Vodonoša iz Seville

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
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  1. PREUSMJERI Predložak:Infookvir slika

Vodonoša iz Seville (špa. El aguador de Sevilla) slavno je ulje na platnu koje je Diego Velázquez naslikao oko 1619. godine, kao dvadesetogodišnji slikar pod izravnim utjecajem Jusepea de Ribere. Postoje još dvije, gotovo identične, verzije, jedna u galeriji Uffizi u Firenci i druga, naslikana par godina kasnije, u Muzeju Walters u Baltimoru.

Velázquez je tijekom svojih godina slikanja u Sevilli slikao u duhu karavađizma, uglavnom žanr prizore ljudi koji jedu ili piju, izbjegavajući vjersku tematiku. Ovi figuralni prikazi iz krčmi, tržnica i kuhinja, poznate kao bodegónes, evoluirale su iz flandrijskih žanr slika s prepunim stolovima iz 17. stoljeća koje su Španjolci opsesivno skupljali.

Detalj slike s pocakljenim vrčem i kristalnom čašom

Velázquezova sposobnost prikaza individualnog karaktera i ponosa daje ovoj slici uzvišeni duh obreda. Prizor je povezan s jednim od Kristovih Sedam djela milosrđa, Dajte žednima piti, a koja je bila jako popularna među karavađistima tog doba. Velázquez koristi usmjereno svjetlo koje čini da oblici, teksture i površine budu gotovo čudesno oblikovani<ref name=Janson>Janson's History of Art, Pearson Education Ltd., 2007., New Jersey, str. 690. ISBN 0-13-193455-4{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|0-13-193455-4}} |none| | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:

 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}</ref>. U toploj klimi Seville, gdje je ova slika naslikana, vodonoše su na ulicama prodavale hladnu osvježavajuću vodu iz velikih glinenih vrčeva, kao što je ovaj prikazan u prvom planu slike. Vodonoše su često ponosno predstavljale čistoću i prozirnost vode nudeći mušterijama da ju probaju iz staklenih pehara. Voda u vrču je često bila aromatizirana dodavanjem svježeg voća ili aromatičnih biljaka<ref>Marilyn Stockstad, Art History vol. 2, Pearson Education Ltd., 2005., New Jersey, str. 752. ISBN 0-13-145527-13{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|0-13-145527-13}} |none| | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:

 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}</ref>.

Poput Sáncheza Cotána, Velázquez je gotovo matematički poredao elemente u ovoj kompoziciji. Predmeti i figure dopuštaju umjetniku da pokaže svoju vještinu u prikazivanju plastičnosti volumena i kontrasnih tekstura osvjetljenih dramatičnim prirodnim svjetlom. Naime, svjetlo reagira s površinama te se odražava na pocakljenom vrču s lijeve strane, te prolazi i blješti kroz prozirnu čašu i kapi vode na vrču, dok matiran, neglaziran vrč u prvom planu kao da je progutan grubom vunom i gustim baršunom odora.

Sam slikar je vjerovao u izvrsnost ove slike jer ju je darovao svom pokrovitelju, kraljevskom kapelanu iz Seville, ne dvojeći kako će mu ona priskrbiti kraljevsku pozornost<ref name=Janson/>.Upravo je zahvaljujući ovoj slici Velázquez privukao pozornost španjolskog dvora, čiji je naposljetku postao dvorski slikar.

Herojski prikaz običnog čovjeka koji zarađuje siću prodajući vodu, tumači se kao idološka poveznica s inkvizicijskim progonom ljudi drugih uvjerenja, ali je prije sociološko-društveno poistovjećenje sa svakodnevnom kulturom i poštovanje niže klase iz koje je ponikao sam slikar i koju je napustio zahvaljujući svom umjetničkom uspjehu<ref>Meister der spanischen Kunst, Jusepe de Ribera, Köneman Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Neue Stalling, Oldenburg, 2000., str. 28. ISBN 3-8290-2872-5{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|3-8290-2872-5}} |none| | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:

 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}</ref>.


