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Greatest Hit (...and 21 Other Pretty Cool Songs)

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Greatest Hit (...and 21 Other Pretty Cool Songs)
Datoteka:DT greatesthit.jpg
Dream Theater (kompilacija)
Žanr progresivni metal
Objavljen 1. travnja 2008.
Trajanje 138:16
Izdavač Rhino Entertainment
Producent(i) David Prater, Duane Baron, John Petrucci, John Purdell, Kevin Shirley, Mike Portnoy
Kronologija albuma – Dream Theater
Systematic Chaos
Greatest Hit (...and 21 Other Pretty Cool Songs)
Chaos in Motion 2007–2008

Greatest Hit (...and 21 Other Pretty Cool Songs)' je prvi kompilacijski album američkog progresivnog metal sastava Dream Theater. Naslov albuma aludira na najveći singl sastava, pjesmu "Pull Me Under" koja je donijela veliki komercijalni uspjeh sastavu tijekom 1992. godine kada je, konstantim emitiranjem video spota na televizijskoj postaji MTV, pridonijela velikoj brojci prodanih primjeraka albuma Images and Words. Sastav je album izdao 1. travnja 2008. godine kao dvostruko CD izdanje sa svim hitovima sa prijašnjih albuma, izuzev albuma Systematic Chaos, izdanog godinu dana ranije.

Popis pjesama

CD 1

Br. SkladbaTekstopisacSkladateljIzvorni album Trajanje
1. "Pull Me Under" (2007 remix)Kevin MooreDream TheaterImages and Words 8:13
2. "Take the Time" (2007 remix)Dream TheaterDream TheaterImages and Words 8:22
3. "Lie" (dorađeni singl)MooreDream TheaterAwake 5:02
4. "Peruvian Skies"  John PetrucciDream TheaterFalling into Infinity 6:42
5. "Home" (dorađeni singl)Mike PortnoyDream TheaterMetropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory 5:38
6. "Misunderstood" (dorađeni singl)PetrucciPetrucci, John Myung, Jordan Rudess, PortnoySix Degrees of Inner Turbulence 5:14
7. "The Test That Stumped Them All" (dorađeni singl)PortnoyPetrucci, Myung, Rudess, PortnoySix Degrees of Inner Turbulence 5:00
8. "As I Am" (dorađeni singl)PetrucciPetrucci, Myung, Rudess, PortnoyTrain of Thought 7:14
9. "Endless Sacrifice"  PetrucciPetrucci, Myung, Rudess, PortnoyTrain of Thought 11:23
10. "The Root of All Evil" (dorađeni singl)PortnoyDream TheaterOctavarium 7:16
11. "Sacrificed Sons" (dorađeni singl)James LaBrieDream TheaterOctavarium 9:41

CD 2

Br. SkladbaTekstopisacSkladateljIzvorni album Trajanje
1. "Another Day" (2007 remix)PetrucciDream TheaterImages and Words 4:25
2. "To Live Forever"  MyungDream TheaterLie 4:56
3. "Lifting Shadows off a Dream"  John MyungDream TheaterAwake 6:09
4. "The Silent Man"  PetrucciPetrucciAwake 3:47
5. "Hollow Years"  PetrucciDream TheaterFalling into Infinity 5:55
6. "Through Her Eyes" (sa singl izdanja)PetrucciDream TheaterMetropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory 6:03
7. "The Spirit Carries On"  PetrucciDream TheaterMetropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory 6:40
8. "Solitary Shell" (obrađeni singl)PetrucciPetrucci, Myung, Rudess, PortnoySix Degrees of Inner Turbulence 4:10
9. "I Walk Beside You"  PetrucciDream TheaterOctavarium 4:28
10. "The Answer Lies Within" (obrađeni singl)PetrucciDream TheaterOctavarium 5:15
11. "Disappear"  LaBriePetrucci, Myung, Rudess, PortnoySix Degrees of Inner Turbulence 6:45


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