English: The map shows the Indian and Chinese claims of the border in the Aksai Chin region, the Macartney-MacDonald line, the Foreign Office Line, as well as the progress of Chinese forces as they occupied areas during the Sino-Indian War.
Ja, nositelj autorskog prava za ovo djelo, prepuštam ovo djelo u javno vlasništvo. Ovo prepuštanje vrijedi za cijeli svijet. U nekim državama to nije pravno moguće; ako je tako: Dajem svima prava da koriste ovo djelo za bilo koju svrhu, bez ikakvih uvjeta, osim ako takvi uvjeti nisu propisani zakonom.
The Macartney-MacDonald line is described as follows: "From the Karakoram Pass the crests of the range run nearly east for about half a degree, and then turn south to a little below the 35th parallel.. Rounding... the source of the Karakash, the line of hills to be followed runs north-east to a point east of Kizil Jilga and from there, in a south-easterly direction, follows the Lak Tsung (Lokzhung) Range until that meets a spur.. which has hitherto been shown on our maps as the eastern boundary of Ladakh.[1]
The Macartney-MacDonald line was never accepted by China, although they informally indicated acceptance on certain occasions:
Lamb, Alastair (1965). "Treaties, Maps and the Western Sector of the Sino-Indian Boundary Dispute". The Australian Year Book of International Law. "Unfortunately, the Chinese never replied formally to the note, though they indicated informally on a number of occasions their agreement as to its boundary alignment."
In 1959, Chou confirmed the new Chinese claim line to Nehru.
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