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Bag of Bones

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Bag of Bones
Datoteka:Bag of bones.jpg
Europe (studijski album)
Žanr heavy metal, hard rock
Objavljen 18. travnja 2012.
Trajanje 40:55
Producent(i) Kevin Shirley
Kronologija albuma – Europe
Last Look at Eden
Bag of Bones

Bag of Bones je deveti studijski album švedskog heavy metal sastava Europe.

Popis pjesama

  1. "Riches to Rags" (Joey Tempest, John Levén) – 3:05
  2. "Not Supposed to Sing the Blues" (Joey Tempest) – 5:13
  3. "Firebox" (Joey Tempest, Mic Michaeli) – 3:46
  4. "Bag of Bones" (Joey Tempest) – 5:31
  5. "Requiem" [instrumental] (Mic Michaeli) – 0:28
  6. "My Woman My Friend" (Joey Tempest, John Levén) – 4:25
  7. "Demon Head" (Joey Tempest, John Levén, John Norum) – 3:58
  8. "Drink and a Smile" (Joey Tempest, Mic Michaeli) – 2:21
  9. "Doghouse" (Joey Tempest) – 3:58
  10. "Mercy You Mercy Me" (Joey Tempest, John Norum) – 4:31
  11. "Bring It All Home" (Joey Tempest, Mic Michaeli) – 3:39

Popis pjesama na LP izdanju

Strana A

  1. "Riches to Rags" (Joey Tempest, John Levén) – 3:05
  2. "Not Supposed to Sing the Blues" (Joey Tempest) – 5:13
  3. "Firebox" (Joey Tempest, Mic Michaeli) – 3:46
  4. "Bag of Bones" (Joey Tempest) – 5:31
  5. "Requiem" (Mic Michaeli) – 0:28
  6. "My Woman My Friend" (Joey Tempest, John Levén) – 4:25

Strana B

  1. "Demon Head" (Joey Tempest, John Levén, John Norum) – 3:58
  2. "Drink and a Smile" (Joey Tempest, Mic Michaeli) – 2:21
  3. "Doghouse" (Joey Tempest) – 3:58
  4. "Mercy You Mercy Me" (Joey Tempest, John Norum) – 4:31
  5. "Bring It All Home" (Joey Tempest, Mic Michaeli) – 3:39
