, Placaciura , Placanthes , Placidellus , Placidula , Placoblatta , Placoceratias , Placochela , Placoclytus , Placocosma , Placoderes , Placodes , Placodidus , Placodister , Placodoma , Placoeme , Placonotus , Placophorina , Placophyllopus , Placopsidella , Placoptila , Placosaris , Placoschema , Placosternus , Placotettix , Placotingis , Placusa
, Plaesiorhinus , Plaesioserica , Plaesiostola , Plaesius
, Plagerepne , Plagiacris , Plagicurgus , Plagideicta , Plagimasicera , Plagiocephalus , Plagiocoma , Plagiocorynus , Plagiocrossa , Plagiodera , Plagiognathus , Plagiogonus , Plagiogramma , Plagiographus , Plagiograpta , Plagiohammus , Plagiolabra , Plagiolepis , Plagiomerus , Plagiometriona , Plagiomima , Plagiomimicus , Plagiomus , Plagiomyia , Plagioneurus , Plagionotulus , Plagionotus
Plagiophleboptena Schmidt, 1910
- Plagiophleboptena smaragdina (Jacobi, 1908)
- Plagiophleboptena tigrina Schmidt, 1910
Insecta → Hemiptera → Cercopoidea → Cercopidae , Plagiophorus , Plagiopisthen , Plagiopleura , Plagiopsis , Plagiopsola , Plagiopyga , Plagiosarus , Plagioscelis , Plagiostenopterina , Plagiostira , Plagiotelum , Plagiotriptus , Plagiotrochus , Plagiotropis , Plagiotrypes , Plagiozopelma , Plagithmysus , Plagoa , Plagodis , Plagulibasis
, Planaeschna , Planaltinella , Planaphrodes , Planarivora , Planata , Planeacanista , Planetella , Planetes , Plangia , Plangiodes , Plangiola , Plangiopsis , Planibyrsa , Planicephalus , Planiceps , Planinasus , Planipeza , Planiplax , Planispectrum , Planisticus , Planitorus , Planochorus , Planociampa , Planococcoides , Planococcus , Planocostium , Planodascalia , Planodema , Planodes , Planodiplosis , Planolidia , Planolinellus , Planolinoides , Planolinus , Planolocha , Planomyia , Planophileurus , Planopus , Planostocha , Planotetrastichus , Planotortrix , Plantegumia
Planudes Stål, 1875
- Planudes asperus Bellanger & Conle, 2013
- Planudes brunni Redtenbacher, 1906
- Planudes cortex Hebard, 1919
- Planudes crenulipes Rehn, J.A.G., 1904
- Planudes funestus Redtenbacher, 1906
- Planudes melzeri Piza, 1937
- Planudes molorchus (Westwood, 1859)
- Planudes paxillus (Westwood, 1859)
- Planudes perillus Stål, 1875
- Planudes pygmaeus (Redtenbacher, 1906)
- Planudes taeniatus Piza, 1944
Insecta → Phasmida → Pseudophasmatoidea → Pseudophasmatidae → Xerosomatinae → Prexaspini
, Plapigella , Plapigus
Plasiella Hustache, 1951
- Plasiella subcylindrica Hustache , 1951 [1]
Insecta → Coleoptera → Curculionoidea → Curculionidae
Plasilia Casey 1922
- Plasilia latinasus Casey, 1922 [2]
Insecta → Coleoptera → Curculionoidea → Curculionidae
Plasiliopsis Casey 1922
- Plasiliopsis fusiformis Casey, 1922 [3]
- Plasiliopsis laevis Casey, 1922 [3]
Insecta → Coleoptera → Curculionoidea → Curculionidae
Plasmatica Meyrick, 1914
- Plasmatica sternitis Meyrick, 1914 [4]
Insecta → Lepidoptera → Gelechioidea → Oecophoridae → Oecophorinae
Plasmaticus Bethune-Baker, 1906
- Plasmaticus angulata Bethune-Baker, 1906 [5]
Insecta → Lepidoptera → Noctuoidea → Noctuidae → Catocalinae , Plassoderinus , Plastingia , Plastobelyta , Plastocerontus , Plastochalcis , Plastocorypha , Plastogalepsus , Plastoleptops , Plastologus , Plastophora , Plastophorides , Plastotephritis , Plastystaura
Platacanthoides Kirby, 1910
- Platacanthoides bituberculatus Uvarov, 1922
- Platacanthoides bituberculatus attenuatus Uvarov, 1922
- Platacanthoides bituberculatus bituberculatus Uvarov, 1922
- Platacanthoides morosus (Walker, F., 1870)
- Platacanthoides reductus Dirsh, 1956
Insecta → Orthoptera → Acridoidea → Acrididae → Euryphyminae
Platacmaea Meyrick, 1920
- Platacmaea cretiseca Meyrick, 1920
Insecta → Lepidoptera → Yponomeutoidea → Lyonetiidae
Platactis Meyrick, 1911
- Platactis hormathota Meyrick, 1911
Insecta → Lepidoptera → Gelechioidea → Oecophoridae → Oecophorinae
Plataea Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Plataea aristidesi Rindge, 1976
- Plataea calcaria Pearsall, 1911
- Plataea californiaria Herrich-Schäffer, 1856
- Plataea diva Hulst, 1896
- Plataea mexicana Druce, 1899
- Plataea pausaniasi Rindge, 1976
- Plataea personaria H. Edwards, 1881
- Plataea trilinearia Packard, 1874
- Plataea ursaria Cassino & Swett, 1922
Insecta → Lepidoptera → Geometroidea → Geometridae → Ennominae
Platagarista Jordan, 1912
- Platagarista tetrapleura Meyrick, 1891
Insecta → Lepidoptera → Noctuoidea → Noctuidae → Agaristinae
Plataleyrodes Takahashi & Mamet, 1952
- Plataleyrodes anthocleistae Takahashi & Mamet, 1952
Insecta → Hemiptera → Aleyrodoidea → Aleyrodidae → Aleyrodinae
Platambus Thomson, 1859
- Platambus americanus (Aubé, 1838)
- Platambus angulicollis (Régimbart, 1899)
- Platambus apache (Young, 1981)
- Platambus astrictovittatus (Larson and Wolfe, 1998)
- Platambus ater (Falkenström, 1936)
- Platambus aztec (Larson in Larson, Alarie and Roughley, 2000)
- Platambus balfourbrownei Vazirani, 1965
- Platambus biswasi Vazirani, 1965
- Platambus confusus (Blatchley, 1910)
- Platambus coriaceus (Régimbart, 1899)
- Platambus dabieshanensis Nilsson, 2003
- Platambus dembickyi Brancucci, 2006
- Platambus denticulatus Nilsson, 2003
- Platambus elongatus Bian and Ji, 2008
- Platambus excoffieri Régimbart, 1899
- Platambus fimbriatus Sharp, 1884
- Platambus flavovittatus (Larson and Wolfe, 1998)
- Platambus fletcheri Zimmermann, 1928
- Platambus guttulus (Régimbart, 1899)
- Platambus heteronychus Nilsson, 2003
- Platambus ikedai (Nilsson, 1997)
- Platambus incrassatus Gschwendtner, 1935
- Platambus insolitus (Sharp, 1884)
- Platambus johannis (Fall, 1922)
- Platambus kempi (Vazirani, 1970)
- Platambus khukri Brancucci, 1990
- Platambus koreanus (Nilsson, 1997)
- Platambus lindbergi Guéorguiev, 1963
- Platambus lineatus Gschwendtner, 1935
- Platambus lunulatus (Fischer von Waldheim, 1829)
- Platambus maculatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Platambus maya (Larson in Larson, Alarie and Roughley, 2000)
- Platambus mexicanus (Larson in Larson, Alarie and Roughley, 2000)
- Platambus micropunctatus Nilsson, 2003
