Nacionalna himna Somalije zove se Qolobaa Calankeed.
Autor teksta je Abdullahi Qarshe, koji je također ispjevao himnu. Postoji i druga himna Somalije Soomaaliyeey Toosoo, ali službena je jedino Qolobaa Calankeed.
Tekst himne na somalskome jeziku
- Qolobaa calankeed,
- waa ceynoo,
- Innaga keenu waa,
- Cirkoo kale ee,
- Oon caadna lahayn,
- Ee caashaqaye.
- Xidigyahay cadi,
- Waad noo ciidamisee,
- Carradaa kaligaa
- adow curadee
- cadceeda sidee
- lo caan noqo ee
- sidii culagii
- ciidad marisee
- Alloow haku celin
- Alloow haku celin.
Tekst himne na engleskome jeziku
- Any nation’s flag, bears its own color
- The sky (above us), does ours look like
- Defects it has none; love it with candor
- Oh you White Star, at your service we are
- Superior you are, in any part of our land
- Be famous oh Star, like the sun (of the far)
- On the day you arose, our hearts you have
- Purified with pureness, (Oh you our flag)
- Lord may not dim you, pray we in this night
- The detached part of, our forces of five
- I beseech from God, their return you cause
- This fate that wrote, for us to meet now