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Predložak:Cite IETF/makelink

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
Inačica 456194 od 2. travanj 2022. u 12:27 koju je unio WikiSysop (razgovor | doprinosi) (bnz)
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This template is a "subroutine" of {{Cite IETF}} used for conditionally creating links to for different types of documents.

It is invoked as:

{{Cite IETF/makelink
| Url = <value of |url= or |archiveurl= parameters>
| Anchor = <section or page anchor generated from the value of the |section= or |page= parameters>
| Autolink = <value of |autolink= parameter>
| Rfc = <value of |rfc= parameter>
| Std = <value of |std= parameter>
| Bcp = <value of |bcp= parameter>
| Fyi = <value of |fyi= parameter>
| Draft = <value of |draft= parameter>
| Ien = <value of |ien= parameter>
| Rtr = <value of |rtr= parameter>

It uses the following algorithm:

  1. If the |Url= parameter is given the template will simply display that value along with an optional anchor generated from |Anchor= appended.
  2. If the |Url= parameter is not given, if any of |Rfc=, |Std=, |Bcp=, |Fyi=, |Draft=, |Ien=, or |Rtr= parameters are given, and the |Autolink= parameter evaluates to anything other than no then the template will generate a url using one of the document type identifiers given.
  3. The template will give priority to the first of the parameters: |Rfc=, |Std=, |Bcp=, |Fyi=, |Draft=, |Ien=, or |Rtr= in this order and create a link using the first matching parameter.
  4. If the |Anchor= parameter is given, it will be appended to the generated url.

This "subroutine" is designed for {{Cite IETF}} and makes assumptions that may not be valid elsewhere.
