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Benny Goodman

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Benny Goodman
Ime u rodnom listuBenjamin David Goodman
Rođen/a30. svibnja 1909.
Chicago, Illinois, SAD
Umro/umrla13. lipnja 1986.
New York, New York, SAD
Producentska kućaBluebird, Columbia, Capitol, Decca, Musicmasters

Benny Goodman je prvi veliki bijeli jazz glazbenik. Svirao je klarinet i imao svoj big band. U vrlo ranoj dobi naučio je svirati klarinet u Hull House bandu te počeo profesionalno raditi već kao dijete. Kada je imao 16 godina pridružio se jednom big bandu Bena Pollacka s kojim je snimio prvu ploču 1926. godine. Nakon smrti brata Davida, Benny napušta band te odlazi u New York. 1932. godine formira svoj big band u New Yorku. Iste godine je unajmljen za televiziju NBC i program «Let's Dance». S programom postiže veliku slavu te 1938. godine održava slavni koncert u Carnegie Hallu. Njegov orkestar je vrlo važan jer su u njemu po prvi puta zajedno svirali crni i bijeli glazbenici.


  • A Jazz Holiday (1928, Decca)
  • Benny Goodman and the Giants of Swing (1929, Prestige)
  • BG and Big Tea in NYC (1929, GRP)
  • Swinging '34 Vols. 1 & 2 (1934, Melodean)
  • Sing, Sing, Sing (1935, Bluebird)
  • The Birth of Swing (1935, Bluebird)
  • Original Benny Goodman Trio and Quartet Sessions, Vol. 1: After You've Gone (1935, Bluebird)
  • Stomping at the Savoy (1935, Bluebird)
  • Air Play (1936, Doctor Jazz)
  • Roll 'Em, Vol. 1 (1937, Columbia)
  • Roll 'Em, Vol. 2 (1937, CBS)
  • From Spirituals to Swing (1938, Vanguard)
  • Carnegie Hall Jazz Concert (1938, Columbia)
  • Carnegie Hall Concert Vols. 1, 2, & 3 (Live) (1938, Columbia)
  • Ciribiribin (Live) (1939, Giants of Jazz)
  • Swingin' Down the Lane (Live) (1939, Giants of Jazz)
  • Featuring Charlie Christian (1939, Columbia)
  • Eddie Sauter Arrangements (1940, Columbia)
  • Swing Into Spring (1941, Columbia)
  • Undercurrent Blues (1947, Blue Note)
  • Swedish Pastry (1948, Dragon)
  • Sextet (1950, Columbia)
  • BG in Hi-fi (1954, Capitol)
  • Peggy Lee Sings with Benny Goodman (1957, Harmony)
  • Benny in Brussels Vols. 1 & 2 (1958, Columbia)
  • In Stockholm 1959 (1959, Phontastic)
  • The Benny Goodman Treasure Chest (1959, MGM)
  • The King Swings Star Line
  • Pure Gold (1992)
  • 1935-1938 (1998)
  • Portrait of Benny Goodman (Portrait Series) (1998)
  • Carnegie Hall Jazz Concert '38 (1998)
  • Bill Dodge All-star Recording (1999)
  • 1941-1955 His Orchestra and His (1999)
  • Live at Carnegie Hall (1999)

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