- Platambus nepalensis (Guéorguiev, 1968)
- Platambus obtusatus (Say, 1823)
- Platambus optatus (Sharp, 1884)
- Platambus pictipennis (Sharp, 1873)
- Platambus planatus (Sharp, 1882)
- Platambus princeps (Régimbart, 1888)
- Platambus punctatipennis Brancucci, 1984
- Platambus regulae Brancucci, 1991
- Platambus satoi Brancucci, 1982
- Platambus sawadai (Kamiya, 1932)
- Platambus schaefleini Brancucci, 1988
- Platambus schillhammeri Wewalka and Brancucci, 1995
- Platambus semenowi (Jakovlev, 1897)
- Platambus semivittatus (LeConte, 1852)
- Platambus sogdianus (Jakovlev, 1897)
- Platambus spinipes (Sharp, 1882)
- Platambus stagninus (Say, 1823)
- Platambus strbai Hendrich and Balke, 1998
- Platambus striatus (Zeng and Pu, 1992)
- Platambus stygius (Régimbart, 1899)
- Platambus texovittatus (Larson and Wolfe, 1998)
- Platambus ussuriensis (Nilsson, 1997)
- Platambus wangi Brancucci, 2006
- Platambus wewalkai Brancucci, 1982
- Platambus wittmeri Wewalka, 1975
- Platambus wulingshanensis Brancucci, 2005
- Platambus yaanensis Nilsson, 2003
Insecta → Coleoptera → Dytiscidae → Agabinae → Agabini
Platamomyia Brethes 1925
- Platamomyia depressa Loew, 1855
- Platamomyia depressus (Loew, 1855)
Animalia → Arthropoda → Insecta → Diptera → Bombyliidae
Platandria Casey, 1893
- Platandria carolinae Casey, 1910
- Platandria columbica Casey, 1910
- Platandria mormonica Casey, 1893
- Platandria neotropica Bierig, 1939
Insecta → Coleoptera → Staphylinoidea → Staphylinidae → Aleocharinae → Hoplandriini
Platarctia Packard, 1864
- Platarctia ornata Staudinger, 1896
- Platarctia parthenos Harris, 1850
- Platarctia souliei Oberthür, 1911
Insecta → Lepidoptera → Noctuoidea → Arctiidae → Arctiinae
Porodica Plataspidae Dallas, 1851
- Arefbea Jessop, 1983
- Ceratocoris White, 1842
- Severiniella Montandon, 1894
Insecta → Hemiptera → Pentatomomorpha → Pentatomoidea , Platecrizotes , Platencyrtus , Platenia , Platensina , Platentomus , Plateoplia , Plateros , Platerosia , Platerosida , Plateumaris
Platfusa Dworakowska, 1993
- Platfusa arooni Dworakowska, 1993[6]
Insecta → Hemiptera → Membracoidea → Cicadellidae → Typhlocybinae → Dikraneurini
Plathypena Grote, 1873
- Plathypena scabra Fabricius
Insecta → Lepidoptera → Noctuoidea → Noctuidae → Hypeninae
Platidiolus Chaudoir, 1878
- Platidiolus borealis Zamotajlov, 2001
- Platidiolus brinevi Zamotajlov, 2001
- Platidiolus nazarenkoi Lafer & Zamotajlov in Zamotajlov, 2001
- Platidiolus rufus Chaudoir, 1878
- Platidiolus vandykei Kurnakov, 1960
Insecta → Coleoptera → Caraboidea → Carabidae → Trechinae → Patrobini
Platinglisia Cockerell 1899
- Platinglisia noacki Cockerell, 1899
Insecta → Hemiptera → Coccoidea → Coccidae
Platneptis Bouček, 1961
- Platneptis laeta (Walker, 1848)
Insecta → Hymenoptera → Chalcidoidea → Pteromalidae , Platocerella , Platocthispa , Platomma , Platonax , Platopsomyia , Platphalonidia , Plattycantha , Platyacus , Platyagathis , Platyagonum , Platyamomphus , Platyaphis , Platyarthron , Platyaspistes , Platyauchenia
Platybaetis Müller-Liebenau, 1980
- Platybaetis arunachalae Kumar, Sundar & Sivaramakrishnan, 2012 [7]
- Platybaetis bishopi Müller-Liebenau, 1980 [7]
- Platybaetis edmundsi Müller-Liebenau, 1980 [7]
- Platybaetis gagadjuensis Suter, 2001 [7]
- Platybaetis mamasae Kluge & Novikova, 2011 [7]
- Platybaetis probus Müller-Liebenau, 1984 [7]
- Platybaetis sulawesiensis Tong & Dudgeon, 1999 [7]
- Platybaetis uenoi Müller-Liebenau, 1980 [7]
- Platybaetis wallacei Tong & Dudgeon, 1999 [7]
Insecta → Ephemeroptera → Baetoidea → Baetidae , Platybaris , Platybathra , Platybelus , Platybirmania , Platybletes , Platybrachys , Platybracon , Platybregmus , Platycaedicia , Platycaelus , Platycalymma , Platycatantops , Platycentropus , Platycentrus , Platycephala , Platycephalisca , Platyceraphron , Platycercacris , Platyceridion , Platyceroides , Platyceropsis , Platycerota , Platycerozaena , Platycerus , Platychasma , Platychauliodes , Platycheirus , Platychelus , Platychile , Platychirus , Platychiton , Platycis , Platycixius , Platycleidus , Platycleis , Platycnemididae , Platycnemis , Platycoccus , Platycoelia , Platycoelostoma , Platycopes , Platycorypha , Platycosmoecus , Platycotis , Platycrana , Platycranium , Platycrates , Platycyba , Platycycla , Platycypha , Platycyrtidus , Platydactylus , Platydecticus , Platydema , Platyderes , Platyderides , Platyderus , Platydexia , Platydialepis , Platydiplosis , Platydipteron , Platydomene , Platydoryctes , Platydracus , Platydytes , Platyedra , Platyembia , Platyeurymela , Platyeurysa , Platyeutidium , Platyfigulus , Platyfrons , Platygaster
Platygaster Latreille, 1809
- Platygaster aberrans Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster abia Walker, 1836
- Platygaster abicollis MacGown & Osgood, 1971
- Platygaster abisares Walker, 1836
- Platygaster aboriginalis Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster abrupta Buhl, 1994
- Platygaster acciculosis Drake, 1970
- Platygaster aciculata Ashmead, 1893
- Platygaster acrisius Walker, 1836
- Platygaster actinomeridis (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster acuticlava Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster acutocularis Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster aebeloeensis Buhl, 2001
- Platygaster aegeus Walker, 1836
- Platygaster affinis Fouts, 1925
- Platygaster alnicola (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster alticola Kieffer, 1910
- Platygaster ambositrensis Risbec, 1955
- Platygaster americana (Ashmead, 1887)
- Platygaster aneurus (Provancher, 1887)
- Platygaster angulata (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster angustula (Thomson, 1859)
- Platygaster anopediana Buhl, 2005
- Platygaster anormis (Brues, 1910)
- Platygaster antennariae (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster anura Fouts, 1925
- Platygaster aphidis Ashmead, 1893
- Platygaster apicalis Thomson, 1859
- Platygaster applanata Buhl, 2001
- Platygaster appropinquata Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster artemisiae (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster ashmeadiana Huggert, 1973
