Kieffer, 1913
  69. Platygaster cecidomyiae Ratzeburg, 1852
  70. Platygaster chilensis (Brèthes, 1915)
  71. Platygaster chilophagae Buhl [8]
  72. Platygaster chloropus Thomson, 1859
  73. Platygaster chrysippus Walker, 1836
  74. Platygaster ciliata Buhl & Choi, 2006
  75. Platygaster clavata Buhl, 1994
  76. Platygaster cochleata Walker, 1836
  77. Platygaster coloradensis (Ashmead, 1893)
  78. Platygaster columbiana Fouts, 1924
  79. Platygaster compressa Fouts, 1934
  80. Platygaster compressicornis (Thomson, 1859)
  81. Platygaster compressiventris (Ashmead, 1893)
  82. Platygaster confinis Thomson, 1859
  83. Platygaster consobrina Kieffer, 1913
  84. Platygaster contorticornis ll>Ratzeburg, 1844
  85. Platygaster convergens Kieffer, 1913
  86. Platygaster coorgensis (Mukerjee, 1978)
  87. Platygaster corcyrana Buhl, 1996
  88. Platygaster corni Kieffer, 1916
  89. Platygaster coronata (Brues, 1910)
  90. Platygaster corvina Förster, 1861
  91. Platygaster costaricae Buhl, 2003
  92. Platygaster cottei Kieffer, 1913
  93. Platygaster crassa (Kryger & Schmiedeknecht, 1938)
  94. Platygaster crassicornis Buhl, 1998
  95. Platygaster crenulata Buhl, 2004
  96. Platygaster cruciferarum Kieffer, 1916
  97. Platygaster csoszi Buhl, 2004
  98. Platygaster cuspidata Buhl, 2005
  99. Platygaster cynipicola (Ashmead, 1893)
  100. Platygaster cyrsilus Walker, 1836
  101. Platygaster dalgaardi Buhl, 2006
  102. Platygaster damokles Buhl, 1998
  103. Platygaster danica Buhl, 1999
  104. Platygaster danielssoni Buhl, 1998
  105. Platygaster deipyla Walker, 1836
  106. Platygaster delyi Buhl, 2006
  107. Platygaster demades Walker, 1836
  108. Platygaster dentata Buhl, 2001
  109. Platygaster denticulata Buhl, 2001
  110. Platygaster depressiventris Thomson, 1859
  111. Platygaster dictys Walker, 1836
  112. Platygaster dilata Buhl, 2001
  113. Platygaster diplosidis (Ashmead, 1893)
  114. Platygaster diplosisae Risbec, 1956
  115. Platygaster distincta Fouts, 1926
  116. Platygaster dombeyae Risbec, 1953
  117. Platygaster draskovitsi Buhl, 2006
  118. Platygaster dryomiae Dieuzeide, 1927
  119. Platygaster dryope Walker, 1836
  120. Platygaster dubia (Ashmead, 1894)
  121. Platygaster elissa Walker, 1839
  122. Platygaster elongata Haliday, 1833
  123. Platygaster ennius Walker, 1836
  124. Platygaster ensifer (Westwood, 1833)
  125. Platygaster entwistlei Buhl, 1997
  126. Platygaster equestris Spittler, 1969
  127. Platygaster ericeti Rondani, 1877
  128. Platygaster eriphyle Walker, 1836
  129. Platygaster errans Fouts, 1924
  130. Platygaster eryngii Kieffer, 1916
  131. Platygaster erythropus (Ashmead, 1888)
  132. Platygaster estonica Buhl, 2004
  133. Platygaster ethiopica Buhl, 2004
  134. Platygaster etsuhoae Buhl, 1998
  135. Platygaster euhemerus Walker, 1836
  136. Platygaster eurotiae (Ashmead, 1893)
  137. Platygaster euurae (Ashmead, 1893)
  138. Platygaster euxestonotoides Buhl, 1998
  139. Platygaster exiguae Fouts, 1926
  140. Platygaster felti Fouts, 1920
  141. Platygaster fennica Buhl, 2003
  142. Platygaster filicaudis Fouts, 1925
  143. Platygaster filicornis Walker, 1836
  144. Platygaster flabellata Buhl, 2003
  145. Platygaster flagellata Buhl, 2003
  146. Platygaster flavifemorata Buhl & Choi, 2006
  147. Platygaster flavitarsis Fouts, 1926
  148. Platygaster floridensis Ashmead, 1887
  149. Platygaster foersteri (Gahan, 1919)
  150. Platygaster formicarum Kieffer, 1916
  151. Platygaster forshagei Buhl, 2006
  152. Platygaster foutsi Huggert, 1973
  153. Platygaster frater Buhl, 2006
  154. Platygaster fumipennis Fouts, 1924
  155. Platygaster funesta Motschulsky, 1852
  156. Platygaster fungicola Kieffer, 1916
  157. Platygaster fusca Buhl, 2004
  158. Platygaster fuscipennis Fouts, 1924
