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النشيد الوطني المغربي
hrvatski: Državna himna Maroka
Država Maroko
Jezik–jezici arapski
Tekstopisac Ali Squalli Houssaini, 1956.
Skladatelj Leo Morgan, 1970.
Zvučna datoteka
Instrumentalna izvedba
Datoteka:National Anthem of Morocco.ogg

Anachid el watani (arapski: النشيد الوطني المغربي) je himna Kraljevine Maroko.

Njenu glazbu napisao je Leo Morgan 1956. godine, a konačni tekst na arapskome Ali Squalli Houssaini 1970. godine.

Tekst himne

Arapski Transliteracija Engliski prijevod

<poem> منبت الأحرار مشرق الأنوار منتدى السؤدد وحماه دمت منتداه وحماه عشت في الأوطان للعلا عنوان ملء كل جنان ذكرى كل لسان بالروح، بالجسد هب فتاك لبي نداك في فمي وفي دمي هواك ثار نور ونار اخوتي هيا للعلا سعيا نشهد الدنيا أن هنا نحيا بشعار الله الوطن الملك </poem>

<poem> Manbita al-aḥrār Mashriqa al-anwār Muntadá as-su’dadi wa-ḥimāh Dumta muntadāh wa-ḥimāh ‘Ishta fī il-awtān Lil-‘ulā ‘unwān Mil’a kulli janān Dhikrá kulli lisān Bir-rūḥi, bil-jasadi Habba fatāk labbá nidāk Fī famī wa-fī damī Hawāka thāra nūr wa-nār Ikhwatī hayyā lil-‘ulā sa‘yā Nushhidi id-dunyā anna hunā naḥyā Bi-shi‘ār Allāh, al-waṭan, al-malik </poem>

<poem> Root of the free, Rising place of the Lights, Forum of glory and its protector, May you perpetuate as its forum and its protector. May you live among the homelands As an address for grandeur Filling every garden conveyed by every tongue. With the spirit, with the body, Your son has come to answer your call. In my mouth and in my blood, Your love stirred up as light and fire. Let’s go brothers! Heading for grandeur, Making the world witness that we here perpetually live With the motto: God, homeland, king. </poem>