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Chaos in Motion 2007–2008

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Chaos in Motion 2007–2008
Dream Theater (video album)
Žanr progresivni metal
Objavljen od lipnja 2007. do srpnja 2008.
Trajanje 3:07:15
Izdavač Roadrunner Records
Kronologija albuma – Dream Theater
Greatest Hit (...and 21 Other Pretty Cool Songs)
Chaos in Motion 2007–2008
Black Clouds & Silver Linings

Chaos in Motion 2007–2008 je DVD video izdanje američkog progresivnog metal sastava Dream Theater. Album je izdan 30. rujna 2008. godine, a objedinjuje nekoliko koncerata Dream Theatera povodom promoviranja devetog studijskog albuma, Systematic Chaos.

Popis pjesama

Izdano je i posebno trostruko CD izdanje prodano u ograničenoj količini od pet tisuća primjeraka.

CD 1

Br. SkladbaTekstopisacSkladatelj Trajanje
1. "Intro/Also Sprach Zarathustra"  instrumentalna skladbaRichard Strauss 3:04
2. "Constant Motion"  Mike PortnoyDream Theater 7:06
3. "Panic Attack"  John PetrucciDream Theater 7:22
4. "Blind Faith"  James LaBrieDream Theater 10:29
5. "Surrounded"  Kevin MooreDream Theater 15:21

CD 2

Br. SkladbaTekstopisacSkladatelj Trajanje
1. "The Dark Eternal Night"  PetrucciDream Theater 9:44
2. "Jordan Rudess Keyboard Solo"  instrumentalna skladbaJordan Rudess 4:53
3. "Lines in the Sand"  PetrucciDream Theater 11:56
4. "Scarred"  PetrucciDream Theater 13:31
5. "Forsaken"  PetrucciDream Theater 5:41
6. "The Ministry of Lost Souls"  PetrucciDream Theater 15:22

CD 3

Br. SkladbaTekstopisacSkladatelj Trajanje
1. "Take the Time"  Dream TheaterDream Theater 11:37
2. "In the Presence of Enemies"  PetrucciDream Theater 26:00
3. "Schmedley Wilcox" LaBrie, Petrucci, John Myung, Portnoy
  • Myung
  • Portnoy
  • Myung
  • Petrucci
  • LaBrie, Petrucci, Portnoy
  • Dream Theater 21:18

    Video izdanje

    DVD 1
    1. Intro/Also sprach Zarathustra
    2. Constant Motion
    3. Panic Attack
    4. Blind Faith
    5. Surrounded
    6. The Dark Eternal Night
    7. Keyboard Solo
    8. Lines in the Sand
    9. Scarred
    10. Forsaken
    11. The Ministry of Lost Souls
    12. Take the Time
    13. In the Presence of Enemies
    14. Schmedley Wilcox:
    DVD 2
    • "Behind The Chaos On The Road" 90–minutni dokumentarni film
    • Promotivni materijal
    1. Constant Motion
    2. Forsaken
    3. Forsaken (u studiju)
    4. The Dark Eternal Night (u studiju)
    • Projekcije uživo:
    1. The Dark Eternal Night (N.A.D.S)
    2. The Ministry Of Lost Souls
    3. In The Presence Of Enemies Pt. 2
    • "Mike Portnoy – Stage Tour"
    • "Mike Portnoy Backstage Tour"
    • Fotogalerija


    Dream Theater

    Tehničko osoblje

    • Sebastian Beloch – redatelj, urednik, snimatelj
    • Andrew Bennett – redatelj
    • Lasse Hoile – redatelj
    • Jared Kvitka – tehnički urednik
    • Randy Lane – tehnički urednik
    • Kevin Shirley – tehnički urednik
    • Ryan Smith – tehnički urednik
    • Yasufumi Soejima – urednik
    • Hugh Syme – grafički urednik i dizajner
    • Mika Tyyska – urednik

    Vanjske poveznice