Gallery of Suicide

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
Skoči na:orijentacija, traži
Gallery of Suicide
Cannibal Corpse (studijski album)
Žanr death metal
Objavljen 21. travnja 1998.
Snimanje 1997. - 1998., Morrisound Recording (Tampa, Florida)
Trajanje 44:12
Izdavač Metal Blade Records
Producent(i) Jim Morris, Cannibal Corpse
Kronologija albuma – Cannibal Corpse
Gallery of Suicide

Gallery of Suicide šesti je studijski album američkog death metal sastava Cannibal Corpse. Album je 21. travnja 1998. godine objavila diskografska kuća Metal Blade Records.[1] Prvi je album s gitaristom Patom O'Brienom.[2]

Popis pjesama

  1. "I Will Kill You" - 2:48
  2. "Disposal of the Body" - 1:54
  3. "Sentenced to Burn" - 3:06
  4. "Blood Drenched Execution" - 2:41
  5. "Gallery of Suicide" - 3:55
  6. "Dismembered and Molested" - 1:54
  7. "From Skin to Liquid" - 5:30
  8. "Unite the Dead" - 3:05
  9. "Stabbed in the Throat" - 3:26
  10. "Chambers of Blood" - 4:11
  11. "Headless" - 2:22
  12. "Every Bone Broken" - 3:18
  13. "Centuries of Torment" - 4:05
  14. "Crushing the Despised" - 1:57


Cannibal Corpse
Ostalo osoblje
