Chacophrys Reig and Limeses, 1963 (1 sp.)
- Chacophrys pierottii (Vellard, 1948)
Amphibia → Anura → Ceratophryidae
Chaltenobatrachus Basso, Úbeda, Bunge, and Martinazzo, 2011 (1 sp.)
- Chaltenobatrachus grandisonae (Lynch, 1975)
Amphibia → Anura → Batrachylidae , Chaperina
Charadrahyla Faivovich et al., 2005 (6 sp.)
- Charadrahyla altipotens (Duellman, 1968) (kritično ugrožena)
- Charadrahyla chaneque (Duellman, 1961) (ugrožena)
- Charadrahyla nephila (Mendelson and Campbell, 1999)
- Charadrahyla taeniopus (Günther, 1901)
- Charadrahyla tecuani Campbell, Blancas-Hernández, and Smith, 2009
- Charadrahyla trux (Adler and Dennis, 1972) (kritično ugrožena)
Amphibia → Anura → Hylidae → Hylinae
, Cheliderpeton Fritsch, 1877 † , Chenoprosopus †
, Chiasmocleis
Chikila Kamei et al., 2012
- Chikila alcocki Kamei, Gower, Wilkinson, and Biju, 2013
- Chikila darlong Kamei, Gower, Wilkinson, and Biju, 2013
- Chikila fulleri (Alcock, 1904)
- Chikila gaiduwani Kamei, Gower, Wilkinson, and Biju, 2013
Amphibia → Gymnophiona → Chikilidae
Porodica Chikilidae Kamei et al., 2012
- Rod Chikila Kamei, San Mauro, Gower, Van Bocxlaer, Sherratt, Thomas, Babu, Bossuyt, Wilkinson, and Biju, 2012
Animalia → Chordata → Amphibia → Gymnophiona
Chimerella Guayasamin et al., 2009 (2 sp.)
- Chimerella corleone Twomey, Delia, and Castroviejo-Fisher, 2014
- Chimerella mariaelenae (Cisneros-Heredia and McDiarmid, 2006)
Amphibia → Anura → Centrolenidae → Centroleninae , Chioglossa , Chiromantis , Chiropterotriton
, Chlorolius
Choerophryne Van Kampen, 1914; (29 sp.)
- Choerophryne allisoni Richards and Burton, 2003
- Choerophryne alpestris (Kraus, 2010)
- Choerophryne amomani Günther, 2008
- Choerophryne arndtorum Günther, 2008
- Cheorophryne brevicrus (Günther and Richards, 2012)
- Choerophryne brunhildae (Menzies, 1999)
- Choerophryne bryonopsis Kraus, 2013
- Choerophryne burtoni Richards, Dahl, and Hiaso, 2007
- Choerophryne darlingtoni (Loveridge, 1948)
- Choerophryne exclamitans (Kraus and Allison, 2005)
- Choerophryne fafniri (Menzies, 1999)
- Choerophryne gracilirostris Ianella, Richards, Oliver, 2014
- Choerophryne gudrunae (Menzies, 1999)
- Choerophryne gunnari (Menzies, 1999)
- Choerophryne laurini (Günther, 2000)
- Choerophryne longirostris Kraus and Allison, 2001
- Choerophryne microps Günther, 2008
- Choerophryne murrita (Kraus and Allison, 2009)
- Choerophryne nigrescens Günther, 2008
- Choerophryne pandanicola (Günther and Richards, 2012)
- Choerophryne proboscidea Van Kampen, 1914
- Choerophryne rhenaurum (Menzies, 1999)
- Choerophryne rostellifer (Wandolleck, 1911)
- Choerophryne sanguinopicta (Kraus and Allison, 2005)
- Choerophryne siegfriedi (Menzies, 1999)
- Choerophryne swanhildae (Menzies, 1999)
- Choerophryne tubercula (Richards, Johnston, and Burton, 1992)
- Choerophryne valkuriarum (Menzies, 1999)
- Choerophryne variegata (Van Kampen, 1923)
Animalia → Chordata → Amphibia → Anura → Microhylidae , Chomatobatrachus Cosgriff, 1974 †
, Chroniosuchidae †
Chrysobatrachus Laurent, 1951 (1 sp.)
- Chrysobatrachus cupreonitens Laurent, 1951
Animalia → Chordata → Amphibia → Anura → Hyperoliidae
Chrysopaa Ohler and Dubois, 2006 (1 sp.)
- Chrysopaa sternosignata (Murray, 1885)
Amphibia → Anura → Dicroglossidae → Dicroglossinae
Chthonerpeton Peters, 1880
- Chthonerpeton arii Cascon & Lima-Verde, 1994
- Chthonerpeton braestrupi Taylor, 1968
- Chthonerpeton exile Nussbaum & Wilkinson, 1987
- Chthonerpeton indistinctum (Reinhardt & Lütken, 1862)
- Chthonerpeton noctinectes Silva, Britto-Pereira & Caramaschi, 2003
- Chthonerpeton onorei Nussbaum, 1986
- Chthonerpeton perissodus Nussbaum & Wilkinson, 1987
- Chthonerpeton tremembe Maciel, Leite, Silva-Leite, Leite, and Cascon, 2015
- Chthonerpeton viviparum Parker & Wettstein, 1929
Amphibia → Gymnophiona → Typhlonectidae
Chthonerpeton indistinctum
, Chugutisauridae †
Churamiti Channing and Stanley, 2002 (1 sp.)
- Churamiti maridadi Channing and Stanley, 2002