  159. Platygaster gahani Fouts, 1924
  160. Platygaster gaia Buhl, 2004
  161. Platygaster galbus Ushakumari, 2004
  162. Platygaster galenus Walker, 1836
  163. Platygaster gambiana Buhl, 2006
  164. Platygaster genata Buhl, 1998
  165. Platygaster generalii Rondani, 1866
  166. Platygaster germanica Buhl, 1998
  167. Platygaster gifuensis (Ashmead, 1904)
  168. Platygaster globicola Kieffer & Jörgensen, 1910
  169. Platygaster gorge Walker, 1836
  170. Platygaster gorgo Walker, 1839
  171. Platygaster gracilicornis (Ashmead, 1894)
  172. Platygaster gracilipes Huggert, 1975
  173. Platygaster gyge Walker, 1836
  174. Platygaster gyrone Szelényi, 1958
  175. Platygaster hanseni Buhl, 2006
  176. Platygaster hanssoniana Buhl, 2003
  177. Platygaster henkvlugi Buhl, 1996
  178. Platygaster hera Buhl, 1998
  179. Platygaster herricki Packard, 1880
  180. Platygaster heterothalami Kieffer & Jörgensen, 1910
  181. Platygaster hiemalis (Forbes, 1888)
  182. Platygaster hoffmeyeri Buhl, 2006
  183. Platygaster hovmoelleri Buhl, 2006
  184. Platygaster huachucae (Ashmead, 1893)
  185. Platygaster huggerti Buhl, 2001
  186. Platygaster hyalinata (Thomson, 1859)
  187. Platygaster hyalinipennis (Ashmead, 1887)
  188. Platygaster hybrida Buhl, 1994
  189. Platygaster hyemalis Curtis, 1830
  190. Platygaster hygrophila Kieffer, 1916
  191. Platygaster iberica Buhl, 1998
  192. Platygaster ilona Szabó, 1976
  193. Platygaster imlaci Buhl, 1997
  194. Platygaster inconspicua Buhl, 1999
  195. Platygaster indefinita Buhl, 2006
  196. Platygaster inderdaadi Vlug, 1995
  197. Platygaster indica Mukerjee, 1978
  198. Platygaster inermis Walker, 1836
  199. Platygaster insularis (Ashmead, 1894)
  200. Platygaster intermedia Buhl, 2006
  201. Platygaster intermedius Ushakumari, 2004
  202. Platygaster iolas Walker, 1836
  203. Platygaster iteocrypta Kieffer, 1916
  204. Platygaster iteophila (Kieffer, 1916)
  205. Platygaster javieri Buhl, 1998
  206. Platygaster juniperella MacGown, 1979
  207. Platygaster juniperi MacGown, 1979
  208. Platygaster juniperina MacGown, 1979
  209. Platygaster jutlandica Buhl, 2006
  210. Platygaster kalmiae Fouts, 1925
  211. Platygaster kaszabi Buhl, 2004
  212. Platygaster kenyana Buhl, 2004
  213. Platygaster keralicus Ushakumari, 2004
  214. Platygaster kimballi MacGown, 1974
  215. Platygaster komugi Ishii, 1953
  216. Platygaster koponeni Buhl, 2003
  217. Platygaster koreana Buhl, 2006
  218. Platygaster krarupi Buhl, 1995
  219. Platygaster kui Choi & Buhl, 2006
  220. Platygaster laevicollis (Ashmead, 1893)
  221. Platygaster laevifrons Buhl, 2002
  222. Platygaster laeviventris Thomson, 1859
  223. Platygaster lamelliformis Huggert, 1973
  224. Platygaster lampronota Fouts, 1924
  225. Platygaster lanceolata Buhl, 1996
  226. Platygaster lapponica Thomson, 1859
  227. Platygaster laricis Haliday, 1836
  228. Platygaster lasiopterae Kieffer & Jörgensen, 1910
  229. Platygaster lasiorum Kieffer, 1916
  230. Platygaster lata Förster, 1861
  231. Platygaster latescens (Brues, 1910)
  232. Platygaster laticeps Thomson, 1859
  233. Platygaster laticlavus (Ashmead, 1894)
  234. Platygaster laticornis Buhl, 2004
  235. Platygaster latifrons Huggert, 1973
  236. Platygaster leguminicolae Fouts, 1920
  237. Platygaster leileri Buhl, 2007
  238. Platygaster leptines Walker, 1836
  239. Platygaster leptoptera Buhl, 1998
  240. Platygaster leptosoma Buhl, 2006
  241. Platygaster leucanthemi (Kieffer, 1916)
  242. Platygaster libocedri MacGown, 1974
  243. Platygaster linearis Fouts, 1924
  244. Platygaster lineaticeps Buhl, 1994
  245. Platygaster litoralis Buhl, 1998
  246. Platygaster longestriata Kieffer, 1916
  247. Platygaster longestriolata Thomson, 1859
