Ruthwellski križ (eng. Ruthwell Cross), kameni anglo-saski križ koji vjerojatno datira iz 8. stoljeća.[1] kad je selo Ruthwell, danas u Škotskoj, bilo dijelom anglo-saskog kraljevstva Northumbrije.
Najslavnija je i najelaboriranija anglo-saska monumentalna skulptura,[2] i moguća sadrži najstariji preživjeli tekst, koji prethodi rukopisima koji sadrže staroenglesko pjesništvo.[3] Opisao ga je Nikolaus Pevsner; "Križevi iz Bewcastlea i Ruthwella ... najveći su doseg svog vremena u cijeloj Europi."[4]
Križ su skršili prezbiterijanski ikonoklasti 1642. godine, a komadi su ostali u crkvenom dvorištu sve dok ih nije vratio i ponovno podigao u župnom dvoru 1823. Henry Duncan. Godne 1887. preseljen je na današnju lokaciju unutar ruthwellske crkve, Dumfriesshire, Škotska, gdje apsida koja ga drži bila posebno za to podignuta.[5] Označena je kao scheduled monument 1921. godine, ali to je uklonjeno 2018. godine.[6]
- ↑ Wilson, 72. Ostala datiranja obično datiraju ranija razdoblja..
- ↑ Wilson, 72.
- ↑ Ovo ovisi o nadnevku alociranom na samom križu, te također runskim napisima, koji mogu biti kasniji. Najstariji engleski rukopisi koji sadrže pjesništvo su dvije inačice sv. Bede Časnog koji sadrže Cædmonovu himnu, i datirani su u 8. stoljeće: Mooreov Beda (Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum) i Sanktpeterburški Beda. Franksova škrinja, koju se obično datira u rano 8. stoljeće, može biti slične dobi kao Ruthwellski križ.
- ↑ Pevsner – Uvod.
- ↑ Informacijske ploče, Ruthwellska crkva.
- ↑ {{
- if:
Morate navesti naslov = i url = dok rabite {{[[Predložak:Citiranje web},|Citiranje web},
- Browne, G. F. (1908), Alcuin of York, London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, str. 297, https://books.google.com/?id=ho8QGIF5py8C, pristupljeno 8. kolovoz 2008.
- Farr, Carol A., Woman as sign in Early Anglo-Saxon Monasticism, in The Insular Tradition, SUNY series in medieval studies, Eds: Catherine E. Karkov, Michael Ryan, Robert T. Farrell, SUNY Press, 1997, ISBN 0-7914-3455-9, ISBN 978-0-7914-3455-0 .
- Haney, Kristine Edmonson, The Christ and the Beasts Panel on the Ruthwell Cross, in Anglo-Saxon England, vol 14, Editors Peter Clemoes, Simon Keynes, Michael Lapidge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, ISBN 0-521-03838-3, ISBN 978-0-521-03838-6 .
- Herren, Michael W., and Brown, Shirley Ann, Christ in Celtic Christianity: Britain and Ireland from the Fifth to the Tenth Century, Volume 20 of Studies in Celtic history, Boydell Press, 2002, ISBN 0-85115-889-7 , ISBN 978-0-85115-889-1 .
- Hilmo, Maidie. Medieval Images, Icons, and Illustrated English Literary Texts: From Ruthwell Cross to the Ellesmere Chaucer, Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2004, ISBN 0-7546-3178-8 , ISBN 978-0-7546-3178-1 .
- Orton, Fred. "Rethinking the Ruthwell Monument: Fragments and critique; tradition and history; tongues and sockets." Art History. 21.1 (1998): 65–106.
- Ó Carragáin, Éamonn, Christian Inculturation in Eighth-Century Northumbria: The Bewcastle and Ruthwell Crosses, Colloquium Magazine, Vol 4, Autumn 2007, Yale Institute of Sacred Music.
- Ó Carragáin, Éamonn, Ritual and the Rood: Liturgical Images and the Old English Poems of the Dream of the Rood Tradition, University of Toronto Press Incorporated, 2005.
- Pevsner, Nikolaus, The buildings of Cumberland and Westmorland (the Buildings of England series) ISBN 0140710337 .
- Raw, Barbara (June 1994) Ruthwell Cross: Description. University of Oxford.
- Schapiro, Meyer, Selected Papers, volume 3, Late Antique, Early Christian and Mediaeval Art, 1980, Chatto & Windus, London, ISBN 0-7011-2514-4 (includes The Religious Meaning of the Ruthwell Cross (1944), etc.).
- Wilson, David M.; Anglo-Saxon Art: From The Seventh Century To The Norman Conquest, Thames and Hudson (US edn. Overlook Press), 1984.
- King, Anne; 'The Ruthwell Cross - a linguistic monument (Runes as evidence for Old English)' Folia Linguistica Historica, VII/1: 1986: 43-79.
Vanjske poveznice
- Službene stranice Ruthwellske crkve
- The People & Language of Early Scotland na bbc.co.uk, s poveznicom na video križa