- Platygaster asiatica Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster astericola (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster asynaptae (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster athamas Walker, 1836
- Platygaster atrae Fouts, 1924
- Platygaster atriplicis (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster attenuata Walker, 1836
- Platygaster australis (Dodd, 1916)
- Platygaster automenes Walker, 1839
- Platygaster baccharicola (Ashmead, 1887)
- Platygaster baccharidis Kieffer & Jörgensen, 1910
- Platygaster baezi Buhl, 2003
- Platygaster baloghi Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster basi Vlug, 1995
- Platygaster beneficiens MacGown, 1979
- Platygaster betulae (Kieffer, 1916)
- Platygaster betularia Kieffer, 1916
- Platygaster biroi Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster blascozumetae Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster bonessi Buhl, 2000
- Platygaster boneti Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster borealis Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster brachyptera Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster brevicornis Förster, 1861
- Platygaster brevipetiolata Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster brevistriata Kieffer, 1916
- Platygaster bucolion Walker, 1836
- Platygaster bureschi Szabó, 1959
- Platygaster burkei (Rohwer, 1917)
- Platygaster californica (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster canestrinii (Rondani, 1866)
- Platygaster caninifrons (Brues, 1910)
- Platygaster caryae Ashmead, 1893
- Platygaster caulicola Kieffer & Jörgensen, 1910
- Platygaster cebes Walker, 1836
- Platygaster cecconii Kieffer, 1913
- Platygaster cecidomyiae Ratzeburg, 1852
- Platygaster chilensis (Brèthes, 1915)
- Platygaster chilophagae Buhl [8]
- Platygaster chloropus Thomson, 1859
- Platygaster chrysippus Walker, 1836
- Platygaster ciliata Buhl & Choi, 2006
- Platygaster clavata Buhl, 1994
- Platygaster cochleata Walker, 1836
- Platygaster coloradensis (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster columbiana Fouts, 1924
- Platygaster compressa Fouts, 1934
- Platygaster compressicornis (Thomson, 1859)
- Platygaster compressiventris (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster confinis Thomson, 1859
- Platygaster consobrina Kieffer, 1913
- Platygaster contorticornis ll>Ratzeburg, 1844
- Platygaster convergens Kieffer, 1913
- Platygaster coorgensis (Mukerjee, 1978)
- Platygaster corcyrana Buhl, 1996
- Platygaster corni Kieffer, 1916
- Platygaster coronata (Brues, 1910)
- Platygaster corvina Förster, 1861
- Platygaster costaricae Buhl, 2003
- Platygaster cottei Kieffer, 1913
- Platygaster crassa (Kryger & Schmiedeknecht, 1938)
- Platygaster crassicornis Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster crenulata Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster cruciferarum Kieffer, 1916
- Platygaster csoszi Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster cuspidata Buhl, 2005
- Platygaster cynipicola (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster cyrsilus Walker, 1836
- Platygaster dalgaardi Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster damokles Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster danica Buhl, 1999
- Platygaster danielssoni Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster deipyla Walker, 1836
- Platygaster delyi Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster demades Walker, 1836
- Platygaster dentata Buhl, 2001
- Platygaster denticulata Buhl, 2001
- Platygaster depressiventris Thomson, 1859
- Platygaster dictys Walker, 1836
- Platygaster dilata Buhl, 2001
- Platygaster diplosidis (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster diplosisae Risbec, 1956
- Platygaster distincta Fouts, 1926
- Platygaster dombeyae Risbec, 1953
- Platygaster draskovitsi Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster dryomiae Dieuzeide, 1927
- Platygaster dryope Walker, 1836
- Platygaster dubia (Ashmead, 1894)
- Platygaster elissa Walker, 1839
- Platygaster elongata Haliday, 1833
- Platygaster ennius Walker, 1836
- Platygaster ensifer (Westwood, 1833)
- Platygaster entwistlei Buhl, 1997
- Platygaster equestris Spittler, 1969
- Platygaster ericeti Rondani, 1877
- Platygaster eriphyle Walker, 1836
- Platygaster errans Fouts, 1924
- Platygaster eryngii Kieffer, 1916
- Platygaster erythropus (Ashmead, 1888)
- Platygaster estonica Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster ethiopica Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster etsuhoae Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster euhemerus Walker, 1836
- Platygaster eurotiae (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster euurae (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster euxestonotoides Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster exiguae Fouts, 1926
- Platygaster felti Fouts, 1920
- Platygaster fennica Buhl, 2003
- Platygaster filicaudis Fouts, 1925
- Platygaster filicornis Walker, 1836
- Platygaster flabellata Buhl, 2003
- Platygaster flagellata Buhl, 2003
- Platygaster flavifemorata Buhl & Choi, 2006
- Platygaster flavitarsis Fouts, 1926
- Platygaster floridensis Ashmead, 1887
- Platygaster foersteri (Gahan, 1919)
- Platygaster formicarum Kieffer, 1916
- Platygaster forshagei Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster foutsi Huggert, 1973
- Platygaster frater Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster fumipennis Fouts, 1924
- Platygaster funesta Motschulsky, 1852
- Platygaster fungicola Kieffer, 1916
- Platygaster fusca Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster fuscipennis Fouts, 1924
- Platygaster gahani Fouts, 1924
- Platygaster gaia Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster galbus Ushakumari, 2004
- Platygaster galenus Walker, 1836