  248. Platygaster longicaudata Kieffer, 1906
  249. Platygaster lubomasneri Buhl, 1995
  250. Platygaster lucida Fouts, 1924
  251. Platygaster luctuosa Kieffer & Herbst, 1911
  252. Platygaster lugens Kieffer, 1926
  253. Platygaster lundensis Buhl, 1997
  254. Platygaster lupinicola (Ashmead, 1893)
  255. Platygaster luteocoxalis (Kozlov, 1966)
  256. Platygaster lyciicola Kieffer & Jörgensen, 1910
  257. Platygaster lyneborgi Buhl, 1998
  258. Platygaster lysicles Walker, 1836
  259. Platygaster maarteni Vlug, 1995
  260. Platygaster macgowni Buhl, 2001
  261. Platygaster macroptera Buhl, 2004
  262. Platygaster mahensis Kieffer, 1912
  263. Platygaster mainensis MacGown & Osgood, 1971
  264. Platygaster malabarica (Mukerjee, 1978)
  265. Platygaster malaisei Buhl, 2005
  266. Platygaster malpighii Kieffer, 1916
  267. Platygaster mandrakae Risbec, 1955
  268. Platygaster manto Walker, 1836
  269. Platygaster marchali Kieffer, 1906
  270. Platygaster marginata Thomson, 1859
  271. Platygaster martikaineni Buhl, 2003
  272. Platygaster marttii Buhl, 2003
  273. Platygaster marylandica Fouts, 1924
  274. Platygaster masneri Huggert, 1975
  275. Platygaster matsutama Yoshida & Hirashima, 1979
  276. Platygaster matuschanskavaskyi Buhl, 2003
  277. Platygaster mayetiolae Kieffer, 1916
  278. Platygaster mediocris (Brues, 1910)
  279. Platygaster meduxnekeagensis Buhl, 2006
  280. Platygaster melanocera (Ashmead, 1887)
  281. Platygaster melliscapus (Ashmead, 1893)
  282. Platygaster meridionalis (Ashmead, 1894)
  283. Platygaster microsculpturata Buhl, 1999
  284. Platygaster minima (Mukerjee, 1978)
  285. Platygaster minthe Walker, 1836
  286. Platygaster minuta Zetterstedt, 1840
  287. Platygaster minutissima Fouts, 1925
  288. Platygaster mirabilis (Ashmead, 1893)
  289. Platygaster misella Buhl, 2006
  290. Platygaster moczari Szabó, 1976
  291. Platygaster modesta Buhl, 1998
  292. Platygaster molsensis Buhl, 1995
  293. Platygaster mongolica Buhl, 2004
  294. Platygaster mumfordi Fouts, 1934
  295. Platygaster munita Walker, 1836
  296. Platygaster munki Buhl, 1994
  297. Platygaster muscivora Risbec, 1950
  298. Platygaster myrmecobia Kieffer, 1913
  299. Platygaster narendrani Ushakumari, 2004
  300. Platygaster natalensis Buhl, 2003
  301. Platygaster nigeriana Buhl, 2004
  302. Platygaster nigerrimus (Kieffer, 1926)
  303. Platygaster nigra Nees von Esenbeck, 1834
  304. Platygaster nigricoxa Fouts, 1925
  305. Platygaster nigrifemur (Ashmead, 1890)
  306. Platygaster nigripes Ratzeburg, 1852
  307. Platygaster nigrita Buhl, 2004
  308. Platygaster nigrocoxatus Ushakumari, 2004
  309. Platygaster nisus Walker, 1836
  310. Platygaster nodicola (Kieffer, 1916)
  311. Platygaster noonae Buhl, 1995
  312. Platygaster norvegica Kieffer, 1913
  313. Platygaster nottoni Buhl, 1995
  314. Platygaster noveboracensis (Brues, 1910)
  315. Platygaster oblonga Buhl, 2005
  316. Platygaster obscura Nees von Esenbeck, 1834
  317. Platygaster obscuripennis Ashmead, 1893
  318. Platygaster oculata Buhl, 2004
  319. Platygaster oebalus Walker, 1836
  320. Platygaster oeclus Walker, 1836
  321. Platygaster oenone Fouts, 1925
  322. Platygaster oleae Szelényi, 1940
  323. Platygaster opaca Ruthe, 1859
  324. Platygaster orcus Walker, 1836
  325. Platygaster ornata Kieffer, 1906
  326. Platygaster orus Walker, 1836
  327. Platygaster oryzae Cameron, 1891
  328. Platygaster oscus Walker, 1836
  329. Platygaster otanes Walker, 1836
  330. Platygaster oviventris Buhl, 2004
  331. Platygaster paches Walker, 1842
  332. Platygaster pallida Fouts, 1925
  333. Platygaster pallidicoxalis (Ashmead, 1894)
  334. Platygaster pallipes (Ashmead, 1890)
  335. Platygaster panamaensis Buhl, 2002
  336. Platygaster panchganii Mani, 1975
