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Mononatrijev glutaminat

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
Inačica 363071 od 6. prosinac 2021. u 04:03 koju je unio WikiSysop (razgovor | doprinosi) (Bot: Automatska zamjena teksta (-{{cite news +{{Citiranje novina))
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Mononatrijev glutaminat
Natrijev glutamat

Mononatrijev glutaminat (ponekad i natrijev glutamat) je prehrambeni aditiv, označavan kao E 621. Natrijeva je sol aminokiseline glutaminske kiseline (E 620). Spada u skupinu glutamata.

Natrijev glutamat je bezmirisni i bezbojni kristal, koji se topi na 232° C uz raspadanje, otapiv je u vodi (74 g/100 ml) a okusa je po mesu. Taj okus se zove "umami".

Kontroverze o nuspojavama

Povezuje se s brojnim simptomima su povezani s konzumacijom toga dodatka hrani.[1] Može biti povezan s migrenom,[2] alergije na hranu u djece[3] pretilost,[4] hiperaktivnost djece.[5] pogoršanje simptoma astme[6]


  1. Freeman, M (2006). "Reconsidering the effects of monosodium glutamate: A literature review". Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practicioners 18: 482–486. doi:10.1111/j.1745-7599.2006.00160.x. PMID 16999713 
  2. "Migraine With Aura". The New York Times: Health Guide. 10. studeni 2010.. Pristupljeno 10. studeni 2010.. "Foods associated with migraine include:... Foods containing monosodium glutamate (MSG)" 
  3. "Pediatric Asthma". The New York Times: Health Guide. 10. studeni 2010.. Pristupljeno 10. studeni 2010.. "Food Allergies. Although about 67% of people with asthma believe their symptoms are aggravated by food allergies, studies indicate that this belief may be true only 5% of the time. If young children show signs of, or test positive for, food allergies, however, parents should be extra cautious in preventing exposure to any asthma trigger. Some doctors now counsel all children with asthma to avoid nuts entirely, and, children with reactions to any foods should avoid them. The primary suspects are monosodium glutamate, or MSG ..." 
  4. "Weight Management". The New York Times: Health Guide. 10. studeni 2010.. Pristupljeno 10. studeni 2010.. "Cut down on your salt intake. Limit table salt, or flavor intensifiers that contain salt, such as monosodium glutamate (MSG)." 
  5. "Co-op bans additives from foods". BBC News. 11. srpanj 2005.. Pristupljeno 10. studeni 2010.. "The company said it had decided to remove the additives after concerns about their effects on children and others sensitive to their effects. Food additives have been linked to hyperactivity in children." 
  6. FDA Backgrounder: FDA and Monosodium Glutamate

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