1 }}
     | references-column-width 
     | references-column-count references-column-count-{{#if:1|{{{1}}}}} }}
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     | references-column-width }} }}" style="{{#if: 
   | {{#iferror: {{#ifexpr: 1 > 1 }}
     | -moz-column-width: {{#if:1|{{{1}}}}}; -webkit-column-width: {{#if:1|{{{1}}}}}; column-width: {{#if:1|{{{1}}}}};
     | -moz-column-count:{{#if:1|{{{1}}}}};-webkit-column-count:{{#if:1|{{{1}}}}};column-count:{{#if:1|{{{1}}}}}; }}
   | {{#if: 
     | -moz-column-width: {{{colwidth}}}; -webkit-column-width: {{{colwidth}}}; column-width: {{{colwidth}}}; }} }} list-style-type: {{#switch: 
   | upper-alpha
   | upper-roman
   | lower-alpha
   | lower-greek
   | lower-roman = {{{group}}}
   | #default = decimal}};">
<references group=""></references>

Vanjske poveznice[uredi]

  • {{
       #iferror: {{ #expr: 1* }}
       |[[ |{{
      | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}|.}}|.}}
         #iferror: {{ #expr: 1*0.0 }}
           |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
         |[[ |{{
           | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}|.}}|.}}
              |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
              |[[ |{{
                | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}|.}}|.}}
                   |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                   |[[ |{{
                   | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}|.}}|.}}
                    |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                    |[[ |{{
                    | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}|.}}|.}}
                       |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                       |[[ |{{
                          | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}|.}}|.}}
                          |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                          |[[ |{{
                                          | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}|.}}|.}}
                                             |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
                                             |[[ |{{
                                             | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}|.}}|.}}
    |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} |
    #if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}
    | ({{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}+0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}+0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}+0}} | {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}
        |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}]]
        |{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} }}


    | []
       |[[ |{{
         |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
          |[[ |{{
             |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
             |[[ |{{
             | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}|.}}|.}}
      }}, ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}|.}}|.}}{{
       #if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}
       | ({{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}+0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}+0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}+0}} | {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}
        |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}]]
        |{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} }}


      | []


 #if: {{#if:The Guardian||{{#if:||}}}}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
                #if: {{#if:http://arts.guardian.co.uk/
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
                #if: {{#if:http://arts.guardian.co.uk/
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
         }} {{
          #if: The Guardian
          #if: The Guardian


   |dead|yes=[neaktivna poveznica]


    #ifeq:  | 
       |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} napisano u mjestu 


    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{
       |{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|U|u}}nutar 
       |[[ |{{
           |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
             |{{#if:| & |{{#ifeq:|;|;|;}} }}
             | et al{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|{{#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}|.}}|.}}
       |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.||.}}


 #if: The Guardian
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} }}{{
    #if: Portrait of the week: The Water-Seller of Seville, Velazquez (c1620)
                 #if: {{#if:http://arts.guardian.co.uk/
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
                #if: {{#if:http://arts.guardian.co.uk/
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
                 #if: {{#if:http://arts.guardian.co.uk/
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
                #if: {{#if:http://arts.guardian.co.uk/
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
         }} "Portrait of the week: The Water-Seller of Seville, Velazquez (c1620){{
            #if: Portrait of the week: The Water-Seller of Seville, Velazquez (c1620)
|"Portrait of the week: The Water-Seller of Seville, Velazquez (c1620){{
            #if: Portrait of the week: The Water-Seller of Seville, Velazquez (c1620)


   |dead|yes=[neaktivna poveznica]
       |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 


 |{{#if:  |{{#switch: 
| en-gb|en-us|en|eng|eng.|engleski|english =  (engl.) 
| bs|bs-ba|boš|boš.|bosnian =  (boš.) 
| de|de-de|german =  (njem.) 
| es|spanish =  (šp.)
| fr|french =  (fr.)
| hr|hrv |hrv.|hrvatski|hr-hr|croatian = 
| hu=  (mađ.)
| it|it-it|italian =  (tal.)
| mk|macedonian =  (maked.)
| nl=  (nizoz.)
|pt|portugese =  (port.)
| ro =  (rum.)
| ru|russian =  (rus.)
| sv|swedish =  (šved.)
| sl|slovenian =  (slov.)
| sr|serbian =  (srp.)
| tur|turkish =  (tur.)
| uk|ukrainian =  (ukr.)
| #default =  () }} }}


 | ()


