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Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
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Datoteka:Post Roman Balkans.jpg

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija

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Macedonia, Thracia, Illyria, Moesia, Dacia,(Map X),"Comment on Map from author; Map X., & c. - Although most portions of this map are well represented, still we have a deficiency in the classical portion, as it has not been yet sufficiently examined by those who are capable of deciding and systematizing the comparative geography."

  • This map includes even 2nd century AD (i.e. Adrianopolis) cities and perhaps even later ones.
  • This map is a Post-Roman conquest map, the atlas was called "classical" and included many types of maps.
  • Locations of many cities, tribes or other features are according to 1849 scholarship and not up to date. For example, many cities shown have not been identified yet and Findlay made arbirtrary conclusions. A great omission is that Lake Prespas are missing.
Izvor A classical atlas, to illustrate ancient geography: comprised in twenty-five maps, showing the various divisions of the world as known to the ancients : composed from the most authentic sources with an index of the ancient and modern names,Alexander G. Findlay,Publisher;Harper,1849
Autor Alexander G. Findlay
(Naknadna uporaba ove datoteke)
Public domain

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sadašnja18:49, 28. siječanj 2010.Minijatura za inačicu od 18:49, 28. siječanj 2010.2.038 × 1.677 (721 KB)wikimediacommons>WikiEditor2004Reverted to version as of 01:28, 27 March 2005 - restored original version which has more historical value. please upload your whitened version as a new separate file, not over this one, thank you

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