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Dodatak:Diskografija sastava Megadeth

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
Diskografija Megadetha
Studijski albumi 13
Uživo albumi 2
Kompilacijski albumi 5
EP-ovi 1
Singlovi 12
Video albumi 8
Videospotovi 29

Diskografija američkog thrash metal sastava Megadeth.


Studijski albumi

Godina Detalji o albumu Pozicija na Top listi Certifikat
1985. Killing Is My Business... And Business Is Good!
  • Objavljeno: lipanj 1985.
  • Izdavač: Combat Records]
  • Format: CD, gramofonska ploča, kazeta
1986. Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
  • Objavljeno: studeni 1986.
  • Izdavač: Capitol Records
  • Format: CD, LP, kazeta
79 Platinasti Platinasti
1988. So Far, So Good... So What! 28 18 28 37 Platinasti Platinasti
1990. Rust in Peace 23 8 29 34 Platinasti Platinasti
1992. Countdown to Extinction 2 5 16 12 10 9 34 2× Platinasti 3× Platinasti
1994. Youthanasia 4 6 32 26 20 4 10 Platinasti Platinasti
1997. Cryptic Writings 10 38 35 30 14 48 15 2 32 27 Platinasti Zlatni
1999. Risk 16 29 34 37 39 17 8 31 Zlatni
2001. The World Needs a Hero
  • Objavljeno: 15. svibnja 2001.
  • Izdavač: Sanctuary Records
  • Format: CD, LP, kazeta
16 45 94 59 28 80 38 23
2004. The System Has Failed
  • Objavljeno: 14. rujna 2004.
  • Izdavač: Sanctuary
  • Format: CD, LP, kazeta
18 60 57 43 28 32 14 12 34
2007. United Abominations 8 23 23 38 17 40 49 15 2 21
2009. Endgame - - - - - - - - - -
2011. Thirteen - - - - - - - - - -

Uživo albumi

Objavljeno Naziv Pozicija na Top listi Prodaja Certifikat
studeni 1997. Live Trax (Japansko izdanje)
1998. Live Trax II (Japansko izdanje)
19. ožujka 2002. Rude Awakening 115 79,700 Zlatni
10. rujna 2002. Still Alive... And Well? 26,000
2006. Unplugged in Boston
4. rujna 2007. That One Night: Live in Buenos Aires 11,000


Objavljeno Naziv Pozicija na Top listi Prodaja Certifikat
18. srpnja 1995. Hidden Treasures 90 28 286,000 Zlatni
studeni 1998. Cryptic Sounds: No Voices in Your Head


Objavljeno Naziv Pozicija na Top listi Prodaja
24. listopada 2000. Capitol Punishment: The Megadeth Years 66 200,000
28. lipnja 2005. Greatest Hits: Back to the Start 65 307,000
9. listopada 2007. Warchest 6,000


Objavljeno Naziv Prodaja Certifikat
SAD SAD Kanada
1991. Rusted Pieces 37,000
1993. Exposure of a Dream 27,000
1995. Evolver: The Making of Youthanasia 25,000
2001. Behind the Music 13,000
9. travnja 2002. Rude Awakening 63,000 Zlatni
2004. Video Hits 41,000
21. ožujka 2006. Arsenal of Megadeth 37,000 Zlatni Platinasti
6. ožujka 2007. That One Night: Live in Buenos Aires 31,000 Zlatni Platinasti


Godina Naziv Pozicija na Top listi Album
SAD Hot 100 SAD Mainstream Rock VB Singles Chart
1986. "Peace Sells" - 27 - Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
1986. "Wake Up Dead" - 39 65 Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
1988. "In My Darkest Hour" - - 26 So Far, So Good... So What!
1988. "Anarchy in the U.K." - - 48 So Far, So Good... So What!
1988. "Mary Jane" - - 46 So Far, So Good... So What!
1990. "Holy Wars... The Punishment Due" - 35 24 Rust in Peace
1991. "Hangar 18" - 31 26 Rust in Peace
1991. "Go to Hell" - - - Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey (Movie Soundtrack)
1992. "Foreclosure of a Dream" - 30 - Countdown to Extinction
1992. "Symphony of Destruction" 71 29 15 Countdown to Extinction
1993. "Skin o' My Teeth" - - 13 Countdown to Extinction
1993. "99 Ways to Die" - 23 - The Beavis and Butt-Head Experience
1993. "Angry Again" - 18 - Last Action Hero (Movie Soundtrack)
1993. "Sweating Bullets" - 27 26 Countdown to Extinction
1994. "Train of Consequences" - 29 22 Youthanasia
1995. "A Tout le Monde" - 31 - Youthanasia
1995. "Reckoning Day" - - - Youthanasia
1997. "Almost Honest" - 8 - Cryptic Writings
1997. "Trust" - 1 - Cryptic Writings
1998. "Use the Man" - 15 - Cryptic Writings
1998. "A Secret Place" - 19 - Cryptic Writings
1999. "Crush 'em" - 6 - Risk
2000. "Breadline" - 6 - Risk
2000. "Insomnia" - 26 - Risk
2000. "Kill the King" - 21 - Capitol Punishment: The Megadeth Years
2001. "Moto Psycho" - 22 - The World Needs a Hero
2001. "Return to Hangar" - - - The World Needs a Hero
2004. "Die Dead Enough" - 21 - The System Has Failed
2005. "Of Mice and Men" - 39 - The System Has Failed
2007. "A Tout le Monde (Set Me Free)]]" obrada Cristina Scabbia - - - United Abominations
2007. "Washington Is Next!" - - - United Abominations
2007. "Never Walk Alone... A Call to Arms" - - - United Abominations

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