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Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
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Datoteka:Abenaki Couple.jpg

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija

Abenaki_Couple.jpg((200 × 236 piksela, veličina datoteke: 13 KB, <a href="/wiki/MIME" title="MIME">MIME</a> tip: image/jpeg))

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NepoznatUnknown artist
English: Abenaki Couple, an 18th-century watercolor by an unknown artist. Courtesy of the City of Montreal Records Management & Archives, Montreal, Canada.
Español: Pareja de abenakis, s. XVIII
Datum 18th century
Medij watercolor
medium QS:P186,Q22915256
Izvor/fotograf NepoznatUnknown source

File history (del) (cur) 18:41, 18 August 2005 . . Hugh Manatee . . 200x236 (12889 bytes) (Abenaki couple {{PD-art-US}})


This is a faithful photographic reproduction of a two-dimensional, public domain work of art. The work of art itself is in the public domain for the following reason:
Public domain

Ovo je djelo u javnom vlasništvu u zemlji podrijetla i u drugim zemljama s rokom trajanja autorskih prava za života autora plus 70 godina ili manje.

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Ova datoteka je identificirana kao slobodna od poznatih ograničenja po zakonu o autorskim pravima, uključujući sva povezana i srodna prava.
The official position taken by the Wikimedia Foundation is that "faithful reproductions of two-dimensional public domain works of art are public domain".
This photographic reproduction is therefore also considered to be in the public domain in the United States. In other jurisdictions, re-use of this content may be restricted; see Reuse of PD-Art photographs for details.
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checksum engleski


data size engleski

12 889 Bajt

236 točka

200 točka

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sadašnja15:11, 27. prosinac 2005.Minijatura za inačicu od 15:11, 27. prosinac 2005.200 × 236 (13 KB)wikimediacommons>Walden69Abenaki couple. 18th-century watercolor by an unknown artist. Courtesy of City of Montreal Records Management and Archives. The two-dimensional work of art depicted in this image is in the public domain in the United States, either because it was first

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