Steam Yacht Jeannette (later USS Jeannette) At Le Havre, France, in 1878, prior to her departure for San Francisco, California. She is flying the U.S. Yacht Ensign. Photograph presented to Rear Admiral Yancy S. Williams on 20 January 1936 by Frank Breen Haggerty, who served at the Mare Island Navy Yard, California, from September 1874 to 30 September 1909. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. Removed caption read: Photo # NH 52199 Steam yacht Jeannette at Le Havre, France, 1878
The S. Y. JEANNETTE. Photo taken in Havre, France, prior to dep[torn] for San Francisco in 1878. Presented to Rear Admiral Y.S.William[torn] U.S.Navy, 20 January 1936 by Mr. Frank Breen Haggerty who served [torn] Island from September 1874 to September 30, 1909. (See legend atta[torn]
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