  337. Platygaster pappi Buhl, 2004
  338. Platygaster parvula Zetterstedt, 1840
  339. Platygaster pauliani Risbec, 1953
  340. Platygaster pedasus Walker, 1836
  341. Platygaster pedestris Buhl, 2004
  342. Platygaster pelias Walker, 1836
  343. Platygaster pentatoma (Ashmead, 1893)
  344. Platygaster perineti Risbec, 1953
  345. Platygaster perplexa Fouts, 1925
  346. Platygaster persicariae Kieffer, 1906
  347. Platygaster philinna Walker, 1836
  348. Platygaster philippiae Risbec, 1953
  349. Platygaster phragmitiphila Buhl, 2006
  350. Platygaster phragmitis (Schrank, 1781)
  351. Platygaster picipes Förster, 1861
  352. Platygaster pilco Sundholm, 1970
  353. Platygaster pinaensis Buhl, 1998
  354. Platygaster pinicola (Ashmead, 1893)
  355. Platygaster piniphila MacGown, 1979
  356. Platygaster pinyonicola MacGown, 1979
  357. Platygaster piso Sundholm, 1970
  358. Platygaster plana Buhl, 1994
  359. Platygaster planoides Buhl, 1995
  360. Platygaster platyptera Buhl, 2005
  361. Platygaster pleuron Walker, 1836
  362. Platygaster plotina Walker, 1836
  363. Platygaster pluto (Ashmead, 1887)
  364. Platygaster polaszeki Buhl, 2004
  365. Platygaster polita Thomson, 1859
  366. Platygaster ponderosae MacGown, 1979
  367. Platygaster praecox Buhl, 1999
  368. Platygaster producta MacGown, 1979
  369. Platygaster prolata MacGown, 1971
  370. Platygaster proxima (Ashmead, 1893)
  371. Platygaster pseudotsugae MacGown, 1979
  372. Platygaster pubiventris Buhl, 2005
  373. Platygaster puccinii Vlug, 1995
  374. Platygaster punctiventris Buhl, 2006
  375. Platygaster pygmaea Kieffer, 1913
  376. Platygaster pyramidalis Nees von Esenbeck, 1834
  377. Platygaster quadriceps Buhl, 2006
  378. Platygaster quadrifarius (Kieffer, 1916)
  379. Platygaster ramachandrai (Rao, 1950)
  380. Platygaster relativa Fouts, 1924
  381. Platygaster resinosae MacGown, 1979
  382. Platygaster retuertae Buhl, 1998
  383. Platygaster reyi Buhl, 2001
  384. Platygaster rhabdophagae MacGown, 1979
  385. Platygaster riparia Yamagishi, 1980
  386. Platygaster robiniae Buhl & Duso, 2008 [9]
  387. Platygaster rohweri Fouts, 1924
  388. Platygaster romanica Popovici & Buhl, 2005
  389. Platygaster rossinii Vlug, 1995
  390. Platygaster rubi (Ashmead, 1893)
  391. Platygaster ruficornis (Latreille, 1805)
  392. Platygaster rufidens Fouts, 1925
  393. Platygaster rufipes (Ashmead, 1893)
  394. Platygaster rufitibia Buhl, 1999
  395. Platygaster rugosiceps Buhl, 1994
  396. Platygaster rutilipes Buhl, 1997
  397. Platygaster rutubus Walker, 1836
  398. Platygaster rwankwiensis Risbec, 1958
  399. Platygaster sagana Walker, 1836
  400. Platygaster salicicola (Ashmead, 1893)
  401. Platygaster saliciperdae Kieffer, 1913
  402. Platygaster salvadorae Rao, 1950
  403. Platygaster sambuci (Kieffer, 1916)
  404. Platygaster sasii Ushakumari, 2004
  405. Platygaster satara Mani, 1975
  406. Platygaster scorpoides Muesebeck & Walkley, 1951
  407. Platygaster scotica Kieffer, 1913
  408. Platygaster scrophulariae (Kieffer, 1916)
  409. Platygaster sculptiventris Buhl, 2007
  410. Platygaster scutellator Fouts, 1925
  411. Platygaster semiflava Buhl, 2006
  412. Platygaster semiglabra (Girault, 1920)
  413. Platygaster setosa Buhl, 2003
  414. Platygaster shastensis Fouts, 1924
  415. Platygaster signata (Förster, 1861)
  416. Platygaster signe Buhl, 2006
  417. Platygaster similis MacGown, 1974
  418. Platygaster simplex (Brues, 1922)
  419. Platygaster singularis Buhl, 2006
  420. Platygaster sinica Buhl, 1996
  421. Platygaster sociabilis Kieffer & Jörgensen, 1910
  422. Platygaster soederlundi Buhl, 1998
  423. Platygaster solidaginis (Ashmead, 1887)
  424. Platygaster sonchis Walker, 1836
  425. Platygaster sophianae Szabó, 1976
  426. Platygaster specularis Buhl, 1998
