Porodica Equidae Gray, 1821
- †Anchitheriinae Leidy 1869
- †Eohippus Marsh 1876
- †Epihippus Marsh 1878
- Equinae Steinmann and Döderlein 1890
- †Gobihippus Dashzeveg 1979
- †Hyracotheriinae Cope 1881
- †Lophiopus Cope 1881
- †Minippus Froehlich 2002
- †Orohippus Marsh 1872
- †Plesiohipparion Qiu et al. 1987
- †Pliolophus Owen 1858
- †Protohippinae Gidley 1907
- †Protorohippus Wortman 1896
- †Sifrhippus Froehlich 2002
- †Sivalhippus Lydekker 1877
- †Xenicohippus Bown and Kihm 1981
Mammalia → Perissodactyla → Hippomorpha
Potporodica Equinae Steinmann and Döderlein 1890
- Acritohippus Kelly 1995
- Calippini Quinn 1955
- Equini Quinn 1955
- Hipparionini Quinn 1955
- Merychippus Leidy 1856
- Protohippini Quinn 1955
- Scaphohippus Pagnac 2006
- Stylonus Cope 1878
Mammalia → Perissodactyla → Hippomorpha → Equidae
, Equus