, Arcadia † , Archegosauridae Meyer, 1857 † , Archegosauroidea Lydekker, 1885 † , Archegosaurus Goldfuss, 1847 † , Archeriidae † , Archotosaurus †
- Arcovomer
- Arenophryne
Argenteohyla Trueb, 1970 (1 sp.)
- Argenteohyla siemersi (Mertens, 1937)
Amphibia → Anura → Hylidae → Hylinae
, Arkanserpeton †
Arlequinus Perret, 1988 (1 sp.)
- Arlequinus krebsi (Mertens, 1938)
Animalia → Chordata → Amphibia → Anura → Hyperoliidae
Aromobates Myers, Paolillo-O., and Daly, 1991 (18 sp.)
- Aromobates alboguttatus (Boulenger, 1903)
- Aromobates cannatellai Barrio-Amorós and Santos, 2012
- Aromobates capurinensis (Péfaur, 1993)
- Aromobates duranti (Péfaur, 1985)
- Aromobates ericksonae Barrio-Amorós and Santos, 2012
- Aromobates haydeeae (Rivero, 1978)
- Aromobates leopardalis (Rivero, 1978)
- Aromobates mayorgai (Rivero, 1980)
- Aromobates meridensis (Dole and Durant, 1972)
- Aromobates molinarii (La Marca, 1985)
- Aromobates nocturnus Myers, Paolillo-O., and Daly, 1991
- Aromobates ornatissimus Barrio-Amorós, Rivero, and Santos, 2011
- Aromobates orostoma (Rivero, 1978)
- Aromobates saltuensis (Rivero, 1980)
- Aromobates serranus (Péfaur, 1985)
- Aromobates tokuko Rojas-Runjaic, Infante-Rivero, and Barrio-Amorós, 2011
- Aromobates walterarpi La Marca and Otero-López, 2012
- Aromobates zippeli Barrio-Amorós and Santos, 2012
Amphibia → Anura → Aromobatidae → Aromobatinae
Porodica Aromobatidae Grant et al., 2006; (117 sp.)
- Podporodica Allobatinae (48 sp.)
- Podporodica Anomaloglossinae (31 sp.)
- Podporodica Aromobatinae (37 sp.)
Podporodica Aromobatinae Grant et al., 2006; (37 sp.)
- Rodovi: Aromobates, Mannophryne
Amphibia → Anura → Aromobatidae
- Arthroleptella
Porodica Arthroleptidae Mivart, 1869; (145 sp.)
- Podporodica Arthroleptinae Mivart, 1869 (63 sp.)
- Podporodica Astylosterninae Noble, 1927 (30 sp.)
- Podporodica Leptopelinae Laurent, 1972 (52 sp.)
Podporodica Arthroleptinae Mivart, 1869; (63 sp.)
- Rodovi: Arthroleptis, Cardioglossa
Amphibia → Anura → Arthroleptidae
Arthroleptis Smith, 1849 (47 sp.)
- Arthroleptis adelphus Perret, 1966
- Arthroleptis adolfifriederici Nieden, 1911
- Arthroleptis affinis Ahl, 1939
- Arthroleptis anotis Loader, Poynton, Lawson, Blackburn, and Menegon, 2011
- Arthroleptis aureoli (Schiøtz, 1964)
- Arthroleptis bioko Blackburn, 2010
- Arthroleptis bivittatus Müller, 1885
- Arthroleptis brevipes Ahl, 1924
- Arthroleptis carquejai Ferreira, 1906
- Arthroleptis crusculum Angel, 1950
- Arthroleptis fichika Blackburn, 2009
- Arthroleptis formosus Rödel, Kouamé, Doumbia, and Sandberger, 2011
- Arthroleptis francei Loveridge, 1953
- Arthroleptis hematogaster (Laurent, 1954)
- Arthroleptis kidogo Blackburn, 2009
- Arthroleptis krokosua Ernst, Agyei, and Rödel, 2008
- Arthroleptis kutogundua Blackburn, 2012
- Arthroleptis lameerei De Witte, 1921
- Arthroleptis langeri Rödel, Doumbia, Johnson, and Hillers, 2009
- Arthroleptis loveridgei De Witte, 1933
- Arthroleptis mossoensis (Laurent, 1954)
- Arthroleptis nguruensis Poynton, Menegon, and Loader, 2009
- Arthroleptis nikeae Poynton, 2003
- Arthroleptis nimbaensis Angel, 1950
- Arthroleptis nlonakoensis (Plath, Herrmann, and Böhme, 2006)
- Arthroleptis palava Blackburn, Gvoždík, and Leaché, 2010
- Arthroleptis perreti Blackburn, Gonwouo, Ernst, and Rödel, 2009
- Arthroleptis phrynoides (Laurent, 1976)
- Arthroleptis poecilonotus Peters, 1863
- Arthroleptis pyrrhoscelis Laurent, 1952
- Arthroleptis reichei Nieden, 1911
- Arthroleptis schubotzi Nieden, 1911
- Arthroleptis spinalis Boulenger, 1919
- Arthroleptis stenodactylus Pfeffer, 1893
- Arthroleptis stridens (Pickersgill, 2007)
- Arthroleptis sylvaticus (Laurent, 1954)
- Arthroleptis taeniatus Boulenger, 1906
- Arthroleptis tanneri Grandison, 1983
- Arthroleptis troglodytes Poynton, 1963
- Arthroleptis tuberosus Andersson, 1905
- Arthroleptis variabilis Matschie, 1893
- Arthroleptis vercammeni (Laurent, 1954)
- Arthroleptis wahlbergii Smith, 1849
- Arthroleptis xenochirus Boulenger, 1905
- Arthroleptis xenodactyloides Hewitt, 1933
- Arthroleptis xenodactylus Boulenger, 1909
- Arthroleptis zimmeri (Ahl, 1925)