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Dodatak:Popis vrsta vodozemaca, Ma

Izvor: Hrvatska internetska enciklopedija
Inačica 233547 od 17. listopad 2021. u 22:48 koju je unio WikiSysop (razgovor | doprinosi) (Bot: Automatski unos stranica)
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, Macrerpeton † , Macrogenioglottus


, Madecassophryne


Mannophryne La Marca, 1992 (19 sp.)

Amphibia → Anura → Aromobatidae → Aromobatinae , Mantella , Mantellidae

Porodica Mantellidae Laurent, 1946

  1. Boophinae Vences and Glaw, 2001
  2. Laliostominae Vences and Glaw, 2001
  3. Mantellinae Laurent, 1946

Amphibia → Anura

Potporodica Mantellinae Laurent, 1946

  1. Blommersia Dubois, 1992
  2. Boehmantis Glaw and Vences, 2006
  3. Gephyromantis Methuen, 1920
  4. Guibemantis Dubois, 1992
  5. Mantella Boulenger, 1882
  6. Mantidactylus Boulenger, 1895
  7. Spinomantis Dubois, 1992
  8. Tsingymantis Glaw, Hoegg, and Vences, 2006
  9. Wakea Glaw and Vences, 2006

Amphibia → Anura → Mantellidae , Mantidactylus , Mantophryne , Manubrantlia †


, Marmorerpeton †


, Mastodonsauridae Lydekker, 1885 † , Mastodonsauroidea Lydekker, 1885 † , Mastodonsaurus Jaeger, 1828 †
