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Inačica 525652 od 13. prosinac 2024. u 09:24 koju je unio WikiSysop(razgovor | doprinosi)(Stvorena nova stranica sa sadržajem: »<itimeline height="512px" min="2014-06-01" max="2014-08-30"> <!-- These two lines define events that happen at a particular time --> 2014-07-25T13:00:00Z|Design|Target 1 2014-07-26T10:00:00Z|Design|Target 2 <!-- These three are ranges, defined using IS8601 intervals with start and end dates and times --> 2014-07-25T08:00:00Z/2014-07-26T15:00:00Z|Implement|Phase 1 2014-07-26T12:00:00Z/2014-07-27T15:00:00Z|Implement|Ph...«.)