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This template, Lang2iso, takes a two-letter ISO 639 language code and converts it into an English-language language name (such as "Abkhazian" or "Sinhalese"). This table's values are based on List of ISO 639-1 codes. (Some additions to ISO 639-1 codes are identified below.) If the provided language name is not identified, then the default value of "nedefiniran" is returned.


  • {{Iso2lang|de}} returns "German"
  • {{Iso2lang |el}} returns "Greek"
  • {{Iso2lang |es}} returns "Spanish"


To transclude into templates

Additions to ISO 639-1 Alpha-2 codes:

Not all languages have ISO 639-1 codes. Thus, as time goes on, users are encouraged to add standard or ad hoc conversions to this table as needed. Thus far, the following additions to ISO 639-1 have been added:

ISO codes

  • "deva" returns "Devanāgarī" (per ISO 15924)
  • "tlh" returns "Klingon" and "Klingonese" (per ISO 639-2)
  • "mni" returns "Manipuri" (per ISO 639-2)
  • "pra" returns "Prakrit" (per ISO 639-2)
  • "hans" returns "Simplified Chinese" (per ISO 15924)
  • "hant" returns "Traditional Chinese" (per ISO 15924)