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Home (album Procol Haruma)

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Datoteka:Procol Harum Home.jpg
Procol Harum (studijski album)
Žanr Progresivni rock
Objavljen srpanj 1970.
Snimanje 1970.
Producent(i) Chris Thomas
Kronologija albuma – Procol Harum
A Salty Dog
Broken Barricades

Home četvrti je studijski album britanskog rock sastava Procol Haruma koji izlazi 1970.g.

Popis pjesama

  1. "Whisky Train" (Robin Trower, Keith Reid)
  2. "The Dead Man's Dream" (Gary Brooker, Reid)
  3. "Still There'll Be More" (Brooker, Reid)
  4. "Nothing That I Didn't Know" (Brooker, Reid)
  5. "About to Die" (Trower, Reid)
  6. "Barnyard Story" (Brooker, Reid)
  7. "Piggy Pig Pig" (Brooker, Reid)
  8. "Whaling Stories" (Brooker, Reid)
  9. "Your Own Choice" (Brooker, Reid)


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