  #if: The Guardian
     #if:Portrait of the week: The Water-Seller of Seville, Velazquez (c1620)
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
   }}The Guardian{{
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
        | (: )
        | ()
        | ()
     | {{#if:The Guardian||}}{{
        | ()
        | ()
     #if: {{#if: The Guardian
         |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
           |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}
             | }} }} }}
     |:  {{#if: The Guardian
         |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
           |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}
             | }} }} }}
     #if: Portrait of the week: The Water-Seller of Seville, Velazquez (c1620)
        #if: The Guardian
        |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}
      }} {{#if:{{
                 #if: {{#if:http://arts.guardian.co.uk/
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
                 #if: {{#if:http://arts.guardian.co.uk/
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
                 #if: {{#if:http://arts.guardian.co.uk/
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
                 #if: {{#if:http://arts.guardian.co.uk/
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
         }} Portrait of the week: The Water-Seller of Seville, Velazquez (c1620){{
           #if:| [{{{TransItalic}}}]
|Portrait of the week: The Water-Seller of Seville, Velazquez (c1620){{
           #if:| [{{{TransItalic}}}]


     | ()
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
     | ( ed.)
     |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 
        |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}


    #if: {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}+0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}+0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}+0}} | {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}
        |link|lnone|l=[[{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}]]
        |{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}>10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}}}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}}}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}|{{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }} }}


    | []


    #ifeq:  | {{#if:|{{{date}}}|  }}
          |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}


          | (objavljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}


          #if: The Guardian
          |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}


          | (objavljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}




 #if: The Guardian
    #if: {{#if: The Guardian
         |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
           |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}
             | }} }} }}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#if: The Guardian
         |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{page}}}
           |{{#if: |{{#if:||str. }}{{{pages}}}
             | }} }} }}


 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:arxiv
|asin=ASIN [//www.amazon.{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[4]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:asin
|asin=ASIN [//www.amazon.{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[8]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:bibcode
|asin=ASIN [//www.amazon.{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[12]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

  1. if:
 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:doi
|asin=ASIN [//www.amazon.{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[16]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:isbn
|asin=ASIN [//www.amazon.{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[20]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:issn
|asin=ASIN [//www.amazon.{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[24]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:jfm
|asin=ASIN [//www.amazon.{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[28]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:jstor
|asin=ASIN [//www.amazon.{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[32]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:lccn
|asin=ASIN [//www.amazon.{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[36]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:mr
|asin=ASIN [//www.amazon.{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[40]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:oclc
|asin=ASIN [//www.amazon.{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[44]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:ol
|asin=ASIN [//www.amazon.{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[48]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:osti
|asin=ASIN [//www.amazon.{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[52]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:pmc
|asin=ASIN [//www.amazon.{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[56]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:pmid
|asin=ASIN [//www.amazon.{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[60]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:rfc
|asin=ASIN [//www.amazon.{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[64]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:ssrn
|asin=ASIN [//www.amazon.{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[68]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#switch:zbl
|asin=ASIN [//www.amazon.{{#switch: 
        }}/dp/ ]
          |doi: (inactive ) {{#ifeq:|
               |[[Category:Pages with DOIs inactive since {{#time: Y |  }}]]
        |Pogreška: Naveden pogrešan DOI{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}
        |doi: (neaktivan )
|isbn=ISBN [[Posebno:Traži ISBN/|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_isbn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISBN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|issn=ISSN [[issn:|]]{{#ifeq: {{#invoke:Check isxn/1|check_issn|}} |none|  | nevaljani ISSN{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}

|ol={{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
         |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
           |{{#if:Predložak:Str endswith
             |Error: Bad OL specified!
|rfc=RFC {{#if:|[72]|nije unesen broj RFC-a!{{#switch:
 | {{{demospace}}}    
 | {{#ifeq:|
   | main
   | other

| main = | other | #default = }}}}


}} }}{{

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} 


  1. if:

|{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|. }} {{{Archive}}} |{{

 | {{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{#ifeq: {{{dead-url}}} | no
   | {{#if:
|[ {{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica]
|{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica


      |{{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica
   | {{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|.|I|i}}načica{{#if:http://arts.guardian.co.uk/
      |{{#if:| {{#if:http://arts.guardian.co.uk/
|izvorne stranice
|izvorne stranice


