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Lalandeova nagrada: razlika između inačica

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
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Redak 129: Redak 129:
* 1925 : [[Georges Fournier]]
* 1925 : [[Georges Fournier]]
* 1927 : [[Vincent Nechville]]<ref>{{cite journal|journal = Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific|title= SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)|date = 1927|volume = 40|page= 57|bibcode=1928PASP...40...57. | doi = 10.1086/123805}}</ref>
* 1927 : [[Vincent Nechville]]<ref>{{cite journal|journal = Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific|title= SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)|date = 1927|volume = 40|page= 57|bibcode=1928PASP...40...57. | doi = 10.1086/123805}}</ref>
* 1928 : [[Bernard Ferdinand Lyot]] <ref>{{cite web| url =|title= The Bruce Medalists|accessdate = 18 December 2014}}</ref>
* 1928 : [[Bernard Ferdinand Lyot]] <ref>{{Citiranje weba| url =|title= The Bruce Medalists|accessdate = 18 December 2014}}</ref>
* 1929 : Alexandre Veronnet <ref>{{Citiranje knjige|title= Physics Without Einstein & Modern Aether Science|url =,%20Harold_djvu.txt}}</ref>
* 1929 : Alexandre Veronnet <ref>{{Citiranje knjige|title= Physics Without Einstein & Modern Aether Science|url =,%20Harold_djvu.txt}}</ref>
* 1930 : [[Nicolas Stoyko]]
* 1930 : [[Nicolas Stoyko]]

Posljednja izmjena od 19. studeni 2021. u 11:55

Jérôme Lalande

Lalandeova nagrada (fra. prix Lalande) je znanstvena nagrada u području astronomije koju je dodjeljivala Francuska akademija znanosti od 1802. do 1970. godine. Poslije nje ustanovljena je nova nagrada, Valzova nagrada, iz zaklade Benjamina Valza za stvaranje nagrade Lalande-Benjamin Valz. Dodjeljivala se do 1996. godine, zatim s nekoliko drugih zaklada 1997., a od tad stvorena je nova nagrada, Velika medalja Akademije znanosti.

1801., nekoliko godina prije svoje smrti 1807., Joseph Jérôme Lefrançois de Lalande dao je donaciju da bi Akademija znanosti imala sredstva za pridati svake godine nagradu

„à la personne qui aura fait l'observation la plus curieuse ou le mémoire le plus utile au progrès de l'astronomie, en France ou ailleurs”


Dobitnici (nepotpun popis)


  1. "LES LAURÉATS DU PRIX LALANDE". La Revue scientifique (Paris) TOME 40: 460–463. 1887. 
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 Olbers won in An XI (overlapping 1802–1803), Piazzi won in An XII (overlapping 1803–1804), and Harding won in An XIII (overlapping 1804–1805), according to the French Republican Calendar.
  3. 3,00 3,01 3,02 3,03 3,04 3,05 3,06 3,07 3,08 3,09 3,10 3,11 3,12 3,13 3,14 3,15 3,16 3,17 3,18 3,19 3,20 3,21 3,22 3,23 3,24 3,25 3,26 3,27 3,28 3,29 3,30 3,31 3,32 3,33 3,34 Liste des attributions du Prix Lalande depuis 1881 jusqu'à 1915
  4. "Séance du 12 décembre". Le Moniteur scientifique du Doctor Quesneville: 68–69. ožujak 1922.;view=1up;seq=76 
  5. "SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)". Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 40: 57. 1927. Bibcode 1928PASP...40...57.. doi:10.1086/123805 
  6. "The Bruce Medalists". Pristupljeno 18. prosinac 2014. 
  7. Physics Without Einstein & Modern Aether Science.,%20Harold_djvu.txt 
  8. "Meeting Notes". Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 38: 174–176. 1932. doi:10.1090/S0002-9904-1932-05367-8. 
  9. "SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)". Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 45: 58. 1933. Bibcode 1933PASP...45...58.. doi:10.1086/124307 
  10. "Meeting Notes". Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 43: 159–164. 1937. doi:10.1090/S0002-9904-1937-06495-0 
  12. Agop Terzan (1980). "Marie Bloch" (fra.). L'Astronomie, na Astrophysics Data Systemu 94. .

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