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The Inheritance of Sin and Shame

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
Inačica 251020 od 24. listopad 2021. u 10:19 koju je unio WikiSysop (razgovor | doprinosi) (Bot: Automatski unos stranica)
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The Inheritance of Sin and Shame
Datoteka:Pepeo koji ostavljaš - Nasljeđe grijeha i sramote 2012.jpg
Ashes You Leave (studijski album)
Žanr gothic metal, doom metal, death/doom
Objavljen 11. rujna 2000.[1]
Snimanje ljeto 1999.
Studio Studio Srica[1]
Trajanje 42:26
Izdavač Morbid
Producent(i) Ashes You Leave
Kronologija albuma – Ashes You Leave
Desperate Existence
The Inheritance of Sin and Shame

The Inheritance of Sin and Shame treći je studijski album hrvatskog gothic metal sastava Ashes You Leave. Album je 11. rujna 2000. godine objavila diskografska kuća Morbid Records.

Popis pjesama

Br. Skladba Trajanje
1. "Tin Horns"   7:28
2. "Your Divinity"   5:19
3. "Shepherd's Song" (instrumental) 1:53
4. "Miles of Worn Out Days"   4:50
5. "When Withered Flowers Begin to Bloom"   6:19
6. "And Thus You Poured Like Heaven Wept"   5:08
7. "The Inheritance of Sin and Shame"   6:38
8. "Amber Star"   4:51


Ashes You Leave
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