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Rolled Gold+: The Very Best of the Rolling Stones

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Rolled Gold+: The Very Best of the Rolling Stones
The Rolling Stones (kompilacija)
Žanr Rock
Objavljen 12. studenog 2007.
Snimanje 1963.1971.
Izdavač UMTV
Producent(i) Andrew Loog Oldham
The Rolling Stones
Glyn Johns
Jimmy Miller
Eric Easton
Kronologija albuma – The Rolling Stones
Singles 1968-1971
Rolled Gold+: The Very Best of the Rolling Stones

Rolled Gold+: The Very Best of the Rolling Stones je dvostruki, kompilacijski album The Rolling Stonesa iz 2007. godine. Predstavlja prošireno reizdanje albuma Rolled Gold iz 1975..

Popis pjesama

Disk 1

  1. "Come On"
  2. "I Wanna Be Your Man"
  3. "Not Fade Away"
  4. "Carol"
  5. "Tell Me (You're Coming Back)"
  6. "It's All Over Now"
  7. "Little Red Rooster"
  8. "Heart of Stone"
  9. "Time Is on My Side"
  10. "The Last Time"
  11. "Play with Fire"
  12. "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction"
  13. "Get Off of My Cloud"
  14. "I'm Free"
  15. "As Tears Go By"
  16. "Lady Jane"
  17. "Paint It, Black"
  18. "Mother's Little Helper"
  19. "19th Nervous Breakdown"
  20. "Under My Thumb"
  21. "Out of Time"
  22. "Yesterday's Papers"
  23. "Let's Spend the Night Together"
  24. "Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing in the Shadow?"

Disk 2

  1. "Ruby Tuesday"
  2. "Dandelion"
  3. "She's a Rainbow"
  4. "We Love You"
  5. "2000 Light Years from Home"
  6. "Jumpin' Jack Flash"
  7. "Street Fighting Man"
  8. "Sympathy for the Devil"
  9. "No Expectations"
  10. "Let It Bleed"
  11. "Midnight Rambler"
  12. "Gimme Shelter"
  13. "You Can't Always Get What You Want"
  14. "Brown Sugar"
  15. "Honky Tonk Women"
  16. "Wild Horses"

Top ljestvice


Godina Ljestvica Pozicija
2007. UK Top 75 Albuma #26

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  • - Rolled Gold+: The Very Best of the Rolling Stones

en:Rolled Gold: The Very Best of the Rolling Stones#Rolled Gold+: The Very Best of the Rolling Stones (2007 edition)