  427. Platygaster spinigera Nees von Esenbeck, 1834
  428. Platygaster splendens Sundholm, 1970
  429. Platygaster splendidula Ruthe, 1859
  430. Platygaster srilankensis Buhl, 2003
  431. Platygaster stachydis (Kieffer, 1916)
  432. Platygaster stefaniellae Buhl, 2000
  433. Platygaster stefaniolae Buhl, 1998
  434. Platygaster sterope Walker, 1836
  435. Platygaster stimulator Yamagishi, 1980
  436. Platygaster strato Walker, 1836
  437. Platygaster striaticeps (Ashmead, 1893)
  438. Platygaster striaticollis (Ashmead, 1893)
  439. Platygaster striatidorsum Buhl, 1998
  440. Platygaster striatifacies Buhl, 1996
  441. Platygaster striatifrons Fouts, 1925
  442. Platygaster striatipleura Buhl, 2004
  443. Platygaster striatitergitis Buhl, 1995
  444. Platygaster striatithorax Buhl, 1994
  445. Platygaster striolata Nees von Esenbeck, 1834
  446. Platygaster stylata Huggert, 1980
  447. Platygaster subapicalis Buhl, 2006
  448. Platygaster subfilicornis Buhl, 2006
  449. Platygaster subplana Buhl, 2005
  450. Platygaster subterranea (Kieffer, 1916)
  451. Platygaster subtilis Förster, 1861
  452. Platygaster suecica (Kieffer, 1926)
  453. Platygaster sugitama Yoshida & Hirashima, 1979
  454. Platygaster sylea Walker, 1843
  455. Platygaster szelenyii Huggert, 1975
  456. Platygaster tacita Fouts, 1925
  457. Platygaster tanus Ushakumari, 2004
  458. Platygaster taras Walker, 1836
  459. Platygaster taylori MacGown, 1974
  460. Platygaster tenerifensis Buhl, 2001
  461. Platygaster tenuicornis Förster, 1861
  462. Platygaster terco Sundholm, 1970
  463. Platygaster texana Fouts, 1924
  464. Platygaster tibialis Kieffer, 1905
  465. Platygaster tisias Walker, 1836
  466. Platygaster topali Buhl, 2004
  467. Platygaster topaliana Buhl, 2004
  468. Platygaster transsylvanica (Szelényi, 1958)
  469. Platygaster transversiceps Buhl, 1998
  470. Platygaster tripotini Buhl & Choi, 2006
  471. Platygaster truncata Buhl, 2004
  472. Platygaster tsitsikamensis Buhl, 2005
  473. Platygaster tuberata Kieffer, 1916
  474. Platygaster tuberculi (Kieffer, 1916)
  475. Platygaster tuberosa Nees von Esenbeck, 1834
  476. Platygaster tuberosula Kieffer, 1926
  477. Platygaster tubulosa Brues, 1922
  478. Platygaster tumida (Ashmead, 1893)
  479. Platygaster tumoricola Kieffer & Jörgensen, 1910
  480. Platygaster ulmicola Kieffer, 1916
  481. Platygaster ungeri Buhl, 1999
  482. Platygaster uniformis Buhl, 2006
  483. Platygaster urnicola Yamagishi, 1980
  484. Platygaster utahensis (Ashmead, 1893)
  485. Platygaster vaenia Walker, 1836
  486. Platygaster vancouverensis (Ashmead, 1893)
  487. Platygaster variabilis Fouts, 1924
  488. Platygaster varicornis Buhl, 1999
  489. Platygaster vedresi Szabó, 1977
  490. Platygaster vera Buhl, 1998
  491. Platygaster verdii Vlug, 1995
  492. Platygaster vernalis (Myers, 1917)
  493. Platygaster vernoniae (Ashmead, 1893)
  494. Platygaster verrucosa Kieffer, 1916
  495. Platygaster verticalis Buhl, 2003
  496. Platygaster vestina Walker, 1836
  497. Platygaster viburni Kieffer, 1916
  498. Platygaster victoriae MacGown, 1979
  499. Platygaster vintheri Buhl, 1994
  500. Platygaster virginiensis (Ashmead, 1893)
  501. Platygaster virgo Day, 1971
  502. Platygaster viticola (Ashmead, 1893)
  503. Platygaster vulgaris Buhl, 1998
  504. Platygaster warda Buhl, 2004
  505. Platygaster websteri Fouts, 1924
  506. Platygaster xeneus Walker, 1838
  507. Platygaster yunnanensis Buhl, 2007
  508. Platygaster zambiana Buhl, 2007
  509. Platygaster zangherii Szelényi, 1955
  510. Platygaster zantanus Ushakumari, 2004
  511. Platygaster zaragozana Buhl, 1998
  512. Platygaster zavchanensis Buhl, 2004
  513. Platygaster zethus Walker, 1839
  514. Platygaster zosine Walker, 1836