- Platygaster gambiana Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster genata Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster generalii Rondani, 1866
- Platygaster germanica Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster gifuensis (Ashmead, 1904)
- Platygaster globicola Kieffer & Jörgensen, 1910
- Platygaster gorge Walker, 1836
- Platygaster gorgo Walker, 1839
- Platygaster gracilicornis (Ashmead, 1894)
- Platygaster gracilipes Huggert, 1975
- Platygaster gyge Walker, 1836
- Platygaster gyrone Szelényi, 1958
- Platygaster hanseni Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster hanssoniana Buhl, 2003
- Platygaster henkvlugi Buhl, 1996
- Platygaster hera Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster herricki Packard, 1880
- Platygaster heterothalami Kieffer & Jörgensen, 1910
- Platygaster hiemalis (Forbes, 1888)
- Platygaster hoffmeyeri Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster hovmoelleri Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster huachucae (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster huggerti Buhl, 2001
- Platygaster hyalinata (Thomson, 1859)
- Platygaster hyalinipennis (Ashmead, 1887)
- Platygaster hybrida Buhl, 1994
- Platygaster hyemalis Curtis, 1830
- Platygaster hygrophila Kieffer, 1916
- Platygaster iberica Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster ilona Szabó, 1976
- Platygaster imlaci Buhl, 1997
- Platygaster inconspicua Buhl, 1999
- Platygaster indefinita Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster inderdaadi Vlug, 1995
- Platygaster indica Mukerjee, 1978
- Platygaster inermis Walker, 1836
- Platygaster insularis (Ashmead, 1894)
- Platygaster intermedia Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster intermedius Ushakumari, 2004
- Platygaster iolas Walker, 1836
- Platygaster iteocrypta Kieffer, 1916
- Platygaster iteophila (Kieffer, 1916)
- Platygaster javieri Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster juniperella MacGown, 1979
- Platygaster juniperi MacGown, 1979
- Platygaster juniperina MacGown, 1979
- Platygaster jutlandica Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster kalmiae Fouts, 1925
- Platygaster kaszabi Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster kenyana Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster keralicus Ushakumari, 2004
- Platygaster kimballi MacGown, 1974
- Platygaster komugi Ishii, 1953
- Platygaster koponeni Buhl, 2003
- Platygaster koreana Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster krarupi Buhl, 1995
- Platygaster kui Choi & Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster laevicollis (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster laevifrons Buhl, 2002
- Platygaster laeviventris Thomson, 1859
- Platygaster lamelliformis Huggert, 1973
- Platygaster lampronota Fouts, 1924
- Platygaster lanceolata Buhl, 1996
- Platygaster lapponica Thomson, 1859
- Platygaster laricis Haliday, 1836
- Platygaster lasiopterae Kieffer & Jörgensen, 1910
- Platygaster lasiorum Kieffer, 1916
- Platygaster lata Förster, 1861
- Platygaster latescens (Brues, 1910)
- Platygaster laticeps Thomson, 1859
- Platygaster laticlavus (Ashmead, 1894)
- Platygaster laticornis Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster latifrons Huggert, 1973
- Platygaster leguminicolae Fouts, 1920
- Platygaster leileri Buhl, 2007
- Platygaster leptines Walker, 1836
- Platygaster leptoptera Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster leptosoma Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster leucanthemi (Kieffer, 1916)
- Platygaster libocedri MacGown, 1974
- Platygaster linearis Fouts, 1924
- Platygaster lineaticeps Buhl, 1994
- Platygaster litoralis Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster longestriata Kieffer, 1916
- Platygaster longestriolata Thomson, 1859
- Platygaster longicaudata Kieffer, 1906
- Platygaster lubomasneri Buhl, 1995
- Platygaster lucida Fouts, 1924
- Platygaster luctuosa Kieffer & Herbst, 1911
- Platygaster lugens Kieffer, 1926
- Platygaster lundensis Buhl, 1997
- Platygaster lupinicola (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster luteocoxalis (Kozlov, 1966)
- Platygaster lyciicola Kieffer & Jörgensen, 1910
- Platygaster lyneborgi Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster lysicles Walker, 1836
- Platygaster maarteni Vlug, 1995
- Platygaster macgowni Buhl, 2001
- Platygaster macroptera Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster mahensis Kieffer, 1912
- Platygaster mainensis MacGown & Osgood, 1971
- Platygaster malabarica (Mukerjee, 1978)
- Platygaster malaisei Buhl, 2005
- Platygaster malpighii Kieffer, 1916
- Platygaster mandrakae Risbec, 1955
- Platygaster manto Walker, 1836
- Platygaster marchali Kieffer, 1906
- Platygaster marginata Thomson, 1859
- Platygaster martikaineni Buhl, 2003
- Platygaster marttii Buhl, 2003
- Platygaster marylandica Fouts, 1924
- Platygaster masneri Huggert, 1975
- Platygaster matsutama Yoshida & Hirashima, 1979
- Platygaster matuschanskavaskyi Buhl, 2003
- Platygaster mayetiolae Kieffer, 1916
- Platygaster mediocris (Brues, 1910)
- Platygaster meduxnekeagensis Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster melanocera (Ashmead, 1887)
- Platygaster melliscapus (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster meridionalis (Ashmead, 1894)
- Platygaster microsculpturata Buhl, 1999
- Platygaster minima (Mukerjee, 1978)
- Platygaster minthe Walker, 1836
- Platygaster minuta Zetterstedt, 1840
- Platygaster minutissima Fouts, 1925
- Platygaster mirabilis (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster misella Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster moczari Szabó, 1976
- Platygaster modesta Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster molsensis Buhl, 1995
- Platygaster mongolica Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster mumfordi Fouts, 1934
- Platygaster munita Walker, 1836
- Platygaster munki Buhl, 1994
- Platygaster muscivora Risbec, 1950
- Platygaster myrmecobia Kieffer, 1913
- Platygaster narendrani Ushakumari, 2004
