Ja, nositelj autorskog prava za ovo djelo, prepuštam ovo djelo u javno vlasništvo. Ovo prepuštanje vrijedi za cijeli svijet. U nekim državama to nije pravno moguće; ako je tako: Dajem svima prava da koriste ovo djelo za bilo koju svrhu, bez ikakvih uvjeta, osim ako takvi uvjeti nisu propisani zakonom.
Book: "Astronomical Formulae for Calculators, 4th edition", Jean Meeus, 1988, published by "Willmann-Bell, Inc"
Chapter 30 "Position of the Moon"
Source bitmap for projection from NRL's Clementine Spacecraft:
Period used: 27.21222 days (Draconic month of nodes)
Animation began and ended at Apogee to minimize "jumping" when cycles back to the start.
New moon given an unreal 1% intensity "Ambient light" to show motion in all phases.
View assumed from the center of the earth. (Geometrically impossible, but best demonstration of monthly libration caused by moon's motion versus the shorter daily libration that would be included from the surface of the earth.)
Astronomical events
Sept 1, 2:23 UT - Apogee - Moon farthest from earth's center [Cancer]
Sept 3, 1:48 UT - New Moon [Leo]
Sept 6, 10:53 UT - Descending Node - On ecliptic circle, heading north to south. [Virgo]
Sept 11, 11:40 UT - First Quarter - Rises around noon, and at zenith near sunset [Scorpio]
Sept 13, 6:21 UT - Southern Limit - At farthest ecliptic south of the moon's orbit. [Sagittarius]
Also near farthest south declination as well.
Sept 16, 13:54 UT - Perigee - Closest point on orbit to earth's center. [Aquarius]
Sept 18, 2:04 UT - Full Moon - A "large and southern" moon up all night! [Pisces]
Sept 18, 8:11 UT - Ascending Node - On ecliptic, heading south to north. [Pisces]
Sept 25, 6:44 UT - Third Quarter - Rises after midnight, near zenith around sunrise. [Gemini]
Sep 26, 5:17 UT - Northern Limit - At farthest ecliptic north point of the moon's orbit. [Gemini]
Also near farthest north declination as well.
Sep 28, 15:31 UT - Apogee - Farthest point on orbit from earth's center. [Cancer]
Slika of the year
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== Technical == * Book: "Astronomical Formulae for Calculators, 4th edition", Jean Meeus, 1988, published by "Willmann-Bell, Inc" ** Chapter 30 "Position of the Moon" Source bitmap for projection from Nasa's Clementine Spacecraft: * [http://astrogeology.u
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