Insecta → Hymenoptera → Platygastroidea → Platygastridae

izvori za vrste [10]


, Platygasteronyx , Platygastoides , Platygastridae , Platygastroidea , Platygavialidium , Platygenia , Platygeniops , Platygerrhus , Platygnathus , Platygomphus , Platygonia , Platygraphis , Platygraphium , Platygymnopa , Platyhelluo , Platyhynna , Platyina , Platyja , Platyjassus , Platyjionia , Platyjoppa , Platykula , Platylabops , Platylabus , Platylaemus , Platylecanium , Platyledra , Platyleon , Platylesches , Platylestes , Platylimnobia , Platylister , Platylobium , Platylomalus , Platylygus , Platylyra , Platylytron , Platymacha

Platymachaerota Schmidt, 1918

Insecta → Hemiptera → Cercopoidea → Machaerotidae , Platymastax , Platymerus , Platymetopius , Platymetopon , Platymetopsis , Platymetopus , Platymetopus , Platymischos , Platymya , Platymycterus , Platymystax , Platyna , Platynanus , Platynaspis , Platynectes , Platyneuromus , Platyneurus

Podtribus Platynina s.str.

  1. Achaetocephala Habu, 1975b: 37 Descr.,
  2. Aepsera Chaudoir, 1874,
  3. Agelaea Gene, 1839: 49 Descr.,
  4. Agonidium Jeannel, 1948,
  5. Agonobembix Jeannel, 1948,
  6. Agonoriascus Basilewsky, 1985,
  7. Agonorites Jeannel, 1951,
  8. Agonum Bonelli, 1810: tab.syn. Syn., Descr.,
  9. Altagonum Darlington, 1952,
  10. Anchomenus Bonelli, 1810: tab. syn. Descr.,
  11. Andrewesius Andrewes, 1939: 131 Descr.,
  12. Aparupa Andrewes, 1930: 39 Descr.,
  13. Archagonum Basilewsky, 1953,
  14. Archicolpodes Schmidt, 2001,
  15. Arhytinus Bates, 1889d: 278 Descr.,
  16. Atranus LeConte, 1848: 438 Descr.,
  17. Austroglyptolenus Roig-Junent, 2003,
  18. Beckeria Jedlicka, 1931a: 26 Descr.,
  19. Blackburnia Sharp, 1878,
  20. Bothrocolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
  21. Bruskespar Morvan, 1998: 25 Descr.,
  22. Bruskmoal Morvan, 1998: 20 Descr.,
  23. Bryanites Valentine, 1987,
  24. Callidagonum Loranz, 1998: 12 Syn., Descr.,
  25. Cardiomera Bassi, 1834a: 320 Descr.,
  26. Catacolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
  27. Chaetagonum Burgeon, 1933,
  28. Chaetosaurus Schmidt, 2001,
  29. Cinctagonum Baehr, 2012
  30. Cistelagonum Baehr, 2012
  31. Collagonum Baehr, 1995,
  32. Colpodes W.S.Macleay, 1825,
  33. Colpoides Jedlicka, 1931 Descr.,
  34. Colpomimus Basilewsky, 1985,
  35. Colposphodrus Jedlicka, 1953 Descr.,
  36. Ctenognathus Fairmaire, 1843,
  37. Cymenopterus Jeannel, 1948,
  38. Cyphocoleus Chaudoir, 1877,
  39. Cyrtopilus Basilewsky, 1985,
  40. Dalatagonum Fedorenko, 2011 Descr.,
  41. Deliaesianum Morvan, 1999,
  42. Deltocolpodes Morvan, 1992 Descr.,
  43. Dendragonum Burgeon, 1933,
  44. Diacanthostylus Habu, 1978a: 205 Descr.,
  45. Dicranoncus Chaudoir, 1850c: 392 Syn., Descr.,
  46. Dinocolpodes Schmidt, 2001,
  47. Dirotus W.S. MacLeay, 1825: 16 Syn., Descr.,
  48. Dister Morvan, 2006 [unav.]
  49. Dolichocolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
  50. Dolichodes Motschulsky, 1865,
  51. Dyscolus Dejean, 1831,
  52. Elliptoleus Bates, 1882,
  53. Epicolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
  54. Euleptus Klug, 1833: 131 Syn., Descr.,
  55. Euplynes Schmidt-Gobel, 1846: 52 Syn., Descr.,
  56. Feroniascus Jeannel, 1951,
  57. Fortagonum Darlington, 1952,
  58. Galiciotyphlotes Assmann, 1999 Syn., Descr.,
  59. Gastragonum Darlington, 1952,
  60. Glyptolenoides Perrault, 1991 Descr.,
  61. Glyptolenus Bates, 1878 Syn., Descr.,
  62. Habragonum Ueno, 1964 Descr.,
  63. Hannaphota Landin, 1955,
  64. Haplocolpodes Jeannel, 1951,
  65. Haplopeza Boheman, 1848,
  66. Helluocolpodes Liebherr, 2005,
  67. Hemiplatynus Casey, 1920,
  68. Henvelik Morvan, 1999 Descr.,
  69. Herculagonum Baehr, 2002,
  70. Hikosanoagonum Habu, 1954 Descr.,
  71. Idiagonum Darlington, 1952,
  72. Idiastes Andrewes, 1931,
  73. Idiocolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
  74. Incagonum Liebherr, 1994: 5 Descr.,
  75. Iridagonum Darlington, 1952,
  76. Ischnagonum Kasahara et Sato, 1997: 587 Descr.,
  77. Ja Ueno, 1955 Descr.,