- Platygaster natalensis Buhl, 2003
- Platygaster nigeriana Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster nigerrimus (Kieffer, 1926)
- Platygaster nigra Nees von Esenbeck, 1834
- Platygaster nigricoxa Fouts, 1925
- Platygaster nigrifemur (Ashmead, 1890)
- Platygaster nigripes Ratzeburg, 1852
- Platygaster nigrita Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster nigrocoxatus Ushakumari, 2004
- Platygaster nisus Walker, 1836
- Platygaster nodicola (Kieffer, 1916)
- Platygaster noonae Buhl, 1995
- Platygaster norvegica Kieffer, 1913
- Platygaster nottoni Buhl, 1995
- Platygaster noveboracensis (Brues, 1910)
- Platygaster oblonga Buhl, 2005
- Platygaster obscura Nees von Esenbeck, 1834
- Platygaster obscuripennis Ashmead, 1893
- Platygaster oculata Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster oebalus Walker, 1836
- Platygaster oeclus Walker, 1836
- Platygaster oenone Fouts, 1925
- Platygaster oleae Szelényi, 1940
- Platygaster opaca Ruthe, 1859
- Platygaster orcus Walker, 1836
- Platygaster ornata Kieffer, 1906
- Platygaster orus Walker, 1836
- Platygaster oryzae Cameron, 1891
- Platygaster oscus Walker, 1836
- Platygaster otanes Walker, 1836
- Platygaster oviventris Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster paches Walker, 1842
- Platygaster pallida Fouts, 1925
- Platygaster pallidicoxalis (Ashmead, 1894)
- Platygaster pallipes (Ashmead, 1890)
- Platygaster panamaensis Buhl, 2002
- Platygaster panchganii Mani, 1975
- Platygaster pappi Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster parvula Zetterstedt, 1840
- Platygaster pauliani Risbec, 1953
- Platygaster pedasus Walker, 1836
- Platygaster pedestris Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster pelias Walker, 1836
- Platygaster pentatoma (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster perineti Risbec, 1953
- Platygaster perplexa Fouts, 1925
- Platygaster persicariae Kieffer, 1906
- Platygaster philinna Walker, 1836
- Platygaster philippiae Risbec, 1953
- Platygaster phragmitiphila Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster phragmitis (Schrank, 1781)
- Platygaster picipes Förster, 1861
- Platygaster pilco Sundholm, 1970
- Platygaster pinaensis Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster pinicola (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster piniphila MacGown, 1979
- Platygaster pinyonicola MacGown, 1979
- Platygaster piso Sundholm, 1970
- Platygaster plana Buhl, 1994
- Platygaster planoides Buhl, 1995
- Platygaster platyptera Buhl, 2005
- Platygaster pleuron Walker, 1836
- Platygaster plotina Walker, 1836
- Platygaster pluto (Ashmead, 1887)
- Platygaster polaszeki Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster polita Thomson, 1859
- Platygaster ponderosae MacGown, 1979
- Platygaster praecox Buhl, 1999
- Platygaster producta MacGown, 1979
- Platygaster prolata MacGown, 1971
- Platygaster proxima (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster pseudotsugae MacGown, 1979
- Platygaster pubiventris Buhl, 2005
- Platygaster puccinii Vlug, 1995
- Platygaster punctiventris Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster pygmaea Kieffer, 1913
- Platygaster pyramidalis Nees von Esenbeck, 1834
- Platygaster quadriceps Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster quadrifarius (Kieffer, 1916)
- Platygaster ramachandrai (Rao, 1950)
- Platygaster relativa Fouts, 1924
- Platygaster resinosae MacGown, 1979
- Platygaster retuertae Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster reyi Buhl, 2001
- Platygaster rhabdophagae MacGown, 1979
- Platygaster riparia Yamagishi, 1980
- Platygaster robiniae Buhl & Duso, 2008 [9]
- Platygaster rohweri Fouts, 1924
- Platygaster romanica Popovici & Buhl, 2005
- Platygaster rossinii Vlug, 1995
- Platygaster rubi (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster ruficornis (Latreille, 1805)
- Platygaster rufidens Fouts, 1925
- Platygaster rufipes (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster rufitibia Buhl, 1999
- Platygaster rugosiceps Buhl, 1994
- Platygaster rutilipes Buhl, 1997
- Platygaster rutubus Walker, 1836
- Platygaster rwankwiensis Risbec, 1958
- Platygaster sagana Walker, 1836
- Platygaster salicicola (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster saliciperdae Kieffer, 1913
- Platygaster salvadorae Rao, 1950
- Platygaster sambuci (Kieffer, 1916)
- Platygaster sasii Ushakumari, 2004
- Platygaster satara Mani, 1975
- Platygaster scorpoides Muesebeck & Walkley, 1951
- Platygaster scotica Kieffer, 1913
- Platygaster scrophulariae (Kieffer, 1916)
- Platygaster sculptiventris Buhl, 2007
- Platygaster scutellator Fouts, 1925
- Platygaster semiflava Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster semiglabra (Girault, 1920)
- Platygaster setosa Buhl, 2003
- Platygaster shastensis Fouts, 1924
- Platygaster signata (Förster, 1861)
- Platygaster signe Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster similis MacGown, 1974
- Platygaster simplex (Brues, 1922)
- Platygaster singularis Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster sinica Buhl, 1996
- Platygaster sociabilis Kieffer & Jörgensen, 1910
- Platygaster soederlundi Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster solidaginis (Ashmead, 1887)
- Platygaster sonchis Walker, 1836
- Platygaster sophianae Szabó, 1976
- Platygaster specularis Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster spinigera Nees von Esenbeck, 1834
- Platygaster splendens Sundholm, 1970
- Platygaster splendidula Ruthe, 1859
- Platygaster srilankensis Buhl, 2003
- Platygaster stachydis (Kieffer, 1916)
- Platygaster stefaniellae Buhl, 2000
- Platygaster stefaniolae Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster sterope Walker, 1836
- Platygaster stimulator Yamagishi, 1980
- Platygaster strato Walker, 1836
- Platygaster striaticeps (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster striaticollis (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster striatidorsum Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster striatifacies Buhl, 1996