   }}{{#if:| arhivirana {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}


    |. Pogreška: If you specify |{{#if:|archiveurl|archivedate}}={{#ifeq:{{{dead-url}}}|no|{{#if:http://arts.guardian.co.uk/%7C%7C+and |deadurl=no}}}}, you must {{#if:http://arts.guardian.co.uk/%7C also specify |{{#if:|archivedate|archiveurl}}=| {{#ifeq:{{{dead-url}}}|no|also|first}} specify |url=}}{{#if:| pri korištenju {{[[Predložak:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}{{#if:||{{{2}}}}}]]}}}}{{#ifeq:|true||{{SAFESUBST:#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}}}


 #if: {{#if:http://arts.guardian.co.uk/
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
    #if: Portrait of the week: The Water-Seller of Seville, Velazquez (c1620)
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
    |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} {{
         |{{#ifexpr:{{#time: U}} > {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}
    | {{#ifeq:{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }}|,|, p| P}}ristupljeno {{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}




 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} [ Lay summary]{{#if: | – }}


 |  ({{safesubst:#switch:none
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#time:Y_M_d| }} | none }} 
|{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#expr: +0 }}
   |{{safesubst:#ifexpr: +0 > 10000000000000
      |{{safesubst:#ifeq: {{safesubst:#expr:+0}} | 
         | none 
|{{safesubst:#switch:  dmy | none | asis | link | lnone =none }}
|{{safesubst:#ifexpr:  {{safesubst:#time:Y| }} < 1000 | none }}
|{{safesubst:#switch:  {{safesubst:#time:Ynj| }}|100031|110031|130031|140031|150031=none}}
|= {{safesubst:#if:
 {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2008}}{{safesubst:#iferror: {{safesubst:#ifexpr: >10000000000000 | no }} | }}{{safesubst:#time:Y| 2004}}
   {{safesubst:#ifeq:{{safesubst:#time:d| 2036}}|{{safesubst:#time:d| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd      = F j
     | mdy  | iso  | ymd       = F j
     | ldmy | l                = j F
     | #default                = j F
     }}| 2000 }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd 
     | ldmy | l                = F
     | #default                = F
     }}| 2000 }}
   {{safesubst:#if: {{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2 }}|*D*|{{safesubst:#iferror:{{safesubst:#time:j|2000 }}|*D*| }}}}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy                    = F j, Y
     | mdy                     = F j, Y
     | liso                    = Y-m-d
     | iso                     = Y-m-d
     | lymd                    = Y F j
     | ymd                     = Y F j
     | ldmy | l                = j. F Y.
     | #default                = j. F Y.
     }}| }}
     {{safesubst:#switch: {{safesubst:#ifeq:|y|l}}dmy
     | lmdy | liso | lymd | ldmy | l  = F Y
     | #default                = F Y
     }}| }}

}}) }}{{#if:

 |{{#ifeq:{{{seperator}}} |;|;|.  }} ""

}}{{#ifeq:{{#if:||.}}|.||{{#if:||.}}}} {{#time: U | 2001-10-10 }}

    }} |&rft_id=%7B%7B%23if%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Farts.guardian.co.uk%2F%0A++++++++%7Chttp%3A%2F%2Farts.guardian.co.uk%2F%0A++++++++++%7C%7B%7B%23if%3A%0A++++++++++%7C%7B%7B%23ifexpr%3A%7B%7B%23time%3A+U%7D%7D+%3E+%7B%7B%23time%3A+U+%7C+2001-10-10+%7D%7D%0A++++++++++++%7C%2F%2Fwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov%2Fpmc%2Farticles%2FPMC%2F%0A+++++++++%7D%7D%0A+++++++%7D%7D%0A+++++%7D%7D
   }}&rfr_id=info:sid/hr.wikipedia.org:Vodono%C5%A1a_iz_Seville"> {{#if:

|}} (engl.)

  • Velázquez , katalog izložbe u muzeju Metropolitan (PDF), s podacima o slici The Vodonoša iz Seville