  78. Jocqueius Basilewsky, 1988,
  79. Jujiroa Ueno, 1952b: 18 Descr.,
  80. Kalchdigor Morvan, 1999b: 17 Descr.,
  81. Kar Morvan, 1998: 23 Descr.,
  82. Kaszabellus Jedlicka, 1954: 227 Descr.,
  83. Klapperichella Jedlicka, 1956a: 199 Descr.,
  84. Kuceraianum Morvan, 2002,
  85. Laevagonum Darlington, 1952,
  86. Lassalleianum Morvan, 1999b: 6 Descr.,
  87. Lepcha Andrewes, 1930: 31 Syn., Descr.,
  88. Leptagonum Kolbe, 1898 Syn.,
  89. Leptocolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
  90. Letouzeya Bruneau de Mire, 1982,
  91. Liagonum Jeannel, 1948,
  92. Liamegalonychus Basilewsky, 1963,
  93. Limodromus Motschulsky, 1850
  94. Liocolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
  95. Lithagonum Darlington, 1952,
  96. Lobocolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
  97. Lorostema Motschulsky, 1864 Descr.,
  98. Loxocrepis Eschscholtz, 1929: 6 Descr.,
  99. Lucicolpodes J.Schmidt, 2000 Descr.,
  100. Maculagonum Darlington, 1952,
  101. Meleagros Kirschenhofer, 1999,
  102. Mesocolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
  103. Metacolpodes Jeannel, 1948d: 516 Descr.,
  104. Mexisphodrus Barr, 1965,
  105. Montagonum Darlington, 1952,
  106. Morimotoidius Habu, 1954e: 264 Descr.,
  107. Nebriagonum Darlington, 1952,
  108. Negreum Habu, 1958d: 46 Descr.,
  109. Neobatenus Jeannel, 1948 Syn.,
  110. Neocolpodes Jeannel, 1948 Syn.,
  111. Neodendragonum Basilewsky, 1953,
  112. Neomegalonychus Jeannel, 1948,
  113. Nesiocolpodes Jeannel, 1948,
  114. Nipponagonum Habu, 1978a: 141 Descr.,
  115. Notagonum Darlington, 1952: 127 Descr.,
  116. Notocolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
  117. Notoplatynus Moore, 1985,
  118. Olisthopus Dejean, 1828: 176 Syn., Descr.,
  119. Onotokiba Alluaud, 1927,
  120. Onycholabis Bates, 1873b: 329 Descr.,
  121. Onypterygia Dejean, 1831,
  122. Orophicus Alluaud, 1925,
  123. Orthotrichus Payron, 1856: 717 Syn., Descr.,
  124. Oxygonium Basilewsky, 1951,
  125. Oxypselaphus Chaudoir, 1843a: 415 Syn., Descr.,
  126. Pachybatenus Basilewsky, 1973,
  127. Pachyferonia Jeannel, 1951,
  128. Paracolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
  129. Paraliagonum Basilewsky, 1957,
  130. Paramegalonychus Basilewsky, 1953,
  131. Paranchodemus Habu, 1978a: 7 Syn., Descr.,
  132. Paranchus Lindroth, 1974: 81 Descr.,
  133. Paridiagonum Baehr, 2009,
  134. Pawgammm Morvan, 1999,
  135. Platyagonum Habu, 1978a: 167 Descr.,
  136. Platynus Bonelli, 1810 Descr.,
  137. Plaumannium Liebke, 1939,
  138. Plicagonum Darlington, 1952,
  139. Ponapagonum Darlington, 1970,
  140. Potamagonum Darlington, 1952,
  141. Praepristus Kirschenhofer, 1999a: 67
  142. Promecoptera Dejean, 1831,
  143. Promegalonychus Basilewsky, 1953,
  144. Prophenorites Basilewsky, 1985,
  145. Prosphodrus Britton, 1959 Descr.,
  146. Protocolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
  147. Pseudanchomenus Tarnier, 1860: 92 Syn., Descr.,
  148. Pseudobatenus Basilewsky, 1951,
  149. Pseudomegalonychus Basilewsky, 1950,
  150. Rhadine LeConte, 1846 Syn.,
  151. Rupa Jedlicka, 1935c: 32 Descr.,
  152. Sericoda Kirby, 1837: 14 Syn., Descr.,
  153. Sinocolpodes Schmidt, 2001,
  154. Skoeda Morvan, 1995b: 157 Descr.,
  155. Skorlagad Morvan, 1999a: 2 Descr.,
  156. Skouedhirraad Morvan, 1999b: 5 Descr.,
  157. Sophroferonia Alluaud, 1933,
  158. Speagonum Moore, 1978,
  159. Speocolpodes Barr, 1974,
  160. Speokokosia Alluaud, 1932,
  161. Stenocnemus Mannerheim, 1837,
  162. Sternodelus Jedlicka, 1954 Descr.,
  163. Straneoa Basilewsky, 1953,
  164. Syletor Tschitscherine, 1899,
  165. Takasagoagonum Habu, 1977a: 1 Descr.,
  166. Tanystoma Motschulsky, 1845,
  167. Tarsagonum Darlington, 1952,
  168. Tetraleucus Casey, 1920,
  169. Tostkar Morvan, 1998: 2 Descr.,
  170. Trogloagonum Casale, 1982,
  171. Violagonum Darlington, 1956,
  172. Vitagonum Moore, 1999,
  173. Vulcanophilus Heller, 1896,
  174. Xestagonum Habu, 1978a: 100 Syn., Descr.,
  175. Yukihikous Habu, 1978j: 101 Descr.