- Platygaster striatifrons Fouts, 1925
- Platygaster striatipleura Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster striatitergitis Buhl, 1995
- Platygaster striatithorax Buhl, 1994
- Platygaster striolata Nees von Esenbeck, 1834
- Platygaster stylata Huggert, 1980
- Platygaster subapicalis Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster subfilicornis Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster subplana Buhl, 2005
- Platygaster subterranea (Kieffer, 1916)
- Platygaster subtilis Förster, 1861
- Platygaster suecica (Kieffer, 1926)
- Platygaster sugitama Yoshida & Hirashima, 1979
- Platygaster sylea Walker, 1843
- Platygaster szelenyii Huggert, 1975
- Platygaster tacita Fouts, 1925
- Platygaster tanus Ushakumari, 2004
- Platygaster taras Walker, 1836
- Platygaster taylori MacGown, 1974
- Platygaster tenerifensis Buhl, 2001
- Platygaster tenuicornis Förster, 1861
- Platygaster terco Sundholm, 1970
- Platygaster texana Fouts, 1924
- Platygaster tibialis Kieffer, 1905
- Platygaster tisias Walker, 1836
- Platygaster topali Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster topaliana Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster transsylvanica (Szelényi, 1958)
- Platygaster transversiceps Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster tripotini Buhl & Choi, 2006
- Platygaster truncata Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster tsitsikamensis Buhl, 2005
- Platygaster tuberata Kieffer, 1916
- Platygaster tuberculi (Kieffer, 1916)
- Platygaster tuberosa Nees von Esenbeck, 1834
- Platygaster tuberosula Kieffer, 1926
- Platygaster tubulosa Brues, 1922
- Platygaster tumida (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster tumoricola Kieffer & Jörgensen, 1910
- Platygaster ulmicola Kieffer, 1916
- Platygaster ungeri Buhl, 1999
- Platygaster uniformis Buhl, 2006
- Platygaster urnicola Yamagishi, 1980
- Platygaster utahensis (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster vaenia Walker, 1836
- Platygaster vancouverensis (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster variabilis Fouts, 1924
- Platygaster varicornis Buhl, 1999
- Platygaster vedresi Szabó, 1977
- Platygaster vera Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster verdii Vlug, 1995
- Platygaster vernalis (Myers, 1917)
- Platygaster vernoniae (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster verrucosa Kieffer, 1916
- Platygaster verticalis Buhl, 2003
- Platygaster vestina Walker, 1836
- Platygaster viburni Kieffer, 1916
- Platygaster victoriae MacGown, 1979
- Platygaster vintheri Buhl, 1994
- Platygaster virginiensis (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster virgo Day, 1971
- Platygaster viticola (Ashmead, 1893)
- Platygaster vulgaris Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster warda Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster websteri Fouts, 1924
- Platygaster xeneus Walker, 1838
- Platygaster yunnanensis Buhl, 2007
- Platygaster zambiana Buhl, 2007
- Platygaster zangherii Szelényi, 1955
- Platygaster zantanus Ushakumari, 2004
- Platygaster zaragozana Buhl, 1998
- Platygaster zavchanensis Buhl, 2004
- Platygaster zethus Walker, 1839
- Platygaster zosine Walker, 1836
Insecta → Hymenoptera → Platygastroidea → Platygastridae
- izvori za vrste [10]
, Platygasteronyx , Platygastoides , Platygastridae , Platygastroidea , Platygavialidium , Platygenia , Platygeniops , Platygerrhus , Platygnathus , Platygomphus , Platygonia , Platygraphis , Platygraphium , Platygymnopa , Platyhelluo , Platyhynna , Platyina , Platyja , Platyjassus , Platyjionia , Platyjoppa , Platykula , Platylabops , Platylabus , Platylaemus , Platylecanium , Platyledra , Platyleon , Platylesches , Platylestes , Platylimnobia , Platylister , Platylobium , Platylomalus , Platylygus , Platylyra , Platylytron , Platymacha
Platymachaerota Schmidt, 1918
- Platymachaerota elevata Schmidt, 1918
- Platymachaerota gressiti Maa, 1963
Insecta → Hemiptera → Cercopoidea → Machaerotidae , Platymastax , Platymerus , Platymetopius , Platymetopon , Platymetopsis , Platymetopus , Platymetopus , Platymischos , Platymya , Platymycterus , Platymystax , Platyna , Platynanus , Platynaspis , Platynectes , Platyneuromus , Platyneurus
Podtribus Platynina s.str.
- Achaetocephala Habu, 1975b: 37 Descr.,
- Aepsera Chaudoir, 1874,
- Agelaea Gene, 1839: 49 Descr.,
- Agonidium Jeannel, 1948,
- Agonobembix Jeannel, 1948,
- Agonoriascus Basilewsky, 1985,
- Agonorites Jeannel, 1951,
- Agonum Bonelli, 1810: tab.syn. Syn., Descr.,
- Altagonum Darlington, 1952,
- Anchomenus Bonelli, 1810: tab. syn. Descr.,
- Andrewesius Andrewes, 1939: 131 Descr.,
- Aparupa Andrewes, 1930: 39 Descr.,
- Archagonum Basilewsky, 1953,
- Archicolpodes Schmidt, 2001,
- Arhytinus Bates, 1889d: 278 Descr.,
- Atranus LeConte, 1848: 438 Descr.,
- Austroglyptolenus Roig-Junent, 2003,
- Beckeria Jedlicka, 1931a: 26 Descr.,
- Blackburnia Sharp, 1878,
- Bothrocolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
- Bruskespar Morvan, 1998: 25 Descr.,
- Bruskmoal Morvan, 1998: 20 Descr.,
- Bryanites Valentine, 1987,
- Callidagonum Loranz, 1998: 12 Syn., Descr.,
- Cardiomera Bassi, 1834a: 320 Descr.,
- Catacolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
- Chaetagonum Burgeon, 1933,
- Chaetosaurus Schmidt, 2001,
- Cinctagonum Baehr, 2012
- Cistelagonum Baehr, 2012
- Collagonum Baehr, 1995,
- Colpodes W.S.Macleay, 1825,
- Colpoides Jedlicka, 1931 Descr.,
- Colpomimus Basilewsky, 1985,
- Colposphodrus Jedlicka, 1953 Descr.,
- Ctenognathus Fairmaire, 1843,
- Cymenopterus Jeannel, 1948,
- Cyphocoleus Chaudoir, 1877,
- Cyrtopilus Basilewsky, 1985,
- Dalatagonum Fedorenko, 2011 Descr.,
- Deliaesianum Morvan, 1999,
- Deltocolpodes Morvan, 1992 Descr.,
- Dendragonum Burgeon, 1933,
- Diacanthostylus Habu, 1978a: 205 Descr.,
- Dicranoncus Chaudoir, 1850c: 392 Syn., Descr.,
- Dinocolpodes Schmidt, 2001,
- Dirotus W.S. MacLeay, 1825: 16 Syn., Descr.,
- Dister Morvan, 2006 [unav.]
- Dolichocolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
- Dolichodes Motschulsky, 1865,
- Dyscolus Dejean, 1831,
- Elliptoleus Bates, 1882,
- Epicolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
- Euleptus Klug, 1833: 131 Syn., Descr.,
- Euplynes Schmidt-Gobel, 1846: 52 Syn., Descr.,
- Feroniascus Jeannel, 1951,
- Fortagonum Darlington, 1952,
- Galiciotyphlotes Assmann, 1999 Syn., Descr.,
- Gastragonum Darlington, 1952,
- Glyptolenoides Perrault, 1991 Descr.,
- Glyptolenus Bates, 1878 Syn., Descr.,
- Habragonum Ueno, 1964 Descr.,
- Hannaphota Landin, 1955,
- Haplocolpodes Jeannel, 1951,
- Haplopeza Boheman, 1848,
- Helluocolpodes Liebherr, 2005,
- Hemiplatynus Casey, 1920,
- Henvelik Morvan, 1999 Descr.,
- Herculagonum Baehr, 2002,
- Hikosanoagonum Habu, 1954 Descr.,
- Idiagonum Darlington, 1952,
- Idiastes Andrewes, 1931,
- Idiocolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
- Incagonum Liebherr, 1994: 5 Descr.,
- Iridagonum Darlington, 1952,
- Ischnagonum Kasahara et Sato, 1997: 587 Descr.,
- Ja Ueno, 1955 Descr.,
- Jocqueius Basilewsky, 1988,
- Jujiroa Ueno, 1952b: 18 Descr.,
- Kalchdigor Morvan, 1999b: 17 Descr.,
- Kar Morvan, 1998: 23 Descr.,
- Kaszabellus Jedlicka, 1954: 227 Descr.,
- Klapperichella Jedlicka, 1956a: 199 Descr.,
- Kuceraianum Morvan, 2002,
- Laevagonum Darlington, 1952,
- Lassalleianum Morvan, 1999b: 6 Descr.,
- Lepcha Andrewes, 1930: 31 Syn., Descr.,
- Leptagonum Kolbe, 1898 Syn.,
- Leptocolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
- Letouzeya Bruneau de Mire, 1982,
- Liagonum Jeannel, 1948,
- Liamegalonychus Basilewsky, 1963,
- Limodromus Motschulsky, 1850
- Liocolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
- Lithagonum Darlington, 1952,
- Lobocolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
- Lorostema Motschulsky, 1864 Descr.,
- Loxocrepis Eschscholtz, 1929: 6 Descr.,
- Lucicolpodes J.Schmidt, 2000 Descr.,
- Maculagonum Darlington, 1952,
- Meleagros Kirschenhofer, 1999,
- Mesocolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
- Metacolpodes Jeannel, 1948d: 516 Descr.,
- Mexisphodrus Barr, 1965,
- Montagonum Darlington, 1952,
- Morimotoidius Habu, 1954e: 264 Descr.,
- Nebriagonum Darlington, 1952,
- Negreum Habu, 1958d: 46 Descr.,
- Neobatenus Jeannel, 1948 Syn.,
- Neocolpodes Jeannel, 1948 Syn.,
- Neodendragonum Basilewsky, 1953,
- Neomegalonychus Jeannel, 1948,
- Nesiocolpodes Jeannel, 1948,
- Nipponagonum Habu, 1978a: 141 Descr.,
- Notagonum Darlington, 1952: 127 Descr.,
- Notocolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
- Notoplatynus Moore, 1985,
- Olisthopus Dejean, 1828: 176 Syn., Descr.,
- Onotokiba Alluaud, 1927,
- Onycholabis Bates, 1873b: 329 Descr.,
- Onypterygia Dejean, 1831,
- Orophicus Alluaud, 1925,
- Orthotrichus Payron, 1856: 717 Syn., Descr.,
- Oxygonium Basilewsky, 1951,
- Oxypselaphus Chaudoir, 1843a: 415 Syn., Descr.,
- Pachybatenus Basilewsky, 1973,
- Pachyferonia Jeannel, 1951,
- Paracolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
- Paraliagonum Basilewsky, 1957,
- Paramegalonychus Basilewsky, 1953,
- Paranchodemus Habu, 1978a: 7 Syn., Descr.,
- Paranchus Lindroth, 1974: 81 Descr.,
- Paridiagonum Baehr, 2009,
- Pawgammm Morvan, 1999,
- Platyagonum Habu, 1978a: 167 Descr.,
- Platynus Bonelli, 1810 Descr.,
- Plaumannium Liebke, 1939,
- Plicagonum Darlington, 1952,
- Ponapagonum Darlington, 1970,
- Potamagonum Darlington, 1952,
- Praepristus Kirschenhofer, 1999a: 67
- Promecoptera Dejean, 1831,
- Promegalonychus Basilewsky, 1953,
- Prophenorites Basilewsky, 1985,
- Prosphodrus Britton, 1959 Descr.,
- Protocolpodes Basilewsky, 1985,
- Pseudanchomenus Tarnier, 1860: 92 Syn., Descr.,
- Pseudobatenus Basilewsky, 1951,
- Pseudomegalonychus Basilewsky, 1950,
- Rhadine LeConte, 1846 Syn.,
- Rupa Jedlicka, 1935c: 32 Descr.,
- Sericoda Kirby, 1837: 14 Syn., Descr.,
- Sinocolpodes Schmidt, 2001,
- Skoeda Morvan, 1995b: 157 Descr.,
- Skorlagad Morvan, 1999a: 2 Descr.,
- Skouedhirraad Morvan, 1999b: 5 Descr.,
- Sophroferonia Alluaud, 1933,
- Speagonum Moore, 1978,
- Speocolpodes Barr, 1974,
- Speokokosia Alluaud, 1932,
- Stenocnemus Mannerheim, 1837,
- Sternodelus Jedlicka, 1954 Descr.,
- Straneoa Basilewsky, 1953,
- Syletor Tschitscherine, 1899,
- Takasagoagonum Habu, 1977a: 1 Descr.,
- Tanystoma Motschulsky, 1845,
- Tarsagonum Darlington, 1952,
- Tetraleucus Casey, 1920,
- Tostkar Morvan, 1998: 2 Descr.,
- Trogloagonum Casale, 1982,
- Violagonum Darlington, 1956,
- Vitagonum Moore, 1999,
- Vulcanophilus Heller, 1896,
- Xestagonum Habu, 1978a: 100 Syn., Descr.,
- Yukihikous Habu, 1978j: 101 Descr.
