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- Würzburger Hofgarten, Kupferstich um 1770.
- Ca 34 x 47 cm. Dessiné par J. Mayer, Jardinier en Chef. Zu finden in Paris bey le Rouge in der Augustiner Stras
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| Datum/Vrijeme | Minijatura | Dimenzije | Suradnik | Komentar |
sadašnja | 20:14, 27. ožujak 2006. |  | 500 × 362 (65 KB) | wikimediacommons>AndreasPraefcke | Würzburger Hfgarten, Kupferstich um 1770 Ca 34 x 47 cm. ''Dessiné par J. Mayer, Jardinier en Chef. Zu finden in Paris bey le Rouge in der Augustiner Stras'' {{PD-Art}} Source: http://www.bassenge.com/ Category:Baroque gardens [[Category:Gardens |
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