Insecta → Coleoptera → Caraboidea → Carabidae → Platyninae → Platynini

Potporodica Platyninae Bonelli, 1810

  1. Omphreini Ganglbauer, 1891
  2. Platynini Bonelli, 1810
  3. Sphodrini Laporte, 1834

Insecta → Coleoptera → Caraboidea → Carabidae

Tribus Platynini Bonelli, 1810

  1. Enoicina Basilewsky, 1985
  2. Platynina s.str. Syn.

Insecta → Coleoptera → Caraboidea → Carabidae → Platyninae , Platynocephalus , Platynocheilus , Platynodes , Platynomorpha , Platynomyia , Platynoorda , Platynostira , Platynota , Platynotocis

Platynotoscarta Lallemand & Synave, 1961

Insecta → Hemiptera → Cercopoidea → Cercopidae , Platynus , Platyobria , Platyocaecilius , Platyola , Platyomicus , Platyomida , Platyomus , Platyonitis , Platyonyx , Platyoplus , Platyopsis , Platypachus , Platypachys , Platypalpus , Platyparea , Platypareia , Platypatrobus , Platypelochares , Platypepla , Platypeza , Platypezidae , Platypezina , Platyphaeus , Platyphalla , Platyphasia , Platyphasia , Platyphileurus , Platyphylax , Platyphylla

Tribus Platyphyllini Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1895

  1. Acyrophyllum Beier, 1960
  2. Aemasia Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1895
  3. Antillophyllum Beier, 1960
  4. Baliophyllum Beier, 1962
  5. Brachyauchenus Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1895
  6. Brachyplatyphylloides Cadena-Castañeda & Braun, 2011
  7. Choeroparnops Dohrn, 1888
  8. Diyllus Stål, 1875
  9. Drepanoxiphus Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1895
  10. Haenschiella <small>Beier, 1960
  11. Kopis Beier, 1960
  12. Myrmeciophyllum Beier, 1960
  13. Opetiocercus Beier, 1960
  14. Paraemasia Piza, 1980
  15. Pizatettix Chamorro-Rengifo & Braun, 2010
  16. Platyphyllum Serville, 1831
  17. Rhabdotophyllum Beier, 1960
  18. Triencentrus Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1895
  19. Xiphophyllum Beier, 1960

Insecta → Orthoptera → Tettigonioidea → Tettigoniidae → Pseudophyllinae → Pleminiiti , Platyphyllis , Platyphyllum , Platyphysus , Platypicerus , Platypinus , Platyplastinx , Platyplectrus , Platypodidarum

Potporodica Platypodinae Shuckard, 1840

Insecta → Coleoptera → Curculionoidea → Curculionidae , Platypolia , Platypolynema , Platyporopterus , Platyprepia , Platypria , Platyproctidectes , Platyproctus , Platyprosopa , Platyprosterna , Platyprosthiogyne , Platypsylla , Platypternodes , Platypterocis , Platypteromalus , Platypthima , Platyptilia , Platypus , Platypygius , Platypygus , Platyretus , Platyrhabdus , Platyrhinus , Platyrhopalopsis , Platyrhopalus , Platyrhynchus , Platyrileya , Platyrmus , Platyroptilon , Platyrrhinodexia , Platyrrhinus , Platyrutela , Platyrynchos , Platyrynchus , Platysaissetia , Platyscapa , Platyscapulus , Platyscapus , Platyscelidris , Platyscelio , Platysceptra , Platyschineria , Platyscia , Platyscopus , Platysemaphora , Platysenta , Platysilpha , Platysma , Platysmarthrusa , Platysmittia , Platysmodes , Platysodes , Platysoma , Platysomatinus , Platysosibia , Platyspartus , Platyspathius , Platysphinx , Platysphyrus , Platystasius , Platysternus , Platystethus , Platystethynium , Platysticta , Platystictidae , Platystoechotes , Platystolus , Platystoma , Platystomatidae , Platystomopsis , Platystomos , Platysvastra , Platysystatus , Platytachina , Platytainia , Platytarsulus , Platytarsus , Platytarus , Platytatus , Platytenes , Platytes , Platytesis , Platytetracampe , Platythorus , Platythyrea , Platytibia , Platytingis , Platytomus , Platytrachelus , Platytrigona , Platytropesa , Platytylus , Platyura , Platyurus , Platyusa , Platyvalvata , Platyvelia , Platyverticula , Platyxanion , Platyxythrius , Platyzosteria

Platyzygaena Swinhoe, 1892

  1. Platyzygaena melaleuca Jordan, 1907 [11]
  2. Platyzygaena moelleri Elwes, 1890 [11]

Insecta → Lepidoptera → Zygaenoidea → Zygaenidae → Procridinae


, Plauditus , Plaumanniella , Plaumannimyia , Plaumannion , Plaumannister , Plaumannium , Plautia , Plautyra


Plaxes Pascoe, 1885

Insecta → Coleoptera → Curculionoidea → Curculionidae → Baridinae → Madarini → Eutoxina , Plaxiscelis , Plaxomicrus , Plaxopsis


Playaspalangia Yoshimoto 1976

  1. Playaspalangia rothi Yoshimoto, 1976 [13]

Animalia → Arthropoda → Insecta → Hymenoptera → Chalcidoidea → Pteromalidae