Insecta → Coleoptera → Caraboidea → Carabidae → Platyninae → Platynini
Potporodica Platyninae Bonelli, 1810
Insecta → Coleoptera → Caraboidea → Carabidae
Tribus Platynini Bonelli, 1810
Insecta → Coleoptera → Caraboidea → Carabidae → Platyninae , Platynocephalus , Platynocheilus , Platynodes , Platynomorpha , Platynomyia , Platynoorda , Platynostira , Platynota , Platynotocis
- Platynotoscarta pahangana Lallemand & Synave, 1961
- Platynotoscarta parva (Lallemand, 1923) tipična vrsta
Insecta → Hemiptera → Cercopoidea → Cercopidae , Platynus , Platyobria , Platyocaecilius , Platyola , Platyomicus , Platyomida , Platyomus , Platyonitis , Platyonyx , Platyoplus , Platyopsis , Platypachus , Platypachys , Platypalpus , Platyparea , Platypareia , Platypatrobus , Platypelochares , Platypepla , Platypeza , Platypezidae , Platypezina , Platyphaeus , Platyphalla , Platyphasia , Platyphasia , Platyphileurus , Platyphylax , Platyphylla
Tribus Platyphyllini Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1895
- Rodovi:
- Acyrophyllum Beier, 1960
- Aemasia Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1895
- Antillophyllum Beier, 1960
- Baliophyllum Beier, 1962
- Brachyauchenus Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1895
- Brachyplatyphylloides Cadena-Castañeda & Braun, 2011
- Choeroparnops Dohrn, 1888
- Diyllus Stål, 1875
- Drepanoxiphus Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1895
- Haenschiella <small>Beier, 1960
- Kopis Beier, 1960
- Myrmeciophyllum Beier, 1960
- Opetiocercus Beier, 1960
- Paraemasia Piza, 1980
- Pizatettix Chamorro-Rengifo & Braun, 2010
- Platyphyllum Serville, 1831
- Rhabdotophyllum Beier, 1960
- Triencentrus Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1895
- Xiphophyllum Beier, 1960
Insecta → Orthoptera → Tettigonioidea → Tettigoniidae → Pseudophyllinae → Pleminiiti , Platyphyllis , Platyphyllum , Platyphysus , Platypicerus , Platypinus , Platyplastinx , Platyplectrus , Platypodidarum
Potporodica Platypodinae Shuckard, 1840
- Mecopelmini Thompson, 1992
- Platypodini Shuckard, 1840
- Schedlariini Wood & Bright, 1992
Insecta → Coleoptera → Curculionoidea → Curculionidae , Platypolia , Platypolynema , Platyporopterus , Platyprepia , Platypria , Platyproctidectes , Platyproctus , Platyprosopa , Platyprosterna , Platyprosthiogyne , Platypsylla , Platypternodes , Platypterocis , Platypteromalus , Platypthima , Platyptilia , Platypus , Platypygius , Platypygus , Platyretus , Platyrhabdus , Platyrhinus , Platyrhopalopsis , Platyrhopalus , Platyrhynchus , Platyrileya , Platyrmus , Platyroptilon , Platyrrhinodexia , Platyrrhinus , Platyrutela , Platyrynchos , Platyrynchus , Platysaissetia , Platyscapa , Platyscapulus , Platyscapus , Platyscelidris , Platyscelio , Platysceptra , Platyschineria , Platyscia , Platyscopus , Platysemaphora , Platysenta , Platysilpha , Platysma , Platysmarthrusa , Platysmittia , Platysmodes , Platysodes , Platysoma , Platysomatinus , Platysosibia , Platyspartus , Platyspathius , Platysphinx , Platysphyrus , Platystasius , Platysternus , Platystethus , Platystethynium , Platysticta , Platystictidae , Platystoechotes , Platystolus , Platystoma , Platystomatidae , Platystomopsis , Platystomos , Platysvastra , Platysystatus , Platytachina , Platytainia , Platytarsulus , Platytarsus , Platytarus , Platytatus , Platytenes , Platytes , Platytesis , Platytetracampe , Platythorus , Platythyrea , Platytibia , Platytingis , Platytomus , Platytrachelus , Platytrigona , Platytropesa , Platytylus , Platyura , Platyurus , Platyusa , Platyvalvata , Platyvelia , Platyverticula , Platyxanion , Platyxythrius , Platyzosteria
Platyzygaena Swinhoe, 1892
- Platyzygaena melaleuca Jordan, 1907 [11]
- Platyzygaena moelleri Elwes, 1890 [11]
Insecta → Lepidoptera → Zygaenoidea → Zygaenidae → Procridinae
, Plauditus , Plaumanniella , Plaumannimyia , Plaumannion , Plaumannister , Plaumannium , Plautia , Plautyra
Plaxes Pascoe, 1885
- Plaxes dispar Faust, J. , 1896 [12]
- Plaxes impar Pascoe, F.P. , 1885 [12]
Insecta → Coleoptera → Curculionoidea → Curculionidae → Baridinae → Madarini → Eutoxina , Plaxiscelis , Plaxomicrus , Plaxopsis
Playaspalangia Yoshimoto 1976
- Playaspalangia rothi Yoshimoto, 1976 [13]
Animalia → Arthropoda → Insecta → Hymenoptera → Chalcidoidea → Pteromalidae
- ↑ Genus Plasiella
- ↑ Genus Plasilia
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 [1] Catalogue of Life: 30th January 2017 Plasiliopsis
- ↑ LepIndex Plasmatica
- ↑ LepIndex Plasmaticus
- ↑ 3 Genus Platfusa Dworakowska, 1993
- ↑ 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 7,4 7,5 7,6 7,7 7,8 [2] FADA Order Ephemeroptera
- ↑ A new species of Platygaster Latreille (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) parasitizing Chilophaga virgati Gagné (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)
- ↑ Annals of the Entomological Society of America
- ↑ ITIS Platygaster Latreille, 1809
- ↑ 11,0 11,1 [3] LepIndex Platyzygaena Swinhoe, 1892
- ↑ 12,0 12,1 [4] Catalogue Plaxes
- ↑ Home of Ichneumonoidea Playaspalangia Yoshimoto 1976